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Jun 28, 2014 9:32 PM

Mar 2014
Ohai~ (´・ω・`)
The time has finally come for my debut here in TKP~
So I present you, this + another claim.
In this thread, you can claim a vocaloid/niconico/utaite song you are currently obsessed to.
Basically just the normal claim a song except only more focused on the songs stated above.
I hope you like it, Remember to read the rules!
[quote][center]Additional Info & Rules
- You may claim the song with a different Artist (ei. someone else's version of the song)
but you may not claim the same song on the same month with a different Artist.
- You may claim a song you have already claimed before only this time with a different Artist. (Yes, I allow it)
- No editing your request if ever there is a need to fix it quote it. Because it makes a mess in the claim list.
(ei. updater told you the picture you provided is unavailable and you need to provide an alternate)
- No Pending Request! It's unfair for the others!
- No Spoilers, Link them!
- Should you have any questions, Feel free ask via comment on my profile.
[/quote]f o r m a t[/center][/color][/size]
[size=80]Rank: I know if you're a member or staff. But I wanna know how random are you?
Username: Provide a shortened, Just in case
Badge: in spoiler or link please
Name of the Song: + Link (Youtube / NicoNico) (Provide a shortened, Just in case)
Proof: Wiki Link
Motivation: ei. Why you chose this song ; I don't even care if you just put dots here or whatever. Just don't leave it out.
Banner: Make it O.O --- Chill dude, I'll be making it~
Picture: High Quality
lunailluminaJun 10, 2015 12:08 PM

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jun 29, 2014 5:09 AM

Mar 2014
Banner Maker: Laz | Claim List Updater/s: ? ? ?
Arranged by Title | With "*" are Admin Claims

lunailluminaJul 8, 2014 7:32 AM

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Jul 3, 2014 12:53 AM

Jul 2011
Rank: Member
Username: tsubasa_
Badge: requested it here
Name of the Song + Link: Children Record (
Artist: Nico Nico Chorus (in this clip)
Proof: Here
Motivation: I have this song stuck in my head :D
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: Here

Jul 3, 2014 1:04 AM

Jan 2014
Rank: Member
Username: Akatsuki
Badge: Requested it here
Name of the Song + Link: Yobanashi Deceive
Artist: Vocaloid IA
Proof: Here
Motivation: I love the guitar/drums in this song plus Kano
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: Here

Jul 3, 2014 4:42 AM

Mar 2014
[size=80]Rank: The Deceiver
Username: LaZwei-S
Badge: --

Name of the Song: Yobanashi Deceive
Artist: Jin ; IA but in this case un:c 's version
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: KANO <3
Banner: Chill dude, I'll be making it~
Picture: --

Name of the Song: Summertime Record
Artist: Jin ; IA but JubyPhonic's version
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: HARUKA <3
Banner: Chill dude, I'll be making it~
Picture: --

Name of the Song: Sekai Seifuku / World Domination How-To
Artist: NERU ; Kagamine Rin & Kagamine Rin Len
Proof: Geh.. Linky doesn't work =A=
Motivation: Neru~
Banner: Chill dude, I'll be making it~
Picture: --

Comment: owo

I'm a picture-perfect face
With that wild in my veins

1:04 ━━━●━━━─────── 3:24


Jul 3, 2014 5:03 AM

Dec 2011
Rank: Moon Dancer
Username: Mikan5
Name of the Song: Otsukimi Recital
Artist: IA
Proof: Wikia
Motivation: i love momo and hibiya theyre so cute and this song and yeah
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: Here
Comment: Thank you so much!
Jul 3, 2014 5:19 AM

May 2014
Rank: Member
Username: Chromel
Badge: Requested
Name of the Song: Lost Time Memory (
Artist: IA
Proof: Wiki (
Motivation: My all-time favorite, + because Shintaro.
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: Here
Comment: Thank you! ^^
E: links don't work v_v
Jul 3, 2014 6:17 AM

Jul 2011
tsubasa_ said:
Rank: Member
Username: tsubasa_
Badge: requested it here
Name of the Song + Link: Children Record (
Artist: IA, but here Nico Nico Chorus version
Proof: Here
Motivation: I have this song stuck in my head :D
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: Here

This picture fits better: Here

Jul 3, 2014 6:21 AM

Mar 2014
Rank: Staff
Username: Phoenix1220
Badge: Requested Here
Name of the Song: + Link Outer Science
Artist: Jin: IA: Jubyphonic Version
Proof: Proof!
Motivation: Dat Kuroha though...
Banner: Make it O.O -
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: + Link:Kagerou Days
Artist: Jin: IA: Jubyphonic
Proof: Here
Motivation: Because truck-san is my hero...
Banner: Make it please!
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: + Link: Daze
Artist: Jin ft. MARiA
Proof: Here
Motivation: Favorite OP of the season!
Banner: Make it
Picture: Here

Comment: Thank you this was a great idea!
Jul 3, 2014 6:57 AM

May 2012
Staff Request

Rank: Staff
Username: Yukimacchi or Yuki-chan
Badge: i think i lost my badges but i requested and got 'em already - look at staff request

Name of the Song: Seisou Bakuretsu Boy
Artist: Kagamine Len
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: I love this song so much omg omg
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: Gigantic OTN
Artist: Kagamine Len
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: ochinchinchinchin this song is way tooooo awesome
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: Headphone Actor
Artist: Akatin
Proof: Utaite Wiki
Motivation: Akatin is my favorite utaite and damn his cover is so awesome
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here

Comment: Thank you very much!

