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Jun 16, 2012 11:35 PM

Jun 2011

Note: banner to do only for the second claim~

Character: Schneizel el Britannia
Anime/Manga/Game: Code Geass
Tarot: IV. The Emperor
Type: Emperor/King/Royal/Noble
Proof: Schneizel el Britannia is the Second Prince of the Britannian Imperial Family and the Prime Minister of the Holy Britannian Empire.
Source: MAL Page
Banner: Please make it for me~
Picture: Blond hair at the right side // Here // Blond hair

Thanks in advance~
EtnaEracleaJun 18, 2012 7:06 AM
Jun 17, 2012 9:03 PM

Oct 2011
Character: Akito Sohma
Anime/Manga/Game: Fruits Basket
Tarot: IV. The Emperor
Type: Noble
Proof: Akito is the head of the Sohma clan and very frail. // He is treated with fear and often called God (in the manga)
Source: MAL
Picture:" target="_blank">

Rejected: The character to claim for Emperor has limitation: must be male, and Akito Sohma is actually a female :/ therefor can't be accepted.
Also, just so u know the next time: members have only 2x claims in the tarot topic

Character:Lumati Ivan dai Laginay
Anime/Manga/Game: Hanasakeru Seishounen
Tarot: IV. The Emperor
Type: Royalty ( He's a king)
Proof:Lumati is the second in line to the Laginay throne
Source: MAL

Character: Leopold "Leo" Scorpse
Anime/Manga/Game:Scrapped Princess
Tarot: IV. The Emperor
Type: Noble
Proof: He is the first Heir to Duke Scorpse

Note: Leo's banner pics are too bad quality, so if the banner maker has troubles with them while making the banner they are allowed to use better quality pics for this chara, like this (brown haired) or this (brown haired)
Don't forget to give good quality pics in your next claims! :3

General Note: please remember the next time to provide also your badge together with your claim in the post; or either the alternative is to put it in your signature if you dont want to attach it to every post claim you make in the club!
This time pass because u are new, but be sure to remember it the next time!
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 5:31 AM

Jun 18, 2012 10:39 AM

Nov 2008

Character: Akihiko Sanada
Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 3
Tarot: IV. The Emperor
Type: Leader (of the boxing team, as well as one of the oldest SEES members; psychological profile)
Proof: Akihiko is the mature and confident captain of his school’s boxing team, as well as a senior at Gekkoukan High. + His Tarot arcana in game is Emperor. Duh.
Source: +
Banner: Yes
Pic: 1 - new pic

Note: please provide a picture where he wears his "leader outfit" (in his case, his boxing gloves at least, since he's the leader of the boxing team)
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2012 1:08 PM
Jun 19, 2012 4:33 PM

May 2008

I'm requesting my badge.

Okaaay, I'm an idiot :D :D

Character: Mystogan aka. Edolas Jellal
Anime/Manga/Game: Fairy Tail
Tarot: IV. The Emperor
Type: King
Proof: He is the true heir to the throne of Edolas and after the death of his father, he became the king.
Source: here
Banner: yes please
Picture: 1 2 3 4 5 6

For Banner Maker: Mystogan's banner to be made!
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 5:34 AM
Please send my Member Cards to my profile if they are ready! Thank you very much! ^^

Jun 20, 2012 5:33 AM

Dec 2008
Tarots - IV. The Emperor - Updated ♥

To be Quoted:
#64 Snowley

#55 Tailee
#58 Krystal
#63 SizzlingTear2

Note for:
#48 Sango_chan_desu
#63 SizzlingTear2

Jun 20, 2012 1:26 PM

Dec 2008
Tarots Claiming: IV. The Emperor is now Closed~

#55 Tailee
#58 Krystal
#63 SizzlingTear2

Note for:
#48 Sango_chan_desu
#63 SizzlingTear2

Jun 20, 2012 1:27 PM

Dec 2008

Current Tarot: VIII. The Justice

Bi-Weekly: from June 20th to July 4th
Layout Link if you cant see the following image.

Justice Note: for justice-related jobs they must catch the criminals! Do not confuse this with soldiers or fighters.
For example the Shinsengumi unit was the "antique police" once in japan, tho not all the shinsengumi authomatically fit, as it mostly depends on the story they are in and what they actually do. To say one, Gintama's shinsegumi do fit, while on the opposite side Hakuouki's shinsengumi are more "soldiers" like, as they are all in the middle of a war, rather than seriously catching criminals.
Judging Personality: attention, must be without feelings! Just judging itself isn't enough to fit this tarot card. An enraged judment or anyway affected by strong feelings will be good when will be opened the "Judgment" tarot.

