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Land of the Lustrous
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Nov 20, 2017 12:10 AM

Mar 2009
Wait. How did Phos lose her arms? Didn't she just fall in the water? That's some dangerous water...
Nov 20, 2017 12:27 AM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
So, without giving away anything material, could someone who has read the manga tell me whether we eventually learn who or what Sensei is? Yes? No?

I'm really liking Antarc. Loved how it showed the crystallization from liquid as the temperature dropped. And Mariya Ise is a great voice for Antarc! :) Looking forward to next week.

When Phos first heard the voice, I thought it might have been Ou from under the sea, maybe trapped in a chunk of ice or something. If the shrieking wakes the other gems, why doesn't the sound of them being broken apart?

Well... one thing that Phos has going is good cleavage. (And I mean that in a mineralogy sense.) If Phos burst into pieces like Ame-chan, with as frequently as repairs are needed, it wouldn't take long for Rutile to say "No, not fixing you this time."
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“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
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Nov 20, 2017 12:37 AM
Aug 2017
kyoudai said:
So, without giving away anything material, could someone who has read the manga tell me whether we eventually learn who or what Sensei is? Yes? No?

yeah, for the most part.
Nov 20, 2017 1:02 AM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
ragdollomega said:
kyoudai said:
So, without giving away anything material, could someone who has read the manga tell me whether we eventually learn who or what Sensei is? Yes? No?

yeah, for the most part.

Thanks ^^ I've wondering since the beginning, just kept forgetting to ask.
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“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
Nov 20, 2017 4:20 AM

Oct 2015
Hmm, first time I've heard of an Antarcticite gem, gonna google it now :/
Nov 20, 2017 6:38 AM
Jan 2011

If someone told me this would turn into androgynous Sailor Moon x Precure crossover, I would not believe him.

Did I miss anything or did they not include 5 minute long transformation scene?! I hope they fix it in the BR. At least they still fight bare handed, not beams of light.

So many Cures...
Obviously the one leading the group is Cure Bort, taking after Cure White (Honoka/Futari) - nailing that derpy look, but still kicking ass - although it has Cure Aqua's harstyle. Bort, loosen up a little, it is not a group photo of your 1st year elementary class... As expected of the hardworker class president, Cure Dia is fully immersed in the Cure role, but nothing like her counterpart Cure Diamond (Rika/DokiDoki), though the personality could fit Cure Mint (Komachi/Yes!). Cure Jade looks confused, unsure who to take after, deciding between Cure Mint and Cure March (Nao/Smile). Jade, you are doing fine, it does not matter as long as you remain cute and you are doing great on that part! Cure Neptunite (standing between Jade and Bort) could be Cure Egret (Mai/Splash), I don't know. Cure Euclase is obviously Cure Echo (Ayumi/Allstar) because, well, Noto Mamiko - enough said. Cure Rutil takes this too seriously, but her dead-empty Cure Passion (Setsuna/Fresh) face is 100% authentic. Cure Benitoite could be Cure Berry (Mikky/Fresh) for the mature look, and Cure Ametyst would fit in Heartcatch, probably or perhaps imitates Cure Sword (Makoto/DokiDoki). I could go on...

We've been wondering about Sensei's identity for a while, but it may actually be rather simple - he is a mere Precure fan. He definitely watched all Precure seasons, including the AllStar movies.
Nov 20, 2017 9:02 AM

Nov 2017
kyoudai said:
So, without giving away anything material, could someone who has read the manga tell me whether we eventually learn who or what Sensei is? Yes? No?

This is main theme of current manga arc, so... no, no in this season.
Nov 20, 2017 9:07 AM

Nov 2017
sspit said:
Did I miss anything or did they not include 5 minute long transformation scene?! I hope they fix it in the BR. At least they still fight bare handed, not beams of light.

Actually manga goes straighter to the point... They hibernate during winter dressed in fancy clothes. This is all the author have to say about this.
Nov 20, 2017 11:23 AM

Nov 2017
[quote=Niello message=53093651][quote=Irish_Chick message=53092728]
Smudy said:

There seems to be a lot of people that still don't "get it". It's interesting how when people don't know about the references they just assume it's "empty".

Get what? An anime with a cute artstyle and cute characters with an underlying sense of existential anguish?

The MC potentially embodying the philosophical dilemma behind the ship of Theseus?

The mystery behind mind body and spirit as personified by the various races?

These are good IDEAS, but they remain as ideas, both in the anime and even later in the manga they haven't really been developed in any depth, they haven't been fleshed out.

This "mineral of the week" presentation is vapid and neither the anime not the manga particularly develops their characterisation and so when something imperils them its hard to really be too involved in their fate, and even when you are invested (eg with amethyst last week), move over dudes, next week its an all new mineral! You don't have time foster affection for, or in some cases, even differentiate between characters - a recurring issue I see ppl have with the manga.

That's not to say the ideas introduced aren't interesting, they are, but theres nothing really keeping me watching except to witness the next calamity to befall phos lol

While Made in Abyss is very different, it is also beautiful, also has beautiful cute characters and also has a deeply dark and disturbing undertone. However even when the pace is slow or off, the sheer size and detail of the world and the worldbuilding keeps me hooked, whereas comparatively no kuni IS empty, for me anyway theres nothing to fill up the void.

While that may very well reflect the immortal lives of the gems - it boring its dull - its empty - its repetitive- it makes you question the continued nature of your existence - I do not have that existence, and as such would prefer my time being spent on an anime that has more than just simple concepts as ideas which it doesn't flesh out or maximise upon its potential.

That's the shame really, simple as they are the idea and the mystery are intriguing, but I don't feel they are capitalised upon neither in the anime nor the manga. I just wish it would do more with its potential.

That said I don't hate it anymore lol, I loved the amethyst episode - however being told I didn't "GET IT" kinda confused and irked me - like what am I missing here? - What is it that I am not getting?

What are these REFERENCES o.0?

You may know more than the anime is showing but newcomers don't why should they stick around if they find the pace as glacial as the ice floes and the characters as empathetic?


edit edit edit: clarification - also I do love how the gems work - different advantages disadvantages and lore inspired by their mineral counterparts - however for the most part they feel like contrivance not characters...
Irish_ChickNov 20, 2017 11:29 AM
Nov 20, 2017 11:39 AM

Nov 2017
aber said:
Glad this is finally getting to the point where it really captured my interest and what I wanted to see animated. The starting stories are cute and the setting is interesting and laying foundation for future plots but it didn't click with me till the winter arc. The anime is impressive visually but still doesn't hold a candle to the manga's style imo. Antarc's white/silver hair and voice kept reminding me of Killua, lo and behold he got the same voice actor as him so no wonder.

Yeah this is exactly what I mean - I'm glad you're a fan of the manga, but waiting around till episode 6 or 7 before it even captured your interest is a crazy ask!

It was the same for me I really wanted to give the anime a chance because its fans were so devoted - but if it takes 6/7 episodes to hook a fan - why do people expect newbies to hang around?

Anyway I hate anime elitism - at the end of the day we all have totally different tastes and I am feeling that HNK is proving to be a bit like the marmite of anime this season, you either love it or you don't.

Glad to see a fan hang in there to get an acquired taste tho ;) Hope it continues to impress :)
Nov 20, 2017 12:45 PM

May 2010
We are about to get cool new arms, okayyy. This is really entertaining, I must say. I like Antarcticite.
Nov 20, 2017 9:33 PM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
Just came back from Pixiv. Wow, the place is totally awash with new art of Antarc, lol. Apparently everyone loves Antarc. (Me included.)

mruize85 said:
kyoudai said:
So, without giving away anything material, could someone who has read the manga tell me whether we eventually learn who or what Sensei is? Yes? No?

