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lol Azusa sure have a lot of weird, crazy dreams x)
haha @ azusa's dream of going down the slide w/ yakisoba and landing on the K-ON members was hilarious xD
yui = eating corn in hamster-mode = moe/adorable <3
i was expecting to find a .gif of hamster!yui in this thread... :[ & ffff this episode was sorta confusing b/c of azusa's weird ass dreams LMAO. GURL NEEDS TO STOP TAKING A BILLION NAPS.
it was as if azusa wasn't having any fun when she was just with ui lmao.
In a way, it was kind of a serious episode, Azusa really was bothered about what its gonna be like when they all graduate and she stays behind. So is this the closest K-On has gotten with fanservice?
Ui really has a bad sister complex, cant even say 1 negative thing about Yui without getting the wimperings.
What a great episode! I liked how the dreams kind of reflected the real life in subtle ways. Like Yui eating the tempura, Mugi coming home a day early for an event, Yakisoba, and Mio... ok, the Mio dream didn't have a premonition I could tell, but it's still hella funny.
Sorry if this has been done before, but after watching the episode, I just had to do a shop:
Aww Azu'nya, you should not be embarrassed because of the tan lines since it's very cute and extremely delicious to look at (^.^)
I found the reoccurring dream sequences to be quite funny but as usual the slow does feel a bit slow at times without it's star Yui at the lead :)
I had not been following the manga ever since K-ON S2 had been announced so I'm not sure whether or not this is a filler. If this is one, then I'm surprised. What a sweet episode!
On another note, it seems like it's going to be a tradition to see Azunyan all dark during Summer xD
Oh and Mugi went to Finland xD Go into details, kthnx?
And at first I was like "Wait.. How fast does Azu-nyan lose her tan? O.o" but then apparantly she was dreaming xD.
Anyway that's a hell lot of dreaming.
But damn she tans fast. ...No wait, more dreaming. ...No wait, she did tan that fast O.o
"Yui-senpai's a great singer.", "Ui, your sister's awesome."
...LIES!Or was that also a dream? 8D
And yeah, Ton-chan would just eat those goldfishes anyway. Turtles are violent beings after all
Edit: Empty spoiler is empty, sorry~
Edit: No actually, that gif'd be a bit too much here.
Oh and maybe Yui'll die from food poisoning now? : D ..I mean.. They've got 13 more episodes to kill her, so I'm sure they'll manage.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
I've come to the conclusion that Azu-nyan has ESP. She senses glimpses of the future through her dreams LOL.
P.S. The preview for the next episode reminded me of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. The right way to split up the cake would be to dump the cake in the mixer and distribute the resulting mixture evenly among everyone!
wow it was hard 2 tell if she was awake or not through the whole thing!!! hehe but i loved her dreams!!! =D it was cute ^.^ the 1 with Mio at the movies. . .poor Mio!!! but the Summer Fest was AWESOME!!! on day im gonna go 2 Japan and do the Summer Fest!!! it seems like SO much fun!!! lol and poor Azu at the pool!!! OMG i LOVED it when ppl were all like. . ."Who are you?" haha XD
Great Azusa and Ui episode. Though I didn't really enjoy Yui paying more attention to Azusa than her own sister, but then again, Yui won't be able to see Azusa too often once they graduate.
Oh man the animation in this show never ceases to impress...I even pause every so often to drink in the detail. Took me a while to notice Azusa isn't tanned in her dreams haha...