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Apr 16, 2011 3:22 PM

Sep 2010
wow, just watched it and it is definitely not for me. I will give it a 4/5, but not watching it past this. Seriously did not even crack a smile during the whole thing, but I can ignore that there is no humor. (besides dark humor)

I can't ignore the fact that I hate the plot though, this seems to be for people who love the weird, bloody, and horror type stuff ; )
KittymanApr 16, 2011 3:26 PM
Apr 16, 2011 3:23 PM
Apr 2011
the story doesn't make any sense
Apr 16, 2011 3:34 PM
Mar 2011
DonkeyKong said:
the story doesn't make any sense

haha i sort of agree with you. Class is about to start then everyone is killed except for you. Then you get the death penalty with no explanation except for some random video that pops out of nowhere. Next a random person comes out of a nowhere and the top of the building explodes killing a few prisoners except for once again the main character.

Haven't read the manga but personally didn't feel the episode lived up to the hype it was getting. Looks interesting though, I think it's worth watching.
Apr 16, 2011 3:38 PM

Aug 2010
It wasn't that bad, but wasn't that great either.. we'll find out if it's good in some weeks, huh?

Apr 16, 2011 3:47 PM
Jan 2010
DmonHiro said:
Anyone who hasn't figured out who RedMan is just from episode 1 (without reading the manga, of course) hasn't seen much anime.

I'm not sure how you would figure it out by just watching this episode. I've read the manga and I don't find it that obvious who the Red man is.

This was what I've been waiting for this season and it was as good as I hoped it would be and even had some extra scenes. Since it's 12 episodes it has the chance of a second season to finish it off after the manga ends.
Apr 16, 2011 3:48 PM

Aug 2010
Twisted show but looks really interesting and Shiro might make this show worth it by herself.
Apr 16, 2011 3:51 PM

Jan 2008
Dan777 said:

I'm not sure how you would figure it out by just watching this episode. I've read the manga and I don't find it that obvious who the Red man is.

Someone told me that in the manga, they don't show everything they showed in the anime, so I guess yeah, you wouldn't figure it out from the manga. So, it was either on purpose, or they didn't think about it when they made the episode.
Apr 16, 2011 3:52 PM

Apr 2009
that was a nice episode!
surprised to see that many (sort of) spoilers in the ED credits...
let the games begin ^^
Apr 16, 2011 3:54 PM
Apr 2011
Sick sick sick! Been looking forward to this ever since announcement. Hope the story sticks close to the manga. So far pretty good, with the exception of Shiro's voice, it's definitely not what I had in mind while reading the manga.
Apr 16, 2011 4:01 PM

Sep 2009
awesome, epic and win!

this is how you describe this series...I only read up to ch 1, but I guess it's reading time >:]
Apr 16, 2011 4:01 PM

Oct 2008


..well, knew it was coming since the manga is so gorey. Gotta wait for the DVD release then. :/
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Apr 16, 2011 4:04 PM

Jan 2008
Also, I can guess the next episode. The guy who bumped into Genta stole his antidote that was in the bag, so now he HAS to win the next attraction. Manga people, if I'm right, sent me a PM.
Apr 16, 2011 4:07 PM
Jan 2010
DmonHiro said:
Dan777 said:

I'm not sure how you would figure it out by just watching this episode. I've read the manga and I don't find it that obvious who the Red man is.

Someone told me that in the manga, they don't show everything they showed in the anime, so I guess yeah, you wouldn't figure it out from the manga. So, it was either on purpose, or they didn't think about it when they made the episode.

I just skimmed over the first chapter of the manga.
The major Difference between the manga and anime is that the Manga had a very short court scene while the anime included the scene where he loses it and is hit by the family members. Also he met Shiro a little differently but that doesn't affect anything since the same stuff happens.
Apr 16, 2011 4:07 PM

Apr 2008
I kind of get the feeling that the author had this great idea for a story set in this unusual prison but had no idea how to get the protagonist in there, so he wrote an half-assed introduction that just rushes from one plot point to the next, without giving the viewer any time to establish some kind of connection to the characters. I seriously didn't care about the whole class being killed and Ganta being framed because it took only three minutes until it happened.