This is main theme of current manga arc, so... no, no in this season.

Thanks. I started reading the manga last night. I'm finding it slightly difficult to tell them apart in black/white pages, but I haven't gotten to unfamiliar material yet. Hopefully when I do, I'll be more familiar with their monochrome forms.

Irish_Chick said:
edit edit edit: clarification - also I do love how the gems work - different advantages disadvantages and lore inspired by their mineral counterparts - however for the most part they feel like contrivance not characters...

I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post because it's not a discussion I've followed and participated in, but I do want to reply this this portion. "Contrivance not character" accurately expresses how I felt when I was reintroduced to Cinnabar earlier today after I had started reading the manga.

Specifically, Cinnabar can supposedly function at night while the others can't because the mercury droplets reflect enough light to provide Cinn with energy. Or, at least, that's how it was translated. I can't recall if that explanation (or any) was given in the anime.

Erm, okay, that's clearly contrived, and an obvious example of finding a cause to fit the effect. It left me wondering whether it was added only after an editor or someone else pointed out the need for a reason that Cinn was different in that regard. In general, I'm loving Houseki no Kuni, but just when I'm getting into it, something like that comes along and slaps me out of their world and back into mine.
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“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
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Nov 21, 2017 4:30 AM
Apr 2017
So Phos situation get worse n worse, although I know one she get the power she would want more, but...
I really didn't expect this...

I hope she would still be Phos in the end...
Nov 21, 2017 6:24 AM

Oct 2008
Oh crapping barnacles! First it was Phos' legs, now this time her both arms are in trouble! well I hope Phos would have another different hybrid arms to match her legs!
New character Antarticite is cool! and her purpose is especially in charge of basically everything when it's winter mode!
all of the others went to hybernate mode exept Phos!

Nov 21, 2017 7:56 AM

Jul 2017
Raipaz said:
Amazing episode as always but I have one thing I'm confused about... Antarcticite, a mineral like everyone else, doesn't get sleepy like the rest does when there is little to no light, why is this? Am I missing something? Antarcticite said to Phos "it takes getting used to". So in other words she just needed to train to get used to waking up when there is no light. So if this applies to the rest of the minerals, why don't they just "train" and be able to be awake 24/7? And since the Lunarians only appears during the day, I guess they could use the night time to do something else? Like exploring or doing their daily errands/chores. Or am I mistaken?

Basically so.

Nov 21, 2017 8:10 AM

Jul 2017
[quote=Irish_Chick message=53110552][quote=Niello message=53093651]
Irish_Chick said:
Smudy said:

There seems to be a lot of people that still don't "get it". It's interesting how when people don't know about the references they just assume it's "empty".

This "mineral of the week" presentation is vapid and neither the anime not the manga particularly develops their characterisation and so when something imperils them its hard to really be too involved in their fate, and even when you are invested (eg with amethyst last week), move over dudes, next week its an all new mineral! You don't have time foster affection for, or in some cases, even differentiate between characters - a recurring issue I see ppl have with the manga.

That's not to say the ideas introduced aren't interesting, they are, but theres nothing really keeping me watching except to witness the next calamity to befall phos lol

While Made in Abyss is very different, it is also beautiful, also has beautiful cute characters and also has a deeply dark and disturbing undertone. However even when the pace is slow or off, the sheer size and detail of the world and the worldbuilding keeps me hooked, whereas comparatively no kuni IS empty, for me anyway theres nothing to fill up the void.

It has never been about the 'mineral of the week'. Tell me, what was the 'mineral of the week' for episode 4 and 5?
It has never been about worldbuilding. If you have read the manga you would know that the story focuses a lot on the characterization of Phos, and everything else, such as the battles and the other gems, serve as tools used by the author to demonstrate growth in Phos' character.
For example, Amethyst was used for us to see that Phos, despite having new legs, is still very inexperienced. This same pattern can be seen occur again and again: Whenever a gem takes center stage, the story would still mostly focuses around Phos' characters and how he develops.

