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Episode usable, began taking shape Fujimoto.
The plot is not as yet ideas about what he wants to rest his pillars.
Narration nice, well accompanied by the OST, but not from the drawings.
Animations not the greatest.
There were lots of good Points made in this episode.
Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Fujimoto what a jerk. Yea those girls probably wanted to copy off him, maybe they didn't. He could have said he's too busy and can't help them but he can give them resources as to how they can do do the work.
Kobato such a klutz. I do dislike her tripping habits, it gets annoying.
She literally told muffins who Iorogi is and that he can speak lol
Ioryogi being jealous of Doumoto was actually cute, I don't blame him since the guy is kind and popular. On the other hand Fujimoto is the opposite who doesn't care what anyone thinks. I have to agree with Fujimoto about those girls, they should do their own work. Fujimoto is kind in his own way.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove
I'm 7 episodes in and so far this has been very boring. The comedy doesn't work on me and the main characters are more annoying than anything. I had high expectations so that might be the issue? I don't really know, I want to be invested in the story but I'm unable to due to how everything feels so slow.
I like Kobato, but it's true that her dense, too innocent and clumsy nature irritates me sometimes, reminds me of Katarina... but I still like her~ and I like Fujimoto's principles, he doesn't hesitate at all to reject people. I really like and respect people like Fujimoto. Although I also really appreciate soft-hearted people like Doumoto :)
Glad that Kobato managed to help another person.. Helped in view towards helping.. In the end, I think it's probably balance thing myself.. You might want to not help everyone all the time.. But at times you might want to..
I love this anime so far, It feels like watching a girl learn about areas of humanity in every episode and it is so calming and uplifting. I wonder what happens about the loan, it was also nice seeing Fujimoto try to say thank you at the end (he should definitely work on being less cruel to people through).
If you're strong like Fujimoto it's likelier to be admired for acts of kindness. It simply hits different than when a pushover who can't say no does things for others or so it's often seen. It's easy to see why Doumoto would feel conscious about his desire for acceptance despite helping others out. Personally, I think it's important to have a solid middle ground here. Help when you genuinely feel like helping, don't do it because you feel obligated unless it's an emergency. Think about yourself as well and stay firm when others are trying to exploit you. Some people fail at that and it's no wonder they end up with a "I only care about my ass attitude"
Anyway, Domouto felt by appreciated by Kobato who pointed out that he's a good person with healthy needs. Thanks to her he sees himself in a positive light. Nice message there.
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron