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Feb 26, 2014 11:42 AM

Apr 2012
Name: Tamaki
Badge: Badge

Character: Rin Matsuoka
Anime/Manga: Free!
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: Splash Free! in my heart ❤ And he is finally available yesssu
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2

Character: Nanase Haruka
Anime/Manga: Free!
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: Finally Haruka is mine. Swimming Tsundere is cute ❤
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2

Character: Makoto Tachibana
Anime/Manga: Free!
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: The heartkind and husbandou of Haru is very sympathetic and one of the nicest anime characters :)
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2

Character: Trafalgar Law
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: The coolest doctor in the wholest One Piece Universe! Sorry Chooper >w<
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2

#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Gray Fullbuster
Anime/Manga: Fairy Tale Tail
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: Together with Gajeel my favorite Character of FT. Nudism for the win :D
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Date Masamune
Anime/Manga: Sengoku Basara
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: Date Masamune is pretty cool, the coolest samurai I've ever saw :D
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2
Yuki_91Mar 1, 2014 10:08 AM
Feb 27, 2014 7:16 AM

Aug 2013
Name: Jsnoob
Badge: Yet to received

Character: Momo Belia Deviluke
Anime/Manga: To LOVE-Ru
Current Month: February
Motivation: Momo is just so cute and she is so erotic when she strips and stuff :D
Banner: Please make it for me ^^
Picture: Here ~

Character: Kurumi Tokisaki
Anime/Manga: Date A Live
Current Month: February
Motivation: OMG her tights >.< and it's super hot Kurumi! Who wouldn't want super hot Kurumi?
Banner: Please make it for me :)
Pic: Here

Thanks for telling me about my faulty claim, really appreciate it :)
JsnoobMar 1, 2014 4:06 PM
Feb 28, 2014 12:00 AM

Jun 2009
Character: Mikoto Suou
Anime/Manga: School Rumble
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I do always love strong girls like Mikoto!
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: the blue haired || blue haired at right side

Character: Eri Sawachika
Anime/Manga: School Rumble
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: Ah still couldnt believe tat i enjoyed watching this in our local channel, trully hilarious i mean teh dub, still Eri's love/hate relationship is #1!
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: blonde || the blonde || [x]

Character: Tenma Tsukamoto
Anime/Manga: School Rumble
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I like her coz shes energetic but clumsy, short, immature, naive who misunderstand or misinterpret situations, talentless and almost no good girl. Bitter :D
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: blue haired girl

Character: Harima Kenji
Anime/Manga: School Rumble
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: This badass guy is just awesome in many ways his struggle for love is epic fail!
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: teh guy

Thank You very much! ^__^
Feb 28, 2014 1:52 PM

Mar 2009
Sillya said:
Character: Bishamon (please put on the banner: "Vaisravana")
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: She is really cool and strong and she has a good formation with her shinki. But she is not perfect and she has many deficiencies too. and for me is she a good character.
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: the girl or the girl

Character: Sakura Koujiro
Anime/Manga: Kurenai Ouji
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: He's so cute and shy, when he is with Hana. But strong and funny too. He has much character development.
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: the boy on right or the boy with red hair

Character: Koumeda Hana
Anime/Manga: Kurenai Ouji
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: At first sight is she a typicall character, but not. She has many secret and many mysteries surrounding her.
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: the girl or the girl

Character: Sanji
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: At first i don't like him and i find him just funny, but sometimes annoying character. But later i really loved him and he is one of my favorite.
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: [the boy with blond hair or here

Already claimed this month

Thanks! ^^

Character: Sakishima Hikari
Anime/Manga: Nagi no Asukara
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: At first he was really childish and annoying, but later has a really big character development. Now I really like him.
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: the boy with brown hair in the middle or the boy with brown hair on left

Thanks! ^^

Feb 28, 2014 4:44 PM

Apr 2011
Character: Fuji Shuusuke
Anime/Manga: Prince Of Tennis
Current Month: Feb '14
Motivation: the mysterious guy who i guess is the guy who would get all the least in my opinion :P i like his calm and composed personality which he even holds up pretty good when hes angry or shaken up :)
Banner: nope thanks :)

Character: Arikawa Youichi
Anime/Manga: Hana nomi zo Shiru
Current Month: Feb '14
Motivation: i like his honest and straightforward character which allows him to move around so freely and somehow carefree :)
Banner: mope thanks :)

Character: Misaki Shouta
Anime/Manga: Hana nomi zo Shiru
Current Month: Feb '14
Motivation: i share his liking for botany and clumsiness so i somehow can feel with him and really like him :)
Banner: nope thanks :)

Character: Tsujimura Motoharu
Anime/Manga: Hana no Miyako de
Current Month: Feb '14
Motivation: he's just a cool guy :D completely cute and nice in appeareance and character....would love to have him as prof in botanics :P
Banner: nope thanks :)

#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Hazumi Akira
Anime/Manga: Hana no Miyako de
Current Month: Feb '14
Motivation: i think his story is a little bit sad and i still feel like he shouldve listened to his feelings for motoharu but i also get why he didnt...its a bit of a twist there :S plus without him there wouldnt be this cute lovestory between shouta and youichi :P
Banner: nope thanks :)