It is unfair to compare this to Made in Abyss. The world of Made in Abyss is made to allow the story to develop in a way as to explore the worldbuilding, since the entire story is revolved around discovering what the abyss is about. Every chapter builds upon the world, since every chapter is them going deeper into the unknown abyss. On the other hand, the world of HnK is pretty obviously spelt out: 6 moons crashed Earth and that island is the only thing remaining. We know a bit about the origin of the slugs and the moonies as well as a few gems' responsibilities and that's all we need. It would seriously harm the pacing if it tries to give proper character development to not even half of the 28 gems alive. The series is not designed to focus on worldbuilding. Every chapter builds upon Phos' character, and how he changes in contrast to the unchanging nature of everything else around him.
HxHexaNov 21, 2017 8:16 AM
Nov 21, 2017 12:28 PM

Nov 2011
mruize85 said:
terrablu2003 said:

Thank you for taking away any doubt.

Just mention that I didn't spoiled any information.

As they have said, ice is not intelligent, but only echoes the wishes and feelings of the listener. As has been shown, Phos had the temptation to cut his arms in hopes of getting better ones, so ice "offered its help".

I thank you again for this further clarification. ;)
Nov 21, 2017 2:13 PM

Feb 2017
TOO much questions...

can't wait for next episode
Nov 22, 2017 7:02 AM

Feb 2015
I love these winter costumes and hairstyles, they are so weird yet lovely.

Antarcticite hugging sensei was so adorable and cute, I was expecting them to have more feminine voice tho.

Nice to see Phos will to change something about themselves.

That screams made by ice floes were quite scary.

And these high heels... ahhh... makes me want to wear mine >.<

Nice ep as always.
I'm watching anime since 2012. I also play games, sometimes.

Don't bother me if you want to 'become friends' or things like that.
It's tiresome. I know you just want to collect some meaningless numbers.
Thought: How many people sparked H. Charlotta just for blue pot?
Nov 23, 2017 9:44 AM
Jul 2016
I fucking love this show, the animation is godly and Phos is an actual damn character with actual damn depth to her. Damn.
Nov 23, 2017 12:00 PM
Jan 2011
mruize85 said:
sspit said:
Did I miss anything or did they not include 5 minute long transformation scene?! I hope they fix it in the BR. At least they still fight bare handed, not beams of light.

Actually manga goes straighter to the point... They hibernate during winter dressed in fancy clothes. This is all the author have to say about this.

Thx for the comment. However I was making a joke about Pretty Cure franchise. It appears you are not familiar with Precure transformation scenes, which is long and included in every single episode of every season. For over 600 episodes it makes a lots of raw screen time. I think about 20 hours.
Nov 28, 2017 9:03 PM

Aug 2012
-huh the amethysts actually look better with their braid down
-oh boy the big sleep
-red beryl's actually pretty adorable
-phos calling rutile a quack doctor is also pretty funny every time
-alright phos is pretty much back to form with that fuckin death glare
-oh i think i know why i didn't like the last episode at all, it's because there were no action to showcase all the fuckin gorgeous art
-like antarcticite just rending that glacier in half was great
-antarcicite and phos's babysitting simulator
-i can't really put my finger on it but i fucking love how the ice floes split in half
-phos's general indifference to everything is also pretty great
-well looks like it's time for phos to lose her arms
-oh shit is she actually gonna do it

This episode is a pretty nice return to form for the show after the relative disaster that was the previous episode. You actually have Phos being snarky and sarcastic in this episode, rather than whatever the fuck was going on with her in the last one. At first I was attributing it to the memory loss from her lost legs but now I really don't know what the fuck was going on last episode. Also, the quips between Phos and Antarcicite far outclassed pretty much any of the dialogue that was spoken in episode 6. Also going along with the comparisons to the previous episode, I personally thought the the action sequences in episode 7 had more of a wow factor to them, probably because glacier-breaking is in an entirely different type of setting than what has been previously shown in the show. Everything about the art style and animation just makes those types of scenes stand out even more. Furthermore, the sound of Antarcticite's saw and the ice breaking doesn't sound as janky as the sword swings that the Lunarian fights have. And, on top of all this, the general plot progression of the episode wasn't an absolute snorefest like the last episode, and there were very relevant plot points introduced all throughout the episode rather than just at the end.

