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Jan 12, 2009 12:44 PM

Sep 2008
the order was "to kill japanese", meaning Euphie will under the geass for a long time.
Jan 17, 2009 12:28 AM

Jun 2008
Holy shit, that was days-magnitude shocking.
Feb 7, 2009 5:58 AM

Mar 2008
WOW. I was not expecting that twist.

It could have gone so well - resolved all the problems, peace would be resolved, had it not been for that tiny mistake where Loulouch put his guard down, and Geas was still activated.
Then BOM all hell breaks lose, and everything regresses to the hatred and to the Elevens vs Britannians.

This. Is. Epic. :O
I was emotionally moved..

Grmo said:
Holy shit, that was days-magnitude shocking.

so true
sugarplumfairyFeb 7, 2009 6:13 AM
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Feb 10, 2009 2:10 PM

Mar 2008
..woh. >.< that was awesome and upsetting and ridiculously creepy at the same time - the bit where Euphemia is shooting Elevens with a machine gun with that smile on her face and blood all over her.. *shudders* I thought she was going to get killed by Lelouch or something when I read the title but maann, this was even more intense.. ridiculously intense..

and poor Lelouch - though really, it just goes to show how having some superhuman power is not really that great a thing (though I did wonder why he didn't think for a moment: wait, I have a geass that makes people do what I say, maybe I shouldn't joke about her killing all the Japanese) and what he said at the end to C.C kinda confirms that he realises that - even though he didn't mean it - it's all his fault

also, the bit where he says about not being the messiah made me think of all the times I've read: "Lelouch is just like Light" and proved them wrong. Lelouch knows that he's a monster.. he's known that for quite some time now.. but Light never gets it.
Feb 16, 2009 6:25 AM

Dec 2008

This image is what made it BRILLIANT:

Oh my god, That was such a good episode.

Mar 23, 2009 10:02 AM

Nov 2008
and now the war is ready to start..
Tosi yst&auml;vyys ei j&auml;&auml;dy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Apr 6, 2009 10:44 PM

Jun 2008
Lelouch better cry... for what he did to Euphie... ugh T_T poor girl she really will die.. man Euphie was a pretty awesome character, and all she wanted was there to be peace and happiness. >_<
Apr 24, 2009 7:12 PM

Aug 2008
That was f****d up..
Apr 29, 2009 12:21 AM

Jun 2008
woah!!! i fell sorry for euphie!! and what's happening to lulu???? no!!! and what about that thing between C.C. and suzaku... will suzaku be getting a geass too!?!?!? NOO!! I DONT WANT THAT!
May 13, 2009 2:27 PM
Feb 2009
Come on guys ... why are you complaning about how the activation of geass was to convenient ???
I thought every anime-fan knew that the animes are build upon convenient events.
for instance:
isn't it convenient that the boy C.C gave the geass to HAPPENED to be the emperors son who HAPPEND to be looking for the power to destroy the britanien empire ?
I am just saying it

if it wheren't for the convenient events it would be imposible to make a decent anime plot and all the stories would be WAAAY to predictable.

suddenly making a plot-twist and bringing the plot in a diffrent unexpected direction is simply the risk every anime author has to take if he/she want the anime to become something great ... sometimes it ruins the anime other times it turns it in to a masterpiece
I won't judge which one of them fits on CG but I will say that compared to the plot so far the end would have been to plain if something didn't happen.

besides ... a happy ending simply won't suit CG ;)
Jun 9, 2009 6:14 AM

Nov 2007
just when i started thinking this is getting kinda boring how everything is just working out Euphie goes crazy and starts shooting innocent people XD
LOVE IT, simply brilliant. and i don't really mind her dying, i`m just a little worried about Suzaku... although it doesn't seem like he`s gonna die any time soon.
Jun 18, 2009 6:47 AM

Mar 2009
OMG it was so freakin' shocking ep.
I just can't belive my eyes. O_O I love that episode. Frankly until now that is the better.
Vuhhu Viva Zero ! =p
Jul 10, 2009 8:19 AM

May 2009
_Gal_ said:
just when i started thinking this is getting kinda boring how everything is just working out Euphie goes crazy and starts shooting innocent people XD
LOVE IT, simply brilliant. and i don't really mind her dying
QFT! I was actually a little bored with the series but I was so close to the end of the season I decided to finish it, really glad I did because this episode was insane.