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Marui Bunta
Anime/Manga: Prince of Tennis
Current Month: Feb '14
Motivation: He's very narcissistic or at least it seems like that which i actually do not like if its in such a bad way but he is still a cool character which is very interesting for me :)
Banner: nope thanks :)
Feb 28, 2014 7:18 PM

Mar 2009
Username: xBlackRosex

Character: Madarame Harunobu
Anime/Manga: Genshiken
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: My favourite otaku of the series (and possibly in general), he was almost always funny and the times he wasn't, when he was sad, I always felt like giving him a massive hug! I hope that Madarame will one day find happiness in the real world (in Genshiken).
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here

Character: Sasahara Kanji
Anime/Manga: Genshiken
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I always found him adorable and a great friend to have around, if only he were real. Understanding, accepting, never judging, honest, helpful and a total otaku. What more do you need in a friend?
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here

Character: Ogiue Chika
Anime/Manga: Genshiken
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I was interested in her before I even watched the anime because my friend told me "there's a girl in here that reminds me of you, she's small, loves yaoi and likes a guy.", so I was looking forward to seeing her. At first, she got on my nerves (and I normally find myself annoying) but over time she became one of my favourite characters, especially how she's creative and strives to be published. Still can't get used to the original hairstyle though.
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here

Character: Yoshitake Rika
Anime/Manga: Genshiken
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: She's always so cheerful and not afraid of how others will think of her, she'll be really open about anything. That's not where her awesomeness ends though, she's also a fujoshi, yay!
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here

{{ TCO }} {{ ACP }} {{ TSC }} {{ LAC }}
Feb 28, 2014 9:33 PM

Mar 2010

Name: Sibby
Month& year: February 2014
Badge: here
Character: Rin Okumura
Anime/Manga: Ao No Exorcist /Blue Exorcist
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: he's cute, sweet and kind while still being badass and a troublemaker :)
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Character: Kirito
Anime/Manga: Sword Art Online
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: he's adorable, shy, badass, a gamer and very determined
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Characters Name: Roy Mustang
Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist
Motivation: he's funny, lazy, has a fiery personality, and wants a miniskirt army
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Characters Name: Pikachu
Anime/Manga: Pokemon
Motivation: he's adorable, electrocutes ash all the time and is awesome
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Please and thank you ^_^
Feb 28, 2014 10:25 PM

Jul 2012
-Akie said:
Name: Akie
Badge: in sig

Character: Iki Hiyori
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I think she's a really good heroine. I'm not annoyed by her at all. Love her interactions with Yato and Yukine. I love those three together :3
Banner: I'll make it

-Akie said:
Character: Imaizumi Shunsuke
Anime/Manga: Yowamushi Pedal
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: So kakkouii! He's smart, and I like his level-headed personality.
Banner: I'll make it

Character: Naruko Shoukichi
Anime/Manga: Yowamushi Pedal
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I think Naruko is so cute. I love his Osaka dialect, and his rivalry with Imaizumi is so funny xD
Banner: I'll make it

-Akie said:
Character: Kirasaki Chitoge
Anime/Manga: Nisekoi
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I like her cheeky personality a lot. Her fights with Ichijou are what makes Nisekoi so funny.
Banner: I'll make it


Mar 1, 2014 9:14 AM

May 2008
February'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
# --

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 1, 2014 5:53 PM - anime | manga | watch anime online
Mar 7, 2014 6:48 AM

Jan 2013
Name: Mystle
Badge: Here's my request. :)

Character: Senjougahara Hitagi
Anime/Manga: Bakemonogatari
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: We share a lot of similarities, at least in terms of personalities and mannerisms. Also, she's one of the most unique anime characters I've ever seen.
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: Here

Character: Kuroki Tomoko
Anime/Manga: Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: My anime counterpart. Enough said. :D (Though she's way weirder than me. xD )
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: Here

Character: Kirigiri Kyouko
Anime/Manga: Danganronpa the Animation
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I really love her style! Her character is great as well. Definitely one of my favorite Dangans.
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: Here

Character: Homura Akemi
Anime/Manga: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: She's cool and I love her ''mysterious'' aura. I also love her character development. And of course, PURPLE! (KyouSaya is my current Meguca obsession but I have to claim Homura first. :P )
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: Here

Thank you!

