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Mar 23, 2015 10:21 PM

Feb 2015
This is only for those who have finished both shows. I just finished EoE and it really feels that Code Geass copied its concept (the Emperors and Empresses "wish") from NGE and EoE. What do you think? Has this concept been copied by NGE in the first place? Suddenly I feel like R2 is not that good if it copied it....
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 23, 2015 10:23 PM

Jan 2015
dunno but others say Attack on Titan copy its concept from NGE
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Mar 23, 2015 10:23 PM

Aug 2014
Code Gayass copied a lot of things.
Mar 23, 2015 10:24 PM

May 2012
F0XFIRE said:
Code Gayass copied a lot of things.

lol i lik u, you are a funny guy lol.
Mar 23, 2015 10:26 PM

Jan 2015
PoeticJustice said:
F0XFIRE said:
Code Gayass copied a lot of things.

lol i lik u, you are a funny guy lol.
ai scond it
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Mar 23, 2015 10:26 PM

Oct 2012
I've heard that its influence by LoGH but I haven't completed either so I can't say for sure.
Mar 23, 2015 10:28 PM

Oct 2013
Remv_quevav said:
dunno but others say Attack on Titan copy its concept from NGE

Don't forget claymore, blue gender, sidonia and much more. When the author already told his fans where he got his inspiration from. Ignorance is bliss.
Mar 23, 2015 10:31 PM

Jan 2010
You don't have to do this.

Unless you're being serious, in which case even if it did, Evangelion wasn't even the first to pull that move. I can at least think of Childhood's End from 1953.
Mar 23, 2015 10:33 PM

Jan 2014
Of course. Shinji's uselessness was mirrored by the state Lelouch's geass inflicts on people.
Nina is a copy of Asuka, and Suzaku is a copy of Rei. Let's not forget the biggest one of all: the 2deep4u is reflected by the depth of Karen's ***.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Mar 23, 2015 10:34 PM

Sep 2013
Everything is basically a copy, more or less faithful, of what has been said or done by others before - in images, sounds or words that is.
Once an alt always an alt! | ( ˇ෴ˇ ) | I ♥ Music
Mar 23, 2015 10:35 PM

Mar 2013
Code geass copied mecha I think
Mar 23, 2015 10:38 PM

Feb 2015
Shocked said:
You don't have to do this.

Unless you're being serious, in which case even if it did, Evangelion wasn't even the first to pull that move. I can at least think of Childhood's End from 1953.

I should look it up. I appreciate a pioneering concept when it comes to anime, so it's a dampner if numerous shows have the same underlying concept.
Mar 23, 2015 10:40 PM

Feb 2015
Brynhildr said:
Everything is basically a copy, more or less faithful, of what has been said or done by others before - in images, sounds or words that is.

True, very true. Only a few pioneer a concept, invention or an idea.
Mar 23, 2015 10:40 PM

Oct 2013
nsa23x said:
Shocked said:
You don't have to do this.

Unless you're being serious, in which case even if it did, Evangelion wasn't even the first to pull that move. I can at least think of Childhood's End from 1953.

I should look it up. I appreciate a pioneering concept when it comes to anime, so it's a dampner if numerous shows have the same underlying concept.

Your going to be disappointed then. Since that's the reality we will have to face in story telling. Or any entertainment medium to be exact.

In the end it all depends on execution.
Mar 23, 2015 10:45 PM

Jan 2010
keragamming said:
nsa23x said:

I should look it up. I appreciate a pioneering concept when it comes to anime, so it's a dampner if numerous shows have the same underlying concept.

Your going to be disappointed then. Since that's the reality we will have to face in story telling. Or any entertainment medium to be exact.

In the end it all depends on execution.

Well yeah, it's easy to say that every story worth telling has already been told. Now the challenge is to tell each of those stories in different contexts, with different combinations, or just outright "better," whatever that may mean.
Mar 23, 2015 10:46 PM

Feb 2015
Code Geass is mainly inspired by LoGH. Considering how small it's fanbase is, Sunrise could easily take some of the great elements from LoGH (Reinhard, the strategic genius and charismatic leader MC, world/galactic-wide conflict and politics), mix it up with some mecha, magic, and fanservice to make it more palatable, and you have the recipe for a hugely successful anime.

Of course things like the Ragnarok Connection was inspired by NGE's Human Instrumentality Project and one could argue Geass was inspired by Death Note (manga) but I still believe it was primarily inspired by LoGH.
Mar 23, 2015 10:51 PM

Feb 2015
Shocked said:
You don't have to do this.

Unless you're being serious, in which case even if it did, Evangelion wasn't even the first to pull that move. I can at least think of Childhood's End from 1953.