Specified Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga/Game: Full title
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: state which group he belongs to (those written in blue in the layout basicly)
Proof: the quote, be sure it clearly states and respects the type you've said s/he belongs to.
Source: the link from where you took previous quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: read rules carefully!!
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 2:26 PM

Jun 20, 2012 1:27 PM

Dec 2008
Orulyon's claims
Specified Claim Format:
Character: Toki Fujiwara
Anime/Manga/Game: Code: Breaker
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice catchphrase
Proof: He follows the Hammurabi code variation of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and the hammer of justice for the wicked".
Source: MAL Page [above linked]
Banner: please make it for me!
Picture: (guy on the left)


ahin's claims
Badge: to be quoted

Character: [url=]Allen Walker[/url]
Anime/Manga/Game: D.Gray-Man
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means, honest and impartial
Proof: "Allen considers Akuma to be just as important to him as humans, swearing his left arm to saving Akuma and his right to saving humans in his attempt to be, as he once put it, "a destroyer who can save".
Banner: yes please
Picture: to be quoted

Character: [url=]Kuroko Tetsuya[/url]
Anime/Manga/Game: Kuroko no Basket
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: honest personality
Proof: "Kuroko has a deadpan and straight forward personality." + visive scene
Source: MAL Page
Banner: yes please
Picture: to be quoted

#3 staff
Character: [url=]Sawako Kuronuma[/url]
Anime/Manga/Game: Kimi ni Todoke
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: honest, responsible
Proof: to be quoted
Source: to be quoted
Banner: yes please
Picture: to be quoted


mouse_girl's claims
Badge: to be quoted

Character: Kuraudo Ooishi (*no mal page)
Anime/Manga/Game: Higurashi no Naku koro Ni
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice job related
Proof: Kuraudo Oishi is a veteran police investigator at Okinomiya who has vowed to solve the mystery of the Hinamizawa murders before his retirement, due to personal reasons.
Banner: yes please
Picture: to be quoted

Character: Yusuke Urameshi
Anime/Manga/Game: Yu Yu Hakusho
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: to be quoted
Proof: to be quoted
Source: to be quoted
Banner: yes please
Picture: to be quoted

#3 staff
Character: Shinobu Sensui
Anime/Manga/Game: Yu Yu Hakusho
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: job justice related + applies justice by good means
Proof: Shinobu Sensui was Earth's Spirit Detective before Yusuke Urameshi. According to Koenma, he was the natural choice; he was gifted with amazing spirit awareness, strength, and a strong moral sense of right and wrong.
Source: MAL Page
Banner: yes please
Picture: to be quoted
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 1:57 PM

Jun 20, 2012 1:28 PM

Dec 2008
Character: L Lawliet
Anime/Manga/Game: Death Note
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice job related (detective who catch criminal)
Proof: L Lawliet (エル, Eru Rõraito), better known by the letter L, is a world renowned detective that takes on the challenge of catching the serial killer known only as Kira. + Quote: Justice will prevails
Banner: yes please ♥
Picture: this or this

Character: Hibari Kyoya
Anime/Manga/Game: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means
Proof: Dino, now out of harm's way, compares Hibari to the First Generation Vongola Guardian, Alaude. He states that Alaude, like Hibari, never grouped himself with the family and always tried to stay alone. However, if Giotto's idea of justice coincided with his, he defeated more enemies and showed more kindness than anyone.
Source: wikia
Banner: yes please
Picture: fangasm ( or maybe)

#3 staff
Character: Neil Dylandy (Lockon Stratos)
Anime/Manga/Game: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: fair, responsible, honest, impartial, objective
Proof: He is fair and yet considerate with other people's feelings. He never criticizes people based on the wrongdoings they had done in the past. When someone is misunderstood, he is the one that tries to let other people, even himself, understand.
Banner: yes please
Picture: just rendered~ or => with city background / plain boring with sky background


Chiyo-ko's claims
Character: Rob Lucci
Anime/Manga/Game: One Piece
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by bad means + justice obsessed + justice quote/catchphrase
Proof: "If Lucci sees anybody that he believes faulters in the face of justice, they have "sinned" in his eyes and must be eliminated. This is his own sense of justice which he calls "dark justice"." + "They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice... As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead."
Source: MAL Page +
Banner: no thank you