Mar 7, 2014 1:48 PM

Nov 2008
#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Azami
Anime/Manga: Kagerou Project
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I think Jin likes black haired tsunderes or something. Azami turned out much simpler and sadder than I expected, the events in her life really hit my heart hard. All the feelings reading "Shinigami Record" probably made it my second favorite album-only song.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Tsukihiko
Anime/Manga: Kagerou Project
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: I kind of expected Konoha to be more like Tsukihiko Konoha has his own cuteness. I'm really happy that Jin got to write his and Azami's story, in all of KagePro's cuteness, these two make me happiest OTP status. I really love kind but incredibly sad characters like Tsukihiko.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~
Mar 8, 2014 9:48 AM

Jul 2012
#5 {Staff}
Character: Fon Fortinbras Littenber
Anime/Manga: Ilegenes: Kokuyou no Kiseki
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: This manga reminded me sooo much of Code Geass, and Fon is just like Lelouch (and maybe a little like Sasuke) in his quest for revenge and to overthrow the island's government. Fon is a really good protagonist - smart, athletic, a great leader, etc.
Banner: I'll make it

#6 {Staff}
Character: Jacques Berne
Anime/Manga: Ilegenes: Kokuyou no Kiseki
Current Month: February 2014
Motivation: Aww mah gosh, Jake is such a sexy onii-san! I love the close relationship that develops between him and Fon. No shounen-ai at all (well, there are heavy undertones of it, but no love stuff) but their friendship is just so heartwarming <3
Banner: I'll make it


Mar 10, 2014 4:38 PM

Dec 2008
February'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
# --

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 8:17 AM

Mar 10, 2014 4:40 PM

Dec 2008

February 2014 Characters Obsessions Claims are now Closed~


March 2014 Characters Obsessions are now Open~

Don't forget also that if you want a banner to be made, you must register in the topic and get a badge first.
EtnaEracleaMar 10, 2014 4:44 PM

Mar 10, 2014 4:41 PM

Dec 2008

Yuki_91's claims


Character: Kitaooji Sakura
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: to be quote
Banner: no, I will make it

Character: Ichinose Kaede
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: to be quote
Banner: no, I will make it

Character: Otoshiro Seira
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: to be quote
Banner: no, I will make it

Character: Saegusa Kii
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: to be quote
Banner: no, I will make it

#5 [staff Bonus]
Character: Kazesawa Sora
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: to be quote
Banner: no, I will make it

#6 [staff Bonus]
Character: Himesato Maria
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: to be quote
Banner: no, I will make it
EtnaEracleaMar 10, 2014 4:44 PM

Mar 10, 2014 4:41 PM

Dec 2008
Etna's claims


Character: Takigawa Chris Yuu
Anime/Manga: Diamond no Ace
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: waaah, so sweet strong and mature. despite his injury problem he's still there to support the team. such a great character
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: here

Already Claimed on February 2014

Character: Jinpachi Toudou
Anime/Manga: Yowamushi Pedal
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: fan-tas-tic. every serie always need a comic relief xD and he's a stylish one! love him <3
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: i like this one but words are probably in the way so.. bottom left with googgles on! // or or or bottom right with the headband!

Character: Yunan
Anime/Manga: Magi
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: Ishida! looks like the most peaceful of the magis and yet the wiser as well.. so far is promising!
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: here

Character: Ran Shuuei
Anime/Manga: Saiunkoku monogatari
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: the mature of the group basically xD i like his manners and composure! <3
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: here

#5 staff
Character: Mahiro Atori
Anime/Manga: Hiiro no Kakera
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: hot headed! i almost always like hot headed charas! they are always so honest and cute deep inside <3
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: to the top or here

#6 staff
Character: Sting Eucliffe
Anime/Manga: Fairy Tail
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: one of the rare dragon slayer and also one of the hottests XD can't be denied. i like him! hope to see more of him!
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: very much prefered (just please cut off the colorizing credits on bottom left) // or either alternative pic to the left


Nate-chan's claims

Badge: to be quoted

Character: Sanji
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: to be quoted
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: to be quoted

Character: Trafalgar Law
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: to be quoted
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: to be quoted

Character: Jinbei
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: to be quoted
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: to be quoted


annabloem's claims

Badge: here

Character: Fushimi Touka
Anime/Manga: Inari konkon, koi iroha
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He might just be the most adorable person in this season <3
Banner: Yes please :3

Character: Sakamaki Izayoi
Anime/Manga: Mondaji-tachi ga isekai kara kuru sou desu yo
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He is so funny and he reminds me a lot of a friend of mine xD
Banner: Yes please :3

Character: Nojiko
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She is such a great older sister, I really loved seeing her in Nami's arc
Banner: Yes please :3

Character: Kanegami Torao
Anime/Manga: Nourin
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: While nourin is definitely one of the weirder anime I have seen, Kanegami is really funny, and totally manipulative <3
Banner: Yes please :3

#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Haruna Sakura
Anime/Manga: Naruto
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Getting back into Naruto. I really don't get why so many people hate her (But that might be because I'm not even at episode 30 yet) but I really love her inner-personality
Banner: Yes please :3

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Sagara Seiji
Anime/Manga: Happiness charge Precure
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I love how down to earth he is. he's really mature for his age
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture:1 - male

Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 8:50 AM

Mar 10, 2014 4:43 PM

Dec 2008
March'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
# --

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 8:59 AM

Mar 10, 2014 5:13 PM

Jul 2012
Character: Itachi Uchiha
Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuuden
Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: Itachi is probably one of the wisest characters in Naruto, and it's so unexpected because he's so young. I just wish Sasuke would actually listen to what he'd been trying to tell him. I usually like the "cool, antihero, unfairly vilified" type character. I feel really bad for Itachi because his life overall was awfully tragic.
Banner: I'll make it


Mar 10, 2014 5:13 PM

Apr 2012
Name: Tamaki
Badge: Badge

Character: [url=]Yato[/url]
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Kamiya Hiroshi + Comedy + Action + Cute Bishounen with funny and awesome Backgroundstory= Win. My new current Obsession Yato, of course I have to claim him!
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: will be quoted

Character: [url=]Yukine[/url]
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Little Shinki Yukine is also cute, I really like him and feel sorry for him after his sadness because of Yato's behavior❤
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: will be quoted.

