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Dec 28, 2009 9:55 AM

Apr 2008
Update: (Please refer your comments to the latest ranking updates.

I guess its time to discuss one piece ranking in the site, and I'm going to refer to the top Favorites instead of the top Anime, cause I find it more convenient..

lets go first quickly through the top ten

1- Death Note (This anime is Revolutionary, I personally thinks it defines a whole new concept, and it caught the love of both the Noobs and the Pros)

2- Bleach ( I stopped watching the anime long time ago, cant comment on it)

3 - Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (didnt had the chance to watch it)

4 - Fullmetal Alchemist (Personally I dont know why this anime is # 4 among all favorites, very wonderful anime very creative, but I thinks its overrated)

5 -Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (didnt had the chance to watch it)

6- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (didnt had the chance to watch i)

7- Ouran High School Host Club (The first time I saw this anime in the top ten, I instantlly thought wooow this site is full of girls, I'm not tring to offend anybody, acutlly I found this anime is good, but not that much)

8 -One piece (Truly I was disappointed when I saw one piece at that position, personally I think it deserve much much more at least it should be in the top five, and I think its due to its low popularity ( ranked #80) in revers to the other top animes, People out there are missing so much fun, I thinks someone should do more advertising ( Funimation please don't).

9 -Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 (didnt had the chance to watch it, but I think I really should it scored twice!!)

10- Naruto ( Fair enough, and that doesnt include Naruto damn fillers nor Naruto shippuden)

Please this is topic is dedicated to discuss One piece ranking, feel free to comment on the top anime,please don't h tell us the story of" Dragonball should be there" nor "Bleach deserve it", lets just focus in one piece XD

AdventuresApr 6, 2010 3:21 PM
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Dec 28, 2009 10:55 AM

Jul 2009
Well most of those are to be expected I personally love all of them.

Death Note is my second favorite and is indeed revolutionary. It sort of makes you question if you do something good in a wrong way if its still justice:P.

Bleach I think should have been lower personally but its fine:P.

However this anime gives me a DBZ vibe... as in they train for like 6 months get stronger beat an opponent, then a stronger one appears, which then they unlock some hidden ancient mumbojumbo which makes them god beat the enemy. But then another stronger enemy appears... So DBZ vibe right there. Although I guess most anime do this.

Code Geass I dont even know how to explain this except for epicness as well as leet. Code Geass is by far my favorite anime and it does deserve spot number 3 or even higher.

Full Metal Alchamist was good its ok at spot number 4.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Was a good mech anime, deserves its spot. Had a decent plot also, not great but decent.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Never watched so no comment.

Ouran High School Host Club Never watched so no comment.

One piece Im also slightly disappointed in its rank, as I believe it should be maybe like 5 or 6 but overall I believe its fine. Remember rank 8 out of what 6000 is really really good:P

Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Well not much to say about this one that I have not said in the first season, except this one I found as a lot better which is awkward as I thought the first one deserved first place. Then that would make this place zero? ;)

Naruto It was ok I liked it for awhile but honestly not that great but deserves its spot as popular:P
Dec 29, 2009 9:01 PM

Feb 2008
Death Note (deserves #1 but the manga ending was better)

Bleach (should be lower and the manga is better)

Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (one of the best IMO)

Fullmetal Alchemist (enjoyed but cant believe it is still #4)

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (good but overrated)

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (good but overrated)

Ouran High School Host Club (didnt watch it)

One Piece (should be in the top 4 but is still one of the best animes out there)

Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 (just as good as code geass but better ending)

10- Naruto (good except for the fillers)
Dec 31, 2009 7:24 AM

Dec 2009
Bleach and one piece are for me the top two
Asa~hi show me the way to save the world.

The reason that I kill you is that you pointed your blade at my pride.

Dec 31, 2009 5:56 PM
Jul 2018
I'm not really disappointed about the ranking, I don't think the One Piece anime is that great, the manga is soooo much better, so as long as the manga remains #1 as it is in Japan, it's fine ^^ (however I don't understand why Bleach is ranked so high, but I don't watch it, so I can't really judge)

At the contrary, the Death Note anime is indeed a great adaptation, the music and general "filming" style really added to the original material, it deserves its first place.