Character: Setsuna F Seiei
Anime/Manga/Game: One Piece
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means + judges without feeling
Proof: Setsuna is taciturn, introverted, and wholeheartedly against war. He believes there are key disturbances that prevent the world from coming together in peace and harmony. He has labeled specific people and/or forces as a source of conflict towards the world's path to peace. He has little tolerance for diplomats and politicians, believing that their negotiations only prolong wars and cause more strife (due to personal experience). + he is also capable of making hard-but-necessary decisions that would lead people to dislike him. He has no problems making life defining decisions for other people when they can't make the choice and would kill if necessary.
Banner: no thank you
EtnaEracleaJul 5, 2012 3:30 PM

Jun 20, 2012 1:28 PM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 1:58 PM

Jun 20, 2012 2:00 PM
eyebrows nerd ★

Jun 2009
Character: Okita Sougo
Anime/Manga/Game: Gintama
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: ''Okita Sougo is currently the 1st Division Captain of the Shinsengumi..'' + ''Shinsengumi is the Special military police force, that forms the law-enforcement entity of Edo.'' + "They are in service of the ruling Shogunate in the world of Gintama. Though their main tasks do involve going after groups/individuals in anti-government or terrorist activities, they do perform regular police duties such as going on street patrols."
Source: wikia + wikia
Banner: I'll make it~

Character: Shirogane Naoto
Anime/Manga/Game: Persona 4 Animation
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: ''Naoto is a young detective under the case of Inaba's Murders.''
Source: MAL page
Banner: I'll make it~

#3 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Imai Nobume
Anime/Manga/Game: Gintama
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: ''Imai Nobume is a female member and a part of the assassination unit of the Mimawarigumi.'' + ''Like the Shinsengumi, the Mimawarigumi too was a special police force, created to restore order to Kyoto.''
Source: MAL page + wikia
Banner: I'll make it~
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 2:23 PM

【 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙪𝙢 𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙗𝙮 ꜱᴀɴᴛᴀ ʏᴜᴢᴜʀᴜᴋᴇɪ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jun 20, 2012 2:05 PM

May 2008

quoted in a minute
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 2:33 PM - anime | manga | watch anime online
Jun 20, 2012 2:08 PM

Nov 2008
Character: Kuroko Shirai
Anime/Manga/Game: Toaru Majutsu no Index
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: state which group he belongs to (those written in blue in the layout basicly)
Proof: the quote, be sure it clearly states and respects the type you've said s/he belongs to.
Source: the link from where you took previous quote
Banner: i'll make it

Character: Flynn Scifo
Anime/Manga/Game: Tales of Vesperia
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: state which group he belongs to (those written in blue in the layout basicly)
Proof: the quote, be sure it clearly states and respects the type you've said s/he belongs to.
Source: the link from where you took previous quote
Banner: i'll make it
CrystallineHeartJun 20, 2012 2:21 PM
Jun 20, 2012 2:10 PM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#74 -panda-
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 2:32 PM

Jun 20, 2012 2:15 PM

May 2008
Yuki_91 said:

Character: Emiya Kiritsugu
Anime/Manga/Game: Fate/Zero
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Good Means
Proof: "During his lifetime, Kiritsugu was disillusioned with becoming a Hero of Justice, a defender of humanity who could save everyone. " || "Kiritsugu wishes to be a "hero of justice" that protects the weak."
Source: MAL Page ||
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: Here or Here or Here

Character: Kurusu Keigo
Anime/Manga/Game: Mirai Nikki
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-Related Job
Proof: "Keigo Kurusu is a police officer, so it follows with reason that his diary relates to his work."
Source: MAL Page
Banner: please make it for me
Picture:Here or The man in the right side or Here
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 2:35 PM - anime | manga | watch anime online
Jun 20, 2012 2:34 PM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#74 -panda-
#77 Rayana

Jun 20, 2012 2:56 PM

Mar 2009
Character: America "Alfred F. Jones"
Anime/Manga/Game: Hetalia Axis Powers
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Obsessed with justice
Proof: "America is a cheerful, energetic and somewhat conceited young man who is obsessed with heroes, justice, and freedom."
Source: Wikia
Banner: I'll make it

Character: Edogawa Conan /Kudo Shinichi
Anime/Manga/Game: Detective Conan
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice related job
Proof: "At the beginning of the series, Shinichi is a 17-year old student at Teitan High School. He is already well-known as a brilliant young detective, the "Savior of the police force", for solving many difficult cases that the professionals could not." + "As Conan, Shinichi helps Ran's father solve cases by putting him to sleep and simulating Kogoro's voice using the special bowtie gadget Professor Agasa made for him."
Source: MAL
Banner: I'll make it