Fix: Links to pictures of second & third claims are not working.
lunailluminaJul 3, 2014 8:53 AM
Jul 3, 2014 9:15 AM

Jan 2012
~Claim list updated till here~

Yukimacchi -- Links to pictures not working
Jul 3, 2014 9:42 AM

May 2012
Yukimacchi said:
Staff Request

Rank: Staff
Username: Yukimacchi or Yuki-chan
Badge: i think i lost my badges but i requested and got 'em already - look at staff request

Name of the Song: Seisou Bakuretsu Boy
Artist: Kagamine Len
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: I love this song so much omg omg
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: Gigantic OTN
Artist: Kagamine Len
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: ochinchinchinchin this song is way tooooo awesome
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: Headphone Actor
Artist: Akatin
Proof: Utaite Wiki
Motivation: Akatin is my favorite utaite and damn his cover is so awesome
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here

Comment: Thank you very much!

Fix: Links to pictures of second & third claims are not working.

Edit: Picture for second claim here
Picture for third claim here

Thanks again :)
Jul 3, 2014 9:49 AM

Jan 2012
~Claim list updated till here~

Jul 3, 2014 11:34 AM

Jun 2014
Rank: Member
Username: trentxw123
Name of Song + Link: Clean Freak (
Badge: Requested it here (
Artist: JubyPhonic
Proof: Utaite Wiki (
Motivation: This song really examines the human nature, along with the sociology of modern day society, which I find very interesting. I feel like it does a good job capturing this, in both the music and the music video. I also love JubyPhonic's voice and feel like her translyrics are spot-on!
Banner: Make it O.O --- Chill dude, I'll be making it~ (Thank You!)
Picture: (
Comment: Sorry for the elaborate links! I'm new to MAL and don't quite get the spoilers or linking systems yet. xP

Fix: Choose between "Make it O.O" or "Chill dude, I'll be making it~"
lunailluminaJul 5, 2014 3:31 AM
 "People SHOULD be doubted. Many people misunderstand this concept. Doubting people is just a part of getting to know them. What many people call ‘trust’ is really just giving up on trying to understand others, and that very act is far worse than doubting. It is actually ‘apathy.’" ---Shinichi Akiyama
Jul 3, 2014 11:38 AM

Aug 2010
Rank: Staff or if you want to my real identity--> The Imaginator :3
Username: Serulllian or Seru
Badge: Here I have to search through my folders again, I can’t find anything…

Name of the Song: Imagination Forest or Souzou Forest
Artist: Jin/ IA
Proof: Wiki Link
Motivation: Well it started back when I was just a little girl and my mother told me… XD No Imagination forest is the first KagePro Song I listened to (Or was it Children record…? o.O)
Banner: Make it O.O Please~
Picture: Here!
Comment: Thank you!

Name of the Song: Summertime Record
Artist: Jin/ IA (Original Vers.)
Proof: Wiki Link
Motivation: KAGEROU PROJECT! ‘nuff said
Picture: - Here!
Comment: Thank you!

Name of the Song: Double Lariat
Artist: Megurine Luka
Motivation: This is the first Vocaloid song I listened too <3
Picture: Here!
Comment: Thank you!

Thank you very much!
Jul 3, 2014 12:08 PM
💉 🩸 🩹 💖 🏥

Feb 2012
rank: Hero.
username: Toarujisuru
shortened username: Jisuru

name of the song: Death should not have taken thee!
shortened song name: Death shouldn't take thee!
artist: Jesus-P feat. Len and Rin Kagamine vocaloids
motivation: I really like how catchy this song is. The PV visuals are colorful and the story covers a serious issue of power over a kingdom, but in a more fun way; an rpg.
banner: make it o.o
picture: Preferred // Backup
comment: Could you mostly focus on Rin when making the banner? If you could, that'd be great. Thank you very much!

Note: If for whatever reason the proof link does not work, try copy and pasting it and going to the site directly or typing it into Google. It should become visible.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Jul 3, 2014 12:23 PM

Dec 2010
Rank: The Loner
Username: DarkWerWolf
Badge: Here you go!
Name of the Song + Link: daze
Artist: IA
Proof: owo
Motivation: For whatever reason i can't get enough of this song!! =3=
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: ^^
Comment: DAM YOU Phoenix
DarkWerWolfJul 3, 2014 12:28 PM
Jul 3, 2014 1:21 PM

Oct 2011
Rank: Staff
Username: Kosurin
Badge: Requested here~

Name of the Song: Ayano's Theory of Happiness
Artist: IA
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: I just love this song way too much. Ayano & the feels ;A;
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here!

