Jan 18, 2008 12:14 PM
Discuss the latest manga chapters in this thread, to avoid having to post on the main club wall and give everyone spoilers who don't follow the manga. All speculation discussion and thoughts may also be placed in this thread as well. Update: 10/01/08: If you are going to discuss manga spoilers (as in, new chapter material before the usual scanlation releases towards the end of the week [on Friday normally] ), simply use spoiler buttons here, so people can choose to view it or not. A lot of people choose to wait till then and do not wish to be spoiled before then, but still want to talk about the manga with fellow One Piece fans. Let's try to keep this a friendly environment too. Because we all love One Piece here :) |
VK11Oct 1, 2008 6:41 PM
Jan 19, 2008 4:29 AM
Jan 19, 2008 7:12 AM
I figured Zoro's pride wouldn't let him die. Think about it, Luffy was suffering all that pain and yet he was still alive barely. Zoro, although he thinks really highly of Luffy, still sees him as a rival of sorts and anything he could do, Zoro believes he should be able to take as well. That's probably why he's still standing...somehow anyway. Lol. By the way, anyone think that at this level right now, Zoro has a chance of beating Mihawk? Once again, there was something that Zoro could not cut - Vegapunk's technological cyborg. I'm thinking that Mihawk wouldn't have a problem with it. Zoro is close, but not there yet at Mihawk's level, in my eyes. |
VK11Jan 19, 2008 7:53 AM
Jan 19, 2008 4:02 PM
...Darn. Zoro is supposed to be my least favorite character. But now I can't hate him because... he's a horrible liar. It wasn't that long ago when he said he'd quit the crew if Luffy ever got in the way of his dream, and now here he is, begging for death if it will spare his captain... Any suggestions as for which character I can hate now? Nezumi from way back in the Arlong Arc, maybe? He was pretty annoying... |
Jan 19, 2008 6:29 PM
What an awesome chapter! Sooo epic. Zoro is amazing, to have such strong loyalness to his captain - but then again he always was loyal to Luffy. Back in Post Eneis Lobby arc, he said that he wouldn't accept any member in the crew that can't respect Luffy... which is why he was against letting Usopp come back >0<. I was annoyed by that decision back then, but I figured that he must be very loyal. <3 Ugh~ but this chp also leaves so many questions unanswered. Like, is Kuma going to come back after Zoro, and kill him? How does he know Dragon (did he met him in person)? And who is Dr. Vegapunk that's been metioned so many times already~~~?!? @vindemon64 - yeah I agree, I think that Zoro is still not in Mihawk's level, though he is almost there. Just a little more to go. :D Maybe he'll meet Kuma again, when he is not beat up so badly, and he'll manage to cut through Dr. Vegapunk's cyborg. Then maybe he'll be ready~ ^_^ |
Jan 19, 2008 10:05 PM
hmmm... luffy isn't exacly getting in the way of zoro's ambition, zoro thinks that he can't be the greatest swordsman if he can't even protect his captain... that's in my opinion anyways...i am so eager to know what happens next as for zoro reaching mihawk's level, i hope they duel again, even if zoro loses, just to see how zoro is catching up to mihawk. |
Jan 20, 2008 5:31 AM
danrev123 said: Yeah mine too.. But guess they'll go to that island on the bottom of the see after this. Don't know what they will find there but its sure a chance Oda-sensei wouldn't miss...although i still want to know what happened to blackbeard and Ace lolhmmm... luffy isn't exacly getting in the way of zoro's ambition, zoro thinks that he can't be the greatest swordsman if he can't even protect his captain... that's in my opinion |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Jan 20, 2008 7:18 PM
Blackbeard becomes a shichibukai...meaning he gained reputation from beating Ace Though nothing has been mentioned on what happens to Ace. Merman Island - They will probably encounter the Merman Shichibukai ( Jimbei ) which was Arlong's former captain |
Jan 21, 2008 12:26 AM
Jan 21, 2008 8:27 AM
danrev123 said: Merman Island - They will probably encounter the Merman Shichibukai ( Jimbei ) which was Arlong's former captain Yeah, I also think Jimbei might show his Merman head if Oda decides to navigate the Strawhats towards Merman Island. One Piece is definitely in its second half of its timeline and should be getting closer to Raftel, now that they're in the New World. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. But don't forget about Don Quixote - he's still out there and from what we've seen, his Devil Fruit ability (puppet master?) seems really deadly. Plus, there's still Smoker and Ao Kiji to deal with, not to mention Blackbeard, Whitebeard, Dragon......Ah! So many options available. |