Character: [url=]Hoozuki[/url]
Anime/Manga: Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Hoozuki is really cool and he is so handsome looking. I really enjoy his spirit and character.
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: will be quoted

Character: [url=]Hakutaku[/url]
Anime/Manga: Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Believe or not: I like him more than Hoozuki, because he's kinda funny and nice. I'm glad ro get the chance to claim him :)
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: will be quoted.
Mar 10, 2014 5:13 PM

Jul 2012
Character: Sasuke Uchiha
Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuuden
Month + Year: March 2014
Banner: I'll make it

quote later


Mar 10, 2014 5:15 PM

Apr 2009
March'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
#3920 -Akie

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 10:09 AM

Mar 10, 2014 5:16 PM

Apr 2011
Name: Kitix
Badge: in sig

Character: Kaoru Nishimi
Anime/Manga: Sakamichi no Apollon
Current Month: March 2014
Banner: Yes, please :3

Character: Hyoubu Kyousuke
Anime/Manga: Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
Current Month: March 2014
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: Here

Character: Hinomiya Andy
Anime/Manga: Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
Current Month: March 2014
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: Here

Character: Yugiri
Anime/Manga: Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
Current Month: March 2014
Banner: Yes, please :3

To be quoted~
KitixMar 10, 2014 5:19 PM
Mar 10, 2014 5:19 PM

Jul 2012
Character: Izuki Shun
Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket
Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: Quote later
Banner: I'll make it


Mar 10, 2014 5:23 PM

Apr 2012
Name: Tamaki
Badge: Badge

#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: [url=]Nice[/url]
Anime/Manga: Hamatora
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: One of the most awesome characters this season! He is just a cool guy with symphatic behaviour and headphones :D
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: will be quoted

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: [url=]Roronoa Zoro[/url]
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He was one of my first crushes when I was younger. His sword techniques, character, muscles and the love-hate relationship with Sanji: Just perf <3
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: will be quoted.
Mar 10, 2014 5:23 PM

Apr 2009
March'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
#3920/3923 -Akie

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 10:09 AM

Mar 10, 2014 5:24 PM

May 2008
EtnaEraclea said:

Yuki_91's claims


Character: Kitaooji Sakura
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I really like her Kitaooji Theater *.*
Banner: no, I will make it

Character: Ichinose Kaede
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She is so funny and I love her style *O*
Banner: no, I will make it

Character: Otoshiro Seira
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Her cute side is really awesome *.*
Banner: no, I will make it

Character: Saegusa Kii
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: In the begin I throught that I would hate her, but after some episodes I start to love her O.O
Banner: no, I will make it

#5 [staff Bonus]
Character: Kazesawa Sora
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She is so cute and I just love her music and clothes *O*
Banner: no, I will make it

#6 [staff Bonus]
Character: Himesato Maria
Anime/Manga: Aikatsu!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: *O* She is so much cute, and have a amazing personality *O*
Banner: no, I will make it

Motivation added - anime | manga | watch anime online
Mar 10, 2014 5:25 PM

Jul 2012
Character: Teshima Junta
Anime/Manga: Yowamushi Pedal
Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: Quote Later
Banner: I'll make it

#5 {Staff}
Character: Kinjou Shingo
Anime/Manga: Yowamushi Pedal
Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: Quote Later
Banner: I'll make it


Mar 10, 2014 5:49 PM

Aug 2008
Character: Bad End Sunny
Anime/Manga: Smile Precure!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: What cant you like about a evil precure
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: red

Character: Regina
Anime/Manga: Dokidoki! Precure
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: So cute and the best villian with a sweet heart
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: here

Character: Mana Aida
Anime/Manga: Dokidoki! Precure
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I love how shes helps everyone out no matter what it is
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: ere

Character: Bayonetta
Anime/Manga: Bayonetta
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: i love how badas she is
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: here
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 10, 2014 5:51 PM

Apr 2009
March'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
#3920/3923/3927 -Akie

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 10:09 AM

Mar 10, 2014 7:32 PM

May 2012

Quoted and switched claim later on~
Kazumi-Mar 11, 2014 7:44 PM
Badges: C.C.O / T.C.O / TFCC admin ID | Previously known as kazumi-san95
Mar 10, 2014 9:41 PM

May 2012
kazumi-san95 said:
Character: Tachibana Hibiki
Anime/Manga: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She's dorky and cute. But that's not just it. When she transformed, she is amazing. Especially with her punches and kicks. ^^
Banner: Yes, please~ :3
Picture: 1 | 2

Character: Nice
Anime/Manga: Hamatora the Animation
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He caught my attention since the first episode. His Minimum power is amazing. And I like guys with headphones. ^^
Banner: Yes, please~ :3
Picture: 1 | 2

Character: Birthday
Anime/Manga: Hamatora the Animation
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's so funny. I love his time together with Ratio. ^^
Banner: Yes, please~ :3
Picture: Guy with orange hair

Character: Yagami Hikari
Anime/Manga: Digimon Adventure
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Why I didn't claim her yet? She's the girl who REALLY got me into anime. She so sweet and cute. I like her time with her brother, Taichi. Probably I like her Digimon 02 version better. ^^
Banner: Yes, please~ :3
Picture: The girl | Here | Here

Sankyuu~ :3

Just realized Nice had been taken, so I want to switch my second claim.

