Jul 22, 2015 8:19 AM
Hello and welcome to my Greatest Idea Mafia game. This game uses a unique mechanic and you can learn more about it here. The game mechanic will be more detailed below but to give a brief explanation, this game uses a pool of 85 roles and 114 cards. Everyone will be randomly given 3 cards, each card containing one role. Two of these three cards are combined to produce the player's role and alignment (more detailed explanation in the game mechanics). And then the player will choose one of the possible role combinations that they want. As a reminder, mafia can be an extremely time consuming game and it is recommend that you have an adequate amount of free time before joining. You will be expected to read the entire thread, post several times during each 48 hour vote cycle and vote before the deadline. Failure to be active in the game may result in your removal from the game. The game is balanced around every player being active and inactivity from a single player can ruin the experience for everyone involved. Hosts and players all spend their free time to make sure things run smoothly, so please make sure to inform the hosts if you are unable to post for an extended period of time or if you require a replacement. Please also note that you are not allowed to discuss the game outside the thread until the game is completed. Players are expected to treat each other with respect and understand the rules that are stated in the OP. Player List: 1. Suzune-chan 2. KaitoKirishima 3. Controversy 4. Haine shap111 5. coromandel 6. grrr 7. lupadim 8. Sleipnirr Crowlage 9. Hime-sama 10. x_at_home 11. turtlebandit 12. Jackrito 13. Navizel 14. Rumanshi-xanic 15. Byon-kun 16. FaZe_JOAOAA 17. Karote Lamby-Pyuru Kakugo 18. Chione Astros 19. julyan 20. Zurel Wait List: 1. Lamby-Pyuru 2. Haine 3. Karote 4. Sleipnirr 5. Chione Alive:
Important Events: Day 1 | Innocent Child Confirmed | Activity Reminder | Night 1 Day 2 | Byon-kun killed | Controversy killed | Night 2 Day 3 | Night 3 Game End Vote Count: Vote Count 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10 | 1.11 | Final Vote Count 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 | Final Vote Count 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | Final Rules: [u]Section I: General Game Guidelines[/u]
[b]Section II: Day[/b]
[b]Section III: Night[/b]
[b]Section IV: Lynching[/b]
[b]Section V: Inactivity[/b]
[b]Section VI: Additional Notes[/b]
Game Mechanics:
Say for example that the Alien Miller role combination is chosen, this uses the "Alien Psychotrooper" card to get it's "Alien" alignment and it gets its "Miller" role from the card "Town Miller". This role combination doesn't get its role nor alignment from the "Town Bloodhound" card, and so this card will be discarded and this card will be revealed at the start of the game. [*]Balance is not guaranteed in the game. [*]If the resulting setup (after everyone has chosen their roles) has less than 50% Town roles, or there are no anti-town roles, the setup will be discarded and the process will start all over again. [*]If only one Mason or Lover is chosen, then they are essentially a Vanilla Townie. [*]If more than 2 Masons or Lovers are chosen, then all the Masons form one Mason group, and all the Lovers form one Lover group (rather than separate pairs). [*]The Nymphomaniac, however, creates a separate Lover group when it uses its action on Night 1. It is not part of any pre-existing Lover groups at gamestart. It is possible to unite the two groups if the Nymphomaniac targets an existing Lover, however. [*]The One-Shot PGO is activated on the first night during which someone targets it. Any and all players who target it in that one night die. [*]The Alien faction has only a one-shot factional nightkill for the whole game. [*]These list of roles are forbidden and therefore blacklisted:
[/list] Roles: |
SorenAug 1, 2015 2:17 PM
Jul 22, 2015 8:37 AM
Roles: Town: Vanilla Townie (1-12) You are a Vanilla Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. During the Night, you may sleep. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Watcher (13) You are a Town Watcher. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Watcher: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will be informed of the name of anyone who targeted that person during that Night. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Tracker (14) You are a Town Tracker. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Tracker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will be informed of the name of anyone that player targeted during that Night. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Cop (15-16) You are a Town Cop. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Cop: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Mafia. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Mafia. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Cop/Lover (17) You are a Town Cop/Lover. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Cop: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Mafia. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Mafia. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Lover: If there are other Lovers in the game, you will form a Lover bond with them. All Lovers will die at the same time. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Seer (18) You are a Town Seer. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Seer: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Werewolves. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Werewolves. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town FBI Agent (19) You are a Town FBI Agent. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. FBI Agent: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is a Serial Killer. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not a Serial Killer. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Doctor (20-21) You are a Town Doctor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Doctor: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be protected from all nightkills for that Night. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Roleblocker (22) You are a Town Roleblocker. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Roleblocker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Jailkeeper (23) You are a Town Jailkeeper. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Jailkeeper: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). This player will also be immune to nightkills for that Night. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Bodyguard (24) You are a Town Bodyguard. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Bodyguard: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. If this player is nightkilled, you will die instead. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Vigilante (25) You are a Town Vigilante. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Vigilante: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will die. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town 1-Shot Vigilante (26) You are a Town 1-Shot Vigilante. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Vigilante: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will die. 1-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town 1-Shot Day Vigilante (27-28) You are a Town 1-Shot Day Vigilante. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Day Vigilante: During the Day, you may post "Kill: NAME". This player will immediately die. 1-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Bulletproof Townie (29) You are a Bulletproof Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Bulletproof: You cannot be nightkilled. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Supersaint (30) You are a Town Supersaint. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Supersaint: If you are lynched, whomever placed the last vote will die. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town 1-Shot Paranoid Gun Owner (31) You are a Town 1-Shot Paranoid Gun Owner. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Paranoid Gun Owner: Every player that targets you will die. 1-Shot: This role will only activate the first Night you are targeted. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Mason (32-35) You are a Town Mason. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason secret club that can be used during the game. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Mason/Doctor (36) You are a Town Mason/Doctor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason secret club that can be used during the game. Doctor: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be protected from all nightkills for that Night. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Mason/Lover (37) You are a Town Mason/Lover. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason secret club that can be used during the game. Lover: If there are other Lovers in the game, you will form a Lover bond with them. All Lovers will die at the same time. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Lover (38-40) You are a Town Lover. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Lover: If there are other Lovers in the game, you will form a Lover bond with them. All Lovers will die at the same time. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Jack-of-all-Trades (41) You are a Town Jack-of-all-Trades. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. You may use each of the following abilities once per game. You may not use more than one ability per Night. Roleblocker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). Cop: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Mafia. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Mafia. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Doctor: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be protected from all nightkills for that Night. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Vengeful Townie (42) You are a Vengeful Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Vengeful: If you are lynched, you may choose to kill one player by PMing the host. If you do not want to kill anyone, either do not message me, or message saying "no kill". You have until the end of the night that you were lynched to decide. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Retired Werewolf Hunter (43) You are a Retired Werewolf Hunter. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Retired Werewolf Hunter: You are immune to nightkills performed by Werewolves. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Retired Marine (44) You are a Retired Marine. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Retired Marine: You are immune to nightkills performed by any Serial Killers. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Miller (45) You are a Miller. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Miller: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to Cops. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Hirsute Townie (46) You are a Hirsute Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Hirsute: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to Seers. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Tentacled Townie (47) You are a Tentacled Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Tentacled: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to Alien investigators. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Watchlisted Townie (48) You are a Watchlisted Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Watchlisted: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to Serial Killer investigators. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Wrong Place at the Wrong Time Townie (49) You are a Wrong Place at the Wrong Time Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Wrong Place at the Wrong Time: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to all investigators. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Ascetic Townie (50) You are an Ascetic Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Ascetic: You are immune to all Night actions except kills. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Gravedigger (51) You are a Gravedigger. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Gravedigger: You will show up as targeting all nightkilled players to Trackers and Watchers during the Night of said players' deaths. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Nymphomaniac (52) You are a Town Nymphomaniac. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Nymphomaniac: During Night 1, you must PM me the name of another player. You will form a Lover bond with them (aka if you or your partner is killed, the other Lover will also die). Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. 1-Shot Town Governor (53) You are a 1-Shot Town Governor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Governor: During the Day, you may post 'Govern NAME' in bold. That player will be unable to be lynched that day. 1-Shot: This ability can only be used once during the game. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. 1-Shot Unlynchable Townie (54) You are a 1-Shot Unlynchable Townie. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Unlynchable: If you are lynched, you will not die. 1-Shot: This ability only works the first time you are lynched. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Godfather (55) You are a Town Godfather. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Godfather: You will investigate as "Not Guilty" to Cops. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Innocent Child (56) You are an Innocent Child. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Innocent Child: You can post "I am an Innocent Child" in bold in the thread at any time. I will then confirm that you are Town. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Hider (57) You are a Town Hider. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Hider: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will "hide" behind that player, making you immune to any actions that target you. However, if you hide behind a non-Town-aligned player, you will die. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Enabler (58) You are a Town Enabler. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Enabler: During the night you may select a player that you wish to "enable". If you die, the player you "enable" will be unable to use his/her abilities (not counting factional abilities). Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Tree Stump (59) You are a Tree Stump. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Tree Stump: At any time during the Day, you can post "Treestump" in bold. This will cause you to die and your role to be revealed but, unlike other dead players, you may continue to post. You may not vote. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Conspiracy Theorist (60-62) You are a Conspiracy Theorist. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Conspiracy Theorist: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Aliens. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Aliens. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Tentacled: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to other Alien investigators. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. 1-Shot Kingmaker (63) You are a 1-Shot Kingmaker. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Kingmaker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be the "King" during the next Day phase, becoming the only player with a vote for that Day. They may "execute" someone to decide the day's lynch. 1-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Weak Town Jailkeeper (64) You are a Weak Town Jailkeeper. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Jailkeeper: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). This player will also be immune to nightkills for that Night. Weak: If you target a non-Town player, you will die. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Town Bloodhound (65) You are a Town Bloodhound. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Bloodhound: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be TOWN" if that player is aligned with the Town. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT TOWN" if that player is not aligned with the Town. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same. Judas (66) You are Judas. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. If you are lynched, the day will end but you will not die. Instead, you will become aligned with the Mafia. Once turned, the alignment change cannot be reversed, nor can you survive another lynch. As a mafia-aligned Judas, you do not have the ability to kill, nor may you communicate with any partners. Your win condition changes to that of the mafia if you become mafia-aligned. Win Condition You win once all of the threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive. Mafia: Saulus (67) You are Saulus. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. If you are lynched, the day will end but you will not die. Instead, you will become a Vanilla Townie. Once turned, the alignment change cannot be reversed, nor can you survive another lynch. Your win condition changes to that of the a townie if you become townie-aligned. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Goon (68-72) You are a Mafia Goon. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Godfather (73) You are a Mafia Godfather. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Godfather: You will investigate as "Not Guilty" if investigated by a Cop. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Tracker (74) You are a Mafia Tracker. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Tracker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will be informed of the name of anyone that player targeted during that Night. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Doctor (75) You are a Mafia Doctor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Doctor: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be protected from all nightkills for that Night. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Roleblocker (76) You are a Mafia Roleblocker. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Roleblocker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Lover (77) You are a Mafia Lover. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Lover: If there are other Lovers in the game, you will form a Lover bond with them. All Lovers will die at the same time. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Seer (78) You are a Mafia Seer. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Seer: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Werewolves. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Werewolves. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). 1-Shot Mafia Day Vigilante (79) You are a 1-Shot Mafia Day Vigilante. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Day Vigilante: During the Day, you may post "Kill: NAME". This player will immediately die. 1-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). 1-Shot Mafia Governor (80) You are a 1-Shot Mafia Governor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Governor: During the Day, you may post 'Govern NAME' in bold. That player will be unable to be lynched that day. 1-Shot: This ability can only be used once during the game. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Strongman (81) You are a Mafia Strongman. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Strongman: You have the ability to bypass any protective/roleblock abilities when you perform the factional kill. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Reflexive Doctor (82) You are a Mafia Reflexive Doctor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Reflexive Doctor: If you are targeted at night, any and every player who targets you will be protected from all nightkills that night. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Hirsute Mafia Goon (83) You are a Hirsute Mafia Goon. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Hirsute: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to Seers. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Mafia Cupid (84) You are a Mafia Cupid. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Mafia may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Mafia-aligned players, there will be a Mafia Secret Club that can be used during the game. Cupid: During Night 1, you may PM me the name of another player. Every player that targets this player (except you) will become Lovers with them. Win Condition You win when all players without a Mafia wincon are eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf: Werewolf (85-88) You are a Werewolf. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Alpha Werewolf (89) You are a Alpha Werewolf. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Alpha: You will investigate as "Not Guilty" if investigated by a Seer. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf Roleblocker (90) You are a Werewolf Roleblocker. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Roleblocker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). 1-Shot Werewolf Bulletproof (91) You are a 1-Shot Werewolf Bulletproof. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Bulletproof: You cannot be nightkilled. 1-Shot: This ability can only be used once during the game. You will not be told when this is used. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf Cop (92) You are a Werewolf Cop. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Cop: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is aligned with the Mafia. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not aligned with the Mafia. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf Mason (93) You are a Werewolf Mason. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason secret club that can be used during the game. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf Watcher (94) You are a Werewolf Watcher. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Watcher: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will be informed of the name of anyone who targeted that person during that Night. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf FBI Agent (95) You are a Werewolf FBI Agent. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. FBI Agent: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be GUILTY" if that player is a Serial Killer. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY" if that player is not a Serial Killer. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Ninja Werewolf (96) You are a Ninja Werewolf. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Ninja: You will not appear on any Watcher or Tracker reports. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). 1-Shot Werewolf Paranoid Gun Owner (97) You are a 1-Shot Werewolf Paranoid Gun Owner. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Paranoid Gun Owner: Every player that targets you will die. 1-Shot: This role will only activate the first Night you are targeted. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf Miller (98) You are a Werewolf Miller. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Miller: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to Cops. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Werewolf Supersaint (99) You are a Werewolf Supersaint. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Werewolves may kill one player per Night. Factional Communication: If there are other Werewolf-aligned players, there will be a Werewolf Secret Club that can be used during the game. Supersaint: If you are lynched, whomever placed the last vote will also die. Win Condition You win when all players without a Werewolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Werewolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Aliens: Alien 1-Shot Unlynchable (100) You are an Alien 1-Shot Unlynchable. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Unlynchable: If you are lynched, you will not die. 1-Shot: This ability only works the first time you are lynched. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Alien Prober (101) You are an Alien Prober. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Prober: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive "You believe NAME to be WEREWOLF" if that player is aligned with the Werewolves. You will receive "You believe NAME to be NOT WEREWOLF" if that player is not aligned with the Werewolves. You will receive No result if your investigation failed. Your target will also be roleblocked. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Alien Vanillaiser (102) You are an Alien Vanillaiser. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Vanillaiser: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will lose any abilities they have (not counting factional abilities). This will take effect at the start of the next Day. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Alien Silencer (103) You are an Alien Silencer. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Silencer: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will not be able to vote during the next Day phase. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Bulletproof Alien Lover (104) You are an Bulletproof Alien Lover. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Bulletproof: You cannot be nightkilled. Lover: If there are other Lovers in the game, you will form a Lover bond with them. All Lovers will die at the same time. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Alien Psychotrooper (105) You are an Alien Psychotrooper. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Psychotrooper: All investigators with 'GUILTY/NOT GUILTY' results are Insane while you are still alive. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Alien Mass Redirector (106) You are an Alien Mass Redirector. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: The Aliens may kill one player once during the game. Factional Communication: If there are other Alien-aligned players, there will be an Alien Secret Club that can be used during the game. Mass Redirector: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. All Night actions will be redirected to this player. 1-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game. Win Condition You win when all players without an Alien wincon are eliminated and at least one Alien-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same). Third Party: Survivor (107) You are a Survivor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Win Condition You win if you are still alive at the end of the game. Compulsive Bodyguard Survivor (108) You are a Compulsive Bodyguard Survivor. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Bodyguard: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. If this player is nightkilled, you will die instead. Compulsive: You are required to use your ability each Night. If you do not submit a target, it will be randomised. Win Condition You win if you are still alive at the end of the game. Survivor Mason (109) You are a Survivor Mason. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason secret club that can be used during the game. Win Condition You win if you are still alive at the end of the game. Lyncher (110-111) You are a Lyncher. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Lyncher: Before the game, I will randomly assign you a target. Your goal is to get that person lynched while being on the wagon. If you fail (your target is nightkilled or is lynched without you being on the wagon), you will convert to a Vanilla Townie. Win Condition You win when your target is lynched and you are on his/her wagon. 2-Shot Bulletproof Serial Killer (112) You are a 2-Shot Bulletproof Serial Killer. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: You may kill one player each Night. Bulletproof: You cannot be nightkilled. 2-Shot: This will only apply the first two times you are nightkilled. You will not be told when these are used. Win Condition You win when all other players are eliminated or nothing can prevent the same. Mafia-Immune Serial Killer (113) You are a Mafia-Immune Serial Killer. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: You may kill one player each Night. Mafia-Immune: You are immune to nightkills performed by the Mafia faction. Win Condition You win when all other players are eliminated or nothing can prevent the same. Werewolf-Immune Serial Killer (114) You are a Werewolf-Immune Serial Killer. Abilities During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched. Factional Kill: You may kill one player each Night. Werewolf-Immune: You are immune to nightkills performed by the Werewolf faction. Win Condition You win when all other players are eliminated or nothing can prevent the same. All role distribution pm has been sent, please respond as soon as you can so I can start making the role PMs and get the game started |
SorenJul 29, 2015 7:19 AM
Jul 23, 2015 8:01 AM
Jul 23, 2015 10:00 AM
Day 1 Story You all wake up in your individual rooms. You have no memory of how you got here, nor do you remember your past lives. All you remember is your name. The room is illuminated with light, you notice that there is a desk with three cards and a TV screen in front of you that says "Pick a card for your alignment and pick a card for your role." With no memory and no way out of the room, you decide to play along and chose your cards. Suddenly the walls of the room dropped, revealing other rooms with their walls dropped as well, you notice other people in them. You also notice that they have the same desk with three cards. You realise they were all trapped here just like you, and played along. You hear a voice announcement. "You have all been chosen to play a survival game. You all chose what role you wanted to play, and which faction you want to be aligned with. The rules of the game and your win condition will be sent to you telepathically. May the best faction win." Discarded Cards Suzune-chan: Werewolf KaitoKirishima: Alien Prober Controversy: Hirsute Townie shap111: Mafia Lover coromandel: Town Supersaint grrr: Mafia Goon lupadim: Saulus Crowlage: Town Lover Hime-sama: Werewolf FBI Agent x_at_home: Vanilla Townie turtlebandit: Alien 1-Shot Unlynchable Jackrito: Vanilla Townie Navizel: Town Mason/Doctor Rumanshi-xanic: Town 1-Shot Day Vigilante Byon-kun: Town Nymphomaniac FaZe_JOAOAA: Alien Psychotrooper Kakugo: 1-Shot Town Governor Astros: Watchlisted Townie julyan: Vanilla Townie Zurel: Town Bloodhound PSA - Reminder of some specific Rules 1. External communications (PM/IRC/etc.) are prohibited. You do not mention the game at all outside of the game thread until the game is over. It does not matter if you don't think it will have any effect of the game, do not talk about the game to anyone at all. If someone sends you a message about the game, screenshot it and PM me immediately. This will not be tolerated. 2. Once you die you are not allowed to post anymore. 3. If you do not make at least 5 posts that contribute to the game during a day phase, you will be replaced or modkilled. This is changed to 3 posts when there are 8 players or less. Time until end of Day 1 Day 1 begins, you have 48 hours to decide who to lynch. |
Jul 23, 2015 10:10 AM
Jul 23, 2015 10:17 AM
Jul 23, 2015 10:18 AM
I don't know how Day 1 works here so I'll just do what I always do Vote: Byon-kun c: |
Jul 23, 2015 10:22 AM
[center]Vote Count 1.0 Byon-kun (1): Navizel Players not voting (19): Suzune-chan, KaitoKirishima, Controversy, shap111, coromandel, grrr, lupadim, Crowlage , Hime-sama, x_at_home, turtlebandit, Jackrito, Rumanshi-xanic, Byon-kun, FaZe_JOAOAA, Kakugo, Astros, julyan, Zurel Time until end of Day 1 |
Jul 23, 2015 10:25 AM
Hey everyone! :3 Vote: Kakugo |
Jul 23, 2015 10:31 AM
Hmmm. I didn't notice that days only have 48 hours. Hmm.. Also, may I ask everyone a favor? If you're going to edit a post, write "edit: addedtext here" |
Jul 23, 2015 10:34 AM
Jul 23, 2015 10:34 AM
[center]Vote Count 1.1 Byon-kun (1): Navizel Kakugo (1): coromandel Players not voting (18): Suzune-chan, KaitoKirishima, Controversy, shap111, grrr, lupadim, Crowlage , Hime-sama, x_at_home, turtlebandit, Jackrito, Rumanshi-xanic, Byon-kun, FaZe_JOAOAA, Kakugo, Astros, julyan, Zurel Time until end of Day 1 |
