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Mar 16, 2009 6:42 PM

Jun 2008
First time this anime gave me an uneasy feeling at the end >_<.
That creepy youkai in the end, holding a knife and staring at Natsume freaks me out.

(If anyone has watched Naruto) : The boy named Kai that's appearing in the next episode sounds like naruto (voice).
Maybe it's done by the same seiyuu? :D
Mar 16, 2009 9:49 PM

Jun 2008
i'm 99% sure that the next episode's boy's seiyuu is indeed Takeuchi Junko; i just thought of that XD

I'm curious about Reiko's death now that they mentioned it o_O
and poor youkai in the beginning :'(
Mar 16, 2009 9:50 PM

Nov 2007
swtcakes said:
First time this anime gave me an uneasy feeling at the end >_<.
That creepy youkai in the end, holding a knife and staring at Natsume freaks me out.

(If anyone has watched Naruto) : The boy named Kai that's appearing in the next episode sounds like naruto (voice).
Maybe it's done by the same seiyuu? :D

I think that creepy youkai is staring at Kai, not Natsume.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 16, 2009 9:50 PM

Feb 2008
MaxCrazy7 said:
It seems the ideogram that Hiragi drew on Natsume's arm didn't protect like it suppose to do. Now I am curious about how Reiko died. Something tells me it wasn't natural. Anyway Natsume kicked ass in this episode!

what do you mean? that ideogram is the only reason he still has an arm O.o

I've wondered about his grandmother's death from time to time but always put it down to a lost duel and didn't think about it much since it didn't seem like it was ever likely to matter to the plot of the show.
Mar 17, 2009 12:12 AM
Apr 2008
I've been waiting for this progression from routine 'return names to youkais' to the darker side of occult for ages! So yeah, am a happy camper.

Tokou-san must be one of the most trusting guardian :D. This is the second time (in anime) she lets Takashi spend the night away from home with the drama idol. Did Takashi feed her some white lie about going to the movies & staying over? Gee, fujoshi are gonna have a field day.

Matoba clan's pretty creepy, and I bet my socks they're gonna be Natori & Natsume's rivals in the future. Now that the question of the circumstances surrounding Reiko's death been brought up, I bet Takashi will want to find out more.

If the next 2 eps gonna follow the manga, it will get exciting & creepier. Now, surely there'll be season 3? Coz they CANNOT stop now that the series is getting interesting!
Mar 17, 2009 12:35 AM

Jun 2006
Takai said:
i'm 99% sure that the next episode's boy's seiyuu is indeed Takeuchi Junko; i just thought of that XD

I'm curious about Reiko's death now that they mentioned it o_O
and poor youkai in the beginning :'(

OMG! You're right it does sound like her. xD I was like..."That voice sounds familiar."

Yeah...makes me wonder about her death too..

Dude I was shocked when all of a sudden the shadow pops up from nowhere. I was like. ":O" It gave me an uneasy feeling. xD
Mar 17, 2009 12:56 AM

Jan 2008
swtcakes said:
First time this anime gave me an uneasy feeling at the end >_<.
That creepy youkai in the end, holding a knife and staring at Natsume freaks me out.

(If anyone has watched Naruto) : The boy named Kai that's appearing in the next episode sounds like naruto (voice).
Maybe it's done by the same seiyuu? :D

For me it'll always be Gon Freecs voice of Hunter x Hunter, not Naruto since she did Gon first and their voices are almost identical.
Mar 17, 2009 2:22 PM

Jun 2008
tsubasalover said:

I think that creepy youkai is staring at Kai, not Natsume.

Ah, you may be right ^^;;
Still creepy though xD

xbandaidx said:

For me it'll always be Gon Freecs voice of Hunter x Hunter, not Naruto since she did Gon first and their voices are almost identical.

Haha I see. I didn't watch hunterxhunter so I didn't know.
Her voice is sorta stuck in my head as naruto because I've been watching that for a few years ^^;;
Mar 17, 2009 4:59 PM

Jan 2009

Epic episode is epic. I admit, I was getting a little worried because episodes nine and ten didn't really hit their mark with me, but while watching eleven I realized there wasn't anything to fret about. This episode was great, I'm really digging the darker themes. There's got to be a season three, no question! DX
Mar 17, 2009 5:10 PM

Feb 2008
I feel like I saw that bird youki before. :)
Great episode though. I think it should of been pulled over two episodes though and we should of met some more people.
Now I have read that other thread about Natsume's love interest and saw this episode - I can't shake the fact that I think he may be gay. o.o; I never really thought about that before you-see.

