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Which anime was for you the best anime of 2014?
Winter - Noragami
Winter - Nisekoi
Winter - D-Frag!
Spring - No Game No Life
Spring - Mushishi Zoku Shou
Spring - Ping Pong The Animation
Summer - Akame ga Kill!
Summer - Zankyou no Terror
Summer - Barakamon
Fall - Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Fall - Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
Fall - Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
274 votes
Jan 29, 2015 6:48 AM

Sep 2008
With all seasonal polls finished, time to choose the best anime of 2014.

So here we have 3 titles from each season that got the most votes.





So which anime was the best last year? Don't be afraid to comment.

Time limit: 3 weeks

Older seasonal polls and anime charts: Click here
KonikMay 1, 2015 4:11 AM
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Jan 29, 2015 6:52 AM

Dec 2008
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu :3

I like the character development and the interaction with Migi :)
And the story is also very interesting to follow.

Jan 29, 2015 8:02 AM

Jun 2012
lol 4 votes - 4 different Anime "Shigatsu" FTW
How long will it last
Jan 29, 2015 8:08 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
  1. No Game No Life
  2. Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
  3. Zankyou no Terror
  4. D-Frag
  5. Nisekoi
  6. Ping Pong The Animation
  7. Barakamon
  8. Mushishi Zoku Shou

Rest I haven't seen, though I will watch Parasyte and Shigatsu once they've finished. Don't think I'll watch Noragami or Akame ga Kill anytime soon though
Jan 29, 2015 8:18 AM

Sep 2008
@HaXX, agree with the number 1. I haven't seen only Nisekoi, Barakamon and Mushishi(thou I've seen season 1). But for me it would be:

2. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
3. Zankyou no Terror
Jan 29, 2015 8:29 AM

Dec 2013
Kiseijuu, NGNL, Ping Pong and Fate/Stay Night UBW are the best anime of 2014.

Nisekoi, D-Frag and Noragami were pretty good in their own categories, so i felt like i should mention them to. Nisekoi was a lot of fun to watch every week, Shaft's art style just made it a lot better.

D-Frag was hilarious, i don't remember a single episode where i didn't laugh out loud, the comedy was a huge hit for me.

Noragami was pretty much a gem, sad that this didn't got a Season 2.
PriestSlayerJan 29, 2015 8:32 AM
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Jan 29, 2015 8:30 AM

Apr 2014
I think I'll take the time to watch Ping Pong before the 3 weeks then so I can feel I throw an honest vote. Otherwise it will be Barakamon.
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Jan 29, 2015 10:51 AM

Aug 2014
Yea I cant. I feel so bad that o can't choose Noragami and ZnT. ;-;

It's gotta be ZnT though. :3
Jan 29, 2015 11:06 AM

Jun 2011
1. Ping Pong the Animation

2. Noragami
3. Barakamon (almost done, not yet)
4. Zankyou no Terror
5. No Game No Life
6. Parasyte (not up to date)
7. D-Frag!
8. Akame ga Kill
9. Nisekoi (dropped it after a few episodes, Shinbou-style fucking up everything, as usual)

As for the rest, based on my expectation,
1. Mushishi Zoku Shou (if it is as good as what I watched in the first season)
2. Shigatsu no Kimi wa Uso
3. Fate Stay Night UBW

I will not be voting in that poll, yet.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jan 29, 2015 3:46 PM

Apr 2014
I have not watched at least half of the ones listed :D

but ill go with either Shigatsu no Kimi wa Uso or Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
Jan 29, 2015 4:03 PM

Aug 2014
Can't believe people actually chose Shigatsu as for AOTY. Sure, anime of the season along with Parasite... But imo, surely doesn't deserve year.
Jan 29, 2015 4:49 PM

Dec 2014
Although it had some problems, Zankyou no Terror is the anime that really stuck out in my mind last year. It was just around the time I reignited my interest for Anime, and it was the second show I watched right after Psycho-Pass season 1.

I watched it first out of whimsy, the box art on anichart looked quite striking, and the synopsis sounded not too shabby. It was the most pleasant surprise I've recently had. It was only after I had finished the show that I realised this anime was directed by the renowned Shinchiro Watanabe of Cowboy Bebop fame.

And I must say, Zankyou (as well as Psycho-Pass) introduced me to a new world of anime that I never knew before existed. The medium has reignited a sense of wanderlust that I haven't experienced since I was a child.

This is why I love anime.

Zankyou for President, 2014.
Jan 29, 2015 5:03 PM

Aug 2014
Alarei said:
Although it had some problems, Zankyou no Terror is the anime that really stuck out in my mind last year. It was just around the time I reignited my interest for Anime, and it was the second show I watched right after Psycho-Pass season 1.