This Fairy Tale Is Ending
Jul 14, 2009 8:29 AM
Jun 2009
OMFG!!!! little cute 'n nice euphie goes :"KIL EVERYONE MOUAHAHAHA >:( "
Jul 21, 2009 12:57 AM

Jan 2009
THIS IS WHY I WATCH ANIME!! Completely shocked! What a twist, I have no idea where this series is heading.

Jul 22, 2009 1:47 AM
Jun 2009
This has to be one of the most retarded plot twists ever.
Jul 26, 2009 5:04 PM

Jul 2009
HOLY CRAP. That episode was absolutely insane. And yeah, it does kind of seem like a "retarded" plot twist, but it's not as if it was just convenient. The show had shown us with Mao that the Geass power would eventually get out of control, and if Zero and the Black Knights had went along with the new district I'm not sure how Lelouch would have been able to keep his war up.
Check out my blog for anime reviews, news, and episode downloads.
Jul 31, 2009 2:05 AM

Dec 2008
Oh man, I felt so bad for everyone.

The worst part is, is that Lelouch didn't even think his geass would go crazy at that point.
Aug 8, 2009 1:07 PM

Jul 2009
I think its the best episode in the first season.
Aug 8, 2009 1:32 PM

Jun 2009
I hope he's able to kill Suzuki afterall. I mean he's been able to do Clovis and Luthenia, his own sibblings, so don't tell me he would back off last minute.
Sep 4, 2009 2:27 PM

Jun 2009
I thought they were letting everyone get just a little too happy.

But dear God, I still didn't expect them to be quite that harsh...
Dead as the moon is, it still pulls the tide; somewhere within it must still be alive.
Oct 8, 2009 3:34 AM

Oct 2009

Oct 12, 2009 12:08 AM

Sep 2008
Talk about a major twist. I really didn't hate Euphie, but now it seems like there will be no other way to deal with this than kill her or lock her up and label her mental. Poor Suzaku. Poor Lelouch. :[
Oct 15, 2009 1:53 PM

Apr 2009
zomgwtf o_O
kill all japaneese o-O
Oct 19, 2009 4:13 PM

Aug 2009
I srsly HATE this episode! That was a stupid turn out! STUPID! srsly
I mean WHAT THE EFIN FUCK?!?!? This episode ruined it all to me! gah!
I can't blame Zero for what happened though! He only wanted to fix things up! That's all so sad! :(( So what now?! Won't she stop until she kills off ALL the Japanese?!?! These are A LOT! O.o
how it ended up like this GEEZ??? I'm dissappointed, honestly... I was about to give this series a 10, but now it won't be a 10 fosho!
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Oct 19, 2009 4:28 PM

Aug 2009
Ok second comment... i started watching episode 23 and I srsly dunno who to pitty most! I mean this was noones fault really. Poor poor girl, and still I can't fully blame Zero! Gosh why does it always have to be like this?! Couldn't it just have a happy ending?! I know it couldn't.. but still *keeps hoping* :'(
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Oct 19, 2009 4:29 PM

Aug 2009
kuroitaiyou said:
I think its the best episode in the first season.

SRSLY dude?! O.o
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Oct 21, 2009 10:34 AM

Sep 2009
Lelouch, You JERK!
Go to hell!
Oct 30, 2009 3:31 AM

May 2008
Sad doesn't even begin to describe it.
I knew this episode would be bad.:<

God, I'm heartwretched.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Nov 29, 2009 5:59 PM
Oct 2009
Like others, this episode was also a totally WTF moment for me

I wouldn't say it's too convenient, but there was something off about the turn of events.. Like, the part in the movie Zoolander where Derek's model friends are having a gasoline fight and one of them lights a cigarette. Zoolander's all like "NOOOOOOO!!!" in slo mo and then there's a gigantic gasoline explosion incinerating his friends.

It's hilariously stupid and bizarre.. Kind of like what happened in this episode. I mean, this episode wasn't stupid. It was actually really good and obviously little Japan wasn't gonna last. The massacre of the Japanese was chilling. I really want to know the involvement of Lelouch's father in these events.. This was the perfect twist for the anime.

But still, Lelouch's mess up was a little like lighting a cigarette during a gasoline fight for me. Very WTF.

