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Oct 2, 2009 4:41 AM

Apr 2009
...let me put this bluntly. The only reason I will watch this and didn't rage quit on the first episode was due to Akane.

Pretty poor. I hope that one character can carry the show.
Oct 2, 2009 4:55 AM

Sep 2008
Random mindless fun, pretty girls and a trap, nice designs, the usual bright and cheerful Nomad animation, just what I needed cause this year was quite unproductive for such kind of shows so far.
Oct 2, 2009 5:02 AM

Sep 2008
I like.
Oct 2, 2009 5:40 AM

Apr 2009
Why is everyone hating on it...?oo

For me, It wasn't that bad at all.
I mean, at something is happening all the time XD

Actually, the reason why I started watching this was Shizuka (Shizuku? Oo) and she's the reason why I won't drop it.
Well, If her character turns out to be lame.annoying then... :/
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Oct 2, 2009 5:47 AM
Dec 2007
dbaranyi said:
I don't know why, but somehow it always seems to me that most of the earliest new anime series of any given season are garbage. It's as if the creators of these shows want to quickly get them out into the public view, before the fans can start to watch better shows.

That's totally true, I noticed that too. Well, we can probably explain that by the fact that these shows are usually broadcasted on small UHF channels and so considered filler program more than important content program, and thus must be started and finished as soon as possible to have a bigger volume of shows over the year. Audience is so low on these shows that it's not really a big issue anyway.

Concerning this episode, I managed to watch 3'27 of this crap (+ the PV last week), which is a very nice amount of time dedicated to such a show. Dropped of course.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Oct 2, 2009 5:48 AM
Jul 2018
dbaranyi said:
I don't know why, but somehow it always seems to me that most of the earliest new anime series of any given season are garbage. It's as if the creators of these shows want to quickly get them out into the public view, before the fans can start to watch better shows. The new Nomad adaptation of the short novel series "Kampfer", by the author of "Maburaho", fits right into this pattern that I have observed over the past 12 or so years.

I was suspicious of this series right from the basic premise - Natsuru Senou is a high school boy who is pulled unwillingly into a psychic battle society in which he has to change into a beautiful female form in order to be able to battle other beautiful girls. He is coached by a grotesque stuffed tiger doll that has blood drooling from its mouth and red intestines hanging out of a cut in its stomach.

Okay, it is obvious from the first episode that this series is a parody of fighting-babe series like "Tenjou Tenge". The plot, voice acting and animation all take second place to what is truly important to the series: lots of near-naked female skin. Speaking of voice acting, Natsuru's voice actress, Marina Inoue, doesn't even try to make the male-form of Natsuru sound vaguely male.

Over all, the first episode provides some dumb humor, some semi-etchi situations, and some action, but none of it is done very well. I would be tempted to write that the first episode is an insult to the viewer's intelligence, but to be fair, the first episode was so dumb it couldn't even insult a tree's intelligence.

So if you want dumb fun with lots of pretty girls and one gender-switcher you may well find Kampfer a reasonable time waster. I can't be bothered to waste more than the half hour I already spent on this series so I won't be following it any further.

Wow, someone sounds that they're overreacting a lot. It's not that bad. The plot bascially describes what will happen in the series, and I do know that as the light novels progressed the plot got darker. Sure they could have used a guy to voice Natsuru, but I'm satisfied with how he sounds now. The manga always said his male and female voice were similar.

The show's not garbage, it's just not your thing. Jeez, you're starting to sound like someone off of the IMDB boards. . .
removed-userOct 2, 2009 6:01 AM
Oct 2, 2009 6:04 AM

Jan 2009
The show's not bad at all, it provides exactly what it set out to do: Some good, mindless and ecchi fun. If someone's watching it expecting some deep masterpiece, then he's the fool, not the show ;)

Don't worry, once we've got the usual professional whiners outta this thread (and they hopefully stay out), things will get more relaxed and enjoyable.
Oct 2, 2009 6:06 AM

Jul 2009
Mentar said:
The show's not bad at all, it provides exactly what it set out to do: Some good, mindless and ecchi fun. If someone's watching it expecting some deep masterpiece, then he's the fool, not the show ;)

Don't worry, once we've got the usual professional whiners outta this thread (and they hopefully stay out), things will get more relaxed and enjoyable.
Oct 2, 2009 6:20 AM

Jul 2008
The only reasons I started watching this were 'cause of good seiyuus; Mizuki Nana, Mamiko Noto, Megumi Nakajima, Tamura Yukari, Yui Horie and Inoue Marina ... aww !