Also the animation was pretty lazy at times. When that guy got cut down by Makina, he became completely motionless - despite him gasping in pain, he didn't flinch, breathe or move his mouth, there was no animation at all. Is this really Manglobe, the studio that animated Samurai Champloo?

Despite being pretty much unimpressed by this episode, I won't write this show off completely. I'm kind of interested in how those "deadly attractions" will go and now that the lazy introduction is out of the way, the plot might actually become interesting.
NecoDeleroApr 16, 2011 4:40 PM

Apr 16, 2011 4:12 PM

Jan 2008
That's not what I was talking about. It's sort of an anime rule that you don't add a strange element without a reason. As such, after seening said element, and having already seen a shitload of anime, it was simple to connect the dots and figure out who RedMan was.
Apr 16, 2011 4:15 PM

Aug 2010
NecoDelero said:

Also the animation was pretty lazy at times. When that guy got cut down by Makina, he became completely motionless - despite him gasping in pain, he didn't flinch, breathe or move his mouth, there was no animation at all. Is this really Manglobe, the studio that animated Samurai Champloo?

dont u think they censored it?
Apr 16, 2011 4:16 PM
Jan 2010
I get what your saying now but it's only the first episode it's not like they need to have a reason for everything they've put in it just yet.
Apr 16, 2011 4:17 PM
Mar 2011
Well, I'm an idiot. I found out who the red man is by going on 4chan (which is known for spoilers).
Apr 16, 2011 4:17 PM

Jan 2008
Dan777 said:
I get what your saying now but it's only the first episode it's not like they need to have a reason for everything they've put in it just yet.

Perhaps, but if they hadn't include it, I couldn't have connected the dots. It's like it was put there on purpose, but they'll still try to pass off the big reveal as something nobody could have seen coming.
Apr 16, 2011 4:20 PM

Apr 2009
Heh forgot how Shiro's face was so annoying. ^_^;

Anyways. Poor Ganta and everyone else.
Apr 16, 2011 4:31 PM

Sep 2009
That was pretty epic, 12 episodes seems really short though. I'll probably give the manga a shot after the anime ends. o uo
Apr 16, 2011 4:34 PM

Oct 2010
omg what a great start, feel so sorry for ganta, i mean, he is innocent right ?
Apr 16, 2011 4:41 PM

Sep 2008
I wonder what his parents think of their son's arrest? Hey, what do you mean I'm the only one who asked that question? o.O

I'm close to dropping this. I might just watch this for Shiro though. It just depends how many times I facepalm each episode. :D

I wonder why everyone is mad about it being censored. Gore fetish much?
Apr 16, 2011 4:46 PM

Apr 2010
I feel like a jerk for dodging this show. 1000000 times better than I expected. Synopsis doesn't do it justice :X
Apr 16, 2011 4:46 PM
Mar 2010
At first, I was like, "Something wrong with the screen?" Stupid censoring, stared at a black screen with dialogue for a few minutes.
The adaption was better than I expected it to be, but they won't get very far with just 12 episodes...
Apr 16, 2011 4:50 PM
Jul 2018
cool shit
but my only concern is with 12 eps how much material are they going to cover?
Apr 16, 2011 4:51 PM

Jul 2009
"What size are those titties?" "G-cup"
Makina <3

Loved Makina and Shiro. ED was great. Ganta was annoying as usual. Looking forward to the next episode and seeing how they treat with the rest of DMWL
Apr 16, 2011 4:53 PM
Oct 2009
EtherSword said:

I wonder why everyone is mad about it being censored. Gore fetish much?

I've just skimmed through the manga and don't get it either. Actually, I dare to say that Manglobe actually put more depth into the introduction than it's original counterpart.
Apr 16, 2011 5:00 PM

Aug 2010
Kana Hanazawa = Perfect VA for Shiro.

Anyway, i love the manga and this didn't let me down. Animation and artwork aren't amazing but it's still very enjoyable.
fuck everything and rumble
Apr 16, 2011 5:05 PM

Nov 2008
Wow, I almost forgot the story since I've read this manga 2 years ago. I put this on-hold because it was still few chapters and I didn't read the manga since then. Thanks to that guy who bumped to Ganta made me recall almost everything XDD

Great adaptation so far, they even made a strong introduction unlike in the manga - they immediately sent him to prison XDD I have hopes of this series.