Character: Murasaki
Anime/Manga: Hamatora the Animation
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's pretty cool in my opinion. And his Minimum power is amazing. :3
Banner: Yes, please~ :3
Picture: 1 | 2

Thanks a lot! ^^'
Badges: C.C.O / T.C.O / TFCC admin ID | Previously known as kazumi-san95
Mar 11, 2014 1:21 AM

Sep 2009
Character: Kite Tenjo
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He reminds me at Seto Kaiba and i like Seto ^^ But I like Kite too.
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Character: Rin Matsuoka
Anime/Manga: Free!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: The Only thing i have to say ist: He is so hot!!
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Character: Tsubasa Otori
Anime/Manga: Beyblade
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: For me is Tsubasa really handsome. I like him very much.
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Character: Kyoya Tategami
Anime/Manga: Beyblade
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I like his character and he looks so good.
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Mar 11, 2014 5:11 AM

Apr 2011
Kitix said:
Name: Kitix
Badge: in sig

Character: Kaoru Nishimi
Anime/Manga: Sakamichi no Apollon
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Unexpectedly interesting character. I like that he straight with his feelings and he is good friend and pianist <3
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: 1||2||3

Character: Hyoubu Kyousuke
Anime/Manga: Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Amazing leader, powerful esper and actually caring towards his team person. only minus his lolicon taste xD I wish they made this series as main plot >.>
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: 1||2||3

Character: Hinomiya Andy
Anime/Manga: Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He is like puppy x3 He is kind, good fighter and his eyes <3
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: 1||2||3||

Character: Yugiri
Anime/Manga: Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Love her~ she is soooo adorable and cute~ wanna hug her >w<
Banner: Yes, please :3
Picture: 1||2||3

Thank you very much! <3
KitixMar 11, 2014 5:06 PM
Mar 11, 2014 6:43 AM

Jul 2011

Character: Terashima Nobuo Terashima Nobu on banner^^
Anime/Manga: Nana
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's one of the kindest guys in anime. He's too good for his own good. I just wanna give him a hug and let him cry on my shoulder.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: 1, 2, 3

Character: Osaki Nana
Anime/Manga: Nana
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Man, what a girl. Seems so strong and independent, but hides so many weaknesses and scars.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: 1, 2, 3

Character: Honjo Ren
Anime/Manga: Nana
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I cry every time I think about him. I feel so sorry for him, he's such a nice guy, he loves Nana so much. I just want him to be happy, you know...
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: 1

Character: Okazaki Shinichi Okazaki Shin on banner^^
Anime/Manga: Nana
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I love, absolutely love, how he changed throughout the story. He's become more mature and he's learned to love. If only he could be a little bit more proper.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: 1, 2

Thank you. ^^
Mar 11, 2014 7:32 AM

Apr 2010
Character: Scheherazade
Anime/Manga: Magi
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Her story in all was sad yet she was a really strong woman, I admired her ....
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture: 1

Character: Solomon
Anime/Manga: Magi
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I though he will be some old fart but wow... and his arc is surprisingly amusing. He is really intersting :D
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture: 1

Character: Ugo
Anime/Manga: Magi
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: OMG he is a megane? A clumsy megane? xD I just fell in love with this genius who is unable to make contact with woman :D
Banner: Yes please
Picture: 1(left)

Character: Nico Robin
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: January 2014
Motivation: One of the few female characters I can take, she has this calm personality with twisted black humor which make me crack up sometimes so much...
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture: 1

Thanks ♥
CocoNoelleMar 22, 2014 3:32 PM
Mar 11, 2014 7:35 AM
Jul 2018
Character: Hiyori Iki
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: she's the cutest and sweetest. I'm in love with her.
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: (the girl)

Character: Kousuke Haruna
Anime/Manga: Boku kara Kimi ga Kienai
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's cute and cool. It's a wonderful combination.
Banner: Yes, please.
Mar 11, 2014 9:06 AM

Mar 2009
Character: Soul Eater Evans (please put on the banner "Soul Evans")
Anime/Manga: Soul Eater
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He is so cool and a reliable partner. He's strong, but calm and he helps much to others. His protective side is really cute. (Maka's so lucky) His mind is really strong and his music awesome too.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: the boy

Character: Black Star
Anime/Manga: Soul Eater
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: At first was a really annoying one, but later was him one of my favorites. His past so sad and and this can be linked to his attitude. But he loves really his comrades and fighting to the end with the others.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: the boy with blue hair