Jan 21, 2008 10:39 AM
Yeah thats why I'm not sure about that second half :D...or maybe there could be like 3 or 4 pars lol. And somehow I think that the stawhats will have to beat at least 3 more Shichibukai and deal with 1 more of the 4 warlords of the sea(And Whitebeard and/or Shanks) In addition to Smoker and his formation... And Elbaf off course and somehow i guess luffy's going to play a role in the war between Dragon and the World Government too. (The World Government reminds me somehow to the Red Ribbon army lol) |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Jan 21, 2008 8:56 PM
vindemon64 said: One Piece is definitely in its second half of its timeline and should be getting closer to Raftel, now that they're in the New World. Wait, they're already in the New World? I thought they will arrive at the New World AFTER Merman Island, or something. I'm confused. Didn't Moria warned them or something that the New World is the "Ultimate Nightmare", saying like its worse than Thriller Bark? But anyway, yeah, they still have so many opponents to encounter! XP There are so many things yet to be discovered... Sanji needs to find All Blue... Zoro needs to fight Mihawk again... Robin wants to find the Rio Poneglyph (which I've heard many theories say that it's actually One Piece itself)... They will probablly meet Blackbeard again and fight him...Oh! and they have to meet Shanks one day too >0<. Plus I wanna know what happened to Ace so badly. Thinking about all of this makes me all hyped up. XD |
Jan 22, 2008 11:13 AM
No they the Strawhats aren't in the New World. Merman Island is probably in the first part. Its only a probability that the halfway line is after the Enies Lobby-island, but since the Strawhats went back to Water 7 we don't really know that much about that.. |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Jan 22, 2008 1:32 PM
NoyaChan said: Ugh~ but this chp also leaves so many questions unanswered. Like, is Kuma going to come back after Zoro, and kill him? How does he know Dragon (did he met him in person)? And who is Dr. Vegapunk that's been metioned so many times already~~~?!? Didn't he leave Thriller Bark already? He sounded absolutely sure that Zoro was going to die. I doubt that he'll come back. What's more intriguing is what he'll say to the WG? I doubt that they'll just let the SH off the hook. regarding Kuma knowing Dragon, Dragon is a world-renowned figure. Kuma could probably just know him by name. as for how he found out about the connection between Dragon and Luffy, two sources come to mind: Garp or Ace. vindemon64 said: By the way, anyone think that at this level right now, Zoro has a chance of beating Mihawk? Once again, there was something that Zoro could not cut - Vegapunk's technological cyborg. I'm thinking that Mihawk wouldn't have a problem with it. Zoro is close, but not there yet at Mihawk's level, in my eyes. IMO, I don't think he's there yet. but he's made significant progress and will even become more powerful in the future. remember, he's still not used to his new blade. once he learns to wield it efficiently, who knows how much more powerful he'll be. Spade said: That's what I thought as well but will they really have 3 Shichibukai in a row? Oda is more creative than that. ^^ that's a good point. then again, when should the SH fight them? I think that this is the perfect time for them to increase their battle experience and capabilities. what lies in the New World are the Yonkou, not to mention that they have to look over their shoulder to see if the WG is right behind them. NoyaChan said: There are so many things yet to be discovered... Sanji needs to find All Blue... Zoro needs to fight Mihawk again... Robin wants to find the Rio Poneglyph (which I've heard many theories say that it's actually One Piece itself)... here's the most interesting theory I've read about "what One Piece is", as well as the events that occurred during the Void Century, Gol D. Roger's intentions and how it all affects the Strawhats. I think that in the True History, there were indeed pirates that had tried to take over a kingdom. The kingdom has tried to defend themselves using the ancient weapon, Pluton. However, the pirates also had ancient weapons, and managed to take over the kingdom. The