About FMA, I really enjoyed the anime, great music, great characters and story. Even though I think the second half is less interesting (much too serious), it's a good show all in all.
Jan 1, 2010 7:59 AM

Oct 2009
7 of them are in my personal top 10). Since I watched all of them I'd say, that Bleach is too high. For me, first two seasons were easily top 5, but all the stuff that was after is not even top 10.
I agree, that the anime One Piece is not as good as manga. I started to read manga after watching like ~250 episodes, and it turned out to be even more enjoyable to follow this amazing story).
Jan 1, 2010 9:30 AM
Dec 2009
Bleach fillers annoy me so much, One Piece should definitely be appreciated more than it.
Jan 24, 2010 7:16 PM

Apr 2008
Good news One piece is one step ahead XD, right now one piece ranking is #7
Jan 24, 2010 7:36 PM

Jan 2009
B7B said:
I guess its time to discuss one piece ranking in the site, and I'm going to refer to the top Favorites instead of the top Anime, cause I find it more convenient..

lets go first quickly through the top ten

1- Death Note (This anime is Revolutionary, I personally thinks it defines a whole new concept, and it caught the love of both the Noobs and the Pros)

2- Bleach ( I stopped watching the anime long time ago, cant comment on it)

3 - Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch (didnt had the chance to watch it)

4 - Fullmetal Alchemist (Personally I dont know why this anime is # 4 among all favorites, very wonderful anime very creative, but I thinks its overrated)

5 -Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (didnt had the chance to watch it)

6- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (didnt had the chance to watch i)

7- Ouran High School Host Club (The first time I saw this anime in the top ten, I instantlly thought wooow this site if full of girls, I'm not tring to offend anybody, acutlly I found this anime is good, but not that much)

8 -One piece (Truly I was disappointed when I saw one piece at that position, personally I think it deserve much much more at least it should be in the top five, and I think its due to its low popularity ( ranked #80) in revers to the other top animes, People out there are missing so much fun, I thinks someone should do more advertising ( Funimation please don't).

9 -Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 (didnt had the chance to watch it, but I think I really should it scored twice!!)

10- Naruto ( Fair enough, and that doesnt include Naruto damn fillers nor Naruto shippuden)

1. Bullshit. I've heard of kids with god complexes before. Nothing special.
2. Yu Yu Hakusho copy. Nothing great, and hell it's still weaker than Yu Yu Hakusho.
3. Gundam Wing ring a bell?
4. I don't have a negative comment about this other than emoism. moving on.
5+6.... i like...moving on.
7. Reverse Harem, and girls are most likely to watch.
8. Sounds right with all the "haters" out there *cough*hypocrites*cough*
9. See 3
10. Plagiarism at it's finest.

Jan 25, 2010 3:36 PM
Jun 2007
01. Death Note - don't know about it being revolutionary but it has one of the more unique main (anti-hero) characters I've seen in the medium.

02. Bleach - Shockwave hit the bulls-eye. A YuYu Hakusho rip-off. It was entertaining, hell it was good, in the beginning. But after the SS arc (around ep.61ish), everything about it just plummeted. Story, animation, production values: they all turned to utter crap. I dropped it when it actually became to painful to watch it.

03. Code Geass - Loved this series and I thought that it was Sunrise's finest work since Cowboy Bebop. And then came along R2....but that's a story for another day. (I consider CG and R2 as one entity)

04. FullMetal Alchemist - as a somewhat manga purist, I judge FMA as halves. The first half (before a certain characters'......."departure") was friggin' brilliant. The second half though, not so much. It had terrible pacing and that really didn't sit with me well. I still like it though since it's the show (or one of) that got me hooked into anime again.

05. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Epic stuff. Nuff' said.

06. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - I love parody. And TMoHS is one of the few shows that have executed it well.

07. Ouran Highschool Host Club - I've been nagged to watch this for more than 3 years. And I still haven't got past 1 episode....I'll get to it eventually, even though this show isn't my cup of tea.

08. One Piece - Not my favorite shounen anime series but it ranks close.

09. Code Geass R2 - and it turns out that it won't take another day. Plenty of expectations for this one but R2 was just fanservice. It pandered (or tried to) to so many demographics that the plot was buried beneath all the absurd bullshit stunts it tried to pull. Still hella hilarious though.

