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Dec 24, 2016 7:14 PM
May 2015
Since "geas" is gaelic and cc is likely a european witch (Cailleach) I would go with a gaelic (Irish/Scottish) name. Which noone can pronounce anyway, thus "cc".

Cutty-sark (a nick name for a scottish witch named Nannie/Anna Dee). Also quite a prominent phrase since it features in Robert Burns & James Joyces and is also a tube station in london.
0v1Dec 24, 2016 7:28 PM
Dec 28, 2016 9:34 AM
Dec 2016
they never actually tell you her name but they give you hints, initially when lelouch brings it up she responds by talking about snow then when he learns her name he makes his comment about snow being beautiful and liking it. From that you can determine it has some meaning involving snow. The animators also animated him saying it which gives you the general number of syllables in the name from there someone with enough time and energy could narrow it down based on where she was from. Also in later episodes slavery is most prominent in the great asian union so i assume C.C is from that area.
Jan 9, 2017 6:43 PM

Jun 2015
It's Coco Chanel, duh.
Jan 30, 2017 5:28 PM
Jan 2017
I tried to read his lips when he said it and came up with leluoch for whatever reason so I think they have the same name
Feb 3, 2017 5:44 AM
Oct 2016
She doesn't have a name lelouch said that
Mar 30, 2017 6:45 AM
Feb 2017
in the codegeass dub
when nunally met c.c. she said c.t. and called those c.c. initials
what if c.c. her real name is CITA or something?
Apr 5, 2017 9:39 PM
Apr 2017
She reminds me a lot of Joan of Arc. European, seems to be the right time period, burned at the stake, had a strong connection with "God", loved by many but was eventually betrayed... maybe she is Joan of Arc in an alternate reality.
Apr 5, 2017 10:04 PM
Apr 2017
If you look at Lelouche's lips in the anime, you can tell, if you watch very closely. you can read his lips as he is saying Cera Corliss. That's gotta be it. There are no other time appororiate name I can find that match up with his lips. Problem solved guys, I figured it out. That is also fits since her first name was aparently first intended to be Cera.
Apr 9, 2017 5:08 PM
Apr 2017
The only thing I got from reading his lips was this pronounciation
_-ah • _-ee/i • _-ah • _-em/ah-m/eb/ah-b • _-ee/i
5 syllables in the whole name. So everyone putting such short names or names that don't fit that pronunciation are wrong.
Apr 26, 2017 8:42 AM
Oct 2016
her true name is none or simply blank
May 28, 2017 10:37 AM

May 2017
I want to share my thoughts on this, my theories and ideas may not be right but I will type as if they are:

Let's take the obvious things out of this, the original plot has something to do with a Britannian family and a boy named Lelouch - because of an accident with his mother who got shot, Lelouch and Nunnally (his sister) go into hiding. That part's obvious. Lelouch: He hates/has a distaste for people who are higher than him and he is very good at chess and wants to dominate the world in the 'near future'.
That point is obvious, of course.

We know C.C gives him a 'Geass'. C.C can be an abbreviation: Code C, Creator Code, Complete Catastrophe, etc. But in the Japanese pronounciation: 'C.C' is 'Shi.Tsu'.

I went on google translate and translated shitsu. The translation is: Situation.
After a while, I went by a few words: Jokyo, Ariyo, Jo, Yodai, Guai, Jotai, Jitai, Keikyo, Mitoshi, Tenbo, Kitai, Shorai, Raise, Takai, Toko, Suezue.
Fortunately, I found a similar word to C.C: Suezue and I immediately stopped looking and read the translation for Suezue.

'Distant Future'. Although C.C may not be from the future, all signs point to C.C assosiating to the future of Britannia and her part in the whole story is to 'Create' and new future for Britannia.

