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May 1, 2011 2:41 AM

Feb 2010
pretty close to the manga = good ep hope they continue like this.
May 1, 2011 4:48 AM

Jul 2008
"Downgrading" it to 9.

Why is the villain (the promoter) brilliant BUT insane?

If a villain is sane, he or she is always NOT brilliant. A villain can love killing/death without being insane you know.
May 1, 2011 4:52 AM

Jul 2009
Enter Senji,
. Still made quite a good apperance imo.
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

May 1, 2011 6:46 AM

Jun 2009
That was a great episode, but the animation kinda dropped a little. Interesting to see theres another guy who can use the same power as Ganta and the Red Man. What bothers me is the beeps, I wish they'd remove it.

May 1, 2011 7:18 AM

Dec 2009
lol @ "You're going to use you-know-what?", the übercliché of all shonen clichés.
Ara ara.
May 1, 2011 8:34 AM

Nov 2010
They better make a good ending or give us a second season.
12 episodes is not enough!
May 1, 2011 8:49 AM

Dec 2009
this anime went very nice . I like the episode :D
May 1, 2011 10:15 AM

Apr 2008
galimx said:
Ok, they have the ability to manipulate and control their own blood? But without the red crystal that was inserted by the Red Man, they couldnt do it? So why, in the first place, does the Red Man, inserted the crystal?

Why not wait and find out or just pick up the manga if you lack the patience
May 1, 2011 11:33 AM
Sep 2008
Would you PLEASE put that in a spoiler tag? ^
May 1, 2011 11:36 AM

Apr 2009
Another great episode. Shiro demonstrating more power, interested in seeing how she ended up like that. lol @ getting mad at Ganta for not mentioning her as a friend. I wonder if some of these scenes will be re-animated for the blu-ray. I usually don't care about things like this but Ganta's voice is annoying some(yes i know who the voice actor is). The guy in red and the guy who shows up at the end don't seem the same(If im missing something, tell me please). And this episode just re-affirm my thought from the beginning and that is Makina will likely be killed. Overall, it liked the episode. I'll read the manga myself when this is over. I want to give the show a fair shake objectively(tho 12 episode anime's in general for this type normally end up being sort of a mess despite starting off well)
DreddMay 1, 2011 11:40 AM
May 1, 2011 12:03 PM

Sep 2009
Average episode. The robot chase sequence was lame, the characters conveniently evade missiles and can knock off robot's head if necessary. In-building use of missiles by prison administration? That's just stupid and unrealistic. Sending a killer robot after the main cast? Very cliche.

Additionally, the characters appear to have superpowers similar to Elfen Lied, why not use on humans? I'd love to see some close-ups. Hehe.
May 1, 2011 12:17 PM
Sep 2008

You might not want to QUOTE it then, or at least put spoilers on the quote.
May 1, 2011 1:42 PM

Jan 2011
No number for Shiro o:
lol interesting episode
e3e gore like always~
liking where this is going <3
May 1, 2011 1:49 PM

Jul 2009
Shiro is the highlight of this show :(
May 1, 2011 2:23 PM

Feb 2009
I love Shiro. <3
May 1, 2011 4:13 PM
Sep 2008
Seriously, can people stop posting spoilers for people who haven't read the manga? :/
I'm lucky enough to have read it up til the latest chapter, but you are ruining the anime for the rest who haven't.
May 1, 2011 4:37 PM

Aug 2010
scarsymmetry19 said:

I'm stupid because I like to post spoilers.

Why, yes you are <3
I read the manga so it's no problem for me, but please stop with the spoilers, you are just ruining it for everyone else. If you want to spoil people, please use the spoiler tags, they are there for a reason. I'm not just talking to you, but for everyone here that posted a spoiler.
If a person wants to know what happens next, they will either read the manga or ask other people for spoilers. And if they ask, you answer through PMs.
Have a nice day.
May 1, 2011 4:37 PM

Jul 2009
Some cliche's are timeless; a machein charges towards you from a short distance at great speed, yet you still have time for an argument and solution? It reminds me of a time bomb about to go off in under 5 seconds; the character(s) always find a way out of that certian death situation.

It seems Ganta will assume this new guy is the red man, when it seems so clear that he's not; though we got to see the face up front and he possibly hasn't, it's clear that they don't share the same skin tone or jaw line (or fashion sense?).

Shiro is so clearly dodgy that it's funny; why hasn't Ganta picked up on an odd naked girl poping in and out of a secure facility? If he doesn't think she's atleast an insider, he's dim!

May 1, 2011 5:13 PM

Aug 2009
Yeah, this episode was F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S... Ganta is fucking idiot u.u Shiro <3
The block G and mysterious man was well done
there are still a doubt about how Ganta active your power!
the voice of ganta and your personality as a child, a point that i dont liked in this anime yet

Lay on, lay on, lay on, lay on...
May 1, 2011 7:01 PM
Apr 2010
Silgrond said:
Damn, the cliffhanger...
I love this so much. Shiro's seiyuu always reminds me of Nessa from Fractale.

