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Nanami is too overpowered IMO but i loved the comments she made to each member of the bugsquad while she was beating their asses or while she was torturing the first one he defeated, she made me laugh a few times xD
I guess a lot of people were worried if Nanami would be fine after they left the island. I really thought she's sick and has a weak body, what also got mentioned in the first episode. But that got me off guard.
Imagine being so talented and strong, you just learn something by oberserve it 1 or 2 times. I still can't believe it. She ripped off Shichikas nails just because he was chewing on them and he didn't want to stop with it. OMFG. Nanami is definitely a very intimidating person. I almost felt bad for the Maniwa guys. I could be wrong but I almost don't think that there's anyone or anything stronger than her.
I was also looking forward to Shichikas fight against Sabi. Sad that we didn't get to see anything of it. But at least they were able to defeat him and got his sword.
This is the first episode that I voted "Loved". Usually I vote "Liked" but this one was off the hook! Like above posters, I was worried about little If I was an evil bandit, I would probably be in the Insect Squad. That made me smile for the whole episode.... I also liked the Butterfly's intended wife. She was very ........ festive looking. Good series and having fun just binging a few episodes at a time!
Normally I'm not the biggest fan of superpowered yandere imoutous, but I like non-stop talking in the middle of battles plucky shounen dudes even less. Well done Manami! Look forward to seeing her interact with her brother a bit more.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii
There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov
WAITWAITWAIT THEY REALLY DIDNT SHOW THE BATTLE? they're gonna show it next ep right? RIGHT? i want to see..
overall this anime's really enjoyable so far
At this point I believe that Nanami is one of the Shikizaki Kiki's sword, as it stated by Sabi Hakuhei's last word: "Kyoutouryuu is Shikizaki Kiki's remnant and it holds his lineage". So, probably Shichika had to face his sister at the end of the series....
God f*ck I just wanted beat the shit out of Yasuri, very sad the didn't even bother negotiating and straight up murdered the 3 insects, author really tried their best to make her hateable.
Wait wtf, did they actually just do that?? They hyped up a fight only to not show it and instead just spend like five minutes talking about it. I wonder if this is a complete troll, or if they're just playing with us for now and will actually give us the fight against JAPAN'S STRONGEST at the start of the next episode or whatever. However if that's not the case and that the preview at the end of episode 3 was a total lie, well I don't know whether to respect the balls they have for this major troll, or to just be downright pissed. Maybe a bit of both.
That said, I still enjoyed this episode pretty much as much as the last ones, mainly because of the reveal of how it's actually Nanami who truly is Japan's strongest. In that case, I do actually like the bait and switch. Because they tell us in the episode preview that the next episode will be a fight against Japan's strongest, but I don't think they specifically tell us it will be against Sabi. So they actually stayed true to their word, because it actually was indeed a fight against Japan's strongest, which is actually Nanami. And man she's freaking brutal. The standout moment for me easily was her using the bee maniwani's caltrop against him, but instead adding the mantis maniwani's molar poison to it.
I thought they were dragging out this insect maniwani squad part for too long, but once the encounter with Nanami started, I was instead dragged IN to it all and didn't even realize that eventually there wasn't enough time to show the Sabi fight- which of course they never do. I gotta say that blue balling us certainly has kind of ruined my view on this series, but at the same time everything with Nanami was just so good so it in the end sort of balances out. Please no more blue-balling though. I need to find out whether it's actually like this in the light novels (where they just sit and talk and describe the fight as opposed to writing out the fight in real time) or if the acclaimed studio that is White Fox just didn't feel like handling what would've been such an epic fight. If it's the latter case, then that's just sad. Again though, at the end of the day it's no biggie, because I still enjoyed this episode. On to the next one I guess.
*Dang it, Katanagatari... now I sometimes randomly feel like rubbing my collarbone...*
In this episode, Shichika and Togame prepare themselves for the most fantastic anime fight ever. Man, I REALLY want to see that shark get split in half!!!
As they prepare, we first see that the story wants to show us what Shichika's sister has been doing while they are gone. It was cool that they decided to show what she was up to. After all, she seemed like a friendly character in the first episode. 😊 I do wonder what she's up to on the island alone...
*40 minutes later* ship... I really need to talk about her...