BTW is this going to be 12 episodes? I don't think they could cover much for the story.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Hanazawa Kana. This is going to be an awesome ride XDD
DenjaXApr 16, 2011 5:12 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Apr 16, 2011 5:08 PM

Apr 2008
Been waiting for this, and I'm quite happy with the start. Really, I think I'll probably enjoy the whole run, unless they really do try to end it in 12. The ending could be very, very bad if they don't do well enough for more seasons.

I'm really not bothered by the censorship. I was sort of anticipating the big, violent scene. It was powerful and all in the original, but I don't really think much was lost. They showed the important bits.

In case it isn't clear at this point, I have read the manga. Just... not recently. I honestly got sort of tired of waiting for scanlations to see the plot barely move. I think this will work much better as an anime, though. There's a lot of mysteries in the plot, but it's still mostly about the action. I'm hoping for some awesomely animated brawls.

On the complaints about the trial, I can't entirely disagree. It certainly does stick one with its absurdity. And that's even with the anime's better effort to explain it. Playing devil's advocate, one could argue that's how you're supposed to feel in order to sympathize with Ganta. It's very much how could this possibly happen to him from his perspective too. Then there's just the extent to which the trial was rigged. Without getting spoliery, you can see that his defense attorney was actually somebody very involved with matters, and thus there was probably more that we didn't see moving the trial's verdict.
Apr 16, 2011 5:09 PM

Sep 2009
What a load of utter fucking tripe.

No really. Bullcrap. Bullcrap everywhere.

First off, the basis on which the police arrested Ganta was completely bullshit.

On the second account, there is no way in hell a court would pass that verdict in the given circumstances.

3rd, the lawyer was fucking annoyingly cliche. Oh hey, you can trust me. Just look at this grin. Listen to my creepy voice. How can you not trust this. There is no way I'm going to screw you over. Nope.

Fourth, oh boy, regular teenage boy protagonist gets thrown in way over his head. There is no way that can go wrong.

Fifth, the random attack on the thief was retarded as all shit. It was supposed to represent a sense of grit/look really call, but all it was is simply a cheap stunt that makes no fucking sense and is by all accounts punishable by death.

6th, yeah, 'cause the audience really wants to feel helpless through a weedy little kid protagonist in a man's world. When has that ever been entertaining? The only solid way to provide entertainment having a character get dragged off screaming to jail is by having them do exactly what you want to do in their shoes: yell, using actual fucking logic, why the verdict is bullshit. Put up resistance. Show some fucking bravado. Make us like you. Come on, people!

7th, oh great, quirky mysterious girl with annoyingly "cute" character tics and a childlike innocence. Yeah, 'cause that worked out so well for Fractale. And god knows how many other shows I've tried to phase out of my mind.


Fuck this show. Manglobe have dropped the ball. Well, OK, it's not really Manglobe's fault, but what the hell.
Apr 16, 2011 5:10 PM

Jul 2009
im usually not a horror/gore fan but i got to say that was a very interesting episode
If your going to complain that Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas are on the top NY times manga best sellers, you must not realize how popular Card games are(as well as the fact that you get a free card).
Apr 16, 2011 5:27 PM
Jun 2009
Great show but can they really rap this up in 12 episodes?
Apr 16, 2011 5:32 PM

Nov 2007
Pretty good ep! It seems like a good adaptation so far & this is about how far i got in the manga so I can't wait for the next ep:D

Apr 16, 2011 5:40 PM

Feb 2010
Great first episode! I like the extra stuff they added in.

I always just like to think that the reason they arrested Ganta in the first place was because Tamaki has alot of connections. I figure the parents probably just went along with it coz they want someone to blame and how many people would think clearly after something like that happens to their family. Even if there was someone who though Ganta was innocent, a random stranger would just shrug it of anyway.
Apr 16, 2011 5:44 PM
Apr 2011
Lind_L_Tailor said:
What a load of utter fucking tripe.

No really. Bullcrap. Bullcrap everywhere.

First off, the basis on which the police arrested Ganta was completely bullshit.

On the second account, there is no way in hell a court would pass that verdict in the given circumstances.

