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Sep 3, 2009 11:22 AM

Jan 2009
Who would win in this? Light vs Lighting?

inspired by battle arena

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Sep 3, 2009 12:29 PM

Jan 2008
Kizaru I think !!!

Sep 3, 2009 1:18 PM

Dec 2008
Kizaru if it's marathon. :)

Light is faster, but Enel's mantra helps him avoid him. But if both of them stay away from Kairouseki, they can't harm each other. Enel's ability is to produce electricity, and although there's light in lightning I can't believe that Kizaru is able to control Enel. It's same as Smoker and Ace, useless battle.

Kizaru has more experience about fighting and I believe he is more intelligent than lunatic "I am god" Enel. The only serious fight Enel has ever had was with Luffy, he doesn't have much experience about other DF users. He is more used on mantra-based fights.

So I believe Kizaru finds a way to trick Enel and capture him although their Devil Fruits are quite a mismatch.
Sep 3, 2009 2:46 PM

Nov 2007
IMO lightning is more powerful than light, but I think Kizaru can use haki (not necessarily a really powerful one, but quite strong, I think), which gives him an advantage. And yes, I know Enel has his mantra, but mantra doesn't give him power of nullifying DF effects.
So.. everything depends on Kizaru's haki ;p
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Sep 4, 2009 8:01 AM

Apr 2008
You say Enels mantra gives him an edge... You know Kizaru does that as well. Oda one stated that Enel wouldn't even be close to the strongest one th ocean.

Wouldn't surprise me is Kizaru deafeted Enel even without his devil fruit. The admirals ain't just strong because of their fruits.
In Oda we trust.

Sep 4, 2009 9:04 AM

Nov 2007
As I said - everything depends on Kizaru's haki.

"Oda once stated..." - you mean Luffy saying: "The strongest person in the world? There are hundreds of people stronger than you in the Blue Ocean" ?
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Sep 4, 2009 10:30 AM

Apr 2008
No I'm talking about the SBS, i could look it up, but i'm to lazy.
In Oda we trust.

Sep 4, 2009 11:52 AM

May 2009
Eneru has a army and can breathe in space apparently. He wins

Don't recommend me something that is still publishing, unless its close to being finished. Don't recommend me anything that isn't licensed.
Sep 8, 2009 11:07 PM

Apr 2008
And Kizaru hasn't got an army?
In Oda we trust.

Sep 9, 2009 1:57 AM
Dec 2007
I'm pretty sure it would be Kizaru. :\ There is not really much to think of it, Kizaru is light, so he's the fastest things alive, he has more experience, more brains, not to mention what position he's on, which probably tells a lot about him.
Sep 9, 2009 2:08 AM

Apr 2009
Its a Tie,,sonce both are Logia users
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Sep 9, 2009 6:20 PM

Feb 2008
you speak of haki this haki that

dont forget that for what we have seen from the snake sisters

Mantra seems like a kind of haki

If any haki allows to "touch" logias like shanks do.... we dont know

but dont talk about haki of kizaru like enel didnt have any D:

This fight... unless anyone has a way to nullify the others power... its pointless

Ace has years of experience in battle so does smoker and yet they cant beat each other

think about it
Sep 10, 2009 12:21 AM

May 2009
Xaito said:
And Kizaru hasn't got an army?
Are you familiar with the army at all? You can't just send a group of soldiers out to do whatever you want. You have to do that sort of stuff under the tables. He would have a couple subordinates with him, thats all. If you're going to say he has a army with him we might as well says he can call infinite buster calls until Eneru doesn't exist.