I watched it first out of whimsy, the box art on anichart looked quite striking, and the synopsis sounded not too shabby. It was the most pleasant surprise I've recently had. It was only after I had finished the show that I realised this anime was directed by the renowned Shinchiro Watanabe of Cowboy Bebop fame.

And I must say, Zankyou (as well as Psycho-Pass) introduced me to a new world of anime that I never knew before existed. The medium has reignited a sense of wanderlust that I haven't experienced since I was a child.

This is why I love anime.

Zankyou for President, 2014.

I voted for it too. I fucking love you.
Jan 29, 2015 5:15 PM

Jan 2014
NOT Akame Ga Kill..:Thats for sure
Jan 29, 2015 8:09 PM

Jun 2013
Definitely not No Gross Net Hype--unfortunate that it's currently leaning towards victory, but hopefully it's votes will wane, much like it's success on MAL.

ZnT and Parasyte are all well-and-good, but Ping Pong and Mushishi definitely have to take the cake.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Jan 29, 2015 11:36 PM

Feb 2009
I'm quite torn between Ping Pong, NGNL and Barakamon. I consider them to be quite equal and the best of the year. If I have to choose one though, I guess it would be NGNL, just for Jibril.
Jan 30, 2015 7:43 AM

Jun 2012
Woah Woah Woah

Ping Pong Still has only one vote (I'm guessing people simply haven't watched it)
You need the Hero in your Life
How long will it last
Jan 30, 2015 8:06 AM

Sep 2008
thereisonlyone said:
Woah Woah Woah

Ping Pong Still has only one vote (I'm guessing people simply haven't watched it)
You need the Hero in your Life

It's the least popular anime in that poll...
Jan 30, 2015 8:08 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Konik said:
thereisonlyone said:
Woah Woah Woah

Ping Pong Still has only one vote (I'm guessing people simply haven't watched it)
You need the Hero in your Life

It's the least popular anime in that poll...
tbf Ping Pong looks really bad on the outside (like if you just look at the cover and synopsis)

it's not something that attracts much attention for people that haven't seen it yet
Jan 31, 2015 9:07 PM

Aug 2014
Idk if it's troll or If people just vote and follow up the leading anime to make it win.
Feb 1, 2015 12:21 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Awry said:
Idk if it's troll or If people just vote and follow up the leading anime to make it win.
uhm NGNL is by far the most popular anime out of these twelve so it's not exactly surprising

that aside it was definitely my favorite anime of 2014 so I'm still not complaining
Feb 1, 2015 12:50 AM

Jun 2013
Awry said:
Idk if it's troll or If people just vote and follow up the leading anime to make it win.

It wouldn't be a true year in voting panel on MAL if there wasn't some overhyped shit, no? I'm sure in a year or so, most people will join the flock and gain some retrospect.

Fun Fact: A lot of hyped shit on MAL--or outside of Japan in general-- doesn't earn anywhere near substantial money from BD sales and rankings.
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Feb 1, 2015 4:07 AM

Jun 2012
lol Nah "how would they know what's leading before voting"
anyways it's simply "Accurate"
The Ecchi/Harem Genre simply has an absurdly loyal following (not to mention for 6 eps. I'd say NGNL was the best of its kind) ---I didn't vote for it though (didn't even consider it)
How long will it last
Feb 4, 2015 8:07 AM

Nov 2014
Ok, so I voted for F/SN:UBW I am a follower of that series so I expected good things to happen an it delivered to my liking. But a strong contender is Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso seeing the trailer quickly made it in to my PtW list. As for the poll I find NG-NL mm ok at best so yeah. Hopefully PingPong and Barakamon gets good ratings in this poll.
Feb 4, 2015 4:43 PM

Jan 2010
Ping Pong only has 4 votes? Far behind NGNL and AgK of all shows?? No faith in humanity!
Feb 5, 2015 6:18 AM
Sep 2011
Zankyou no Terror ftw
Feb 7, 2015 6:51 AM

Jun 2014
hmm, i already voted for kiseijuu
but after i read your comments today i started and finished ping pong
and i must say, it's fantastic
i am really really grateful for this recommendation and i would change my vote to ping pong
if it is somehow possible
if not, to bad, but not that big of a deal, after all kiseijuu is still amazing
Feb 7, 2015 8:36 AM

