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Mar 2, 2011 12:51 AM
Mar 2, 2011 3:30 AM
Linalee-Stratos said: Who was the other couple [Sakura and Excalibolg (?)] Erika mentioned?..or was it just made up? It isn't made up. It is a reference to Dokuro-Chan. |
Mar 2, 2011 3:47 AM
aisteh said: thanks.... and i really should watch more shows *scratches chin*Linalee-Stratos said: Who was the other couple [Sakura and Excalibolg (?)] Erika mentioned?..or was it just made up? It isn't made up. It is a reference to Dokuro-Chan. |
Mar 2, 2011 4:10 AM
This Episode made me missed DRRR! more... I do like how Mairu and Kururi's appearance added moe to the episode, and the way Kasuka goes around Ikebukuro and and showing Kida for a bit, and the way Erika was fangirling. It just goes to show how each and every character in the show was awesome. Overall Durarara never really disappoints any of us, It was so awesome. |
Mar 2, 2011 7:38 AM
I lol'd. Also, Izaya's sisters are awesome, especially Kuru-nee. |
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー |
Mar 2, 2011 7:52 AM
Mar 2, 2011 8:27 AM
wow, now I really miss DRRR!! but actually I am also a little bit happy that it is not supposed to continue. It just ended when it was the best same with baccano. and I don't want someone to damage this show;D |
Mar 2, 2011 8:39 AM
Mar 2, 2011 8:45 AM
EPIC EPISODE. ^^ watching this has made me miss not just Durarara!! but Baccano! too! this two shows definitely need a second season and i'm betting Brains Base is taking long to announce it because they really are intelligently and in detail planning for it. The writing for this shows truly is amazing and kudos for Ryohgo Narita for creating such masterpiece light novels. |
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch. |
Mar 2, 2011 9:50 AM
What. Twincest? :O ... MORE! MORE NOW! And also up the (animation/art) quality a few steps and it'll be perfect and everybody will love it and it will be, oh, so incredibly good. |
Mar 2, 2011 10:48 AM
What I loved about both of the special episodes was how they crammed just about everything I love about the show into it. Izaya's douchiness, Shizuo breaking shit (KFC'D), Erika's fangirling, Simon being, well, Simon, and so on. Animation seemed a bit off at times though. It was really cute seeing Mikado and Anri get put on the spot like that. I hope they end up together at some point. I remember reading that Kasuka's main characteristic as an actor was always putting his all into a project no matter how terrible it was, and that was on display here. Pretty funny how he kept jumping around everywhere (and Simon's self promotion in the background). As for the Orihara sisters... yeah. Cute, but kinda crazy. Must run in the family. SECOND SEASON F*CKING WHEN |
Ha-cha! |
Mar 2, 2011 11:22 AM
-OJ- said: Indeed, the twins were really cute. But Shizu was the best, the way he bit down on the knife was badass :) Yeah, I love how he pulled the car, and his random road signs throwing is best, I will miss durarara ;( |
Mar 2, 2011 12:11 PM
Oresund said: OrochiPL said: I lol'd. Also, Izaya's sisters are awesome, especially Kuru-nee. you better mean Mairu, because Kururi is the boring one who did nothing. Right, i messed them up, but Kuru-nee was cute though. |
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー |
Mar 2, 2011 12:56 PM
I'll agree, i enjoyed Erika's commentary. I thought the whole episode was awesome. A job well done. |
Mar 2, 2011 1:12 PM
-OJ- said: But Shizu was the best, the way he bit down on the knife was badass :) Shizu-chan is one of the sexiest bad asses in the history of anime!! |
Mar 2, 2011 1:55 PM
Damn. I never expected Izaya's sisters to be twincest. And great episode as usual! Love the fight! Plus, I couldn't stop laughing at Erika's comment on Izaya and Shizuo. I can't help but agree with her! Best couple ever! |
Mar 2, 2011 1:59 PM
this...was Epic it made me so nostalgic I miss DRRR soo much T^T shizuo and izaya really are the #1 couple and the twins were just adorable Mairu must have learned to fight from her ni-san >,< It's to hard to put everyting into words but this episode made me feel like I want a 2nd season even more now Q _Q |
Mar 2, 2011 4:17 PM
As much as deadly, dangerous, and costly the things that go down in that city, I REALLY want something like that to happen in my city. It's too boring here.... ><;;;;;;; |
Mar 2, 2011 4:50 PM