Oh no.

Mar 18, 2009 5:58 AM
Aug 2008
tsubasalover said:
lol @ 06:37, 08:50 and 17:53.

And I wonder why it never go to Natori's left leg.

I think that's the salamander's way of saying, "One day something very, very horrible will happen to your left leg, and I won't be there to get caught up in it."
Mar 19, 2009 9:46 PM

Aug 2008
^ creepy :P

I LOVED this episode... well I really like all of them with Natori in it :D
Mar 20, 2009 12:58 PM

Oct 2007
This episode was another great one. Natsume was making me cry with his "Maybe I can help someone for once." What does he think he's been doing throughout the series? ;~~~; Way too modest, kid<3

I'm more scared for Natsume's life than ever...! Now, how many people have said something to him along the lines of him dying? >///<

formosan said:
I think that's the salamander's way of saying, "One day something very, very horrible will happen to your left leg, and I won't be there to get caught up in it."

Ooh, I didn't think of that :O

Now I'm a little worried for Natori, haha.
Mar 22, 2009 11:17 PM

Jun 2007
I just watched 10 and 11... I was ab it behind. >_<

10 was pretty neat, I really loved seeing Natsume and Shigeru... it usually focuses on the relationship Natsume has with Touko so this was a neat change. I do hope there will be more of it in the future. The animation during the flashbacks were normal, but in the early part of the episode it was really weird. I thought it was a great episode.

11 was neat as well, it was kind of neat seeing Natsume around people that are similar to him. It's also interesting that we're seeing Natsume using the spell things, first in episode ten with what Reiko did and now in this episode with Natori. I felt really bad for the crow youkai in the beginning - especially after learning he was just bait. :(

Haha, that little guy that led Natsume to the place was cute. I love some of the small youkai in this series. XD It was also amusing when Natori's youkai [her name escapes me] tried to take off Natsume's clothes. =D

I agree with Zombiee that this would have been neat as two episodes. I would have liked to have seen more of the other people.

And OMG, the axe guy from the last episode was there again for this one. He's kinda creepy. Next episode should be neat, that girl who drew those circles returns and then there is that little kid. I can't wait.

Also, only two episodes left. T_T I do hope there is a third season.
770312Mar 22, 2009 11:20 PM
Mar 23, 2009 8:36 AM

Jan 2009
If there is a third season, would it air this April? As in, almost immediately? I'm hoping this is the case, but, well...a third season hasn't been announced at all, has it? Is it pointless to hope for a continuation of the series so soon?
Mar 23, 2009 10:07 AM
Oct 2008
Zaky-Zura said:
If there is a third season, would it air this April? As in, almost immediately? I'm hoping this is the case, but, well...a third season hasn't been announced at all, has it? Is it pointless to hope for a continuation of the series so soon?

If there was a third season, it'd have to be announced first, and it would not air right after the second. There is no knowledge of a 3rd season, so there can be no assumptions. I beleive the 1st season came out in Q4 of 2008. If there IS going to be a third season, then it will take place later this year, and not in april.

But an announcement of a new season will probably be released in april. IF there is one.

I, myself, would like to see the rest of season 2 before deciding if I'd want to see a 3rd season, a feature-length film, or just leave it be.
Mar 23, 2009 7:08 PM