{#3 Staff}
Character: Ivan Karelin
Anime/Manga/Game: Tiger & Bunny
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: "Tiger & Bunny - a series that takes place in a fictional, re-imagined version of New York called Sternbild City where "justice" and "heroics" are commercialized commodities." + " Ivan has decided to be more active as a hero and even though his powers aren't for combat, he assists in evacuation and making sure the citizens are safe."
Source: Wikia Anime + Wikia
Banner: I'll make it

*Back up for Ivan*
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 4:22 PM
Jun 20, 2012 3:53 PM

May 2008
Character: Hijikata Toshiro
Anime/Manga/Game: Gintama
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: "Hijikata is the famed chain smoking, vice commander of the Shinsengumi" + Shinsengumi: "They are in service of the ruling Shogunate in the world of Gintama. Though their main tasks do involve going after groups/individuals in anti-government or terrorist activities, they do perform regular police duties such as going on street patrols."
Source: MAL +
Banner: yes plz
Image: 1 2 3 4

Character: Eclair
Anime/Manga/Game: Kiddy Grade
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: "Éclair works for the Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs, or GOTT for short. While her primary job is to be a receptionist her job also incorporates being sent on missions as an ES member of the so-called "Shadow Unit" in order to ensure normal economic operation on the various planets around the Galaxy." She has the right to arrest those who are opposed to the rules of the galaxy. + Unsurprisingly, crime has grown alongside technology, and thus the GOTT, Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs, is formed as a sort of universal police force. Within this organization, there is a special (and secret) branch known as the ES Force (ES standing for "Encounter of Shadow-work"), consisting of twelve physically-young people that possess amazing superpowers.
Source: MAL +
Banner: yes plz
Image: she is the taller girl but she has more than one looks 1 2 3 4 5 6
EtnaEracleaJun 20, 2012 4:18 PM
Please send my Member Cards to my profile if they are ready! Thank you very much! ^^

Jun 20, 2012 3:58 PM

Mar 2009
Character: Laguna Loire
Anime/Manga/Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good means
Proof: "When given time to think about the danger he is in, Laguna can become hesitant, but he is always willing to put his life on the line for the sake of justice." + Video 00:48 - 02:37 (I know it's just one Moomba but it still sorta shows that he feels it deserves justice and decides to give it that himself)
Source: FF Wikia
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here, here or on the right

Character: Squall Leonhart
Anime/Manga/Game: Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy VIII
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Point 3 - Responsible
Proof: "As much as he resents assuming leadership, he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done. Squall's clear mind and sense of responsibility lead others to trust and follow him."
Source: FF Wikia
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here, here or here

#3 (Staff Bonus)
Character: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi
Anime/Manga/Game: Tiger & Bunny
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-related job
Proof: "Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹), aka Wild Tiger (ワイルドタイガー) is one of the series' main protagonists and a veteran superhero whose lack of regard for property damage when fighting against crime earned him the nickname "Crusher for Justice"."
Source: Tiger & Bunny Wikia
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: Here, here or here

{{ TCO }} {{ ACP }} {{ TSC }} {{ LAC }}
Jun 20, 2012 4:22 PM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#74 -panda-
#77 Rayana

Jun 20, 2012 5:12 PM

Aug 2008
Character: Nisa
Anime/Manga/Game: Chou-Jigen Game Neptune - Megami Tsuushin
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good means
Proof: Nisa is Gamindustri’s self-proclaimed Keeper of Justice who appears in times of crisis.
Source: Mal
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: here or here

Character: Utena Tenjou
Anime/Manga/Game: Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good means
Proof: She is forthright, honest, and friendly, and nearly all the girls in school adore her. In both the anime and manga, Utena accidentally becomes a Duelist and wins Anthy as the Rose Bride. Though critical of the Duels for objectifying Anthy, her honest desire to protect Anthy as a well as a drive to act like a prince lead her to become an active participant.
Source: Mal
Banner: Yes please :3
Picture: 1, 2, 3
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 20, 2012 5:45 PM
May 2012
Quoted Later.
Doll-LoidJul 3, 2012 9:09 PM
Jun 20, 2012 7:14 PM

Nov 2008
-panda- said:
Character: Kuroko Shirai
Anime/Manga/Game: Toaru Majutsu no Index
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-Related Job
Proof: "A Level 4 psychic, she is a member of Judgment, a special public committee group whose duty is to maintain peace and order in Academy City."
Source: MAL Page
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