And I agree with the above poster. I wish fans of One Piece would stop saying haki this and haki hat when we don't know anything about it. None of you know the full capabilities of haki, none of you knows everyone that has it, none of you know to what degree they can use it, and quite frankly all of you need to shut the fuck up about it. I know its fun and everything and you're just doing what fans do but its starting to annoy me. I know my post was a tad rude but I don't know how to word it differently. If anyone does tell me and I'll gladly change it
GesichtSep 10, 2009 12:43 AM

Don't recommend me something that is still publishing, unless its close to being finished. Don't recommend me anything that isn't licensed.
Sep 10, 2009 7:19 AM

Nov 2007
Kabi said:
you speak of haki this haki that

dont forget that for what we have seen from the snake sisters

Mantra seems like a kind of haki

If any haki allows to "touch" logias like shanks do.... we dont know

but dont talk about haki of kizaru like enel didnt have any D:

This fight... unless anyone has a way to nullify the others power... its pointless

Ace has years of experience in battle so does smoker and yet they cant beat each other

think about it

I just re-watched entire series, so I have a fresh image of haki and mantra... Mantra allows one to predict, no, not predict - hear "moves". And this is where it ends.
Now... what use of haki we've seen? Nullifying Devil Fruit abilities, knocking people unconscious and breaking one's spirit, predicting and blocking moves, heightening destruction force of anything (punches, arrows)... Now... which things could Enel and Priests do? Predicting and... and... predicting. Like hell that's haki.
But I'm not saying you're totally wrong. - We don't know how haki's predictions works, so maybe it's "hearing", just like in mantra (though I highly doubt that - mantra is from sky islands, and it's not something you learn, it's something you're born with). But let's say they work the same way, then we can say that mantra is "one of haki's components", nothing more.

And somehow I can't imagine Marine Admiral who can't use any haki. He don't need to have a really strong one, but he should have some.

Also, Ace might have like 3 years worth of experience and Smoker even more, but it doesn't mean they need to know how to use haki. Also, Ace didn't fight Smoker to win, but to simply delay him and let Luffy escape.

Anyways... I didn't say Kizaru wins - I said if he can use haki properly then he might, if not then it's pointless. Unless lightning can absorb light or light can absorb lightning...
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Sep 10, 2009 7:49 AM

Nov 2008
Kizaru wins. Hands down.

Another thing that I noticed about Haki is that it can be combined with a DF ability. Hancock did this with her Pistol Kiss which also made Luffy to say (again): 'What the heck? I'm a rubberman so why does it hurts?!' considering that that attack should be just like a bullet and without haki, would bounce from Luffy.

Also, Kizaru is from the New World where those supposedly strongest people stays. I bet even Rayleigh or Sentomaru can defeat Enel. XD

Sep 10, 2009 11:17 AM

Nov 2007
@kiosy: "even Rayleigh" <= how could you use "even" by Ray's name? His strength is probably near this of Whitebeard's, of course he'd beat Enel.
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Sep 11, 2009 3:15 AM

Nov 2008
Hehe. I thought someone would say that. Well, I just used him to emphasize that Enel can easily be defeated by someone who can use haki even if he is not a DF user. (Ah crap, another idea that would probably be questioned by others.) XD

Sep 11, 2009 5:22 PM

Sep 2009
If Kizaru does indeed use haki then Eneru gets kicked at the speed of light D:
(speed of light >>> Skypiea Luffy gold ball punch,so I doubt Eneru is going to react...)
Without haki it's more or less a draw...IMO
Sep 12, 2009 12:54 PM

May 2009
Doreku said:
If Kizaru does indeed use haki then Eneru gets kicked at the speed of light D:

I wonder if Haki and DF powers are combinable. I can't recall any evidence of that...

Anyway, In the unlikely event that Kizaru doesn't use Haki, i'd still vote in his favor. He's better seasoned than Enel who seemed quite ignorant still.
Sep 12, 2009 2:49 PM

Sep 2009
gastricjuice said:
I wonder if Haki and DF powers are combinable. I can't recall any evidence of that...

Aside from the snake sisters,yes you're right there's still not much shown on how haki works with Paramecia or Logia DFs...

gastricjuice said:
Anyway, In the unlikely event that Kizaru doesn't use Haki, i'd still vote in his favor.