10. Naruto - Ninjas aren't supposed to wear orange jumpsuits.
Jan 27, 2010 12:48 PM

Oct 2009
Avarice said:

10. Naruto - Ninjas aren't supposed to wear orange jumpsuits.

And cyborgs aren't supposed to wear speedos. Franky still manages to pull it off, partly because he's still stuck in the 70s...

I'm sure you could make fun of Naruto for many reasons, but that one isn't substantial. One could say Naruto isn't popular just because fangirls/boys are crazy. Or at least make the argument. And the show may partly deserve what it has accomplished... whatever that is.

One Piece should have more respect than it has, although the first arc was decieving about where the show was heading.

Bleach isn't much more of a ripoff of Yu Yu Hackusho than Yu Yu Hackusho is a ripoff of DBZ. Hence why I call Bleach DBZ's grandson. But while many concepts are copied, a lot of the plot is not. Bleach does have many original and awesome things about it - even if I think it's horribly overrated. But I agree about the drop off in quality. Especially the Bount arc filler.
Jan 27, 2010 1:15 PM

Nov 2009
All i'm going to say in defence of Naruto is that it would be frakkin boring if they all wore generic black ninja garb.
Jan 27, 2010 4:51 PM
Jun 2007
Tmanion said:
Avarice said:

10. Naruto - Ninjas aren't supposed to wear orange jumpsuits.

And cyborgs aren't supposed to wear speedos. Franky still manages to pull it off, partly because he's still stuck in the 70s...

I'm sure you could make fun of Naruto for many reasons, but that one isn't substantial. One could say Naruto isn't popular just because fangirls/boys are crazy. Or at least make the argument. And the show may partly deserve what it has accomplished... whatever that is.

Somebody needs their sarcasm detector fixed.......
Jan 27, 2010 9:14 PM
Sep 2008
Death Note : Totally Overrated. It was a good show, but only that. It's damn far from being revolutionary.

Bleach: Meh.. I used to watch Bleach and really enjoyed it, like 2 years ago. The manga went downhill and I don't really care anymore about this

Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch : Great first season, a shame that Sunrise could not handle things for S2.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Overall it was ok. 'Till you read the manga and find out how the real thing goes

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann : GAR & EPIC

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya : God dammit, I can't believe that 3 years has gone by since I watched this. Great work of KyoAni doing this.

Ouran High School Host Club: Too homophobic to watch this kinda shit

One Piece : I'm gonna watch this someday, for sure.

Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 : Roller Coaster of Fail

Naruto: lol...
Blacker-Jan 27, 2010 9:23 PM
Jan 28, 2010 2:35 PM

Oct 2009
Avarice said:

Somebody needs their sarcasm detector fixed.......

lol Sorry. Don't mind my occasional brain failures :P
Feb 2, 2010 2:26 PM

Jan 2010
Death Note and One Piece are for me the absolute best.
I love the music
Apr 5, 2010 1:21 PM

Apr 2008

Wow Wow Wow, One piece now is #6 in just 3 months it jumped 2 steps ahead, and I guess its going to be #4 very soon,,,

guess more poeple are enjoying it :D

Kanbai !!!!! (I guess :P)
Apr 5, 2010 1:34 PM

Nov 2007
Kanpai ;p

And manga is already 4th, so yeah - keep it up, anime! ^^
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Apr 5, 2010 5:58 PM

Jun 2007
There is now a new top 10

Death Note - I can understand why this is popular but now even I am growing sick of it, and maybe it might be more because of the fans.

Bleach - Really? The filler arcs were terrible and even I can't stand it right now, I'm still trying to finish the stupid Bount Arc.

Fullmetal Alchemist - This is the first one that's actually deserving. I really enjoyed this show

Naruto - I've grown tired of this show but understand why it's popular

Code Geass - No problems on this one

Elfen Lied - An Over-rated piece of tripe, really do not understand why everyone likes this show.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - See Elfen Lied, but in my opinion I hate this even more then Elfen Lied, because Elfen Lied actually has a good story this one is so stupid.