Character: Maka Albarn
Anime/Manga: Soul Eater
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She has a hard past too( not so hard like Black star) but she has a strange family. But she stayed strong. She isn't strong, like the others, but she don't give up and somehow always catches up with them. Sometimes a little selfish, but i love her.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: the girl or the girl

Character: Kihara Tsumugu
Anime/Manga: Nagi no Asukara
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's really quiet and at first sight he is like a robot, but not. He has really deep feelings and he's cute with Chisaki.
Banner: Please make it for me^^
Picture: here or the boy with black hair


Mar 11, 2014 2:23 PM

Jun 2011
Character: Shanks
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: An awesome guy x3 He's an awesome captain and friend, and a good man in general :3 I love how kind he generally is, but can be fierce if someone harms people dear to him. He's badass and also a very interesting character x3
Banner: Yes, please make it for me ^^
Picture: 1-slightly preferred/2

Character: Kohza
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Another character who barely had screentime, yet I fell for him xD He was pretty cool, I miss him and would be really happy to see him again :3
Picture: 1 (blondie)/2/3 (blondie)

Character: Marco
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He was (and still is) really loyal to his captain and crew :3 Other than that, he seemed quite laid-back to me and with a really loveable personality, he also has a cool power :3 I love him ^^
Banner: Yes, please make it for me ^^
Picture: 1

Character: Imayoshi Shouichi
Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: This guy really really grew on me and became one of my faves in the series :3 Blame it partly on Nakai-san xDDD And I wasn't always all over him xD He was a great captain and is an interesting character in general, necessary there :3

Banner: Yes, please make it for me ^^
Picture: 1-extremely preferred/2

Sankyuu ^^
Mar 11, 2014 2:33 PM

Apr 2012
-Tamaki- said:
Name: Tamaki
Badge: Badge

Character: Yato
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Kamiya Hiroshi + Comedy + Action + Cute Bishounen with funny and awesome Backgroundstory= Win. My new current Obsession Yato, of course I have to claim him!
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.

Character: Yukine
Anime/Manga: Noragami
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Little Shinki Yukine is also cute, I really like him and feel sorry for him after his sadness because of Yato's behavior❤
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2/3

Character: Hoozuki
Anime/Manga: Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Hoozuki is really cool and he is so handsome looking. I really enjoy his spirit and character.
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2/3- Preferred

Character: Hakutaku
Anime/Manga: Hoozuki no Reitetsu
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Believe or not: I like him more than Hoozuki, because he's kinda funny and nice. I'm glad ro get the chance to claim him :)
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2/3

#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Nice
Anime/Manga: Hamatora
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: One of the most awesome characters this season! He is just a cool guy with symphatic behaviour and headphones :D
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Roronoa Zoro
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He was one of my first crushes when I was younger. His sword techniques, character, muscles and the love-hate relationship with Sanji: Just perf <3
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: 1/2/3

Pictures added. Thank you ❤
RyomouMar 11, 2014 2:52 PM
Mar 11, 2014 5:13 PM
Apr 2013
Name: al1619
Badge: requested

Character: Esdese
Anime/Manga: Akame Ga Kill
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Sadistic badass woman and on top of that she a beauty <3
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: this

Character: Chitoge Kirisaki
Anime/Manga: Nisekoi
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She's tsun but she can be cute sometimes she's a gorilla. It's funny how she treats Raku :D
Banner: Yes, please. Make it for me.
Picture: this

Character: Oga Tatsumi
Anime/Manga: Beelzebub
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I just recently started reading this manga even tho Kitix' been telling me to read it for months I f#@!n love this character #nohomo I'll listen to you in the future Kitix ♥
Banner: Yes please
Picture: 1 preferred/2

Character: Donquixote Doflamingo
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's prolly one of the most hyped villains atm, I like his DF power.. he's bawss.
Banner: Yes please!
Picture: 1 /2 /3

Thank you so much =D
kivvi-sanMar 11, 2014 5:20 PM

Forum Set by Moi||T.C.O.||R.A.C.E.

Mar 11, 2014 6:08 PM

Nov 2008
Character: Yasaka Mao
Anime/Manga: Gundam Build Fighters
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Mao is so cool and dorky. He's easily the character that makes me laugh the most, and there's so many laughs in Build Fighters. Oh and Gundam X Maoh IS EPIC, Mao really improved the original Gundam X and made it his own, which I can't help but admire.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

Character: Ricardo Fellini
Anime/Manga: Gundam Build Fighters
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: This guy deserves an award, hitting on a girl with a VICTORY GUNDAM gunpla, serious kudos dude. Take Graham's voice, give him a Gundam, make him an Italian playboy and you get this awesome badass named Fellini~ One of my favorite battles in the series so far and great dynamics with Reiji and Mihoshi.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

Character: Nils Nielson
Anime/Manga: Gundam Build Fighters
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I LOVE SENGOKU ASTRAY need the MG of it so bad. Nils is a cool and smart guy, I appreciate an American character that isn't blonde and blue-eyed. His Japanese aethetics are also really cool I mean just look at his gorgeous Gundam and I love his fighting style. Can't decide whether I liked his or Fellini's battle best, very tough choice indeed.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