pirates, then used Pluton to separate the ocean around that land, making it unreachable. This causing the land to split apart, and creating the 4 blues, the red line, and the grand line. The pirates then renamed themselves, the World Government. Years later, Roger had indeed found the Rio Poneglyph at the end of the Grand Line. Knowing the True History, he intended to 'crush' the World Government, but he knew him himself was not nearly strong enough to stop them. He then sacrificed himself to the marines/World Government, and told everyone of 'One Piece'. This starting a new age of pirates. Roger hopes that by doing this, one day a strong group of pirates will reach Raftel, find the True History, and fulfill his dream of 'crushing' the World Government, by starting a huge revolution. At the end of "One Piece", I think that of course, the Mugiwara pirates will reach Raftel. Knowing the True History, Luffy intends to carry out Roger's dream, he starts a revolution. Soon there will be a huge battle between the Straw Hats(and whoever decides to join them), and the World Government(With the rest of the Shichibukai, Admirals, Sengoku, etc.) In the end, the Straw Hats should emerge victorious, and fire Pluton(Or something like that). After firing Pluton, the world shakes, and somehow the Red Line forms together with the islands, creating one whole piece of land, also called 'One Piece'. Also, with the 4 blues formed together, instead of being named, North, East, South, West, it will simply be called, All Blue. this was posted in one of the forums I used to frequent. the source was originally from the Arlong Park forums though I couldn't find the URL. |
avrcJan 22, 2008 2:01 PM
Jan 22, 2008 2:22 PM
hmmm interesting theory....But i don't think so somehow..Roger was probably the same as Luffy and not thinking that far ahead. Somehow luffy seems to "change the hearth" of some(if not all) of the Island they visit. I mean look at Arlong park, Arabasta, drum and water 7. I think all those island would join Dragon if they knew the connection between Luffy and Dragon and they'd had the chance to... But anyway about One Piece, Roger didn't say he left it at Rafel. He said he left it at "that place". "That place" is the whole grand line imo and One Piece is the most important thing to Roger; a place with the greatest and wildest adventures, the strongest guys and the most unpredictable sea in the world. ....Or maybe it's just the only place to find Hercules beetles lol |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Jan 26, 2008 7:44 AM
What does everyone think of Ace being locked up at some other prison (Impel Down, I believe it was named?). I wonder if Oda will have Luffy and co. go rescue Ace. Though it would be a little similar to Enies Lobby and rescuing Robin, so I don' think Oda will take that route...yet anyway. |
Jan 26, 2008 12:09 PM
well, not worrying about the details...they should rescue ace sometime i mean, rumors says that no one has ever come back from impel down luffy is so simple minded that he would want to rescue ace. plus ace should not end up like this after all... |
Jan 26, 2008 11:25 PM
The question is "what will Whitebeard do, now that Ace is in Impel Down?" will they go to rescue Ace and take down Blackbeard at the same time, but then again, Impel Down is meant to be mpenetrable, but now Whitebeard has a reason to start a war with the WG. Now that Thriller Bark has ended or close to ending next chapter, do you think the Mugiwaras bounties will go up again, in such a small amount of time? Wasn't Gecko an ex Shichibukai? or did i remember it wrong :P IMO what will happen next for Mugiwaras is that they'll take Brooke in as their new nakama and head to merman island, though it was weird how they didn't show most of Brooke face when he was still alive. He may go off on his own to see Laboon, you never know. |
Jan 27, 2008 8:47 AM
Firana said: The question is "what will Whitebeard do, now that Ace is in Impel Down?" will they go to rescue Ace and take down Blackbeard at the same time, but then again, Impel Down is meant to be mpenetrable, but now Whitebeard has a reason to start a war with the WG. My first thought when I heard that Ace was in Impel down was... maybe Whitebeard and Dragon would team up to rescue him. Whitebeard would obviously have an interest in saving his sidekick... And Dragon wouldn't pass up an oportunity to do that much damage to the World Government, not to mention Ace is kind of his son. Luffy did make their job infintely easier by wiping out CP9 and a few of the Shichibukai... |