The animation style is not that amazing and so aren't the OP and ED themes. And Megumi has way too good voice for songs like that ;___; But Akane is interesting character.

I'll be watching this but I really hope that this won't last that longer than 13 episodes ...

Oct 2, 2009 6:23 AM

Jan 2008
Somewhat Generic, but fine for a 1st Episode. Given we get into the action right from the beginning, I feel it'll go 2/3 Eps Action Plot then Eps 2/3 Filler/Non Action episode wise.

Fine with the voice acting, and to be frank - I'm actually finding this better than some stuff i.e Queen's Blade (which NOBODY actually watched for the story).

Gonna hold out initial judgement until Episode 5 at least to get a good measure.
Oct 2, 2009 6:29 AM

Mar 2008
I don't see anything wrong with the voice, it is a bit on the girlish side but it is still clearly a "guy" voice
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Oct 2, 2009 6:34 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Not sure what to think of it yet. The seiyuu jokes are funny and the sudden transformation of Akane in the library was nice, too. But the rest looks generic and very predictable. We'll see where this goes.




[H+] ³  
Oct 2, 2009 6:36 AM

Jan 2008
Mathes said:
Can someone please make a troll sub for this show, where each "Kämpfer" or all other german words are replaced by a beep or something?

i rofl xD
Oct 2, 2009 7:32 AM

Jul 2009
Good ep1, this show is going to be my favorite this season for sure. (too many shojo and kiddy shows anyway)
though there is indeed a huge disappointment on male Natsuru's voice. He sounds like a 5 year old kid lol...
I understand the need to use a same seiyu for both female and male Natsuru. According to people whove read the novel, Natsuru's voice doesnt change after he turns into a female, but its more like the female Natsuru sounds a bit like boy rather than male Natsuru sounds like a girl. It feels a bit disturbing in ep1, but I hope I will soon get use to it, lol...
Oct 2, 2009 7:53 AM

Apr 2009
i first watched it raw in the morning and i didn't like natsuru's and that tiger plushie's voices and did not really appreciate it..

after rewatching tonight with subs, i think i got used with the voices and i feel like i'll really be watching it every week..
normal akane is funny.. she's always putting meaning on everything.. in a good way.. hehe..
Oct 2, 2009 8:03 AM
Mar 2008
I didn't notice Akane Suzumiya was that funny.
Oct 2, 2009 8:08 AM

Sep 2008
I liked the first ep because it was quite funny. I have already read the ongoing manga and I like it. My favourite is Akane(-chan) and her psycho-bitch mode.
Oct 2, 2009 8:29 AM

Apr 2009
froomball said:
somewhat crappy execution because it's buried under FANSERVICE.

Okay... The fanservirce wasn't that bad...Oo
I usually hate it, and this was fine.
kinda not over the top...:/

Sonja said:

I'll be watching this but I really hope that this won't last that longer than 13 episodes ...

Though I'm gonna have to agree with this.
The "plot" isn't good enough for anything longer...
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Oct 2, 2009 8:31 AM

Apr 2009
And am I seriously the only one who doesn't like Akane? Oo

I love her Kämpfer self, but she's kinda annoying when she's acting normal...>>
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Oct 2, 2009 9:04 AM

Jul 2008
That was funny.
Oct 2, 2009 9:14 AM

Jun 2009
i thought it was good, i think i will watch the rest as it airs
Oct 2, 2009 9:29 AM

Jul 2009
That is quite a negative review for ep 1 dbaranyi made.

I thought it was pretty enjoyable to watch. But i wouldve hoped for natsuru to stay as a boy even when hes in his alter ego form. This boy changing to girl process is already shown in ranma. So i cudda enjoyed it more if the main protagonist was an exception to the fact that only girls can turn kampfer

p.s. i love the design of the characters, they look v-hot. Too bad its only 12 eps long.

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Oct 2, 2009 9:30 AM
Sep 2007

Makes me more gay than I alredy am.
Oct 2, 2009 9:32 AM

Jan 2008
Knave said:
I don't know what you people expected, but i randomly downloaded this and i liked it.