Name of the Song: Toumei Answer
Artist: IA
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: ShinAya is my OTP <3 And all the feels in this song as well~ ;_;
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here!

Name of the Song: Kagerou Daze
Artist: Hatsune Miku
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: This song is simply awesome, and also the first KagePro song I've listened to. Hibiya~
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Here!

Comment: Thank you so much for all these claims~! ^^
Jul 3, 2014 9:30 PM

Dec 2013
Rank: icecream loves me
Username: hina
Name of the Song: Yuukei Yesterday
Artist: IA
Proof: here
Banner: Please make it for me<3
Picture: 1 2
Comment: TATATARA! Thank you <3333
Jul 5, 2014 3:45 AM

Jan 2012
~Claim list updated till here~

trentxw123 -- Fix: Choose between "Make it O.O" or "Chill dude, I'll be making it~"
Jul 5, 2014 4:13 AM

Jan 2012
Username: luna

Name of the Song: Rolling Girl
Artist: Nico Nico Chorus
Proof: here
Motivation: Love the vid, love the singers, love the song!
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: here

Name of the Song: Matryoshka
Artist: Glutamine
Proof: here
Motivation: Glutamine = EARGASM
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: here

Name of the Song: Bad Apple!!
Artist: Nomico
Motivation: Le video is so cool~ Touhou <3
Banner: Make it O.O
Picture: here

Comment: Thank you so much Zwei~ Love ya <3 :]]
lunailluminaJul 5, 2014 4:18 AM
Jul 5, 2014 4:17 AM

Oct 2012
Rank: heartbroken sports anime lover || STAFF
Username: Yuenosekai or Yue
Badge: i was hiatus when it was delivered so i think i forgot to save them im so sorry....but i requested it here im a loser....sorry..........criess

Name of the Song: days
Artist: Jin ft. Lia
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: I just love Lia so much, the melody of this song is really nice and the lyrics are just beautiful! I cannot get over this song.
Banner: hai please make it~
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: Lost One no Goukoku
Artist: Mafumafu
Proof: Wiki
Motivation: I love Mafumafu so much. I love Neru so much. This song is really lovely, and the message it conveys really struck me! :--)
Banner: hai please make it~
Picture: Here

Name of the Song: LUVORATORRRRRY!!
Artist: GUMI & Rin
Proof: [the url doesnt work orz..

Motivation: DANCE! haha this song really fits night clubs and the tone is really catchy, it makes me wanna danceeeee~~~
Banner: hai please make it~
Picture: Here

Comment: Thank you so much! :--)
Jul 5, 2014 4:25 AM

Jan 2012
~Claim list updated till here~

trentxw123 -- Fix: Choose between "Make it O.O" or "Chill dude, I'll be making it~"
Jul 5, 2014 10:55 AM

Jun 2014
m[quote=trentxw123]Rank: Member
Username: trentxw123
Name of Song + Link: Clean Freak (
Badge: Requested it here (
Artist: JubyPhonic
Proof: Utaite Wiki (
Motivation: This song really examines the human nature, along with the sociology of modern day society, which I find very interesting. I feel like it does a good job capturing this, in both the music and the music video. I also love JubyPhonic's voice and feel like her translyrics are spot-on!
Banner: Make it O.O --- Chill dude, I'll be making it~ (Thank You!)
Picture: (
Comment: Sorry for the elaborate links! I'm new to MAL and don't quite get the spoilers or linking systems yet. xP

Fix: Choose between "Make it O.O" or "Chill dude, I'll be making it~"[/quote

Banner: Make it O.O
 "People SHOULD be doubted. Many people misunderstand this concept. Doubting people is just a part of getting to know them. What many people call ‘trust’ is really just giving up on trying to understand others, and that very act is far worse than doubting. It is actually ‘apathy.’" ---Shinichi Akiyama
Jul 8, 2014 7:32 AM

Jan 2012
~Claim list updated till here~

Jul 9, 2014 5:36 AM

Feb 2014
Rank: Member
Username: Kage15
Badge: Requested here
Name of the Song: Ai Kotoba
Artist:Deco*27 feat Hatsune Miku
Motivation: My first ever Vocaloid song that I listened to and became my instant fave up to now
Banner: Please make it for me<3
Picture: here
Comment: Sankyuu )n_n)/
Kage15Jul 18, 2014 3:03 AM

Jul 25, 2014 4:04 AM
Oct 2013
Rank: Member~ weow
Username: iRoxaZ
Badge: Requested
Name of the Song: Black Rock Shooter
Artist: MARiA
Proof: Utaite
Motivation: Because she has an angelic voice~ ^^
Banner: Please make it~
Picture: Kawaii ^^
Comment: thank you very much! XD
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