tl;dr good shit, rekindled my interest in the show or something
Nov 28, 2017 9:22 PM

Jun 2017
ThreePercent said:
- I really don't know what the fuck was going on last episode.

You can look at it like this: Phos gets an upgrade (new legs) that she thinks is going to change everything. She's like, okay, I can do stuff now, give me a sword, give me a partner, let me get out there and get at it!!!1!

Then reality sets in immediately. She's still fragile--her legs now outclass the rest of her body and it's nigh-on impossible to use them without accidentally obliterating herself. She gets a sword, but she's so weak it's physically exhausting just to wield it. She can't walk long distances without getting worn out to the point of barely being able to move. She's never been on patrol before so she's jumping at every shadow, which also takes an emotional toll.

If Phos seems to be acting weird in that episode it's because 1: she's depressed by her body letting her down yet again, and 2: she's blown out exhausted.
Dec 2, 2017 3:59 PM

Feb 2013
Screaming ice. Weird.
LOL that hibernation.
Dec 2, 2017 4:52 PM
Aug 2014
Bruh how can you lose your arms like that
Dec 23, 2017 6:11 PM
Nov 2017
I couldn't imagine being Antarc, alone in the winter with screaming ice.
Dec 29, 2017 1:25 PM

Jan 2017
The new girl is fascinating, and she is quite fond of Sensei.

As for Phos, i guess deep down she's can i put this, more like a living organism? What i mean is, where the other minerals once they were 'born' settled to their form, she is trying to evolve as an organism in order to adapt and be more fit for survival; something that as i said, seems to have been left behind by the others since they didn't quite feel the need.
SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Jan 1, 2018 12:55 PM

Jan 2013
Good episode, pretty intriguing world building
Jan 3, 2018 9:23 AM

Apr 2015
Phos really should have just tried to sleep. Trouble followed them yet again, with the ice floes telling Phos that she needed to lose her arms in order to become useful. A weird act of self-harm in an attempt at self-betterment. It reminds me of a certain scene in Haibane Renmei (without spoiling anything—if you've seen the show you know what I'm talking about).
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Jan 22, 2018 3:50 PM

Jul 2013
Nice episode! I love how they animate the winter, it's so pretty. I hope Phos and Antarc are going to be okay, I can tell that the next episode is going to be emotional
Jan 22, 2018 6:06 PM

Sep 2012
I'm glad to finally get an episode that I truly enjoyed, I just wish it hadn't taken so long x/

I echo Cinnabar's sentiment that Phos has, for the most part, been good for nothing, so seeing Phos finally take affirmative action towards bettering Phos' self was very refreshing (I'm not getting caught up in the pronoun game). I dont know if it's just because I was in a good mood from that, but I think Antarcticite is the first character I've really liked so far. Plus, the humor actually worked for me this time around, so overall great episode.
Feb 13, 2018 3:42 AM

Jan 2009
oh wow thats how like auditory hallucinations sometimes works (im schizophrenic so i got experience about it)

poor Phos now her hands will be replace by something else and she is gonna lose more memories too
Feb 26, 2018 5:30 AM

Mar 2015
As I watch this series I find myself really looking forward to meeting mew characters.