Yeah, same here.

Don't really know what to expect (other than big boobs), but I will keep on watching.
Oct 2, 2009 9:51 AM

Mar 2009
natsuru is way cuter in the manga
im disappointed
Oct 2, 2009 10:17 AM
Jul 2018
Vudis said:
natsuru is way cuter in the manga
im disappointed

That may be true for female natsuru, but the anime version of her is adorable as well and the female voice is..............words can not begin to describe how cute it sounds
Oct 2, 2009 10:19 AM

Jul 2008
i'm so confused. i don't know what to think about Senou switching genders lol
Oct 2, 2009 10:26 AM

Feb 2007
Wow, how outrageous...

What's with the random and unnecessary sound effects in this show?
Oct 2, 2009 10:50 AM

Jun 2008
Main character in guy form still sounds too much like a girl.
Oct 2, 2009 10:50 AM

Feb 2008
brass2themax said:
It probably doesn't hold a candle to Ranma 1/2.

That's definitely true. ='p -nods-

HawthorneKitty said:
7123x said:
May be in next couple episode , one chara might say
"My weird doll sound like Mamiko Noto"
Can't wait to hear that
Mamiko Noto, HECK YES!

I CAN'T wait for that one! x'D

I lawl'd at the seiyuu jokes myself.
More so when KampfAkane and her Seppuku Usagi were fighting with each other saying their seiyuus' names xD
I like Akane's voice since the normal one sounds like Ayu-ayu, I like.
Her KampfAkane one, can't seem to swallow it...lawl
As much as I really like Marina-san, I don't like Natsuru's male voice either...but oh well... -shrugs- too late to complain about that.

I was just checking this coz I was bored. I guess I'll be the judge after two or three episodes... Since I'm not really into ecchi/harrem/yuri. lawl
But I'll give this a chance...I love Nakajima Megumi anyways. ♥
I'm glad this episode isn't like Akikan's first episode though. That series was just...gah...even though I LOOOOOOOVE Fukuyama Jun so much. >_< Just wasn't able to get pass the first episode. :'<

And I have a soft spot for gender benders too. :'3
But it would've been better if it was reverse-harem, but that's just my ever-loving shoujo-side coming out xD

Oct 2, 2009 11:14 AM

Feb 2008
aside from the fact that you hit the ground running with this one, the obvious innuendo, the plot, etc... this show is no different that anything that has come out so far. i will still watch it just because i watch all shows that don't completely suck.
Oct 2, 2009 11:44 AM

Aug 2009
i like it ^^
Oct 2, 2009 12:28 PM

Jan 2009
Well.. Awesome bgm during the pre-OP scene xD
Hmm.. This somehow seems to be.. quite a strange, yet not really unusual anime.

Oh well, let's see how this series turns out.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Oct 2, 2009 12:29 PM

Apr 2008
oh god this was so bad i'm gonna keep watching this.

The transformation scene was boss

Oct 2, 2009 12:43 PM

Dec 2007
Fine episode.
This seiyuu inside jokes... subtle as sledgehammer banging viewer's head. Oh well.
Oct 2, 2009 12:52 PM

Oct 2008
Wasabi said:
There's worse shit out there... like Queen's Blade.

Yes so far there aren't any acid shooting breasts. I think a lot of people need to relax. If you were expecting Clannad Afterstory from Kämpfer then you probably didn't read the synopsis or the description which mentioned "ecchi". I can't really think of too many ecchi shows that had an ounce of originality. If you can't laugh at mindless productions you should probably just stop watching them. Ok I get it, it's the first show of the fall line-up and everyone is antsy. From and ecchi/action standpoint, Kämpfer is exactly what it's fans have been waiting for. It doesn't pretend to be anything else. The first episode pretty much sets up what is to be expected from this show, which is basically nothing but mindless humor revolving around a gender bending high school boy. There was a good amount of Fan service, but nothing that was completely over the top yet, like the extended pantie shot in the beginning of Bakemonogatari, which I thought was brilliant satire btw. As for the voice acting, Marina Inoue's voice certainly isn't unique but I've always liked her performances. My biggest question right now, since I haven't read the manga yet, is whether or not she fully transforms into a girl if you know what I mean.
Orion1Oct 2, 2009 1:21 PM
Oct 2, 2009 1:20 PM

May 2008
What a pile of shit.
Oct 2, 2009 1:48 PM

Jan 2009
O.o Ok, wtf I just now watched. O.o It was completely so random. Seriously, suddenly male become a trap without no serious reason. Some crazy bitch pops out and want to kill him until she noticed that he is nakama and so on. Seriously, what the fuck? Well, at least soundtracks and animation were good. Giving few more episodes chance before I drop this.

/brainless harem
Oct 2, 2009 1:48 PM

Aug 2008
This show is pretty decent. I like the seiyuu jokes. I see potential in this...potential to not fail by the time the show is midway done. Hopefully...
Oct 2, 2009 2:02 PM

Jul 2008
man this show is so stupid xD but sicne the cast are really great and if these seiyuu jokes keep on i stick to it.

Oct 2, 2009 2:15 PM

Sep 2008
...Meh. I'm surprised by this discussion, what was everyone expecting? You're all acting like you expected a masterpiece or something, I knew it'd be a fanservice-based show just by looking at the plot. :/ So, I kinda knew what to expect. To be honest, I've seen much worse so I'm not that upset. It had a couple sort of funny parts here and there, and the ecchi was just a tad more tolerable than usual. That's not saying much though, since I dislike ecchi in general so even 'a tad more tolerable' than usual isn't good, but still.
...Still not really my cup of tea so far though, I may end up dropping it, who knows? I'll give it a couple more episodes before I decide though.
Also, I feel like the only one who doesn't like Akane. What's up with people saying she's the only good thing about it and crap? She annoyed the hell out of me...
Oct 2, 2009 2:32 PM

Apr 2009
Starrlightx3 said:
...Meh. I'm surprised by this discussion, what was everyone expecting? You're all acting like you expected a masterpiece or something, I knew it'd be a fanservice-based show just by looking at the plot. :/ So, I kinda knew what to expect. To be honest, I've seen much worse so I'm not that upset.

Starrlightx3 said:

Also, I feel like the only one who doesn't like Akane. What's up with people saying she's the only good thing about it and crap? She annoyed the hell out of me...

And again...
You're not the only one, I wrote the same thing a few comments ago...

omg, I know you...Oo
But If I start talking, I'll sound like a creepy stalker so I'll stop now.. XDDD
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Oct 2, 2009 2:53 PM

Jan 2009
Well, I liked the plot and what happened was pretty good, but the characters voices are very bad. The girls voice's are too breathy and the main guy is clearly voiced by a girl. If I only heard his voice, I would think he has a girl.

And the edting was done pretty good, unlike most shows last season *cough* Princess Lover *cough* The episode itself was pretty good though.
Oct 2, 2009 3:04 PM

Sep 2008
Better than I was expecting, animation quality is a bit above Akikan's at least (but still on the same level, or just one above). edit~ maybe 2 levels.
still Needs a 720p release =/

OP and EN are likable.

Ecchi-ness + Fighting + Mass innuendos = Mindless entertainment.

Will keep.
KuumidoriOct 2, 2009 3:09 PM
Oct 2, 2009 3:26 PM
Jul 2008
This seems great, and I want to watch episode two now!
Oct 2, 2009 3:37 PM

Nov 2007
Well..that was average. Awaiting Nana-chan's debut.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Oct 2, 2009 3:37 PM

Apr 2009
Has potential, hopefully will remain entertaining.
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Oct 2, 2009 3:59 PM

Mar 2008
DaBigD said:
lol, awesome episode. The plot is again an excuse for ecchi scenes and random cliché accidents / misunderstandings. The girls are cute, there's some yuri, and I laughed quite a bit. Will be watching this shit.


Oct 2, 2009 4:05 PM

Aug 2008
That was... quite the transformation sequence.
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Oct 2, 2009 4:11 PM

Mar 2008
Well overall I enjoyed the first episode. It's nothing too serious and should be some relaxing fun. At least the lead isn't the only one in the dark regarding what this Kämpfer battle is all about. I'm sure he'll be glad when he can control the transformation so he can go to the guy's washroom.

I'd say Natsuru's voice felt off when I first heard it. But by the end of the episode I was fairly used to his male voice. At least his female voice fits well so should be alright all things considered.

For some reason Akane's Kämpfer side was one of the high points for me. Not a bad person when she's not trying to shoot you.
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