Just went through the summary if Childhood's End. NGE did copy it- the children being inter-connected through telepathy and the ultimate amalgamation of all lifeforms into a single entity, the Overmind. Thanks.
Mar 23, 2015 10:52 PM

Dec 2012
But only one of them is shitty...
Mar 23, 2015 10:53 PM

Feb 2015
TheRefractingOne said:
Code Geass is mainly inspired by LoGH. Considering how small it's fanbase is, Sunrise could easily take some of the great elements from LoGH (Reinhard, the strategic genius and charismatic leader MC, world/galactic-wide conflict and politics), mix it up with some mecha, magic, and fanservice to make it more palatable, and you have the recipe for a hugely successful anime.

Of course things like the Ragnarok Connection was inspired by NGE's Human Instrumentality Project and one could argue Geass was inspired by Death Note (manga) but I still believe it was primarily inspired by LoGH.

Ok. I should give LoGH a try. But I was talking about the Emperors wish of all humans shedding their masks in CG and the wish of SEELE for humanity to become a single entity devoid of any fear.
Mar 23, 2015 10:57 PM
Jan 2015
nah but anything can be a copy of anything if you look hard enough.
Mar 23, 2015 11:30 PM

Feb 2012
No. It's a mix of LoGH, Gundam SEED, Death Note and some school comedy.

RahXephon is an Eva copy.
Mar 23, 2015 11:39 PM

Apr 2014
I guess both protagonists in each have the same hair color, I'll give you that.
Mar 23, 2015 11:42 PM

Feb 2013
>did Code Geass copy its concept from NGE?
Mar 23, 2015 11:52 PM

May 2014
aside from the mecha. (whih is also debatable) i seriously dont see how CG coppied NGE
Mar 23, 2015 11:55 PM

May 2014
romagia said:
>did Code Geass copy its concept from NGE?

Mar 23, 2015 11:56 PM

May 2014
mecharobot said:
No. It's a mix of LoGH, Gundam SEED, Death Note and some school comedy.

RahXephon is an Eva copy.

^this is fairly acurate
Mar 24, 2015 12:00 AM

Sep 2014
wouldn't say it was copy
there are little similarities at best
Mar 24, 2015 12:05 AM

Nov 2013
What "wish" concept from NGE are you talking about? Anyway the only NGE influence I see on Code Geass is the Insutrmentality-esque concept that Charles tries to start with his wife in R2 towards the end
Mar 24, 2015 12:25 AM
Feb 2014
you wish
Mar 24, 2015 12:35 AM

Aug 2014
The akashic records ;)

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Mar 24, 2015 12:55 AM

Sep 2011
Who knows? Shows copy each other all the time. It's nothing new.
Mar 24, 2015 2:12 AM

Jun 2009
I always thought that Charlez' plan was kind of a lame version of instrumentality. So yeah...
Mar 24, 2015 4:06 AM

Oct 2014
html said:
Code geass copied mecha I think

Dude it copied slice of life..??
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 24, 2015 4:13 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
nsa23x said:
TheRefractingOne said:
Code Geass is mainly inspired by LoGH. Considering how small it's fanbase is, Sunrise could easily take some of the great elements from LoGH (Reinhard, the strategic genius and charismatic leader MC, world/galactic-wide conflict and politics), mix it up with some mecha, magic, and fanservice to make it more palatable, and you have the recipe for a hugely successful anime.

Of course things like the Ragnarok Connection was inspired by NGE's Human Instrumentality Project and one could argue Geass was inspired by Death Note (manga) but I still believe it was primarily inspired by LoGH.

Ok. I should give LoGH a try. But I was talking about the Emperors wish of all humans shedding their masks in CG and the wish of SEELE for humanity to become a single entity devoid of any fear.
They have similar premises but the execution is very different. Liking Code Geass does not have to mean you'll like LotGH or vice versa

Well that's definitely a better comparison than CG vs NGE though, I really don't know about that one..
Mar 24, 2015 4:15 AM

Dec 2012
I can't really recall what you're referring to by the "Empress's wish." Actually I can't even think of anything that NGE or CG have in common on a conceptual level. Regardless, storytelling is always going to be a process of creating new worlds via inspiration from old ones. Whether that ends up being a rip off, pure coincidence, or an original take on an old idea, it's nigh impossible to not run into these kinds of similarities eventually.

Ultimately, everything copies Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.
Mar 24, 2015 4:55 AM

Oct 2008
mecharobot said:
No. It's a mix of LoGH, Gundam SEED, Death Note and some school comedy.

RahXephon is an Eva copy.

Pretty much this
Mar 24, 2015 5:07 AM

Aug 2012
Lol people make it keep like "copying" is a bad thing, if you can copy it and make it better then so be it. A lot of songs in the "West" are derived from older songs, but made better just like Code Geass and the "shows" you guys say it is "copying".