Character: Reiji
Anime/Manga: Gundam Build Fighters
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I knew instantly from the cool openings, Reiji would be my favorite of the two leads. Disregards common sense, eats like a monster, and beats people in Gunpla battles, Reiji is just too cool and cute, especially with Aila.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

#5 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Aila Jyrkiäinen
Anime/Manga: Gundam Build Fighters
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: My Gundam Queen is specially reserved for Marida Cruz~ but I love Aila, she's adorable from the beginning and the angst was resolved without reducing the good sides of her personality. She's an adorable match with Reiji and I just loved to see their relationship change each other. Episode 21 was beautiful.
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

#6 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Yuuki Tatsuya
Anime/Manga: Gundam Build Fighters
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Usually, the Char character is not my favorite, but I do like them Full Frontal not so much, but Tatsuya is just awesome. Strong and destructive with a Char Kick and his naming scheme is AMAZING like Zaku Amazing. Even if I'm not a fan of his mechas, he makes them way too epic to not appreciate and get caught up in. Not to be ignored, he also has my favorite JoJo character's voice XD
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~
Mar 11, 2014 7:36 PM

Mar 2010

Name: Sibby
Month& year: March 2014
Badge: here
Character: Nanase Haruka
Anime/Manga: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Motivation: he's a great swimmer, very hot and he's also very sensible :)
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Character: Gajeel Redfox
Anime/Manga: Fairy Tail
Motivation: he's funny, eats metal, has an odd laugh and makes pantherlily his cat lol
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Character: Kuroko Tetsuya
Anime/Manga: Kuroko no basuke
Motivation: he has blue hair, short like me and amazing :)
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Character: Kagami Taiga
Anime/Manga: Kuroko no basuke
Motivation: he's got red hair, a fierce determination, and he protects Kuroko :)
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1 , 2 , 3

Please and thank you ^_^
SibbyChuMar 30, 2014 10:45 AM
Mar 12, 2014 6:14 PM

Jan 2014
Name: Zeenipai
Badge: Pending

Character: Charlotte Dunois
Anime/Manga: Infinite Stratos
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She's my favorite anime girl <3, attractive, mature and kawaii >3<
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Character: Akashi Seijuro
Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basuke
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: has the "emperor eye" that can make someone kneel down with a gaze.
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Character: Rias Gremory
Anime/Manga: Highschool DxD
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Hot >o<
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: Here

Character: Saeko Busujima
Anime/Manga: Highschool of the Dead
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Has skills and she's a badass
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: This or This

Thanks ! :D
Zeeni-May 9, 2014 8:52 AM
Club Badges - RACE -- TCO -- MT -- DAGC -- II

Mar 13, 2014 9:50 AM

Sep 2013
Character: Alibaba Saluja
Anime/Manga: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: One of the most heart warming and funny character's that I have seen in Magi. He is determine to protect his friends and has determination to do so. He is kind and sweet to everyone and he warms my heart whenever he shows up in the anime or manga. + He is super adorable and makes me smile.
Banner: I'll make it.
Picture: ---

Character: Kurapika
Anime/Manga: Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He has a warm heart, and he is kind and respectful towards other's, except the Phantom Troupe and is willing to do anything at all cost to retrieve his family's eyes back. + Same with Alibaba, Kurapika is a precious character.
Banner: I'll make it.
Picture: ---

Character: Mikado Ryugamine
Anime/Manga: Durarara!!
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: This kid may look like the sweet type but doesn't fool anyone who knows his secrets already, he is the mastermind of Dollars' and somewhat has a sadistic side (? stabbing people with pens) to himself. Hehe. But for me I love him dearly. I like his character development to sweet Mikado turning into touch me and your gone Mikado.
Banner: I'll make it.
Picture: ---

Character: Aru Akise
Anime/Manga: Mirai Nikki
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: A talented detective with a smart mind, making other diary users think he is one, but later achieves a title and becomes a diary holder, became my favorite character off the anime. He knows of Yuno's bad side, and tries his best to help Yuki to acknowledge that she is trouble. No matter what he has to go through.
Banner: I'll make it.
Picture: ---

Here's where I made my badge request. ♥
Mar 13, 2014 9:58 PM

Nov 2011
badge in sig

# 1
Current Month: March 2014
Character: Tony Tony Chopper
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Motivation: HE'S SO FREAKING CUTE OMG i can't get over it. It just hit me recently ... like... i've always known he was cute but it's on over drive right now!!!! i just roll around squeeing whenever he does or says anything! oommgggggg <333
Banner: Please make it for me C:
Picture: hopefully this works, if not then this or This
Who is the Character in the pic:

# 2
Current Month: March 2014
Character: Miyuki Kazuya
Anime/Manga: Daimond no Ace
Motivation: heeeeeee is so wonderful <3 omg I love playful characters like him that are carefree and just enjoying life. Plus he's super skilled.... and that is always a huge bonus <3 omg he's just so awesoe
Banner: Please make it for me C:
Picture: this or this
Who is the Character in the pic:

# 3
Current Month: March 2014
Character: Franky
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Motivation: SUUUUUUPERRRRRRRRRRR omg he used to annoy me so much and now he just cracks me up!!! all the time!!! aldskjfalsdkjf i literally do the pose and say superrrr right along with him xD i don't understand it <3333 gaaaaaah
Banner: Please make it for me C:
Picture: Either this, this, or this
Who is the Character in the pic:

# 4
Current Month: March 2014
Character: Sangaku Manami
Anime/Manga: Yowamushi Pedal
Motivation: omg where to start. He's adorable, he's nice, he's always happy and enjoying life, he's talented, and he's got a past all full of feels. He just makes me so happy any time he's on screen!!! nyaaa~
Banner: Please make it for me C:
Picture: here please <3
Who is the Character in the pic:
Miyuki-Mar 13, 2014 10:18 PM
Mar 14, 2014 10:51 AM

Jun 2010
Name: Nate
Badge: signature

Character: Sanji
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: He's a perv and freak, plus he smokes. <3 Sanji-kyun~ *3*
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: 1

Character: Trafalgar Law
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: I like his power, kinda good for making funny things with people. But he's face when Usopp put Chopper on his head...PRICELESS. xD
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: 1

Character: Jinbei
Anime/Manga: One Piece
Current Month + Year: March 2014
Motivation: He's so kind and cool. I respect him for being such a devoted friend.
Banner: Yes, please.
Picture: 1


✿ forum set by rubixuitous
'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?'
'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly.
'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.'
Mar 15, 2014 7:06 AM

Dec 2009
Character: Mitsumine Hakuya
Anime/Manga: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He is so adorable. His non so talkative personality just make him cuter. Kobeni is lucky to have someone like him.
Banner: Yes, please make it for me
Picture: here

Character: Mitsumine Mashiro
Anime/Manga: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She is so adorable especially when she dances
Banner: Yes, please make it for me
Picture: the girl

Character: Yonemori Kobeni
Anime/Manga: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: One of my favorite character in the show
Banner: Yes, please make it for me
Picture: here

Character: Yonemori Benio
Anime/Manga: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She is so funny. I just love her obsession on her sister.
Banner: Yes, please make it for me
Picture: the orange hair

Badge: here

Mar 17, 2014 4:16 PM

Jul 2013
Badge: here

# 1
Character: Ignes Kravei
Anime/Manga: Noblesse
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: One of the newest hottest villains in Noblesse. She is so psychotic, even her father can't control her. She is brilliant and manipulative. I love it!
Banner: Yes, please make it for me!
Picture: 1

# 2
Character: Mary
Anime/Manga: Noblesse
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She's pretty badass. She knows how to fight and has a cool, level-headed personality.
Banner: Yes, please make it for me!
Picture: 1 / 2 / 3

# 3
Character: Muzaka
Anime/Manga: Noblesse
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He is one sexy werewolf. Plus he was friends with Rai and he has such a mysterious background.
Banner: Yes, please make it for me!
Picture: Preferred / 2 / 3

# 4
Character: Han Shinwoo
Anime/Manga: Noblesse
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's a friendly, brave guy who really cares for his friends.
Banner: Yes, please make it for me!
Picture: 1 / 2

Thank you!
Mar 22, 2014 11:51 AM

Mar 2009
Username: xBlackRosex

Character: Toshinari Seki
Anime/Manga: Tonari no Seki-kun
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: He's such a creative and fun person! He always makes me laugh when Yokoi does something to ruin his game and he gets angry plus he seems to love cats, what a great guy x3
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: On the right

Character: Rumi Yokoi
Anime/Manga: Tonari no Seki-kun
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: I love her reactions to Seki's time-killing sessions, I would be exactly the same as her :D and also her VA is the amazing Hanazawa Kana <3
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: On the left

Character: Miss Monochrome
Anime/Manga: Miss Monochrome
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: She's super adorable, an android and her voice is awesome :D
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here

Character: Ruri Gokou (could you put Kuroneko on banner please?)
Anime/Manga: Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Current Month: March 2014
Motivation: Best female character of the series, the way she talks, dresses, anime she watches, everything about her is pure awesome! Also Hanazawa Kana ftw :D
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here or here

{{ TCO }} {{ ACP }} {{ TSC }} {{ LAC }}
Mar 25, 2014 7:59 AM

May 2008
March'14: UPDATED !!

# --

To be Fixed&Quoted:
#3920/3923/3927 -Akie

Don't forget that you cannot claim a character you already claimed in a past month!
And don't forget the motivation. Tell us in at least 5 words why you want to claim the character :D
NEW: Don't forget to add the badge if you're requesting a banner to be made
Yuki_91Mar 25, 2014 10:09 AM - anime | manga | watch anime online
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107 by SibbyChu »»
Oct 8, 2014 8:13 PM

» [Announcement] Hiatus ~ However with the hope to come back someday stronger than ever.

EtnaEraclea - Sep 28, 2014

1 by annabloem »»
Sep 29, 2014 8:41 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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