Jan 27, 2008 10:03 AM
I don't think Dragon and Whitebeard would join up.. Somehow i think that Dragon and Shanks are involved (Since he was asking about ace and with Luffy when he was younger) Impel down is at the bottom of the sea, so i guess it could be located on merman island or something, or it could be connected somehow. |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Jan 27, 2008 11:59 PM
I think WhiteBeard is gonna go after BlackBeard and will end up losing and feeling stupid for doubting BlackBeard's ability. |
Jan 30, 2008 4:13 PM
Yeah, i seriously doubt that. Whitebeard will probably have someone else in his massive army of pirate crew go for Blackbeard |
Jan 31, 2008 9:35 AM
Nah Ace was almost Whitebeards second in command, so i seriously doubt that he has allot of people as strong as or stronger then Ace. So if someone of the Whitebeard pirates has to do it its Whitebeard himself... And he has his hands full on Shanks at the moment. |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Jan 31, 2008 3:44 PM
Lofoc said: Nah Ace was almost Whitebeards second in command, so i seriously doubt that he has allot of people as strong as or stronger then Ace. So if someone of the Whitebeard pirates has to do it its Whitebeard himself... And he has his hands full on Shanks at the moment. Ace is the captain of the second division, not WhiteBeard's right hand man. AFAIK, the WB pirate crew has 4 divisions. IMO, the other 3 captains are all monsters like Ace. A as for WhiteBeard himself, you're right, there's the matter with Shanks and there's the status of his health. |
Jan 31, 2008 4:30 PM
Yeah well i said almost ;) But yeah i see it like this; Whitebeard is first in command. Hes directly above the 4 division commanders and so on. So ace would be on of Whitebeard's 4 right hand man's. So if there's someone needed who's above ace in rank it would have to be Whitebeard himself or someone who is outside the ranks. Because Ace got caught it would be unlogical to send another one of about the same level as his to fight Blackbeard. Whitebeard has to go all out now.. Its the same logic as the shichibukai now use. Don't attack the Strawhats(Or any group with that strength). Because you could get defeated. Blackbeard could attack Ace tough since he wasn't one by then and Ace was alone. Besides Ace has a lower bounty then Luffy(since Luffy was the highest bounty from East Blue,and Ace's from there too) But yeah anyways still think Whitebeards crew is going to be defeated by Shanks so i don't know if he could do anything for Ace.... |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Feb 1, 2008 9:51 PM
For some reason, Whitebeard doesn't strike me as the type of guy who would go to great lengths just to save one of his nakama, even though he considers all of them his sons (or something of the sort as I forgot the exact term he used). And as you guys already pointed out, Whitebeard is also a bit preoccupied with other things to drop everything and go get Ace. Also, Luffy and co. don't know that Ace is at Impel Down, so we can take that scenario out of the question. I know somebody mentioned it earlier, but if Impel Down is at the bottom of the sea and the Strawhats do end up going to Fishmen Island next, there could be a very good possibility that the two may coincide somehow. I'm hoping Oda will next unveil to us more information about the other two Yonkou. We don't know much about them yet. |
Feb 2, 2008 12:34 AM
I don't think that they're going to rescue Ace, though. We already had one rescue arc (Eneis Lobby, Robin's rescue), and Oda usually doesn't recycle his plots... unlike the some other shounen series (*cough* bleach *cough* >_>'). I might be wrong though, but I really don't care either way. Both "Merman Island Arc" and "Impel Down Arc" sound awesome to me. XD vindemon64 said: I'm hoping Oda will next unveil to us more information about the other two Yonkou. We don't know much about them yet. *Nods* Btw, are Whitebeard and Shanks still at the same place they met? Or are they done discussing already? Anyway, about the most recent chp... it was so touching ;__; Brook's past is so sad! He had such nice crew and captain and he lost them all. No doubt that Brook is joining the SHs though, now after his past was shown... I wonder if we will ever get to see Brook and Laboon reunite again before One Piece ends? |
Feb 2, 2008 4:05 AM