3rd, the lawyer was fucking annoyingly cliche. Oh hey, you can trust me. Just look at this grin. Listen to my creepy voice. How can you not trust this. There is no way I'm going to screw you over. Nope.

Fourth, oh boy, regular teenage boy protagonist gets thrown in way over his head. There is no way that can go wrong.

Fifth, the random attack on the thief was retarded as all shit. It was supposed to represent a sense of grit/look really call, but all it was is simply a cheap stunt that makes no fucking sense and is by all accounts punishable by death.

6th, yeah, 'cause the audience really wants to feel helpless through a weedy little kid protagonist in a man's world. When has that ever been entertaining? The only solid way to provide entertainment having a character get dragged off screaming to jail is by having them do exactly what you want to do in their shoes: yell, using actual fucking logic, why the verdict is bullshit. Put up resistance. Show some fucking bravado. Make us like you. Come on, people!

7th, oh great, quirky mysterious girl with annoyingly "cute" character tics and a childlike innocence. Yeah, 'cause that worked out so well for Fractale. And god knows how many other shows I've tried to phase out of my mind.


Fuck this show. Manglobe have dropped the ball. Well, OK, it's not really Manglobe's fault, but what the hell.

I'll grant there are some holes in the basic plot, but automatically shooting down a show because all the answers aren't given in *the first episode* is kinda childish. Most of your points can - and probably will be explained for you - once the show gets into the meat of the plot (which, I'll also grant, is also fairly flimsy, but it's still entertaining xD)

To #3: Ganta had no reason *not* to trust the lawyer right off the bat. When presented with a public defender, one generally doesn't question the lawyer's loyalty. Couple that with being arrested almost as soon as you wake up from unconsciousness, a rational judgement about someone is the last thing that's gonna happen.

To #5: The attack makes sense because the inmates are already treated like playthings anyway - see the scene talking about the necklaces again. If the inmates were to be treated like people, the necklaces wouldn't be needed.

To #7: The difference between Shiro and Nessa is that Nessa was *intended* to be a child - such is almost the entire plot of Fractale. Shiro, as evidenced by her acrobatic defence of Ganta, is obviously more complex than Nessa ever could've been.

I could refute #1 and #2, but that could be far too spoilerific, so I'll just say that those aren't entirely accurate either.
Apr 16, 2011 5:49 PM

Sep 2010
wow nice episode I couldn't take my eyes off the screen it was so interesting 5/5. I hope it stays like this and don't go downhill. Hmm it looks like candy extends their time and if they don't have any and time runs out then they die...pretty unique right there.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Apr 16, 2011 6:04 PM

May 2010
To kill 29 classmates and ripping them into pieces is easy, all you need is a box-cutter if you can't afford an axe.
GnowmiApr 16, 2011 6:09 PM
Apr 16, 2011 6:05 PM

Sep 2009
Vhaeraun said:
automatically shooting down a show because all the answers aren't given in *the first episode* is kinda childish.
I shot down this episode, not the entire show. But experience tells me where this is going. The same bin as Fractale and Eureka Seven.

To 3: I didn't say Ganta had no reason not to trust him, what I'm pissed off about is how the plot handled that and how his appearance and general mannerisms were such a goddamn cliche. I'm reading Stone Ocean right now, and it just pulled off the same twist a million times better.

To 5: That's bullshit. That's exactly what I'm complaining about. It's overdone.

To 7: Yeah, and Fractale and Eureka Seven both COMPLETELY failed to make it work. Especially Fractale. After seeing it happen in an extremely similar fashion twice, it's pretty obvious she's headed in the same direction. She's just gonna maul some guys or something. And then there'll be this big dark plot twist about her origins and blah blah blah don't care.

To 1 and 2: And here's a problem, I already knew somebody was going to say that. It was obviously rigged. Clear problem is, nobody fucking says that. And the anger will not suddenly be cleared up with an explanation. It's one of those plot devices that still gets used, and I can understand that most writers won't get the problem, because they seem to think that they're still giving out good entertainment in that sense as long as they just cover it from a plot perspective.