And changing Flynn to...
Character: Angeal Hewley
Anime/Manga/Game: Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Good Means
Proof: "Angeal is a moral and dedicated character. He takes pride in his membership in SOLDIER, and cherishes it more than almost anything else. He is honor-bound to protect as many people as he can, and nearly nothing can stand between him and his honor and pride... As it is later revealed by Lazard after his transformation, Angeal had a stronger sense of justice than he ever let on."
Source: Wiki
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~

#3 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Shijima Kurookano
Anime/Manga/Game: Nabari no Ou
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Impersonal and Judging without feeling
Proof: She involves herself in various situations only to observe humans. + Bottom two frames + "Her interactions with people are rough" + rest of page.
Source: Wikia + Manga Pages
Banner: No thanks, I'll make~
CrystallineHeartJul 9, 2012 3:38 PM
Jun 20, 2012 8:34 PM

Jun 2010
Character: Yuri Lowell
Anime/Manga/Game: Tales of Vesperia
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Bad Means
Proof: "He is not afraid to take difficult matters into his own hands, and throughout his travels comes to decide that taking the law into his own hands is the only way to ensure that the villains of the world are punished."
Source: MAL Page
Banner: I'll make.

Character: Flynn Scifo
Anime/Manga/Game: Tales of Vesperia
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Good Means + Justice-Related Job
Proof: "He is a part of the Imperial Knights and, unlike Yuri, he wishes to change the empire from the inside... Flynn, in contrast to Yuri, is a knight who would solve the larger problem before the smaller ones. He has a similar sense of justice to Yuri, but would rather solve them through politics."
Source: MAL Page
Banner: I'll make.
Jun 20, 2012 9:23 PM

Sep 2008
Character: Lelouch Lamperouge (Zero)
Anime/Manga/Game: Code Geass
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means/bad means (depending whichever side u are on o.o)
Proof: While as Zero his true nature is expressed, his charisma and beliefs in justice gain him the trust and respect of many soldiers and leaders.
Banner: yes please~
Picture: later :)
enya's life spent on MAL: September 21, 2008 to August 23, 2012
Jun 20, 2012 10:02 PM

Sep 2008
Character: Yuna
Anime/Manga/Game: Final Fantasy X / Kingdom Heart II
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Honest
Proof: Yuna is a kind-hearted, loyal, honest, and polite humanitarian who strives to see the best in others
Banner: yes please~
Picture: later :)

[staff bonus]
Character: Rinoa Heartilly
Anime/Manga/Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Honest
Proof: Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. + Although somewhat shy, Rinoa is very straightforward and honest with those around her.
Source: here + here
Banner: yes please~
Picture: later :)
enya's life spent on MAL: September 21, 2008 to August 23, 2012
Jun 21, 2012 1:25 AM
Apr 2010
Character: Erza Scarlet
Anime/Manga/Game:Fairy Tail
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice Obsessed
Proof: "However, she has a great sense of justice and pride in being a member of Fairy Tai"
Source: Personality >>
Banner:yes please
Pic: quote later
Jun 21, 2012 2:25 AM

May 2009
Username: VampireKisses568
Badge: In signature.

Character: Smoker
Anime/Manga/Game: One Piece
Tarot: VIII.: The Justice
Type: to be quoted
Proof: to be quoted
Source: to be quoted
Banner: Please make it for me!
Picture: to be quoted
Jun 21, 2012 3:44 AM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#77 Rayana
#84 Doll-Loid
#87 enya04 #88
#89 viibritannia
#90 VampireKisses568

Jun 21, 2012 4:54 AM

Jul 2008
Character: Minako Aino
Anime/Manga/Game: Sailor Moon
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good means/ justice related job
Proof: "He calls her "Venus" and tells her she has a mission to protect Earth in the name of her guardian planet Venus. To help her with her new mission, Artemis gives her two items, a crescent moon shaped compact and a magical pen. The magical pen allows her to transform into her alter-ego, the sailor-suited beautiful Soldier of Justice, Sailor V.
Sailor V begins fighting the evil agents known as the Dark Agency, who fight under Danburite's command. He is in charge of sending his many talented idols to enslave the public."
Source: here
Banner: Yes please ^^

Character: Sayaka Miki
Anime/Manga/Game: Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good means
Proof: "Sayaka is the only Puella Magi in the series to wear a cloak.The cloak or cape could be symbolic to emphasize her ideal role as a knight of justice or a hero to the defenseless; a desire to become a role model just like Mami." ,"In the new timeline created by Madoka, she is not only allowed to listen to Kyousuke's performance, but she is also given the choice to become a knight of justice to the very end, erasing her fate of becoming a witch, an enemy of her beliefs in her mind."
Source: here
Banner: Yes please ^^
KiyoriJun 21, 2012 5:03 AM
Jun 21, 2012 9:48 AM