vindemon64 said: Also, Luffy and co. don't know that Ace is at Impel Down, so we can take that scenario out of the question. And what makes you think they don't read the newspaper like Moria's goons did? It wouldn't be the first time. ;) Also, Brook's flashback should officially confirm he'll join the crew. They all had flashbacks sooner or later. Yay ^^ |
Feb 2, 2008 8:02 AM
Spade said: And what makes you think they don't read the newspaper like Moria's goons did? It wouldn't be the first time. ;) True. But they've been at Thriller Bark the whole time still and we haven't seen them read a newspaper as of yet. I'm sure that would be something Oda would have shown us. Spade said: Also, Brook's flashback should officially confirm he'll join the crew. They all had flashbacks sooner or later. Yay ^^ That's what I'm hoping. But let's not forget how Vivi's past was practically shown second by second and she ended up staying. Though her and Brook's situations are completely (180 degrees) different, so I guess it doesn't apply. |
Feb 2, 2008 2:32 PM
Will be weird to have another swordsman join the crew, how would Brooke and Zoro determine who gets which sword :P |
Feb 2, 2008 4:09 PM
NoyaChan said: Well they drew their swords already so i guess they are done discussing and started fighting about the top position.(Guess ace is "conveniently" in prison because of that too)Btw, are Whitebeard and Shanks still at the same place they met? Or are they done discussing already? But yeah poor Brook... Guess he'll join since Luffy's going to meet up with Laboon too after hes been to the end of the Grand Line. And he seems to be a good addition. |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Feb 7, 2008 1:51 AM
vindemon64 said: Spade said: And what makes you think they don't read the newspaper like Moria's goons did? It wouldn't be the first time. ;) True. But they've been at Thriller Bark the whole time still and we haven't seen them read a newspaper as of yet. I'm sure that would be something Oda would have shown us "The whole time" can't be more than 1 or 2 days. Didn't they get the newspaper per seagull-mail-whatever? I believe Nami got the newspaper that way before arriving at Drum but my memory might be wrong but it shouldn't be too hard for Oda to give them a newspaper out of nowhere. ;) |
Feb 7, 2008 10:31 AM
Spade said: Yeah they bring the newspaper with a bird..But i guess its not a daily newspaper, just one that shows up whenever something interesting happens.vindemon64 said: Spade said: And what makes you think they don't read the newspaper like Moria's goons did? It wouldn't be the first time. ;) True. But they've been at Thriller Bark the whole time still and we haven't seen them read a newspaper as of yet. I'm sure that would be something Oda would have shown us "The whole time" can't be more than 1 or 2 days. Didn't they get the newspaper per seagull-mail-whatever? I believe Nami got the newspaper that way before arriving at Drum but my memory might be wrong but it shouldn't be too hard for Oda to give them a newspaper out of nowhere. ;) |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Feb 7, 2008 8:45 PM
anyways, since I assume they won't rescue ace because that would be similar to enies lobby arc...i wonder how the straw hats will play a part on ace's imprisonment.. |
Feb 10, 2008 1:37 AM
maybe before we know it , ace is already being rescused x: . maybe at the merman island , and many other arc's later on , luffy will just continue defeating those shichibukais ;/ . but his gear second and third thing is draining his life away :/ . when you guys always wanna talk about the ending , its a long way?because i think ive heard somewhere that there will be a minimum of 700 episodes.. |
Feb 10, 2008 1:01 PM
Well no one knows when One Piece ends..But over 700 episodes seems like a reasonable estimate. |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Feb 10, 2008 5:45 PM
700 episodes seems reasonable... i wonder if the stawhats will fight the (since i saw a samurai in there which would be a typical zoro opponent) also, is brooke already in the crew? if so they are gonna have a musician, the one crew member that luffy has been so eager to recruit |
Feb 10, 2008 6:57 PM
While Brook hasn't exactly said, "Sure, I'll join your crew, Luffy!" since when they first met, he's... pretty much officially part of the crew already. He's a musician like Luffy's always wanted, he just got his flashback... and he mentioned Laboon waiting a couple more years for him to come back. So yes, I'd say they finally have their musician. |
Feb 11, 2008 3:39 AM
Feb 11, 2008 10:22 AM