Code Geass R2 - See Code Geass

Naruto: Shippuuden - See Naruto

Ouran High School Host Club - It's popular among girls for obvious reasons but still I can't understand why everyone likes this show it was incredibly blase.
Apr 6, 2010 3:53 AM

Nov 2007
We were using top favorites, not top 10 anime.
ONeoRa is always looking for interesting people to join our ranks.
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Apr 6, 2010 8:24 AM

Jul 2008
1- Death Note-good anime and such but i still dont understand why its so popular..i do agree that the plot is unique and stuff..although this is not related at all i hate the idea of how L is always 1st or 2nd in favourites..yes he may be a very...strange and interesting character and many ppl go gaga over him..but honestly..if u were to meet someone that strange in real life would you even dare talk to him?
well i like L but i dont get how hes so popular

2- Bleach-oh good god..enough with the like dieing..i thought the filler swere bad so i read the manga..IT WAS WORSE...i was up to the part where the shinigami were fighting aizen and the espada...OMG you're like kidding right? they make the espada seem so scary and super duper strong..but then they get defeated in just one slice? whereas the shinigami can still fight up to the point where their body is falling to pieces?...biased much..and i HATE how everytime ichigo is about to lose..he unleashes some super new power..or he goes mad...or becomes a hollow or whatever shit and beats the shit out of his opponent in practically one hit..i mean..of course hes the main character ..hes not supposed to die..but you know..he can stil be saved you know? or mistaken as dead but somehow lived ...i mean jeez..its so damn typical...when hes about to lose..."BRAAAWHHHH his reiatsu suddenly blast the enemies away" i really hate that typical kind of up to the point where i wanna drop it..jeez..thats the one type of anime plot i cant stand..just as the hero is about to die he unleashes some super rather see him being saved by someone...this maybe be spoilers for bleach viewers so dont read past this point if u dont want spoilers...
ok so like wth..he has a hole in his damn chest..and its an obvious sudden death..yes he awakens and becomes all mad and kills of ulqiorra..and not only did he defeat him but the hole in ichigo's chest heals! INCREDIBLE! typical..i c ant stand yea im dropping it

3 - Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch- i dont really have any particular interst in mecha but i still gave it a shot and boy was i mistaken...lulu and his genius...but what i like about code geass is that lulu isnt perfect..he makes mistakes and there isnt the typical bleach style..

4 - Fullmetal Alchemist -well talking about the alternate totally strayed away from the manga's path...and well yea it doesnt deserve to be 4th..but i think the remaked "brotherhood" deserves much better..but nothing beats reading the manga itself

5 -Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann- i couldnt watch another second and dropped it immediately...stupidest show offense to ttgl fans..i didnt get why it was ranked so high anyways =/

6- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - funny..parody..and gintoki's seiyuu was there so yea haha :P..but i dont like haruhi..shes so do i say like..she expects ppl to do what ever she commands...and shes like searching for time travellers aliens and all that..jeez open your eyes they are right infront of you

7- Ouran High School Host Club-first time i watched it i thought i was great!..rated it 1 9..but somehow that i think about it...its pretty much...boring..although i admit it can really crack you up in some parts

8 -One piece -ranked 8?...not piece is the one and only true anime i respect! would be PERFECT if it wasnt for the fillers where some were quite boring actually..but still funny..though i wouldnt watch it a second time...oda thinks differently..he carefully plans out his story line and thats what i like...see..oda didnt pull a bleach which is why i like it so much...theres no sudden gush of power and kapow one hit and k.o...but take luffy for beat his opponents...he actually loses and learns and evolves from defeat...

9 -Code Geass - i thought the ending was so sad :"(..i cried like a little bitch lol

10- Naruto - boring..too long winded...fillers suck...i actually vomit blood forcing myself to watch i dropped first i thought shippuuden was gonna be much better but it was pretty much the same...and sakura is still as annoying as ever..(once offense to her fans)
Rules were made to be broken

Apr 6, 2010 10:21 AM

Nov 2007
@Mugiwara_: In the current ranking ( OP is 6th.
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Apr 6, 2010 4:16 PM
Dec 2007
1. Death Note

Although not my personal favorite, I do think this anime somwhat deserves the 1st place. It's story is just leaving you with your jaw hanging, it would surprise me in every episode, the OST was epic, and practically became a meme, the characters and their relationships awesome... everything.

The only thing I don't like about it, and it shatters it's position on 1st place big time, is ALL THE EPISODES after 25th one. Seriously, that Near practically came out of nowhere. Almost as an addition just to make anime longer. It should've either ended with Light as winner, or some cool plan L prepared in case of his death.

2. Bleach

I've only partially seen it, and I loved it, and definitely plan on continuing it someday, but can't really rate it due to the small quantity of episodes I've seen.

3. Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch

Seen half of it, and I think it may be a BIT overrated, but otherwise, it is a brilliant anime. Me approves.

4. FMA

I loved this anime, and it's definitely one of my favs. I think it deserves this rank with right, maybe even better rank.


Didn't watch.

6. One Piece

What can I say, if the taste DID matter, I would, like a crazy fangirl, repeatedly state it should be on first place. But it isn't. And it should.

7. Ouran etc.

It was funny as Hell, and very good anime, but highly overrated. I mean this anime is more like a parody. The first 10 places should totally be saved for anime that truly have quality in more aspects than humor.

8. Suzumiya

What can I say, it's a very good original story, but I would give it a couple of demotions... maybe 12th, or 13th.,

9. Code Geass R2

The same anime series in the first ten places is a bloody shame. That's all.

10. Naruto

The first 10 episode bored the living shit out of me. -.-
I do expect it to be more exciting in the future, but seriously, how can anyone even get so far with watching after such a boring beginning?
Apr 7, 2010 7:19 AM

Mar 2009
1. Death Note
>> Awesome anime, great storyline and brings the manga to life. I still like the manga ending no matter what. But it kinda cuts short some bits from the manga and there was one thing not included in the manga but was in the anime

2. Bleach
>> Okay, I like Bleach and read the manga as well. The anime is alright but I think it's not that awesome. There are some fillers that are really snooze-worthy such as the Bount Arc (2 seasons long) and the Princess Arc. The recent Zanpakuto Arc was alright though

3. Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch
>> Great anime but I like the second season better.

4. FMA
>> Haven;t seen this

>> Haven't seen this either

6. One Piece
>> How can OP only be 6th?! It should be at least in the top 3! It stays true to the manga is damn hilarious and exciting. Even the fillers are worth watching as they actually complement OP's storyline and sometimes has stuff taht Oda wanted to put into the manga but didn't get to

7. Ouran High School Host Club
>> Okay, I have to admit I hated how this anime ended. It followed the manga storyline but the last two episodes were fillers. And I didn't quite like them. Otherwise it was really hilarious (esp Tamaki)

8. haruhi Suzumiya
>> Read part of the manga, didn't like it so never bothered to watch the anime

9. Code Geass R2
>> Second season picks up where the first left off. And I like it better than R1. Much faster paced and has more action. However there was a certain battle which I expected to be epic but ended before I knew it. "Huh? That was it??!!!" Damn...

10. Naruto
>> gave up on the manga and same goes for the anime. Saw some fillers and just didn't like them
Apr 8, 2010 9:11 PM

Apr 2008
Actually, I thinks what lacks One piece is its popularity, and I really dont know why?!!

and as soon as you hit the below link, you wont find One piece within the first page list!!!! and whats makes me wonder the most how come that Soul Eater is more popular than OP, although Soul Eater is new !!!

(Most Popular anime link)

if anybody have any idea please lets hear it
Apr 9, 2010 2:52 AM
Dec 2007
Because Soul Eater is epic? Along with One Piece, that is another show that hooked with me with first episode. Besides, it is shorter and has better animation, which of course results in huge popularity.

The problem with One Piece is that many refuse to watch it either because it's too long (that was my first remark when I was recommended to see it), or people don't like the style. There goes about 20% of popularity. :\

As for the list, One Piece is not that far, with more progress it might even become more popular. I myself like to see the manga ranking because more people are into manga, apparently.
Apr 11, 2010 3:51 AM

Apr 2008
Klabautermann said:
Because Soul Eater is epic? Along with One Piece, that is another show that hooked with me with first episode. Besides, it is shorter and has better animation, which of course results in huge popularity.

The problem with One Piece is that many refuse to watch it either because it's too long (that was my first remark when I was recommended to see it), or people don't like the style. There goes about 20% of popularity. :

As for the list, One Piece is not that far, with more progress it might even become more popular. I myself like to see the manga ranking because more people are into manga, apparently.

hey there long time no see,,,

mmmmm thats a good one you mentioned, the overall anime quality had change recently, and yes people might get deceived.