As much as I dislike Eneru,if Kizaru doesn't have some seastone with him (or at least rubber gloves or boots XD) I don't think he can bypass the Logia intangibility...

Though Kizaru is still way more skilled than Eneru could ever hope to be ;D
EruhanSep 12, 2009 3:09 PM
Sep 12, 2009 8:32 PM

May 2009
Doreku said:
Aside from the snake sisters,yes you're right there's still not much shown on how haki works with Paramecia or Logia DFs...
Oh yeah, that fight happened a while ago so it wasn't so fresh in memory :) But this would make a good discussion topic. Noting that the Hebi-sisters where in material form and not elemental or whatever the base characteristics of (some)Paramecia and Logia powers is.

Doreku said:
As much as I dislike Eneru,if Kizaru doesn't have some seastone with him (or at least rubber gloves or boots XD)

Yes, that is what i was teasing at ;) And just about anything that is a good insulator of electricity. In fact, Enel is quite weak if you look up good insulators of electricity...
Sep 12, 2009 11:34 PM

Nov 2008
gastricjuice said:

I wonder if Haki and DF powers are combinable. I can't recall any evidence of that...

Well, I did notice something when I watched the latest episodes. That's why I said:

Another thing that I noticed about Haki is that it can be combined with a DF ability. Hancock did this with her Pistol Kiss which also made Luffy to say (again): 'What the heck? I'm a rubberman so why does it hurts?!' considering that that attack should be just like a bullet and without haki, would bounce from Luffy.

And I think Boa Hancock is a Paramecia DF user. Also, I can see Luffy doing the haki+Gomu Gomu atk combination in the future since his normal attacks are now useless against the strong people of the New World... maybe aside from, Gear Second.

Sep 13, 2009 2:00 AM

May 2009
kiosy said:

Well, I did notice something when I watched the latest episodes. That's why I said:

lol, bad habit of mine :) In the manga which i just looked up he goes "Argh!" Nothing special, i guess they would stretch it out in the anime. I think i need to refresh on the last 50 chapters.

kiosy said:
And I think Boa Hancock is a Paramecia DF user. Also, I can see Luffy doing the haki+Gomu Gomu atk combination in the future since his normal attacks are now useless against the strong people of the New World... maybe aside from, Gear Second.
Yes, i had no problem with Luffy. True He is using DF powers but it's still his fist in contact with the opponent.
Sep 13, 2009 3:08 PM

Nov 2008
gastricjuice said:

lol, bad habit of mine :) In the manga which i just looked up he goes "Argh!" Nothing special, i guess they would stretch it out in the anime. I think i need to refresh on the last 50 chapters.

Hmm, maybe they made it more detailed in the anime and actually there are plenty of things that I don't notice when reading the manga. Lol :D

Sep 13, 2009 3:27 PM
Jul 2018
When did Kizaru use Haki? Tell me the occasion?

Haki can be used in many ways

1. Blowing people off (Luffy has done at Amazon Lilly, Saving Bon Clay in the jungle, and sending Black Beard flying) [he never made any physical contact with other person in this case]

2. Stopping the DF ability (Rayliegh used to stopped Kizaru's kick, hancock's sis used to stop Luffy's kick)

3. Mixed with weapon (like Amazon lilly girls used with arrows)

4. Mixed with DF (like Boa sister did)

5. Predicting movements (like hancock's sis did against Luffy)

Enel's mantra is kinda like 5th one, Kizaru i don't think has haki of these 5 types. But in longer run Light > Electricity. So I'll go with Kizaru
Sep 13, 2009 7:27 PM

May 2009
hJ said:
When did Kizaru use Haki? Tell me the occasion?
As far as I'm concerned he hasn't, nor was it claimed in this thread that he has but they suspect/expect it.

kiosy said:
Hmm, maybe they made it more detailed in the anime and actually there are plenty of things that I don't notice when reading the manga. Lol :D
I know what you mean, Oda-sensei sucks the value out of every page he is given. So naturally us ordinary humans are easily overwhelmed ;)
Sep 14, 2009 5:03 AM

Sep 2009
gastricjuice said:
I know what you mean, Oda-sensei sucks the value out of every page he is given. So naturally us ordinary humans are easily overwhelmed ;)

QFT!!! T.T
Sep 17, 2009 2:11 PM

Jan 2009
Alright, as the guy that started this thread, I feel I need to take an innocent point and just watch.