Jul 23, 2015 10:34 AM
I'm interested to know what Zurel will flip, tbh |
Jul 23, 2015 10:37 AM
turtlebandit said: I'm interested to know what Zurel will flip, tbh And as such~ Vote: Zurel I think they're offline, but they'll see it eventually and I'll be on to change it if needed :) |
Jul 23, 2015 10:45 AM
Just looking through the cards that were put down. I wonder about zurel because that was an interesting ability and it is always helpful for a town aligned detective to find other townies, especially since we can have two different enemy factions and the aliens. The governor and supersaint drops are also interesting. Governor would take a take a lot of planning and would only be useful late game. The supersaint would only be good if you were going to be voted and the last person on your train was not townie. So that drop makes sense. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
Jul 23, 2015 10:46 AM
Navizel said: I did so with my first post. ^^Hmmm. I didn't notice that days only have 48 hours. Hmm.. Also, may I ask everyone a favor? If you're going to edit a post, write "edit: addedtext here" Navizel said: I don't know how Day 1 works here so I'll just do what I always do Vote: Byon-kun c: I thought about voting right away but I want to wait for a lead so I can have a more useful vote. |
Jul 23, 2015 11:05 AM
It seems we are not able to mass claim here for obvious reasons. Ehh. |
Jul 23, 2015 11:29 AM
lupadim said: It seems we are not able to mass claim here for obvious reasons. Ehh. Why would you want a mass D1 claim? Navizel said: Why would you want to massclaim D1? Why would you not want a D1 mass claim? |
Jul 23, 2015 11:31 AM
Personally, I would wait for N1 results before mass claim. D1 mass claim would even cause more confusion. |
Jul 23, 2015 12:05 PM
Jul 23, 2015 12:09 PM
Those are Discarded Cards. Not Discarded Role Combinations. So the final results are based off of the Discarded Cards. Oh wait no it's not. The card not used for the selected role combo will be discarded and will be revealed at the start of the game. |
Jul 23, 2015 12:32 PM
The card that was not used get's discarded. I played in a game like this before. It becomes important later when people are claiming because you can see what is already down and sometimes catch people in a lie. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
Jul 23, 2015 12:47 PM
Suzune-chan said: Just looking through the cards that were put down. I wonder about zurel because that was an interesting ability and it is always helpful for a town aligned detective to find other townies, especially since we can have two different enemy factions and the aliens. The governor and supersaint drops are also interesting. Governor would take a take a lot of planning and would only be useful late game. The supersaint would only be good if you were going to be voted and the last person on your train was not townie. So that drop makes sense. Since you plaed this before and commented on it, do you think the other drops have any relevance right now? Zurels definitely odd and should be pressured though. |
Jul 23, 2015 12:50 PM
smh people discarding townie cards |
Jul 23, 2015 12:54 PM
Only one other role stands out to be the Salus. Mostly because I had never heard of it before. It seems like it would be a powerful weapon if you hated being mafia and wanted to get back at them...I mean one lucky lynch and they could drop the names of their teammates. Otherwise at this point, nothing else really stands out to me as interesting or different in any way. No doctors or anything beneficial for the town were placed down, so nothing but zurel's discard raises red flags for me. I am always interested though to see who put down mafia and werewolf cards. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
Jul 23, 2015 12:56 PM
I wonder how many people had to pick between Mafia, Werewolf, Aliens and Third Party. |
Jul 23, 2015 12:57 PM
Controversy said: Better chances that they drew all townie cards then all mafia and third.I wonder how many people had to pick between Mafia, Werewolf, Aliens and Third Party. |
Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween! |
Jul 23, 2015 1:02 PM
[center]Vote Count 1.2 Byon-kun (1): Navizel Kakugo (1): coromandel Zurel (1): turtlebandit Players not voting (17): Suzune-chan, KaitoKirishima, Controversy, shap111, grrr, lupadim, Crowlage , Hime-sama, x_at_home, Jackrito, Rumanshi-xanic, Byon-kun, FaZe_JOAOAA, Kakugo, Astros, julyan, Zurel Time until end of Day 1 |
trijugateJul 23, 2015 2:03 PM
Jul 23, 2015 1:10 PM
Suzune-chan said: Controversy said: Better chances that they drew all townie cards then all mafia and third.I wonder how many people had to pick between Mafia, Werewolf, Aliens and Third Party. But still, if you had a ratio of town vs non-town roles how good would the chances of getting 3 townie cards in a row really be? |
Jul 23, 2015 1:25 PM
I wonder how many people had to pick between repeated cards. |
Jul 23, 2015 1:56 PM
Jul 23, 2015 2:02 PM
[center]Vote Count 1.3 Byon-kun (1): Navizel Kakugo (1): coromandel Zurel (1): turtlebandit turtlebandit (1): KaitoKirishima Players not voting (16): Suzune-chan, Controversy, shap111, grrr, lupadim, Crowlage , Hime-sama, x_at_home, Jackrito, Rumanshi-xanic, Byon-kun, FaZe_JOAOAA, Kakugo, Astros, julyan, Zurel Time until end of Day 1 |
Jul 23, 2015 2:04 PM
