Even though Natsume and Madara are great characters I have to admit that I can't allow myself to like main characters the most - it's a leftover aversion from shonen content so for this show my favorite character is “Little foxy loxy”... I just adore him... Don’t get me wrong, I love Natsume and Madara but my crazy reasoning won’t allow me to call them my top favorites...
Natori Shuichi. The action pumps up whenever it's a Natori-centric manga episode (I'm up to vol 7). Nasty evil youkai encounters makes a better read than the gentle 'please give my name back' episodes.
My favorite character is the little fox yokai that comes up in episode 7 in the 1st season, next to tama chan. They are soooo adorable x33333333~~
Well other than those cute characters which will always find their way into my top favorite spots, I'd have to say Natsume and Nyanko sensei are given favorites.
How can I choose.. eh. but I voted for NAtsume~!:D And I liked that fox kid a lot! ^^ [Sorry dont remember its name.XD]
''Even if your throne crumbles and your shiny crown turns to rust. Even if the bodies pile up endlessly. Above the bottomless piles of corpses beside you as you lay softly down I will be, until I hear the words, check mate'' Sebastian Michaelis.
*gasp* How are the Fujiwaras not in the poll? You fail at life!
I chose Natsume, because, well, he's Natsume and his soul is the most beautiful thing ever. Nyanko-Sensei and Natori follow, then the Fujiwaras and Tanuma, and then Hinoe. Then Reiko.
Okay, I'll stop. But this series seriously has some of the best supporting cast around, and I pretty much love every single one of them, including Sasada and Matoba. I don't like most of Natsume's other relatives, though. :/
Natsume is def my fave, i mean whats not to like about him.
I also like Kogitsune, i think he is the cutest character in this anime and he should have more screentime :(