Sep 2008
enya04 said:
Character: Lelouch Lamperouge (Zero)
Anime/Manga/Game: Code Geass
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means/bad means (depending whichever side u are on o.o)
Proof: While as Zero his true nature is expressed, his charisma and beliefs in justice gain him the trust and respect of many soldiers and leaders.
Banner: yes please~

Character: Yuna
Anime/Manga/Game: Final Fantasy X / Kingdom Hearts II
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Honest
Proof: Yuna is a kind-hearted, loyal, honest, and polite humanitarian who strives to see the best in others
Banner: yes please~

[staff bonus]
Character: Rinoa Heartilly
Anime/Manga/Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Honest
Proof: Open and honest with her feelings, she speaks her mind without reservation. + Although somewhat shy, Rinoa is very straightforward and honest with those around her.
Source: here + here
Banner: yes please~
enya's life spent on MAL: September 21, 2008 to August 23, 2012
Jun 21, 2012 9:55 AM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#77 Rayana
#84 Doll-Loid
#89 viibritannia
#90 VampireKisses568

Jun 21, 2012 10:27 AM
Apr 2010
Character: Giotto
Anime/Manga/Game: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice Obsessed
Proof: "He also has a strong sense of justice and actively pursues what he believes is right for the people, which is why he formed the Vongola Famiglia."
Source: Personality >>
Banner:yes please
Pic:right | cut
viibritanniaJun 21, 2012 11:10 AM
Jun 21, 2012 11:14 AM
Apr 2010

Character: Erza Scarlet
Anime/Manga/Game:Fairy Tail
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice Obsessed
Proof: "However, she has a great sense of justice and pride in being a member of Fairy Tai"
Source: Personality >>
Banner:yes please

banner to be made~
EtnaEracleaJun 22, 2012 3:26 AM
Jun 21, 2012 12:29 PM

Apr 2009
Character: Araragi Karen
Anime/Manga/Game: Bakemonogatari
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice Obsessed
Proof: "She is a self-proclaimed "hero of justice" who often imitates the personality and quirks of various characters from tokusatsu series. "
Source: Wiki
Banner: Please, make it for me
Pic 1, Pic 2 - on left

Character: Victorique de Blois
Anime/Manga/Game: Gosick
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice Obsessed/Applies Justice by Good Means/Justice-related Job
Proof: "Along with her sharp tongue, abusive bluntness and eccentric attitude, she possesses amazing detective skills, which she usually describes as "reconstructing the fragments of chaos using (her) wellspring of wisdom". "and "Victorique would stay at the botanical gardens of the library, occasionally assisting her brother Grevil de Blois in his cases until she meets Kazuya Kujo for the first time." + "Surprisingly, Victorique sorts out the culprit despite being unable to visit the scene of the crime."
Source: Wiki
Banner: Please, make it for me
Pic 1, Pic 2 - on left
EtnaEracleaJun 22, 2012 3:23 AM

Jun 21, 2012 2:26 PM

Nov 2008

Character: Allen Walker
Anime/Manga: D.Gray-Man
Tarot: VII The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good means, Impartial
Proof: "Allen considers Akuma to be just as important to him as humans, swearing his left arm to saving Akuma and his right to saving humans in his attempt to be, as he once put it, "a destroyer who can save"
Banner: Yes please :)
Pic: Here or here or this

Character: Tetsuya Kuroko
Anime/Manga: Kuroko no Basket
Tarot: VII The Justice
Type: Fair, Honest
Proof: "Kuroko has a deadpan and straight forward personality." + Visive Proof
Banner: Yes please :)
Pic: Here or here or this

#3 (Staff Bonus)
Character: Sawako Kuronuma
Anime/Manga: Kimi ni Todoke
Tarot: VII The Justice
Type: Honest, Responsible
Proof: "Sawako is a shy yet honest girl.." + "She is always seen doing chores, as noticed by Shota, but he realizes Sawako does it because she wants to, and doesn't want others to be troubled." + "Despite this, Sawako didn't hate Kurumi, even after finding out that Kurumi started the rumors."
Banner: Yes please :)
Pic: Here or here or here 

Jun 21, 2012 2:34 PM

Dec 2008
Character:Misaki Kirihara
Anime/Manga/Game: Darker Than Black
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Good Means + Justice-Related Job
Proof: "Misaki has long brown hair and glasses and rarely smiles or laughs. She has a strong sense of justice and a sharp intuition. Kirihara became a policewoman in order to protect the weak"
Banner: i'll make it