HOWEVER! This is my theory, but because her name used to be Cecile/Cera, I can't really say nothing about this, it's just a name tbh and if it was to actually mean something and link to the whole plot of the anime, I think Suezue would go well with it!
Jun 6, 2017 3:37 PM
Jun 2017
Think about it, in C's world, we see the massive world of Jupiter depicted as the collective unconciousness. The entire planet is the humans collective unconsciousness, which unconsciousness is something we are not aware of in our own self. So this lead me to believe that C.C is not her name but stands for Collective Conscious. When C.C is talking to herself, like when she does with marianne, she is actually talking through the Collective Conscious, something we can viably understand because we are conscious when we are awake and can form thoughts, create memories, and speak. When she was given the Immortality code from the nun, she was also manifested this power, changing her original name. I also think that those were her original initials too. Also, when Lelouch or Suzaku touched her we got flashes of horror, these would be explained by the Collective Consciousness protecting its host and they were just tapping into that using C.C as a gate. Just a thought, I have'nt found something like this online so I put it out there my name is Jade Thanh Nguyen.
Jun 23, 2017 10:53 AM

Jul 2013
This is old but I still wanted to know her real name so I went to other countries network to find cc name and I got this
Elizabeth Amalia Eugenie von Wittbach Chisi (pronounced Sissi)
don't know if it is right because I useing google translator
Full background:CC, the 19th century, 50 years of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Bavaria Elizabeth Amalia Eugenie von Wittbach Chisi (pronounced Sissi). Nationality speculation for the modern German Bavarian region (clothing and R2 in the end of the film appeared in the Queen of the Queen of Sissy symbol - Swan Castle , in addition to R2 and Brittany family photo in the background, Castle Lake view shows a high degree of reduction similarity). [3]
Birthday is unknown (if the queen for the queen, the birthday of CC December 25, the birth date of 1837, during the period is called Christmas Sunday, the history of the year when the snow held a snowflake dance). Age is estimated to be over 500 years old (Lulu Xiu (They call lelouch this in their lanuage) called the immortal witch, according to the birthday of Sissy for the projections) (appearance for the 19-year-old girl, the actual age of Chitose or so, the official novel STAGE-4).
sources:baike baidu
That why they call her C.C but her real name is still unknown.
asdzhangJun 23, 2017 10:59 AM
Jun 25, 2017 4:52 AM
Jun 2015
i know that from an anime standpoint lip reading is stupid as hell but if they accurately lipped at the end of episode 11 when lelouche said her name before the drop of water for whatever reason, lelouche seems to have said:
1. a/ka/ha/wa/ma(kya/sha/mya/ya) name starts with open mouth-*ah* sound, possibly starting with "ma" as closed mouth to open mouth can make m sound.
2. sa/na/(kya/sha/nya/ya) teeth seem to touch lower lip or nearly touch lower lip and end with *ah*
3. da/ta(kya/sha/ya) very similar to "sa/na..." but very teeth only touch bottom lips for a very short period of time, which point to being "da/ta..."
3. (_)i/n name ends with teeth touching bottom lips and *i* characters and "n" does this

*note*: there are more ya sounds than mentioned above but i only wrote the ones that fit the lip reading of the certain syllable

tried my best to make it accurate as possible using hiragana but i can't think of what names could come of those, suggestions?
Jul 8, 2017 1:26 AM
Jul 2017
I guess no I believe her name must be 'Yuki' as in Japanese "Yuki" stamds for snow and there's a lot of discussion about snow in previous episodes, as of "Snow is white bcoz it has no or it has forgotten its past", Also Lelouche in the cave said "Now I understand why snow is white" to C2, thus all this leads to a single deduction and that is snow, since it's an anime so it must be Japanese for snow which is Yuki
Jul 29, 2017 8:28 AM
Jul 2017
Appalooza said:
She reminds me a lot of Joan of Arc. European, seems to be the right time period, burned at the stake, had a strong connection with "God", loved by many but was eventually betrayed... maybe she is Joan of Arc in an alternate reality.
Exactly my thought! .i mean look at her story. .she pledge allegiance to Charles VII the Victorious during the Hundred years war. .and guess the name of Charles VII's spouse? Its fucking Marie of Anjou. Doesn't that sound like a shortened Marianne to you? .thats the foundation of their relationship just like in the anime,.They are trying to end the hundred yrs war! But here is the twist, in history, Charles VI actually disinherited his son Charles VII. Sounds familiar? Thats actually Charles Vi Britannia disinheriting Lelouch! (Thats the "Vi" in the name). Until Joan of Arc, by having obtained sprititual revelations, helped charles VII free France from the english rule and proclaiming him the rightful king. Thats like C.C. helping Lelouch free Japan from Britannia and until he became emperor ( but of course in a more dramatic way)
Aug 8, 2017 5:35 PM
Aug 2017
her name c.c is a reference to Cu Chulain the celtic god who made a contract whit Morrigan who made him immortal until the contract is over (what is this contract? replace the dog he kill until somebody else take is place) Btw, before that contract whit morrigan cu chulain was named Setanta
ErzaTitanScarletAug 8, 2017 5:41 PM
Aug 23, 2017 2:58 AM
Aug 2017
some part of it should be "chiko"
because after a dripping C.C. said they finally called my name.
and dripping in Japanese is chiko
doesn't it make sense?
Japanese people needed to confirm :D
Nov 27, 2017 12:22 PM
Apr 2017
maybe it's Namida for "tear"
or Shiroi.
Nov 27, 2017 12:25 PM
Jul 2018
wow. i can't believe no one knows it. alright alright here is her name.