Sep 2008
Unfortunately You can't change votes...
Feb 7, 2015 11:51 PM

Jul 2012
2014!? Hmmmm...
I want Trinity Seven xD
But D-Frag is good too~

Feb 8, 2015 3:07 AM

Sep 2008
I'll go with Kiseijuu, though to me it's about as good as Shigatsu, UBW, Znt and Barakamon. Haven't seen Ping Pong and it seems to be good but oh well, doesn't really matter for now.
Feb 8, 2015 4:54 PM
Aug 2012
2.No game no life
3.Zankyou no Terror
Feb 8, 2015 8:17 PM

Feb 2012
Really these lolli lovers trolling......... Zankyou no Terror & Akame & Barakamon where the stand outs for me. But if i had to choose one it would be ZnT really like the storyline, animation & characters
Feb 8, 2015 9:04 PM

Oct 2009
Znt was good, but the ending was not quite what I expected.
Kiseijuu is a very good show as was Barakamon. But I voted for Shigatsu because it's not often that a romance/drama makes me this interested, though there are exceptions.

Feb 8, 2015 10:01 PM
Dec 2014
Zankyou no Terror is absolutely my vot
Feb 9, 2015 4:30 AM

Apr 2013
I have seen all but 2 ping pong the animation ...... and the other one next to it (it was a second season of a series i never watched). Anyways overall number one I believe is No Game No Life, though Kiseijuu was close, but No Game No Life wasn't just ecchi, but had a serious story and made me want more ever week. Kiseijuu has done the same except some episodes have been not so great.
Bigger isn't always better.........
Feb 9, 2015 4:32 AM

Apr 2013
As for the others...... well they were all good anime, but you really can't compete with such a cute loli such as shiro.
Bigger isn't always better.........
Feb 9, 2015 6:31 AM

Aug 2014
I'm arguing cuz Konik saw dis.

Feb 9, 2015 6:36 AM

Feb 2010
This thread got featured on FB, the problem is that poll results are not the same with their own 'best list' (you know subjective and stuff).

Please remember that the votes like 200 out of 10k members.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Feb 9, 2015 6:41 AM

Jun 2008
Noragami. A personal favorite.
Feb 9, 2015 6:45 AM

Apr 2012
So many votes for akame ga kill... The trolls must feel proud of themselves
My Reviews and Rants:

Feb 9, 2015 8:22 AM

Oct 2013
There are few that I enjoyed a lot, but I'd say Zankyou no Terror is number one for me.
Feb 9, 2015 8:40 AM
Dec 2013
Noragami was the only anime that made me excited like crazy waiting for a new episode.
It surely didn't have the best plot, but it was fantastic in its own way.
Feb 9, 2015 8:40 AM

Nov 2014
wuuut... no Tokyo Ghoul :( It was what proper made me start watching anime properly.

Anyway, Barakamon defo, most touching and heart warming anime ever.

I hated no game no life, it was just boring as hell for me. It was ok for the first 5-6 eps but after that I pretty much forced myself to watch the following eps and I ended up hating it.

Outcome was the same everytime; they won this and won that, no real risks (risking the whole population was lame and cliche, oh no! The entire race will die! So dull.), not to mention I hated the art work; black shadows was replaced with red, pretty much a red shadow of death for me. The only plus point about it is that Sora has the same voice actor as Kirito :D
Feb 9, 2015 10:40 AM

Oct 2009
One excellent benefit from these types of threads is that you become acquainted with shows you have either missed, or passed on before.

Feb 9, 2015 11:13 AM

Nov 2013
Everyone needs to watch Ping Pong The Animation.
You all need to watch Nami.

Feb 9, 2015 11:22 AM

Aug 2014
F/SN: UBW FTW Mongrels xD
Feb 9, 2015 3:20 PM

Oct 2013
Seen most of these animes (10) and all in all not that impressed.

I thought Parasyte was pretty cool, but the parasytes themselves gets really annoying to listen to over and over again. Another one that was exceptionally bad was No game No life, that for some reason scored really high in this poll..

ZnT is most likely my pick out of these, but all in all, we didn't have anyone that stood out from the crowd. A lot of mediocrity this time around.
Feb 9, 2015 4:19 PM

Dec 2011
Ping Pong is the best for me. Zankyou no Terror and Barakamon are great animes too!

I've never seen Mushishi and Kiseijuu, but people always recommend them. And No Game No Life, meh... It's just a regular anime (people hype NGNL too much, like they hype SAO and their derived).
Feb 9, 2015 6:43 PM

Aug 2014
ZnT > ZnT
Feb 10, 2015 8:04 AM

May 2010
Don't make me choose between D-Frag and Barakamon... Guess I will with D-Frag but only by a small margin.

I like NGNL but it continues to be overrated as ever.
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