So, within this side story, we first see three ninjas within the Insect squad coming to the island where Shichika lives. The ninjas are one dressed as a praying mantis, another dressed as a bumble bee, and finally Shinpachi as a butterfly. As they cross the sea onto the island, their goal is to get Shichika to gain the three swords he has collected. Seeing he isn't around, they decide to search for Nanami to make her a hostage. The praying mantis searches for her first, finds her, is about to attack with his claws, and is suddenly seen tied up in a tree... Apparently, Nanami got to him first and wanted to begin torturing him if he didn't answer her questions.
What is shown is that Nanami happened to rip off the praying Mantis ninja's long nails within his claws. She then gets the long, pointy nails into his mouth as a way to get him to bite them down for torture unless he decides to answer her questions on why they're after her and who else made it to the island. She then explains a backstory on how Shichika used to bite his nails when he was younger and how Nanami explained that it's not elegant. Unable to control himself, she decides to rip them off... O- ☹️
The ninja attempts to attack her with a stealth move but fails and, in the end, gets stabbed through his throat with the nails! XO
As the ninja dies, she gets reminded of how the ninja looked at her while dying reminded her of how her father looked at her within a flashback. The flashback shows her holding a young Shichika while listening to her father explain how he can't pass Kyotoryu to her, not because she's a female or because she has a weak body... but because he doesn't want to raise someone as exceptionally powerful as her..., oh gosh... we even see how she is able to beat Shichika within 1 on 1 combat fights with each other... and I thought he was the most OP... and, *sniff* young Shichika looked so wholesome.. why'd she rip off his nails... poor Shichika... Nanami's a sadist!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Ok, we see the other two ninjas playing some games, and they suddenly see this crystal that the Praying Mantis ninja gave them earlier crack in half. This indicates that something has happened to him. Shinpachi Butterfly decides to see what is happening further on the island. A death flag comes up once he talks about how, after the mission, he wants to get married cause he doesn't know when his time will be up. That's pretty sweet!😊 He wants to be done and be one with his loved one! I bet she must be beautiful-
So, Shinpachi Butterfly almost smokes a cigar but decides not to since that would disrespect her smoking hot woman (I just realized I accidentally made a pun there, lol). Instead, he gives the pack to the bumble bee ninja since he tells Shinpachi Butterfly that it's something to be earned after the mission is done.
Shinpachi Butterfly tries to sneak toward Nanami but is easily sensed by her. As he takes his stance, Nanami knows what his next moves will be because of the stance. This means she knows what to do next to beat him easily. The two fight, and Nanami misses when she attempts to take a hit on Shinpachi Butterfly. He explains the move he used and why she missed, but then Nanami explains how she is jealous of how he's been able to learn such a move, as well as reshaping it, within long periods. Without any thought, Shinpachi Butterfly continues to fight. He goes up several trees to perform some attack when he suddenly notices that Nanami is gone. Then suddenly...
Nanami kills Shinpachi Butterfly with a move that the Praying Mantis ninja used! And, dang.. she looks terrifying with the long claws O_o
Apparently, she was able to learn a new move only by observing it.. and it is also revealed that she used to secretly watch young Shichika doing her training with his father while trying to perform Kyotoryu in order to pick up some moves herself... *sniff* Young Shichika is too adorable for this world!! He needs to be protected... 😭
But, dang... she really is that OP then!!! How is she going to be stopped????
Oh, wait... that's right... she has an illness that gets her to weaken... The Bumble Bee ninja then throws a Caltrop to poison her. Throwing two at her, she gets down, and the ninja comes to kill her with his sword. That is until it's revealed that she was faking herself being poisoned, and she throws the Caltrops to him instead. Apparently, she is immune to poison because it's an experience she deals with every day... no matter what it is that happens to her, her body cannot choose death for her. Then a flashback is shown to her that she has been cursed since she was young to suffer a terrible illness without ever dying peacefully, and that is actually... sad.
The Bumble Bee ninja ends up dying from the poison, and Nanami learns to hold a SWORD!!! She is about to kill off the ninja when he suddenly requests her to bury him with the other companions as well as the cigarette box that he holds. A twisted moment of humor happens when she casually says about the material, 'What's that?'