Btw, people most suspicious to me right now are the people who discarded VT. Next are the one who discarded strong roles like Governor and Bloodhound. |
Jul 23, 2015 2:21 PM
Navizel said: I don't find it that suspicious, it just mean they liked the other 2 cards better. Some people prefer to have a power role and others prefer a weaker role regardless of alignment. I know I prefer the latter.Btw, people most suspicious to me right now are the people who discarded VT. Next are the one who discarded strong roles like Governor and Bloodhound. Edit: added 'regardless of alignment' |
ByonKunJul 23, 2015 2:33 PM
Jul 23, 2015 2:33 PM
KaitoKirishima said: Hello my friends!!! I'll start off by voting turtle because i love him so much and i want him to flip scum XD. Vote:TurtleBandit Why do you want me to flip scum ;-; (and why do you never put capital I's where they're supposed to go?) |
Jul 23, 2015 2:34 PM
Byon-kun said: Navizel said: I don't find it that suspicious, it just mean they liked the other 2 cards better. Some people prefer to have a power role and others prefer a weaker role regardless of alignment. I know I prefer the latter.Btw, people most suspicious to me right now are the people who discarded VT. Next are the one who discarded strong roles like Governor and Bloodhound. Edit: added 'regardless of alignment' Why do you prefer to have a weaker role? |
Jul 23, 2015 2:35 PM
grave_robber said: Welcome back byon-kun! Ignore me! I'm just passing by the thread, not a player or anything ^^' gl hf Inb4 grave flips sk |
Jul 23, 2015 2:47 PM
turtlebandit said: Because he's a Maso.Why do you prefer to have a weaker role? |
Jul 23, 2015 3:00 PM
Astros said: turtlebandit said: Because he's a Maso.Why do you prefer to have a weaker role? |
Jul 23, 2015 3:03 PM
turtlebandit said: KaitoKirishima said: Hello my friends!!! I'll start off by voting turtle because i love him so much and i want him to flip scum XD. Vote:TurtleBandit Why do you want me to flip scum ;-; (and why do you never put capital I's where they're supposed to go?) Cause it's just a habit lol, i never captilize my eye's outside of anything other than a word document XD, so why would i do it here. Does that make me suspect or something? |
Jul 23, 2015 3:09 PM
KaitoKirishima said: turtlebandit said: KaitoKirishima said: Hello my friends!!! I'll start off by voting turtle because i love him so much and i want him to flip scum XD. Vote:TurtleBandit Why do you want me to flip scum ;-; (and why do you never put capital I's where they're supposed to go?) Cause it's just a habit lol, i never captilize my eye's outside of anything other than a word document XD, so why would i do it here. Does that make me suspect or something? You didn't answer my first question~ Navizel said: I'm more of a sadist but okay. |
Jul 23, 2015 3:12 PM
turtlebandit said: I feel like I have less to lose when i have a weaker role. So I can play more actively making the non-towns threatened by me and therefore want to kill me and so they don't kill the power roles. I feel more comfortable in relying on my ability to talk and than my role's abilityByon-kun said: Navizel said: Btw, people most suspicious to me right now are the people who discarded VT. Next are the one who discarded strong roles like Governor and Bloodhound. Edit: added 'regardless of alignment' Why do you prefer to have a weaker role? As a power role you have to try go under radar of the other other factions. |
Jul 23, 2015 3:12 PM
Just realized that it's 48 hour day phases ;-; |
Jul 23, 2015 3:15 PM
Byon-kun said: turtlebandit said: I feel like I have less to lose when i have a weaker role. So I can play more actively making the non-towns threatened by me and therefore want to kill me and so they don't kill the power roles. I feel more comforable in that. Byon-kun said: Navizel said: I don't find it that suspicious, it just mean they liked the other 2 cards better. Some people prefer to have a power role and others prefer a weaker role regardless of alignment. I know I prefer the latter.Btw, people most suspicious to me right now are the people who discarded VT. Next are the one who discarded strong roles like Governor and Bloodhound. Edit: added 'regardless of alignment' Why do you prefer to have a weaker role? As a power role you have to try go under radar of the other other factions. That's interesting to note~ |
Jul 23, 2015 3:15 PM
Jul 23, 2015 3:23 PM
Byon-kun said: turtlebandit said: I feel like I have less to lose when i have a weaker role. So I can play more actively making the non-towns threatened by me and therefore want to kill me and so they don't kill the power roles. I feel more comfortable in relying on my ability to talk and than my role's abilityByon-kun said: Navizel said: I don't find it that suspicious, it just mean they liked the other 2 cards better. Some people prefer to have a power role and others prefer a weaker role regardless of alignment. I know I prefer the latter.Btw, people most suspicious to me right now are the people who discarded VT. Next are the one who discarded strong roles like Governor and Bloodhound. Edit: added 'regardless of alignment' Why do you prefer to have a weaker role? As a power role you have to try go under radar of the other other factions. I wonder what you want to say with this, but at least it somehow matches with your discarded card I guess. |
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