I think the directors should think of remaking the first and second arcs.
if they are really into it

and about the popularity ranking the bad news that One piece was #30 and now its #36, its popularity are getting down relatively.
Apr 12, 2010 7:14 AM

Jul 2008
well just because the animation is new and its shorter that doesnt mean its better..i've watched soul eater...pretty much average to me...i found nothing...great about it...the storyline is you know...ok ok...but for one piece i say it has a very intersting storyline worth watching...everyone knows something big is gonna happen soon

and yea...i wish ppl would give one piece a chance before saying..the art sucks..or its too know..when my sister first introduced it to me..she said i would definetely love it...when i looked at the art..i was like...eww...whats up with that guys nose!(usopp)
but eventually i tried it out..and i was already laughing on the first ep..then i got addicted and watch over 25 eps a day and in around 2-3 weeks i was already in the latest episode which was the thirller bark i really do recommend atleast a 100 episodes first before chucking one piece aside
Rules were made to be broken

Apr 12, 2010 9:57 AM
Dec 2007
I'm not saying Soul Eater is good because is short, actually I don't like the fact it was made while manga is still on going, but the people aren't in the mood to go and start watching the show that already aired more than 400 episodes.

As for animation, it is truly excellent, and I actually think Soul Eater has better animation than One Piece.

B7B said:

I think the directors should think of remaking the first and second arcs.
if they are really into it

If they are going to change the animation drastically, yeah it might be a good idea. While I do like the art style of One Piece, I can't say it's animation is like, brilliant. It's fine. But honestly, the animation is actually the only thing because of which they could remake it. Although that is unlikely to happen lol. Movies would be in order. -.-
Apr 12, 2010 11:15 AM

Mar 2009
Mugiwara_ said:
well just because the animation is new and its shorter that doesnt mean its better..i've watched soul eater...pretty much average to me...i found nothing...great about it...the storyline is you know...ok ok...but for one piece i say it has a very intersting storyline worth watching...everyone knows something big is gonna happen soon

and yea...i wish ppl would give one piece a chance before saying..the art sucks..or its too know..when my sister first introduced it to me..she said i would definetely love it...when i looked at the art..i was like...eww...whats up with that guys nose!(usopp)
but eventually i tried it out..and i was already laughing on the first ep..then i got addicted and watch over 25 eps a day and in around 2-3 weeks i was already in the latest episode which was the thirller bark i really do recommend atleast a 100 episodes first before chucking one piece aside

Honestly, when I first saw One Piece I was put off by the art. But my friends were discussing it weekly that I thought I'd check it out. And man... it was worth catching up with over 500+++ chapters!

As for the anime, trying to catch up now. If I hadn't read OP, I'd have missed out on a lot. But people always complain the series is too long. I'd say read some chapters first, and if you really like it you'll definitely continue reading/watching. And it'll be worth every milisecond
Apr 18, 2010 10:33 AM

Oct 2009
its ranked 35 wtf
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Apr 18, 2010 1:33 PM

Nov 2007
Which ranking did you check? Because by score it's 78, by favorites it's 6, so where is it 35th?
Oh, by popularity.
ONeoRa is always looking for interesting people to join our ranks.
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Apr 26, 2010 11:17 AM

Apr 2008
One more step ahead

one piece ranking currently is #5


Apr 26, 2010 11:32 AM

Apr 2009
^omgwtf awesome :D
Apr 26, 2010 2:28 PM
Jun 2007
Once again, Nami's breasts are of a different size. Sometimes they're humongous, sometimes ample. Toei sure likes playing around with it. The design I mean.
Jun 5, 2010 6:51 AM

Apr 2008
One piece is again one step closer to where it should be to where it deserve

One piece Ranking is #4 , and hell yaaaaaaaaaaaa FMA this was not your place...

and Three to go

Death Note
Code Geass

and I guess this time we shall wait a little bit
Jul 31, 2010 1:54 PM

Aug 2008
They should really count sequels as the same show.
Aug 3, 2010 4:21 PM
Jul 2010
1. Death Note: My top favorite anime ...I agree

2. Bleach: Should not be in the top 10/ Bleach had a really good story and the beginning episodes are pretty cool, but also has some of the WORST filler episode

3. Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch: Should be second/ Really REALLY good show

4. Fullmetal Alchemist: An anime classic, but doesn't belong in the top 10 anime list, but maybe top 20

5. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Would be in my top 20 list

6. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: NO!!!!!!