Jun 2008
~~~~~~~~~~~ START OF EPISODE 12 DISCUSSION ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 23, 2009 9:11 PM

Nov 2007
Poor Natsume, calling bad names by kids and Kai. (On second thoughts, Kai doesn't look like Kirinoha at all)

Taki's here, too.

And Kai
tsubasaloverMar 23, 2009 10:02 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 23, 2009 10:21 PM

Jun 2008
copy-pasted from general episode discussion forum

Wow didn't expect Kai to be a youkai 0_0 and i was just about to start wondering why his eye pupils aren't slit like the other people's who can see youkai. And Madara didn't sense that he isn't human? And the other kids can see him?? *CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT EPISODE*

on a side note -- Kai is adorable ><~

edit: can Madara change sizes or something? o_o in one of the previous episodes he could fit into Natsume's room, but in this episode his head alone was the size of Natsume.
TakaiMar 23, 2009 10:30 PM
Mar 23, 2009 11:52 PM

Nov 2007
Now that you mentioned, Nyanko-sensei did say that he doesn't sense like a youkai...

Maybe he's a special kind of youkai that even human is able to see.
tsubasaloverMar 26, 2009 1:32 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 24, 2009 5:05 AM

Apr 2008
Well, even Nyanko can disguise himself as a human so I'd guess its something powerful youkai are able to do. Its going to be very interesting to see the next ep since they've sort of left us on a bit of a cliff hanger.

What's a real suprise to me is that I don't think they are going to end this season they way I thought they were. If the next episode concludes the story about Kai then they won't have time for Natsume to tell his guardians about his powers. Maybe they're pushing it off to a third season?
Mar 24, 2009 5:53 AM

Jun 2008
Quanta said:
Maybe they're pushing it off to a third season?
they better >3
Mar 24, 2009 6:23 AM

Jan 2009
First thought that popped into my head when I started this episode? Oh, God, it's Sasada. =_= But then she went away, so the overall episode was much better than I feared it'd be. XD

Gotta say, I am glad Tooru's reappeared, if only for consistency. Having a character insert herself into the middle of the season, declare her spiritual powers and then vanish without a by-your-leave wouldn't have made me happy at all. Oh, and it was also nice to see Tanuma again. I think they're trying for a slightly more subtle approach to S1's ending, in which all the characters play a minor role together.

Kai reminded me of Kirinoha, as well, when I saw him at the end of episode 11, and I'm glad they gave him a different personality. Isn't it just a little bit late to introduce a new character, though? It looks like Kai's story will come to an end in the last episode, but...I feel a bit rushed, don't you?

Mar 24, 2009 9:17 AM

Feb 2008
Fantastic episode! :D
Kai is a cutiee <3 But I still prefer the fox dude.
I don't know whether to be excited or not because I want the last ep but I don't want the season to end. *cries*

Oh no.

Mar 24, 2009 11:56 AM

Mar 2008
Another brilliant episode which didn't disappoint!!
And Kai = lurveee so glad to see her again ^^
Uh oh, only one more episode of natsume left D:

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Mar 24, 2009 9:06 PM

Feb 2009
Kai must be a powerful youkai to pull a trick like this, but I can't understand how Nyanko-sensei and Natsume got duped! The last episode might be full with emotion, and I am already crying T-T because its the end of Zoku and I haven't hear any news of a third season.
Mar 24, 2009 11:39 PM

Jan 2008
Seriously, we need more Taki. I love it when she goes into her "girly" mode with nyanko-sensei. I was also glad how she got that evil class rep wench away.

Anyways, I think for nyanko's size being different in episodes is more to do with the fact that he can control it. If you think about it, if he can change forms, why can't he control his size?

As for Kai, I'm pretty interested to see what happens. I'm not sure if I'm ready to declare him a powerful youkai that could possibly rival nyanko in terms of power, since it's very rare we do see one that could/can. So far I think Kai is just a special kind of youkai, one that has the ability to hide, which when you think about it, doesn't seem like it would be out of place since we've seen so many different kinds.

I knew it was Natori following them since I saw his outline in the beginning, but since he could seal Kai so easily and I don't know if I'd call Natori a powerful person, that leads me to believe kai is just a regular youkai.
Mar 25, 2009 12:49 AM

Mar 2009
When I got done watching this episode, I thought my brain would explode from the thought that Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou was almost done. And just when we were developing some amazing back story and plot implications!! Gah, I really want to find out if my theories about Reiko's relationship with the Matoba clan are right. Wish the manga was available for us poor smucks who can't read Japanese up to this point..... *sigh* Guess we'll just have to wait a bit.....

I have to agree with everyone so far. This was an amazing episode that I think has some awesome implications for the finale and where it's going. You know that Kai.... I thought he was a bit strange when all the kids were THAT protective that they'd almost spontaneously throw stuff at "pervert" Natsume and call him names (Natsume's reaction to which made me laugh for a couple minutes straight XD!). Kai's like the king bee of the schoolyard!

