honestly, none any other show this season has been this entertaining and enjoyable. let me have a quick review of those i followed so far and it should be pretty much clear....
Nyan Koi!? worst show i followed this season, no need for more words...
Seitokai no Ichizon? can it be any good without a story and any animation quality? anyway, moe and anime references are totally not working for me!
11eyes? could be interesting, but it isnt. i think they need to turn on their brain a bit more often while writing the plot~
Blacksmith or Railgun? feels like generic kiddy shows for me~ is there only the fan service worth watching?
Sora no Otoshimono? it seems to have potential, just not yet started i guess.
Blue Literature? very interesting story, but something just isnt right. maybe too depressing? or no enjoyable character in the story? or too old? anyway, interesting but not enough~
Kobato.? I like it quite a bit, even though it is the typical clamp girly stuff, but i just loved X and choibits too much to say no to Kobato-chan. ^^
Darker than BLACK? started definitive most interesting, but seems steadily going downwards with each ep....
Kimi ni Todoke? this is probably the most well made anime this season, doing exactly what it is meant for and its doing a very great job, both in story telling and remaining entertaining. plus the unbelievable awesome ED and cute op, it seems to top this season for every reason.....except one, shoujo topic is such a huge turn down for me, im sad i cant enjoy it as much as it offers. :-(
white album? for me it feels better than kimi ni todoke and im sure a lot will disagree, but i refer to very personal interest on this one...
and then theres Kampfer, best show this season with no doubt! why? it doesnt even have great production value and the gender bending stuff seems too weird?
Well, Its doing exactly what it should and its doing the job great!
if you can ignore the gender bending thing for a few moments if it really annoys you, as a whole, kampfer is very entertaining and a great fun to watch, it has some nice and very enjoyable characters, good story with new events keep coming up, some more indirect, sometimes a bit more direct fan service ^^
and none of the 4 eps aired so far disappoint one bit. so I truly wish it keeps up with this great job till the very end!
ps: as stated above, i hate shoujo and kiddy shows. so if you do that as well, you might be able to enjoy kampfer quite a bit. |