Yeah well the arc's keep getting longer and longer. I mean the Thriller Bark arc wasn't really a long arc(It all happened in one night or so) It wouldn't be to weird to expect a few arcs that could be longer then the Arabasta arc or the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc. So anyway Oda-sensei's taking time off for "research" so i guess thats good news for the next arc then? Maybe its going to get a pretty awesome one again? |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Feb 11, 2008 11:25 AM
for sure it will be... im just hoping the anime will create good fillers... |
Feb 11, 2008 12:07 PM
So here was something I calculated back in February of last year for the length of the manga in One Piece. Let me know what you guys think" For the sake of not doing these again, these calculations were done on 2/25/07. Okay, so I was doing some calculations here... Let's assume (knowing the fact that One Piece isn't half-way done yet) that One Piece is approximately 40% done. That's (2/5) in fraction form. So if you take the number of chapters out so far (446) divide that by (2/5), so (446 / (2/5)), you'll get a total of 1115 TOTAL chapters. Again, this is all theoretical and under the assumption that we're assuming One Piece to be about 40% done. So if we take the total # of chapters (1115) and subtract the current number of chapters (446), we'll get 669 remaining chapters to be drawn/written. Now, let us again assume that there are about 43 chapters that come out every year of One Piece (let's give Oda a break from bringing out a chapter every week). So if we take 669 (remaining chapters) and divide that by 43 (chapters per year), we'll get a grand total of 15.558. 15.558 = the number of years it will take Oda to complete One Piece as of today (2/25/07). Again, its based on heavy assumptions, but if its kinda accurate, we're looking for a lot of One Piece for the next decade or so. On or about July 27, 2022. |
Feb 11, 2008 12:32 PM
vindemon64 said: So here was something I calculated back in February of last year for the length of the manga in One Piece. Let me know what you guys think" For the sake of not doing these again, these calculations were done on 2/25/07. Okay, so I was doing some calculations here... Let's assume (knowing the fact that One Piece isn't half-way done yet) that One Piece is approximately 40% done. That's (2/5) in fraction form. So if you take the number of chapters out so far (446) divide that by (2/5), so (446 / (2/5)), you'll get a total of 1115 TOTAL chapters. Again, this is all theoretical and under the assumption that we're assuming One Piece to be about 40% done. So if we take the total # of chapters (1115) and subtract the current number of chapters (446), we'll get 669 remaining chapters to be drawn/written. Now, let us again assume that there are about 43 chapters that come out every year of One Piece (let's give Oda a break from bringing out a chapter every week). So if we take 669 (remaining chapters) and divide that by 43 (chapters per year), we'll get a grand total of 15.558. 15.558 = the number of years it will take Oda to complete One Piece as of today (2/25/07). Again, its based on heavy assumptions, but if its kinda accurate, we're looking for a lot of One Piece for the next decade or so. On or about July 27, 2022. someone has too much time on their hands. =P I think I'll still be alive by 2022 xD. well, one more decade or so of One Piece would be nice. the premise that I could be reading One Piece along with my kid doesn't sound so bad. well, I just hope that he doesn't go insane after doing the same manga for over 20 years. that could also lead to mental fatigue which could lead into a drop in the quality of OP. |
Feb 11, 2008 12:55 PM
...when i first read that calculation i read 15558 years in stead of 15 and over a half year. But anyway Oda senei isn't that old yet so it could be a perfectly true estimate.... And you could put in a extra year before One Piece the Anime is going to finish after that. |
![]() ![]() adoption ID card made by Sakura_r0se^^[/spoler] |
Feb 12, 2008 1:36 AM
omg , thats still a long way to go,i hope nothing happens to oda sensei x:! . i dont want onepiece to stop/end halfway x= |
sandiiFeb 12, 2008 1:39 AM
Feb 12, 2008 1:41 AM
Feb 12, 2008 3:33 AM
@ Spade ; imma blur kid D: .i was actually looking @ page two while replying that message -.- ohhwells. |
Feb 12, 2008 10:54 AM
Feb 12, 2008 5:24 PM
OMG...i'm tired of these useless chapters. Nobody cares about that idiot Brook. |
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