That's because she is lol
But man, good ep.
May 1, 2011 8:51 PM

Feb 2008
Deleted all non- spoiler tagged spoilers since adding more spoiler tags will only make things worse.

Anymore of this blatant spoiling spree and I might actually start going on a banning spree.

This message has been brought to you by your local moderator.
May 1, 2011 9:31 PM

Sep 2008
Jieru-kun said:
Shiro is the highlight of this show :(

The only highlight to this anime. I'm done with this though, Shiro kept me going for 3 episodes but the sheer stupidity of everything is tiresome.
May 2, 2011 1:31 AM

Apr 2011
Awesome anime. I'm very upset about the director of Deadman Wonderland, he is hiding the Read Man in the G Block, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew that Ganta is innocent and the Red Man is responsible for massacring the schoolmates of Ganta. The stupidity of Shiro is really annoying.
May 2, 2011 2:18 AM

Aug 2008
Are the guards retarded or something? I thought they were supposed to catch Ganta? All that robot does is murder.

Shiro, Ganta and You look like they could make a good team once they get their sh*t together. And it's nice to see a new freak show up. I was getting bored with those regular meatsack prisoners.

May 2, 2011 2:19 AM

May 2009
4/5, good enuff' ;)
May 2, 2011 5:53 AM

Oct 2008
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
May 2, 2011 9:55 AM

Apr 2011
Shiro can be such a baka, but I still love her <3 only if her attention was just a little higher. But great episode overall 5/5
May 2, 2011 1:08 PM
Oct 2007
I love the BGM/OST in this entire episode. The tension and combat comes together well.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 2, 2011 3:40 PM

Dec 2008
Shiro now is not the time for you to have a stupid temper tantrum over nothing.
May 2, 2011 7:38 PM

Dec 2010
I fell in love with Shiro ♥♥♥ And her seiyuu is just amazing *.*
mirroroMay 2, 2011 7:46 PM
May 3, 2011 8:48 AM

Feb 2010
Wow. Badassery abounds.

So... speculations (for those who know what the f happens...)

Either way awesome!

Oh yeah, and OP=win.
May 3, 2011 8:53 AM
Jul 2010
Mother Goose System, Wretched Egg (Red Man?), G-block and The Branches of Sin. Interesting stuff... Now I'm eager to watch the next one to know what those things are. Too bad it's a long way until Sunday...
It seems like the prison/entertainment park is just a facade for whatever is really going on in Deadman Wonderland... Things are warming up now!
Oh, and Shiro was awesome in this episode xD I find it amazing how she cares more about things we would deem irrelevant instead of being worried about the dangerous situation they were into^^
hontobakaMay 3, 2011 8:57 AM
May 3, 2011 10:13 AM

Jan 2010
Silgrond said:
I love this so much. Shiro's seiyuu always reminds me of Nessa from Fractale.
I think that's because it happens to be the same seiyuu, wouldn't you agree?

It seems the red man is not the same person as the one held in G block...

Aniki1990 said:
This is pretty cool, but the beeps are getting annoying.... just glad it doesn't do it 50 times per episode.
Because they are making plans for more than one season. If they made it 24 episodes long, it would be a long time before a sequel, but being only 12...

mirroro said:
I fell in love with Shiro ♥♥♥ And her seiyuu is just amazing *.*
You just discovered the hot water?
werrstonMay 3, 2011 11:07 AM
May 3, 2011 2:56 PM

Feb 2011
DoubleDango said:
Wtf, the animation just went down three folds. Wow, what a dissapointment; first they screw up the content by just rushing an original anime ending and now they fucked up the only good part -- the animated Shiro. The ONLY reason I'm watching this is to see Shiro animated and they fucked it up.

I agree, Shiro was much cuter in the manga...many of the characters are poorly animated in many of the sequences..

Senji and his powers are looking promising though

May 3, 2011 3:02 PM

Dec 2010
Silgrond said:

mirroro said:
I fell in love with Shiro ♥♥♥ And her seiyuu is just amazing *.*
You just discovered the hot water?

hot water?
mirroroMay 4, 2011 3:49 AM
May 4, 2011 2:21 AM

May 2010
CROW is so cool, I'm itchin for one the next one !
May 4, 2011 2:45 AM

Jul 2010
Great episode, although everybody's reasoning was pretty dull. Sending a big ass robot after him? Really? Also that Promoter is such an asshole. =3

Really curious about who Shiro and the "Wretched Egg" actually are now... =\

May 4, 2011 5:17 AM

Jan 2008
The OST/BgM is so damn amazing. Definitely in the must-have list. CROW is so cool and badass. This episode is better than I expected and made its way within my top 3 shows in the list this season. I want moar!
May 4, 2011 7:42 AM

Sep 2010
Red man appears again...... And Kills......