Anime/Manga/Game: Full Metal Alchemist
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Bad Means
Proof: "nameless lone serial killer and revolutionary who targets State Alchemists for his own brand of lethal justice in accordance with the fundamental tenets of his religion and for the revenge of his slaughtered people."
Banner: i'll make it
Jun 21, 2012 4:02 PM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#77 Rayana
#84 Doll-Loid
#90 VampireKisses568
EtnaEracleaJun 22, 2012 3:28 AM

Jun 22, 2012 4:24 AM

Feb 2010
Character: Reiji Mitsurugi (Miles Edgeworth)
Anime/Manga/Game: Gyakuten Saiban
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies Justice by Good Means
Proof: "he has a strong sense of right and wrong, and acts only in ways that he believes are fair and just."
Banner: please make it for me
Picture: 1|2|3
Jun 22, 2012 5:12 AM

Jun 2011
Character: Kiyoshi Teppei
Anime/Manga/Game: Kuroko no Basket
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means
Proof: According to Hyūga, he is a very honest player. + manga page
Source: Here
Banner: Please, make it for me ^^
Picture:">This or this

Tnx ^^
Jun 22, 2012 5:19 AM

Dec 2008
Tarots - VIII. The Justice - Updated !!

To be Quoted:
#77 Rayana
#84 Doll-Loid
#90 VampireKisses568

Jun 22, 2012 5:27 AM

Jun 2011
Character: Tenpouin Yuuki
Anime/Manga/Game: Code:Breaker
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice catchphrase
Proof: An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, and the Requiem of Fury for Evil.
Source: Here
Banner: Please, make it for me ^^
Picture: Please use this one, if possible, he's the red-haired one or this

Tnx ^^
Jun 23, 2012 10:31 AM

Jul 2009
Character: Toshimi Konakawa
Anime/Manga/Game: Paprika
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-Related Job
Proof: "A curious detective"
Source: MAL page
Banner: Please make it for me!
Picture: 1 or 2

Character: Keisuke Takagi
Anime/Manga/Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applies justice by good/bad means (It's really a blurry line since he's gone to both spectrums of it)
Proof: "He has a strong sense of justice and righteousness" + "He summoned Yama, the judge of the underworld" + "He continued to protect his classmates from bullying"
Source: MAL page + Megami Tensei wikia
Banner: Please make it for me!
Picture: 1, 2, 3
Jun 23, 2012 11:04 AM

Apr 2010
Character: Hattori Heiji
Anime/Manga/Game: Detective Conan
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice-related job
Proof: Hattori Heiji is a high school detective from Osaka.
Source: MAL
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture: 1(left)//2

Character: Yuuki Shinjuurou
Anime/Manga/Game: UN-GO
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice related job
Proof: A young man in postwar Tokyo who calls himself a detective and solves various cases.
Source: MAL
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture: 1(left)//2
Jun 23, 2012 11:30 AM

Jun 2009
Character: Dracule Mihawk
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Impersonal and Judging without feelings
Proof: "He displays a sense of honor which other Shichibukai seem to lack" + "Dracule Mihawk is possibly one of the most serious characters in One Piece; very little seems to surprise him" + "Mihawk is selective when it comes to fulfilling his duties as a Shichibukai"
Source: One Piece Wiki
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: Will be quoted

Character: Petro Orsini
Anime/Manga/Game: Trinity Blood
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice-related job
Proof: "The head of the Department of Inquisition."
Source: MAL Page
Banner: Yes, please <3
Picture: Will be quoted

#3 [Staff Bonus]
Character: Sakazuki (Please Akainu on the banner)
Anime/Manga/Game: One Piece
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice-related job/obsessed with justice
Proof: "Post time-skip he's been appointed as the new Fleet Admiral." + "Akainu is a firm believer in "Absolute Justice"" + "Akainu is willing to lie or misdirect his enemies in order to achieve Justice."
Source: MAL Page + One Piece Wiki
Banner: Yes, please <3

AngelatteJun 23, 2012 11:36 AM

Badges: CCO || TCO || ACP || TSC || OEC || UC || TES
Jun 24, 2012 5:48 AM

Dec 2009

Quote later~
EtnaEracleaJun 24, 2012 2:09 PM

Jun 24, 2012 7:57 AM

Mar 2009
Character:Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune
Anime/Manga/Game: Slayers
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice above all
Proof: She is a fighter of justice and her only desire is to fight and defeat evil.
Source: MAL
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture: the girl with black hair or the girl