Finally, subs. I didn’t want to watch it raw, DRRR!! deserves the best even though I was dying with excitement and anxiousness at every hour that passed… So, about the episode. DFSHNJFHKDGKFJGHJKKLFJKGBFTEFLJDOJGOTFJHPOJGOPHgfhnfblpdjp. THAT WAS SO EFFIN’ AWESOME. I COULDN’T HELP MY FANGIRLING INTERIOR SURFACING AND SQUEALING LOUDLY AT EVERY MOMENT. OH, GOD, IT WAS FANTASTIC. I MISSED DURARARA!! SO MUCH. ♥♥♥♥♥ <33333333 Mairu and Kururi~ How much time I was expecting for the twins’ apparition! And Kasuka! Wow, I’d thought he was overrated as an actor since he’s always so unemotional… But heck, the guy really gets on the role. It’s scary. He’s Shizuo’s brother for something… And, of course, I can’t forget Kida. There were just a few shots, but it’s enough for me to know what’s he’s doing ♥ Erika fangirling over Shizuo and Izaya was superb. Both twins’ may help her with her fantasy. “If you want Iza-nii, we’ll give him to you.” Shizuo sure knows how to leave someone KFC’D. Oh, was I the only one who thought (incorrectly) that the guy with the afro, the president of Yuuhei’s agency, was Isaac? If only for a second? Must be the voice, Onosaka Masaya is unmistakable. The only thing that mildly bothered me was the animation; it seemed to drop a little comparing it to the series… Anyway, I can’t help but lamenting over no-more DRRR!! awesomeness for us. I.WANT.A.SECOND.SEASON.NAO. |
I think, then procrastinate. Therefore, I am. |
Mar 2, 2011 5:48 PM
-What has been Simon doing all this time (holding up signs and all)? o__o -Kasuka's adorable here xD I thought he was the quiet type...but I guess it shows his great talent as an actor. -Haha. Shinra was acting all so dramatic...and all he got in return from Celty was "shut up!"...poor Shinra xD; -Kida :D -Izaya's deceiving as usual.. -Shizuo is a beast o_o Especially 1. Catching that knife and breaking it off with his teeth 2. Not getting killed and even lifting up the truck even after getting run over by it. -Love how so many gangs are now coming out after Shizuo and Izaya because of what they saw on TV xD Anyways, this episode was dramatic was as the previous episode xD 8/10 Hoping for second season! |
sallym613Mar 2, 2011 6:27 PM
Mar 2, 2011 5:51 PM
That was amazing. xD I love how they brought Kasuka back and gave him a bigger role, though his acting was definitely interesting. xD The ending made me feel like there'd be a potential for a season 2 though. xD They never really finished the story, and they even bothered to somewhat introduce a new character at the end of this episode. :U |
Mar 2, 2011 6:27 PM
The whole episode was great. The kiss between the sisters, the seme uke part and the fight. I want Durarara to come back with a season 2. |
Mar 2, 2011 8:14 PM
Mar 2, 2011 9:04 PM
I liked it a lot, we got to see more of shizou's brother and finally see Izaya's sisters. Though I do wish they included Masaomi into the episode. Overall I really liked it, I hope to see another anime like this in the future. |
Mar 2, 2011 9:06 PM
Shizuo = Winning Shizuo vs. Izaya and Shizuo tearing up the city = Winning Shizuo catching the knife with his teeth = Bi-winning I'm gonna miss DRRR now :( |
Mar 2, 2011 9:11 PM
Needs more Kururi... and the sisters kissing. |
Mar 2, 2011 9:15 PM
MairuxKururi kiss... I came |
Mar 2, 2011 9:38 PM
Such an awesome episode for Durarara!! Loved every single minute of it. After watching this episode, it made me realize these points: - I love the Shizuo and Izaya fights (i mean who doesn't) They're always epic - Erica is always a laugh concidering her fangirling about a yaoi couple to be XD So Hilarious!!!! - The Orihara's are a weird family. I mean just see the sisters and Izaya himself. Although the sisters kissing was not what I expected. I was so shocked at seeing a scene of yuri in DRRR!! -Celty FTW - And Anri and Mikado seriously need to get together!!!! And speaking of season 2, I'm with all the fans who want a second season!!! I would really love it!!!!! If there isn't one, then I will greatly miss this amazing anime series! |
Mar 2, 2011 9:57 PM
Oh Shizuo, why so badass? I love Simon's advertising When I first saw Kasuka, I was like "Who the F--- is this?" I am so used to him being so emotionless that I couldn't comprehend that the lively man in front of me was Shizuo's statue of a brother. I love how they show shots of Kida and Saki, so cute!~ |
Mar 2, 2011 11:17 PM
Mar 2, 2011 11:48 PM
Mar 3, 2011 12:26 AM
Mar 3, 2011 4:10 AM
I realized how much I love this show again after finishing this episode. GREAT! XD Shizuo and Izaya should be the best couple indeed. (LOL)![]() ^Yay for the Toradora reference ahdgsjfhdgh xD I want more! ; A ; Durarara!! needs a 2nd season! |
サービスサービス |
Mar 3, 2011 6:21 AM
That was AWESOME! Full on battle between Shizuo and Izaya and the twin sisters kiss! Erika reactions and Celty losing it ahaha dammit i want SECOND SEASON NOW!!!!! |
Mar 3, 2011 12:32 PM
5/5 flawless! I remember just how much I loved Durarara in the first place and now, I'm dissapointed I can't tune into it next week. :( It seems Shizuo's brother doesn't have to worry about his acting career failing, as he's covered so many stories in the one broadcast; he's gaurenteed a position as a reporter. Shizuo + Izaya fight was great; highlight of the show, infact, each and every conflict was good, even Anri about to turn slasher and the fail ngsters taking a chance. Izaya's sister are exactly what I expected really, yet good characters none the less. Seiji seems to be that bit more odd ten previous; as if he has brightened up. Yet it seems it'll only be a matter of time before he kills Mika; she has stepped up the obsessive behaviour dispite being in a (false) relationship. I also noticed in the begining, the traffic cop seems to have been introduced as a main; perhaps I missed this previosly. Lastly; almost every anime has annoying fangirls, including this one, yet why does Erika pull off likeable; I love this girl. :D I actually hope there'll be a second series, otherwise, this episode was nothing more than an entertaining tease. :( |
Mar 3, 2011 2:39 PM
Heh, the fanservice episode, huh? I nearly fell out of my chair when that kiss happened, haha. |
Mar 3, 2011 3:32 PM
I didn't think I'd write in an anime discussion thread again any time soon, but this was just too awesome. Deeply loved every frame of it. Mikado's adorable clumsiness, Shizuo's rampages of brotherly love, much anticipated appearance of the Orihara twins, Izaya being his awesome bastard badass self, Simon shamlessly advertising, Kida on the beach with Saki (and starting to go tsundere on the chat to Kanra X'D), Celty and Shinra being lovely as always, Erika going completely fujoshi with her crew shaking their heads in resignation, Kasuka broadcasting five different programs within a few hours... I generally rate special episodes quite lower than the series they're from because they don't seem to succeed in making me enjoy them as much as the original thing, and watching the first one of these specials I thought this time was going to be the same - maybe just a little bit better. But with this second one, hands down. It's just too good. Being able to taste another bit of Durarara!! was happiness. <3 Do want a second season. It must be. No anime deserves to be continued as much as this one. |
LoxarisMar 3, 2011 10:56 PM
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Mar 4, 2011 3:27 AM
It's sure a funny epi izaya & shizu really are the best ♥♥ I don't remember the twins at all it's like it's my first time seeing them it's a good thing that shizou handeled them they seem like they will make a mess just like their bro |
Mar 4, 2011 6:26 PM
I just love this anime , it kept me laughing the entire time.. |
Mar 4, 2011 8:02 PM
LOVED IT OMG. I so really need to read the novels. |
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~ |
Mar 4, 2011 8:27 PM
It reminds me a lot of how fun watching Drrr!! was. Seiji punching the guy just because he bumped into him totally made me laugh though, all because of love. |
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Mar 4, 2011 9:43 PM
BEST. EPISODE. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
![]() |
Mar 5, 2011 8:50 AM
Just watched the sub. This is still the best thing everrrrrrrrrr. It was so perfectttttttt. Aaaahhhhh~~~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ My body wasn't ready when I watched it raw and it wasn't ready now and it never will be and I want a second season but Durarara will probably suffer the same tragic fate Baccano diddddddddd. :'( I love this series so much and all of its charactersssssss. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TEARS OF JOY FOREVER |
Mar 5, 2011 10:15 AM
LOve thw action and everything happened. A lot of funny and cute moments but animation was a bit weird , characters sometimes looks weird as well and fight between Shizuo and Izaya was weird I mean I don't remember both of them almost flying lol But it was entertaining. I wish I could see more of DRRR! There were so many funny moments that I even don't know which one to point out |
Sorry for my English ^^' If you notice any mistakes, please tell me about it ^^ Thanks for corrections ^^ |
Mar 5, 2011 11:35 AM
I honestly thought these episodes were more annoying rather than entertaining. Though seeing Shizuo and Izaya 'fight' was worth it, I guess. |
Mar 6, 2011 2:08 PM
/just finished watching the episode subbed I enjoyed re-watching this episode. ♥ I also noticed's very irrelevant, but...Shinra wears a very light-colored seafoam green socks. 8'D /brick'd Ahh, I really am hoping for a season two. So. Much. Hope. |
Mar 7, 2011 12:46 AM
Mar 7, 2011 10:07 AM
Not having a second season of this is just cruel. This episode = WIN. |
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