And before you say I'm judging it before I'm watching it, let's make this clear: I am only judging it IF they go down the road I predicted. But it all seems very predictable. If they do something else, good on them. But they won't.
Apr 16, 2011 6:06 PM
Jul 2008
You gotta love the people saying the court case was bullshit, simply because they saw the event themselves (They must be so unable to recognise different perspectives in real life)

The death of 29 close people, a corrupt lawyer with lots of power and influence, a mysterious lone survivor, a convincing video of self-confession, irrational grief stricken parents, and all in a world where the legal system is so screwed that a privately owned prison can play god with the lives of its prisoners = an obvious lack of justice

That besides, an interesting concept needs weird plot devices to establish itself in the first episode. This is a show where people can move their own blood at will. Be accomodating at least, people

Anyways, fantastic episode. Seems to me Manglobe have got the atmosphere down nicely. Even through the TV censorship you could see that the gorey details were all there, so there's hope for that at least. Like many people I am wondering how 12 episodes is going to work exactly, especially with the scenes in the ending.
Apr 16, 2011 6:19 PM

Jan 2011
Awesome start! I've been waiting for this for such a long time after I spent like a whole day reading through almost the entire manga, well the scanlated chapters. I didn't mind the censoring at all, I thought it still delivered the effect it was going for, fear for him and sadness for his friends. I just hate that there's only 12 episodes, can that really be enough? I mean, there are SO many good concepts and side characters in the manga, I hope none of them get cut screentime because of the episode limit.
Apr 16, 2011 6:21 PM

Oct 2010
Ousto said:
Wait, I just checked the voice actor for it - Paku Romi. I was thinking to myself "He sounds like Ed...". Guess that's why. I'll give Ganta's voice a chance then, since Paku Romi is a great voice actor.

I don't care about the censoring, since I'm not watching this show just for the gore.

Him getting arrested for the class dying makes me rage. There's no way a kid could destroy the classroom that bad. But watching him get beat up by the angry parents made me laugh a bit, I'm terrible.

Dat Hanazawa Kana. Shiro has white eyelashes. I've never noticed that before.

Makina has always reminded me of Erza from Fairy Tail.

Ganta's powers look really cool animated.

Lol @ the guy about to kill someone for candy. Sounds crazy if you don't know what the candy is used for in this show.

The first ep was pretty good, looking forward to more. Worried that the ending for this show is gonna suck though.

yea, i was wondering if ganta's voice was really ed's X) still wondering the use of candy though [as i've haven't followed the manga] :S did dat guy who knocked ganta took his candy? :S
Apr 16, 2011 6:42 PM
Apr 2011
otakuhime said:
yea, i was wondering if ganta's voice was really ed's X) still wondering the use of candy though [as i've haven't followed the manga] :S did dat guy who knocked ganta took his candy? :S

The timer on the one guy's necklace ran out, and he died. It later showed that eating a piece of candy reset that timer to 72 hours. It was just as vague in the manga, but it was implying that the candy keeps the inmates alive. And yes, the guy stole the candy

@Lind: Fair points, all of them. Forgive me for misunderstanding your comments. Grats on 1000 posts, btw ^^
Apr 16, 2011 6:50 PM

Jan 2011
as a long reader of the Manga i liked it alot only problem is the Censoring i can understand why they had to because if you read the manga it was gore to the max at times i was shocked by it,one thing i did notice that was not in the manga was the whole court scene unless it was in some part of the manga later on that i don't remember,other than tha one of my favorite character was working out like a boss at the end can't wait for his screen time:D.
Apr 16, 2011 6:53 PM

Oct 2009
Oh shit, that was hot. Omg. Omg. Omg.
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Apr 16, 2011 6:56 PM

May 2010
Apr 16, 2011 7:07 PM
Sep 2010
Been looking forward to this since two season ago when it was suppose to air. The Manga is awesome and hopefully the anime is just as good. Also, I love the ending song, NIRGILIS is an amazing band.
Apr 16, 2011 7:12 PM

Feb 2009
AWESOME! Well worth the wait! I think we're going to have a three way battle for best series of the season :) I loved the manga and I am so glad that they are doing it justice.

I'm glad that Shiro is just as I imagined her, cannot wait to see more of the fights and challenges.
Apr 16, 2011 7:44 PM

Sep 2009
shiro looked ugly in this......
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