Character:Natsu Dragneel
Anime/Manga/Game: Fairy Tail
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: applies justice by good means
Proof: he is a fiercely loyal and protective friend. Natsu thinks things through in a rather straightforward matter that usually involves taking things “head on”. He occasionally shows compassion for his enemies.
Source: Wikia
Banner: Yes, please ^^
Picture:Here or the boy with pink hair

Thanks! ^^

Jun 24, 2012 9:33 AM

Dec 2009

Changing my second claim to Ueki

Character: Saber
Anime/Manga/Game: Fate/Stay Night or Fate/Zero
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Judging without feeling, Honest Fair, Responsible
Proof: Loyal, independent, and reserved, Saber acts coldly but is actually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals+ Her stubborn personality is evident when she frequently explains her purpose to her Master, despite his objections: achieving the Holy Grail through any means + She naturally dislikes cowardly actions, no matter if it involves strategies or not. + However, pulling this sword is symbolic of accepting the hardships of a monarch, and Arturia will be responsible for preserving the welfare of her people. Without hesitation, and despite her gender, she draws Caliburn and shoulders Britain's mantle of leadership.
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: 1, 2

Note: Even if Saber acts cold she indeed doesnt judge without feelings^^" She does fit, but the first long quote only speaks about her goals and this doesn't matter anything with the Justice theme.. Please next time be sure to come with better quotes that tells about her fitting

Character: Ueki Kousuke
Anime/Manga/Game: The Law of Ueki
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Applied justice by good means
Proof: Ueki is a genuinely kind person who is always trying to help people out. He is an unusually calm individual, and doesn't care about what happens to him + He is a bit of a simpleton who constantly uses his ability against non-gifted, but that is because he just can't stand seeing these nasty folks defying his sense of justice
Banner: Please make it for me
Picture: 1


For banner maker: both banners to be made~

EtnaEracleaJun 24, 2012 2:32 PM

Jun 24, 2012 10:16 AM

Apr 2009
EtnaEraclea said:


mouse_girl's claims
Badge: to be quoted

Character: Kuraudo Ooishi
Anime/Manga/Game: Higurashi no Naku koro Ni
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: justice job related
Proof: Kuraudo Oishi is a veteran police investigator at Okinomiya who has vowed to solve the mystery of the Hinamizawa murders before his retirement, due to personal reasons.
Banner: yes please
Picture: Grey-haired guy

Character: Yusuke Urameshi
Anime/Manga/Game: Yu Yu Hakusho
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Job related/applies justice by good means
Proof: He is to become Earth's Spirit Detective, and protect the human race from demons by solving cases involved with the apparitions.
Source: Here
Banner: yes please
Picture: 1-in Green, 2-Yellow Shirt, RedJacket

#3 staff
Character: Shinobu Sensui
Anime/Manga/Game: Yu Yu Hakusho
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: job justice related + applies justice by good means
Proof: Shinobu Sensui was Earth's Spirit Detective before Yusuke Urameshi. According to Koenma, he was the natural choice; he was gifted with amazing spirit awareness, strength, and a strong moral sense of right and wrong.
Source: MAL Page
Banner: yes please
Picture: 1, 2-Darker skinned

Jun 24, 2012 1:46 PM
Jul 2018
Character: Saguru Hakuba
Anime/Manga/Game: Magic Kaito
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Justice-Related Job
Proof: "As a detective, Hakuba takes great interest in learning culprit's motives, asking "How come you did that?"
Source: Here
Banner: Yes, please.

Note: please try to give alternative pics, as the banner must come out vertical and the image is very much horizontal (quite hard to cut)..
Advice: try to take a look at here

Don't know if will be accept, but...

Character: Kaitou Kid
Anime/Manga/Game: Magic Kaito
Tarot: VIII. The Justice
Type: Fair, Responsible, Honest, Impartial and Objective
Proof: "Despite his low reputation in some quarters, Kid does have a sense of honor, inasmuch as that he decides to leave the loot behind if it has no further purpose other than having challenged his trickster skills, doesn't contain Pandora, or when a more humane background stands behind their existence. These qualities are some of the reasons why he and Conan occasionally end up as allies in a common cause."
Source: Here
Banner: Yes, please.

Rejected: i'm very sorry but i wouldnt define a thief "honest" :/ unless he like steals stuff to give them back to the real owner or something, which he doesnt >w<
EtnaEracleaJun 24, 2012 2:07 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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