As for a third season, I've read on some livejournal discussions that the two seasons have caught up to manga volume 5. Unless volumes 6 and 7 have a ton of materials that can be stretched, I'm not too sure they've got a lot of material to go with and adapt unless they start making stuff up. And I hate when studios do that.... So I guess I can wait a bit until the mangaka catches up a bit so we're truer to the story. So..... sorry if I've dampened any hopes.... Re-watching is always fun!! ^_^;;; *hands out Nyanko-sensei cookies to stave off the angry Natsume fan hordes*
Sarah Lynne
Yaoi enthusiast
Attendee of Sakura Con
Sakura Con's "Chibi-Saitoh"

Mar 25, 2009 2:40 PM

Oct 2007
Zaky-Zura said:
If there is a third season, would it air this April? As in, almost immediately? I'm hoping this is the case, but, well...a third season hasn't been announced at all, has it? Is it pointless to hope for a continuation of the series so soon?

Sadly, it is pointless to hope for a third season :'D (April would be much too quickly for a season to air, too soon seeing as how Zoku barely came out January and with no advertising of any sort, anyway. Normally things like that are announced at least a couple months before.)

From what I've heard, the anime is following the manga pretty closely and it isn't far ahead enough to make a third season >///< It'd be kinda cruel leave off where they are, as duonoaikouka said, "And just when we were developing some amazing back story and plot implications!!" Let's just hope there will be one a third season eventually~
Mar 25, 2009 11:53 PM

Jun 2007
That episode was just too awesome.

I can't get my brain to form cohesive sentences about it. There's just so much to comment on.... I'll try.

1. Taki appearing to help Natsume was super cute, she's an awesome character.
2. Natsume being down about what the kids said about him was thoroughly amusing.
3. I like the black haired friend [can't remember his name], he's just fun
4. The axe youkai was very creepy, especially when he was following Natsume, proably even more so when he locked Natsume's punch. That was a serious O_O moment
5. Natori... I... I don't know whether I like him/trust him or not. Especially since he saw Natsume in the house and didn't stop him or anything, it's like he was setting Natsume up for this series of events.
6. Taki and Madara were cute in the episode... it's just fun seeing the two together.
7. Madara's rescue at the end was great.
8. Natsume got angry! OMG, that was a first. It was so weird hearing him yell and seeing him so agressive. I proceeded to laugh when the kid apologized and Natsume's friends laughed at him though.

8. Kai is a youkai? I... I didn't even begin to think that. Well, I did, but then he interacted with the kids and Madara didn't realize he was a youkai. I can't even imagine what this will do to Natsume - it just makes me think of the time when he was a little kid and he met that lady who was really a youkai. He was hoping that Kai was a youkai though since he thought it'd be easier to deal with. Kind of interesting how that came true, but sad as well.

Man o man, I wish I had waited till 13 was out. I knew it was gonna be a two parter, but I just couldn't help watching the episode. Now I have to wait.

9. I really liked when Natsume was carrying the kid on his back.
10. I wonder what the promise between Kai and the axe youkai is. He was saying he'd eat Kai if he broke his promise.

I really do hope that there is a third season at some point. I truly love this series. It's pretty much the only series I've ever encountered where I can easily watch the episodes multiple times in a row.
770312Mar 26, 2009 12:13 AM
Mar 31, 2009 2:08 PM

Mar 2008
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~START OF EPISODE 12 DISCUSSION, AND GENERAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Mar 31, 2009 2:37 PM

Oct 2007
...anyone else cry their eyes out at the end? XD;; I'm depressed that it's over, then again maybe I shouldn't have finished four anime all at once...

This series is seriously amazing and I already miss it (especially Natsume who throughout the run of the series has become one of my favoritest characters ever). I can't wait to buy the manga here in the US...!!!

Let's hope there'll be a third season (eventually) to wrap it up! :'D
Apr 1, 2009 8:06 AM

Jan 2009
Hell, I cried when the episode finished downloading. XD And then throughout the opening, and I'm sure I would've just kept bawling if not for the fact that episode 13 was flippin' amazing. I was too drawn into it to remember to keep the waterworks open. The art, the story, emotion and action blended perfectly together. I wouldn't ask for a better last episode. (Although the fact that it was the last episode kept me from enjoying it as much as I could have. I still get depressed thinking about it. XD)

The final scene with Kai eating his cookies all alone really dismayed me, because I like him so much now. But hey, it's leaving an opening for another season by leaving it that way, right? No matter how long it takes, I'll be waiting for it! ^^
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