I'm really looking forward to the next few episodes.
Dec 23, 2009 8:42 PM

Jul 2009
I was thinking "why the F did they Zero mess it all up by mistake? it's ridiculous"!
But then I thought "oh, well. This is the ironical part, that he should have thought over how his geass could be destructive and dangerous. And hell, it was destructive and dangerous".

But I hope they don't go "yay, since we are the producers let's make it so that there is lots of blood on the season finale! YAHOOO!", because that would make it get no more than an 8. And I wanted to give it a 10.
Well, we'll see.
Dec 24, 2009 4:42 AM

Jun 2009
The problem is Lelouch cannot kill suzuka and this though he was able to kill his own brother and sister. how nice is that. enough to give u a headach
Dec 25, 2009 8:03 PM

Feb 2009
WTFFFFF, Stupid Lelouch making this kind of mistake!!!!
Jan 1, 2010 8:38 AM

Oct 2009
Gweh, when I thought lelouch gonna live happily with euphie this kind of thing happen.
But yet it awesome. I began hoping more about this anime.

And one more thing, I don't know the name the britanian photographer is sure lost his mind. XD

Jan 2, 2010 12:44 AM
Oct 2009
lol so random...Lulu also said "shoot me" and "kill suzuka" but it worked on "kill all Japanese"
Jan 17, 2010 5:03 PM
Jul 2009
CrazyCoolClub said:
lol so random...Lulu also said "shoot me" and "kill suzuka" but it worked on "kill all Japanese"

Pretty sure if you watch it again he wasn't making eye contact with Euphy. Then he turned to her and it randomly turned on.

He was going to finally give it up then he had to go mess it all up.
Jan 20, 2010 9:38 PM

Apr 2009
Wow! This changes everything, what an incredible episode!
Jan 21, 2010 4:50 AM

Jan 2010
I gotta say, This episode is very brilliant!!
What's supposed to end with happiness need to get destroyed by Geass..
This is why this power is dangerous! >.<
Really liked Euphie too... And I also want her to be with Lelouch and Nanaly as a complete family.....

Will most likely change this soon. || PNCH || PPFC || Anime Familia || EHC
Jan 21, 2010 9:01 AM
Feb 2008
-The way in which Euphy goes all berserk made no sense. It was not logical for Lelouch to go on and on about his power. The smart thing to do is to tell as little people about it as possible.
Jan 25, 2010 7:37 PM

Nov 2008
That was unpredictable. Especially how it all played out. Is it madness or one of the best episodes yet?

And it appears like the Emperor knew what was happening, I wonder if he was either referring to Euphie or Leluch.
Jan 29, 2010 1:07 AM

Oct 2009
My general reaction:
'Oh wow, he's going to be good? Yay that's so- OH SHIT!'
Feb 1, 2010 11:34 AM

Jan 2010
38, now that was awesome.

Mar 14, 2010 10:12 PM

Mar 2010
blood stained Euphie xD
Apr 17, 2010 5:23 PM

Jan 2008
kankan said:
blood stained Euphie incredibly hot. It was rather convenient but most plot elements are. Still a great episode.
Apr 23, 2010 8:24 PM

Sep 2009
May 5, 2010 4:43 PM

Dec 2009
I kinda cried afterwards though.
Just when everything was looking alright......Blood bath..
T_T Euphie

KouzakiMay 5, 2010 9:03 PM
May 17, 2010 5:25 PM

Feb 2010
OK. This was a sick twist.
Jun 10, 2010 3:05 AM

Jun 2009
I could only say to this episode is SHIT!

What a twisted ending! Damn it all! *cursing Lelouch but still liking him* hehe...
Jun 15, 2010 6:53 PM

Jul 2009
I just can't see why some people are annoyed by this episode. This episode is the only episode that I have watched up to this point that has convinced me that Code Geass is worthy of the praise which I was really skeptical of up until now.

Every episode since episode 1, I have been seriously considering dropping Code Geass because all I have been seeing was terrible character designs inspired by noodles, typical anime high school archetypes, boring mecha fights and Pizza hut product placement which didn't not match anything like what I was informed about how legendary this series is. But I kept on telling myself to keep on watching and it all paid off with this episode which delivered and exceeded my expectations.
-Jinsei-Jun 15, 2010 6:56 PM
Jun 16, 2010 10:58 AM

Aug 2009

This was so shocking.... D:
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