Awesome Episode........ Anyways.........
May 4, 2011 10:30 AM
Jan 2009
I really want to know what's up with Shiro. There are so many questions behind her. I hope they get to it in the 12 episodes. I guess we get some insight during the ED but not nearly enough info.

So, is this new guy a new guy or the red man without the head covering. I know the next ep. is "Crow" but wasn't sure if that was his name or what.
May 4, 2011 3:35 PM

Nov 2009
Blood bending is awesome. Seems like we are stepping into the big league already X.x
May 4, 2011 10:28 PM

Jul 2007
mirroro said:
Silgrond said:

mirroro said:
I fell in love with Shiro ♥♥♥ And her seiyuu is just amazing *.*
You just discovered the hot water?

hot water?

Allusion to this:
The basic idea is that you should have been in love with her from the beginning, not just now.
きみ は だれ だい?
ぼく は ラムボ!
ぼく は だれ だい?
きみ は ラムボ!
ラムボ なんでし!
May 4, 2011 11:25 PM
Apr 2011
DoubleDango said:
Wtf, the animation just went down three folds. Wow, what a dissapointment; first they screw up the content by just rushing an original anime ending and now they fucked up the only good part -- the animated Shiro. The ONLY reason I'm watching this is to see Shiro animated and they fucked it up.

You should just stop watching then.
May 5, 2011 12:49 AM

Dec 2010
Ani-Blast said:
mirroro said:
Silgrond said:

mirroro said:
I fell in love with Shiro ♥♥♥ And her seiyuu is just amazing *.*
You just discovered the hot water?

hot water?

Allusion to this:
The basic idea is that you should have been in love with her from the beginning, not just now.

Oh, I see. Sometimes it takes me a lot of time to fancy someone. I like her from the beginning, but I fell in love with Shiro, when I read manga and I found out about her 'second nature'.
May 5, 2011 1:14 AM

Oct 2007
Shiro is so damn annoying... She's destroying great anime, it could have been awesome without her... But no, we have to deal with retarded moe in every single anime. Nessa was superb in Fractale, she's quite okay in Steins;Gate but here... Hanazawa, why must you be everywhere? Why must you make your characters much more retarded than they already were?
8,5/10 after first ep, 5/10 after second, 5,5/10 after third... I hope it will get better and mood from first episode will return. For now, we have jolly adventure of boy and girl with random, stupid, meaningless, not stirring at all deaths around them.

I took a look at first chapter of manga and it seemed to be much better...
May 5, 2011 4:07 AM

Dec 2010
Progeusz said:
Shiro is so damn annoying... She's destroying great anime, it could have been awesome without her...

In my opinion, this anime wouldn`t be the same without her, you`ll see why. Read manga, if you want to figure out sooner.
(26 chapterów jest po polsku na necie, przyjemnie się czyta, więc można szybko się z tym uporać)
mirroroMay 5, 2011 4:41 AM
May 5, 2011 4:19 AM

Jun 2009
Progeusz said:
Shiro is so damn annoying... She's destroying great anime, it could have been awesome without her...

No. Hanazawa Kana needs to be everywhere.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
May 5, 2011 4:27 AM

Oct 2008
Progeusz said:
Shiro is so damn annoying... She's destroying great anime, it could have been awesome without her... But no, we have to deal with retarded moe in every single anime.

I have to agree with this.
And I know my stuff well about Shiro but her character is annoying in this type of anime. I also like Hanazawa Kana's voice - it's perfect for cute girls, but such characters aren't good in Deadman Wonderland imo.
May 5, 2011 5:40 AM

Apr 2008
I can't help but laugh hysterically at those hating on Shiro.
May 5, 2011 6:44 AM

Oct 2007
shadowsword said:
And I know my stuff well about Shiro but her character is annoying in this type of anime. I also like Hanazawa Kana's voice - it's perfect for cute girls, but such characters aren't good in Deadman Wonderland imo.
That's right, Shiro seems out of the place in Deadman Wonderland, everything tries to be serious, dramatical, there is even 'horror' tag for this anime but there we have Shiro shouting 'baka' with cute voice in the middle of the fight...
I like Hanazawa as well, after all I have Tenshi in my favs. Kana was great as Zange, Nessa, Char, Coco, Nadeko <3 However, I get the feeling it starts to be

mirroro said:
In my opinion, this anime wouldn`t be the same without her, you`ll see why. Read manga, if you want to figure out sooner.
(26 chapterów jest po polsku na necie, przyjemnie się czyta, więc można szybko się z tym uporać)
In that case, I will read manga before watching next episodes hoping to find decent explanation, thanks.
(wolę angielskie tłumaczenie, już parę razy przejechałem się na polskim, z tego co widzę są aż 43 chapy)
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