Just some arguments I've noticed.

1. Lighting's faster than Light.
Really? cause take a look around you. You see all those colors? That's caused by different strands of light moving around in the air so fast that your retina's can't comprehend it. Can you actually see lighting come down from the sky? Yes, but it's fast.

2. Mandra and Haki arguments.
Alright look, there is a saying. The Force, Ki, Chakra, all that stuff is really the same thing. Mandra and Haki are also probably really close to being the same. There is a difference. Mandra has been shown in whatever that little girl's voice is. This could be a Haki awakening, a super sense of everyone around you.

3. Bla bla bla bla
Yeah, that's really all that I'm seeing here.

Doreku is correct in stating that conditions make a fight. However, this is a general thing. I doubt Eneru has ever actually gone against a guy like Kizaru. So saying that one point isn't going to do anything to another isn't really going to work.

Eneru freaked out when Luffy was unaffected, so we'll have to see.

Sep 18, 2009 9:38 AM

Nov 2007

@1: From what we've seen Kizaru's light is slower than Ener's lightning - just look on how did them move on a distance.

@2: It's actually "mantra". And don't compare ki/chakra/the force with haki and mantra. Mantra gives you ability to hear, haki gives you so much more (though not really sure if it gives you ability of "hearing" too). haki awakening? You seriously think that her haki have been awakening all the time since infantry to her being... 6-8 years old?

@3: Really? Oh, right - when I look on your post ;]
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Sep 18, 2009 10:02 AM

Jan 2009
Gradonil_Ral said:

@1: From what we've seen Kizaru's light is slower than Ener's lightning - just look on how did them move on a distance.

@2: It's actually "mantra". And don't compare ki/chakra/the force with haki and mantra. Mantra gives you ability to hear, haki gives you so much more (though not really sure if it gives you ability of "hearing" too). haki awakening? You seriously think that her haki have been awakening all the time since infantry to her being... 6-8 years old?

@3: Really? Oh, right - when I look on your post ;]

You don't know how to use the quote button?

1. Scientific fact. Then we have the whole "Maybe he was just testing everyone" or perhaps he's not really trying. Light is faster than Lighting.

2. All the same thing. Haki and Mantra are the same thing in the overview.

And yes. The expression "A square can be a rectangle but a rectangle can't be a square" applies quite well here.

Sep 18, 2009 12:57 PM

Nov 2007
Is there a need to be quoting a post which is right above your answer to it? I don't think so.

Well... light isn't as "concrete" as lightning, so Kizaru can only travel using these "mirrors" we've seen. It's fast, but not as fast as lightning.

Nope, they don't seem the same. There is only one thing they have in common. -> Hey, there is around 3 billion men in the world. All of them have at least one common thing, does it mean they are all the same?
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Sep 19, 2009 10:53 AM

Apr 2008
Besides we know that Kizaru has haki. When he fought with Rayleight he managed to counter his blows, if Kizaru wouldn't have had and opposing haki he wouldn't have been able to.
In Oda we trust.

Sep 19, 2009 12:03 PM

Nov 2007
You really think so? IMO He didn't use any haki. And Ray was using haki just to "touch" him.
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Sep 25, 2009 9:07 AM

Feb 2009
hmmm... woah... based on what has been discussed here, i go for kizaru. :)
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Oct 16, 2009 9:27 AM

Apr 2009
yep, me too. Although i prefer Eneru as a character.

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