That the others behave strangely during hibernation was something I found absolutely hilarious
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Mar 3, 2018 10:39 AM

May 2012
Getting quite interesting, and boy that ending! Looking forwards to see what's next.
Mar 13, 2018 12:10 PM

Aug 2015
It's nice that Phos is taking the self-improvement much more seriously now but, how much memories must Phos sacrifice just to get stronger? This will likely hurt her in the long run.
Mar 14, 2018 6:32 PM

Sep 2011
I can see where this is going. Phos is going to slowly lose their parts, and it will be a question of whether it's truly Phos anymore, or something (someone) different.
At least that's what I think may happen in the future of HnK :D

Still, Phos is so fucking clumsy :'D
Mar 25, 2018 2:49 PM

Dec 2012
Antarcticite has awoken.
lol at Phos not sleeping.
So Dia sticks her booty out when she sleeps.
LMAO at Phos crawling.
Damn. Phos forgot about Vent.
Phos was about to commit suicide.
Dem arms...are gone.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Apr 22, 2018 8:17 AM

Apr 2014
phos's sword is the thin blade and antarc's is the serrated thick blade

a couple scenes later, they swapped swords

there wasnt any mention of this. iirc not in the manga as well.
a lil nitpick
Dec 12, 2018 6:35 PM

May 2013

I bet Antarc is blaming herself for the arms comment earlier :(
Jan 8, 2019 9:47 PM

Oct 2012
Haha Antarc need some love and hugs too xD

Phos, stop ruining yourself :P
"Signature removed"
Jan 27, 2019 2:57 PM
Apr 2018
Oh my God, Phos... please: where are you going to find material for your arms? The only reason you receive new legs is because the slug bro gave the mineral to you.

Apr 3, 2020 7:52 AM

May 2016
She is still an idiot for 300 year old....
Jul 15, 2020 8:28 AM

Mar 2010
karmashizzle said:
phos's sword is the thin blade and antarc's is the serrated thick blade

a couple scenes later, they swapped swords

there wasnt any mention of this. iirc not in the manga as well.
a lil nitpick

I know this was posted years ago but I understood it as Antarc trying to ensure that Phos has easier time doing his duty. Antarc's sword seems to be better suited to the duty than Phos' so they switched them as Phos is already fairly exhausted.
Aug 30, 2020 3:26 PM

Aug 2016
This episode changed my entire view of this series. It went from just another show in my Amazon Prime queue to a must finish weekend binge. From the cold waters rose the most flawless and magnificent gem in all the world, Antarcticite.

This would be me every winter waiting outside Antarcticite's room If I were a gem I'd want an Antarcticite hug. Then I could finally sleep through the winter.
Sep 5, 2020 7:26 PM

Jan 2013
Seems like Phos is going to get an upgrade.
The more Phos changes itself the more memories of itself are lost. - Kinda reminds me of sci-fi like GitS (or any other sci-fi show with mechanical upgrades) where people would change their body to the point where it'd be a completely different person.

Despite all of this, the majority was light hearted and fun to follow, Phos running around with
Antarcticite was great.
Jan 3, 2021 5:10 AM

May 2020
As much as I love Phos he's kinda dumb lol
Mar 13, 2021 12:13 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Nice winter episode.

And now Phos lost her arms as well. It's time for an upgrade again?

SerafosJan 29, 10:53 AM
Mar 22, 2021 1:34 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Damn, I guess freezing cold water is too much for their material to handle, otherwise they could’ve just jump in after phos’ arms. How did they break anyway, literally just got dipped in some cold water.

I’m curious about cinnabar though, does she get to hibernate? They showed her still out by the sea when all of them went into hibernation

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 5, 2021 10:39 PM

Jan 2020
Hibernation huh? Sleeping all that time must be nice

antarcticite is pretty interesting this is setting up to be another memorable journey

Jul 19, 2021 7:17 PM

Apr 2018
They're still alive. Phos felt responsible for it, she's going through a lot of things. I can't wonder how she felt the past 300 years. Unable to do anything for the other ppl. Antaric is pretty nice character and hella strong. Phos also wants to change but hesitates.
If she gets stronger arms now she'll be even better..

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
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