So, holy heck... Nanami is terrifying. This might be the first time I am genuinely afraid of a female character in any anime. Toga from MHA is just creepy... Lucy from Elfen Lied is tougher than a scary character with an intense backstory... Roberta from Black Lagoon is also a tough and intimidating character that I find incredible... (I forgot that Ozen was also scary from Made in Abyss, but even so, Nanami gives me another level of fear... also I haven't seen 'Higurashi: When They Cry,' and I really don't plan to...) Nanami, however... she's cold, merciless, and terrifying... and yet, I find her to be a tragic character at the same time... Like, we don't even know why she's so sadistic, but we see how she has been suffering for so long since young. She has been blessed as a powerful immortal being, but cursed with an illness to suffer... and I find that really sad because she could have easily been someone with such privilege, but it just doesn't go fair for her in the end... she really can't die peacefully no matter what... Perhaps the sadistic nature is from the dealings she had to go through... Nanami doesn't like the amount of suffering she goes through and therefore wants to show such pain to others... but it still makes me sad thinking about what she had done to Shichika about the nails though... :(
If anything, Nanami now scares me whenever I think about her, but she also makes me sad with what she is going through as well... Nanami's giving me many deep emotions to make me realize how tragic her character really is... and if I'm honest, despite being afraid of her, she might actually be my favorite character of this anime, as well as being part of my top 5 favorite female anime characters...
Oh yeah... after Nanami's side story, we see Shichika and Togame having some dango after their intense fight with Sabi... cool! :)
(Ok, so, as someone who knew a lot about this anime before watching it first, I knew about this troll move that the anime does... what I didn't see how the troll was gonna go was that the footage from the preview in episode 3 does not happen at all... I thought they would show sequences of the fight while they talk about it, but... dang... they really made an effort to animate a fight sequence and never use it in this episode... troll is still well done. 👏)
In the final minutes, Shichika reveals how her sister is still much stronger than Sabi, showing how dangerous Nanami is. Nanami is then shown looking out at the seas and thinking how Shichila's 'ultimate move' was relatively weak. She then thinks about telling Shichika about it by deciding that she should leave the island and join Shichika and Togame on their sword hunt...
...well, I wanted her to come along since the first episode, and it seems she might actually be a part of the journey... even though I am terrified of her now ;_;
...and, dang... the ending song really speaks about Nanami's suffering...
Edit: I checked the full lyrics to the song, and there is a lot worth analyzing, but that will take long to discuss for this response. Might create a forum specifically for this song and give my analysis if I feel like it.
Easily my favorite episode at the moment.. if I had to rank the episodes so far, it would be 4 > 3 = 1 > 2
According to the preview, we'll finally see the original Beatrice from 'Re:Zero.' Can't wait, and I'm hoping we get to see some more Nanami as well.
Edit: I decided to rewatch this episode for the third time to prepare myself for her actual return in the seventh episode, and while watching it, I noticed two details that I thought were pretty neat. The first is how Nanami removes the first Maniwa's poison molar so that he wouldn't use it to kill himself and that Nanami would question him. I thought this was brought up to make us see Nanami as someone who knows what following actions someone might do or what hidden tactics they have, but apparently that poison molar was brought back during the fight with the last Maniwa when a Caltrop was used to hit Nanami for her to get poisoned, only for it not have any effect. Then Nanami uses that same Caltrop to get it to hit onto that Maniwa. Then, it revealed that the poison should have injected Nanami, which it did. Still, she used the poison molar onto that Caltrop so that the last Maniwa would also get poisoned. What this shows is that Nanami is also quite intelligent and that she can think many steps ahead! The second detail was when she was at the graves of the Maniwa, and a lit cigarette was placed upon each of the graves. It's used to show metaphorically that the Maniwa were able to have their last cigarette even as they passed away, but Nanami had no idea what they were; she instead saw them as incense sticks, which are used within Asian culture on one's grave. I thought it was pretty neat since it showed that the Maniwa got their last smoke and how Nanami still knows about the traditional burial ways within the island. Cool stuff! Can't wait to watch the seventh episode this weekend!
puffle9000Mar 13, 4:52 AM
Yes, I still have candies since I'm sugar addicted:
funny troll moment but cant believe this bull man. Well done.
Sis tho is a menace.....and i love her already. Very wicked and deadly. And if she takes part in this hunt, can only imagine what may happen.
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"