Jan 29, 2018 5:29 PM
Jul 2016
Its really simple honestly...
1-Medieval European name.
2-Most likely has two "C"s in it.

I'll bet its CECILIA
The % chance is just to high...
May 3, 2018 4:18 AM
Apr 2018
i watched the anime recently and in the 11th episode he said : "I dont know why snow is white" so my guess.... Yuki(snow)+shiro(white) = Shirayuki..??? maybe
May 3, 2018 6:51 AM

Nov 2016
Inb4 they reveal her name in the third season.
May 3, 2018 6:57 AM

Feb 2016
Her real name is unknown but I guess we will find out in the 3rd season. I'm really curious about her real name tho.

I will not believe that everything is controlled by fate.

ll X ll
Sep 19, 2018 9:09 AM

Sep 2017
Shizuku and Sekisetsu come close. But that betrays her origins of being European. My guess is that she is Joan of Arc/Jeanne d'Arc. Her original pronunciation could have been Cehanne d`Arc, so that's probably how she got C.C. Note: Joan of Arc often referred to herself as "the maiden" and was burned at the stake. Also, she was influential in liberating France against Brittanian forces and was said to have heard voices from angels. Pretty close if you ask me.

I don't think that her name will be vague, according to me. Her name must be somehow important. But anyways, this is just a wild guess and her name might as well be Colorless Condensation. Remember that she is said to have forgotten her name and only muttered it in her sleep.

Who knows?

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

May 18, 2019 8:13 PM
May 2019
her real name is Yuki Shirio ( snow white) in Japanese
May 18, 2019 8:43 PM

Jun 2016
JahTheGoat123 said:
her real name is Yuki Shirio ( snow white) in Japanese

How did you know that

May 18, 2019 8:47 PM
May 2019
Levi_Ackerman_30 said:
JahTheGoat123 said:
her real name is Yuki Shirio ( snow white) in Japanese

How did you know that
episode 11 Lelouch used word play
Jun 15, 2020 9:36 PM
Aug 2019
In that one episode where Lelunch finds out her real name, we can hear him say it out loud. Except we all assume that her name was blocked by the creators of the show to create more interest within the show. The sound is covered by the sound of water falling on some rocks. My theory is that Lelunch didn't actually get his voice censored but instead he said her real name, so her real name is the *drip sound effect* that we heard. He said her name but we all assumed that her name was censored but her name is actually *drip sound effect*. *DROPS MIC*
Jul 9, 2024 2:30 PM

Apr 2010
My guess would be Cytherea: Another name for the goddess Aphrodite. Cytherea is associated with love, beauty, and passion. She was born near the island of Cythera (hence the name) and had the power to ensnare both gods and mortals with love. Given her backstory and geass it would make sense.

Another would be Circe, who was a sorceress (and minor goddess) in Homer's Odyssey that ensorceled people.

But there's also Cerridwen from Welsh mythology that could fit. Although Cerridwen is more commonly associated with knowledge and transformation, she is a powerful sorceress in Welsh mythology. She brewed a potion of wisdom and inspiration, and her lore involves themes of transformation and enchantment. Not too dissimilar from geass.

If you wanted to be real fancy you could make it Cytherea Cerridwen (or the opposite) to incorporate both of her themes representing both stages of her life. If the author was real cerebral that could definitely make total sense.
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