Mar 24, 2015 6:41 AM

Feb 2015
One is an elegant deconstruction and reaffirmation of self-worth disguised as a mecha show and the other is bombastic nationalistic propaganda disguised as a mecha show. Conceptually they are as diverse as you can really get once you've looked past the surface.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Mar 24, 2015 6:47 AM

Jul 2014
icirate said:
One is an elegant deconstruction and reaffirmation of self-worth disguised as a mecha show and the other is bombastic nationalistic propaganda disguised as a mecha show. Conceptually they are as diverse as you can really get once you've looked past the surface.

Deconstruction is a method for analyzing text. wtf are you talking about?
Mar 24, 2015 6:47 AM
Mar 2012
icirate said:
One is an elegant deconstruction and reaffirmation of self-worth disguised as a mecha show and the other is bombastic nationalistic propaganda disguised as a mecha show. Conceptually they are as diverse as you can really get once you've looked past the surface.

I'm going to assume you're calling CG the propaganda there...which is pretty stupid when one of the main points of the show is that all the nations are pretty shitty - there are no factions in CG which are 'good' really...

I would say if you want to compare CG to NGE then you have the mech/slice of life elements maybe? But that's about as far as you can go with it, the character are all pretty different.

As for LoGH I haven't seen it so I can't comment.
Mar 24, 2015 6:52 AM

Jun 2012
somethingweird said:
nah but anything can be a copy of anything if you look hard enough.

^ this
I have literally never considered this. Not sure how the two are similar at all.
But maybe I'm just not looking hard enough... in which case, I refer back to the quote above.
"I'm gonna make you bleed like me!"
Characterization Society
Mar 24, 2015 7:01 AM

Feb 2015
Kreion said:
I'm going to assume you're calling CG the propaganda there...which is pretty stupid when one of the main points of the show is that all the nations are pretty shitty - there are no factions in CG which are 'good' really...

America Britannia are protrayed as literal Nazis. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are incorporated as a violent and senseless tragedy. Nina. Lelouche and Suzaku are both nationalistic role models for delinquent youths and straight-a students respectively. The Chinese.

It's literally a fantasy of Japan rising up from the ashes of a prior defeat and taking over the world and a bit of moral ambiguity doesn't change that.
Now you're wondering if there's white text in any of my other posts.

Over there, I'm everywhere. I know that.
Mar 24, 2015 7:01 AM

Mar 2012
Gayass is a Death Note ripoff :P
End Zionazism
Mar 24, 2015 7:04 AM

Jan 2013
I hear Slam Dunk is heavily inflenced by Kuroko no basket
Mar 24, 2015 7:12 AM
Jul 2018
html said:
Code geass copied mecha I think

Bastards,they should have just used horses instead of mechas!
Mar 24, 2015 7:45 AM

Mar 2012
icirate said:
Kreion said:
I'm going to assume you're calling CG the propaganda there...which is pretty stupid when one of the main points of the show is that all the nations are pretty shitty - there are no factions in CG which are 'good' really...

America Britannia are protrayed as literal Nazis. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are incorporated as a violent and senseless tragedy. Nina. Lelouche and Suzaku are both nationalistic role models for delinquent youths and straight-a students respectively. The Chinese.

It's literally a fantasy of Japan rising up from the ashes of a prior defeat and taking over the world and a bit of moral ambiguity doesn't change that.

I'd actually like to see that happen. Justice.
End Zionazism
Mar 24, 2015 9:30 AM

Feb 2015
monarchyanarchy said:
What "wish" concept from NGE are you talking about? Anyway the only NGE influence I see on Code Geass is the Insutrmentality-esque concept that Charles tries to start with his wife in R2 towards the end

Yes this is the one I was talking about....that is the Emperors "wish" isn't it??
Mar 24, 2015 9:45 AM

Mar 2015
Nah, it copied Legend of the Galactic Heroes' concept for the most of the time.
Mar 24, 2015 10:17 AM

Nov 2013
nsa23x said:
monarchyanarchy said:
What "wish" concept from NGE are you talking about? Anyway the only NGE influence I see on Code Geass is the Insutrmentality-esque concept that Charles tries to start with his wife in R2 towards the end

Yes this is the one I was talking about....that is the Emperors "wish" isn't it??

I didn't remember what it was called but we're talking about the same thing nonetheless, doesn't matter

That is just one measly aspect of Code Geass so I'm not sure why you called it a "concept" as if it was the entire plot. But yea I do agree it is similar to the Instrumentality plan but then again, I doubt that's unique to NGE either since it's such a basically-developed idea to begin with
Mar 24, 2015 7:47 PM

May 2010
The show plagerized LoGH, only thing they didn't get is the modern animation.

Lelouch is a cheap, pitiful, and ugly imitation of the proud, glorious, and dazzling Reinhard von Lohengramm.
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