7. Ouran High School Host Club: A pretty good anime show/ it definitely does not belong ahead on One Piece

8 -One piece: Belongs in the top 5/ One of the best TV shows of all time and way better than Bleach and Naruto

9 -Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2: To quote babler
babler said:
They should really count sequels as the same show.

10- Naruto: A decent anime with a great story but riddled with terrible filler episodes just like Bleach (uhhh)

My personal top 10 would be
1. Death Note
2. Code Geass
3. One Piece
4. Gantz
5. Yu Yu Hakusho
6. Detroit Metal City
7. Darker than Black
8. Trigun
9. Detective Conan
10. D. Gray Man
Aug 8, 2010 9:53 PM

Aug 2008
The minute One Piece ends it's going straight to #1 on MAL, just look at what happened with Gintama.
Aug 12, 2010 8:11 AM

Jun 2010
babler said:
The minute One Piece ends it's going straight to #1 on MAL, just look at what happened with Gintama.

Theres some truth to that, but I knew GinTama would be my favorite during the Shinsengumi Crisis Arc, and after the Yoshiwara, well without a doubt. After GinTama ended after all the One Piece parodies, well I decided why not, 10 years strong, must be something to it, and so happy, it really is one of my all time favorites.

And Brotherhood is so much more superior to the original FMA, but thats just me. Haruhi S1 was nice and certainly memorable but S2.......and in reality I just think the anime of the franchise has been mishandled in some ways. And im sorry I like L in Death Note, but I think its horribly overrated, I cant get why people think its an intelligent anime, its just entertaining. And well Naruto......meh.
Aug 12, 2010 11:55 PM

Aug 2008
SkyFade said:
babler said:
The minute One Piece ends it's going straight to #1 on MAL, just look at what happened with Gintama.

Theres some truth to that, but I knew GinTama would be my favorite during the Shinsengumi Crisis Arc, and after the Yoshiwara, well without a doubt. After GinTama ended after all the One Piece parodies, well I decided why not, 10 years strong, must be something to it, and so happy, it really is one of my all time favorites.

And Brotherhood is so much more superior to the original FMA, but thats just me. Haruhi S1 was nice and certainly memorable but S2.......and in reality I just think the anime of the franchise has been mishandled in some ways. And im sorry I like L in Death Note, but I think its horribly overrated, I cant get why people think its an intelligent anime, its just entertaining. And well Naruto......meh.

I meant how they remove all the votes of people who have watched less than 20% of the show after a series ends, gintama went from 8.3 to 9.1 overnight (#2 on MAL). One Piece is 8.5 and much longer running, it's almost a certainty that it would be ranked #1 if and when it ends.
RacaholicAug 12, 2010 11:59 PM
Aug 15, 2010 6:49 PM

Nov 2007
I'd rather see through the end of one piece rather than getting wed, dude that's how important one piece is to me hahaha
Aug 28, 2010 5:36 PM

Oct 2009
KHR, OP, Gintama
Sep 2, 2010 8:22 AM

Feb 2009
cafe-kun said:
I'd rather see through the end of one piece rather than getting wed, dude that's how important one piece is to me hahaha

cool! :) i like that! me too! XD hahahaha!
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Sep 3, 2010 9:28 AM

May 2009
I love OP, but.. im just wondering if ill be able to watch it till the very end.. since we still dont see the end of it and.. y'no.. we might die even tomorrow D:
Oct 11, 2010 9:26 PM

Aug 2008
Illayvser said:
I love OP, but.. im just wondering if ill be able to watch it till the very end.. since we still dont see the end of it and.. y'no.. we might die even tomorrow D:

After nuclear war, the only things left will be cockroaches and One Piece.
Oct 25, 2012 3:53 PM

Mar 2010
Illayvser said:
I love OP, but.. im just wondering if ill be able to watch it till the very end.. since we still dont see the end of it and.. y'no.. we might die even tomorrow D:

The anime series will be over in 9-10 years. Manga in 8-9. Just try and stay safe for those periods of time)
Oct 26, 2012 7:28 PM

Nov 2010
Well it's now number 4 on the rankings, it looks like more people are starting to notice and appreciate One Piece.
Mar 27, 2013 8:43 AM

Aug 2012
As of right now, death note in 1st and one piece in 2nd.. seems very accurate to my tastes
sexual incest in nisomonogatari - no one bats an eye
romance incest in SAO - everyone loses their minds
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