Lots of fights this volume, what with Joachim, and those dolls. Christoph too I guess. Even the one in that past world. Still, Christoph is gone for good now, and I don't suspect we'll be seeing the ghosts of Ephraim and Joachim again. Joachim the undefeatable is still around, though (and heading to the capital it seems), and still just as unpleasant as ever - a kidnap threat and a couple of death threats as parting gifts? How nice.
Well, that resolved that storyline, and a lot of other things along the way.
Christoph lost his sanity over a basket of apples. And noone was around with the ability to resolve the situation. At least he was able to hold out just long enough to prevent him from actually killing someone. Kind of feel sad for him, but perhaps it's for the best that he was put out of his misery. Whatever his mother may think. It's probably best for her that it goes this way as well.
That scene at the end... spoilsport.
I wonder where they will go next - searching for Beatrix? Or straight to the capital? The capital will be where they end up, that much is obvious - even if Harvey tries to deny it. Joachim is headed there; the laboratory is there; the enemy (for want of a better word) has its base there; Julius will probably head there as well...
And Harvey's ever deteriorating state is getting more and more obvious.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Pretty good volume for this series. Harvey just gets destroyed more and more every volume doesn't he.
Joachim is alive at the end. He's an alright character but his desire for Kieli comes off like the author just put that in there just because. Although Kieli's harem now grows bigger.