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Apr 16, 2016 8:57 AM

Oct 2013

All across internet anime fans alike share their anime collections. You can find YouTube Videos on "unboxings" and extensive collections. Browse through blog sites like Tumblr and Reddit for photos and descriptions ranging from big to small collection. Even on MAL members post their own blogs and forums dedicated to their collections, posting wish list and more. This forum is dedicated to our members who wouldn't mind sharing their collection with us. Here post pictures, stories, videos, wish list, sites and places you buy from and so much more. Big or small, one shelf or a whole room, popular or unpopular.... it doesn't matter. Have fun posting and sharing you collection with the members of UAS!!!
goshujin_sama241May 22, 2016 12:01 PM
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Apr 16, 2016 9:17 AM

Oct 2013
Seeing as I am the one who started this I should be the first to share my collection. I have been growing my collection for a couple of years and it has come a long way from when I first started. Vol 1 and 2 of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was the first additions to my collection back in the summer of 2013. Since then I have grown from a small table in my room, to a shelf, to a bookcase, to half of my room. I only buy when my funds are right and I can see my collection growing even further (considering how much it has grown over the last year)

* New pictures...... I will post a description later(I will)*

Pictures are from May 31, 2016

goshujin_sama241May 31, 2016 1:17 PM
Apr 19, 2016 9:00 AM

Mar 2014
Nice! Not too many shows we own in common besides the KyoAni and Key stuff, but I wholeheartedly approve of those! I need to get my photos up, now.

Which series is the top left scroll?

Do you have any particular sorting method for your shelves?

And I see that bright green SAVE edition stripe, there (can't tell what show it is, though). I didn't realize until someone pointed it out, but most if not all of the SAVE editions have reversible covers if you don't want to look at that spine. I reversed the covers on all of my SAVE editions as soon as I found out.
Apr 19, 2016 2:49 PM

Oct 2013
WingKing said:
Nice! Not too many shows we own in common besides the KyoAni and Key stuff, but I wholeheartedly approve of those! I need to get my photos up, now.

I am a huge fan of Key and KoiAni. One day I will own all of Key's releases. I also cannot wait for the airings of Rewrite and Planetarian

Which series is the top left scroll?

It is of a character named Jo from a series called Burst Angel. It is a unique anime that can only be described as a western meets a futuristic mecha. It is not well received however I liked it. I even own the series on Blu-ray.

Do you have any particular sorting method for your shelves?

Not really. Just try to make it all fit as neatly as I can. A new shelf is probably in the works as I am running out of room.

And I see that bright green SAVE edition stripe, there (can't tell what show it is, though). I didn't realize until someone pointed it out, but most if not all of the SAVE editions have reversible covers if you don't want to look at that spine. I reversed the covers on all of my SAVE editions as soon as I found out.

I have as well. I had someone pointed it out to me. I just have yet to open that one so it is still showing the SAVE edition stripe. It is OniAi. A friend recommend that I watch it and it was super cheap so I bought it and still have not watched it.

Missing from my set is the first season after Clannad and the original box set of Shuffle which a friend has. Also not pictured is a wall stroll of Inu x Boku. It is on another wall. I think that would be it. I can't wait to see your pictures as well.
May 11, 2016 8:14 PM

Mar 2014
goshujin_sama241 said:
I am a huge fan of Key and KoiAni. One day I will own all of Key's releases. I also cannot wait for the airings of Rewrite and Planetarian

Same here. Although I'm planning to stay far away from any discussion forums for those, because it seems like every time we get a VN adaptation anymore, the thread topics just devolve into choruses of complaining about every single tiny deviation from the VN script, and too much of that can really kill my enthusiasm for a show.

I have heard of Burst Angel, though I don't really know anything about it. It's just one of those shows with a memorable title that I've never forgotten because it's so unusual.

I'll try to have my pictures posted sometime this weekend. I'd held off because I was expecting to get a couple of my DVD sets back from my friends by now, but I'm tired of waiting! :D
May 13, 2016 9:56 PM

Mar 2014
Here's my collection! I started watching anime in 1998, but didn’t start buying DVDs until 2003 (Escaflowne was my first DVD purchase), and just like I’ve been an on-and-off watcher over the years, I’ve also been an on-and-off collector. My shelves reflect that, I think, with singles sets of older hits like Noir on the shelves alongside modern box sets and combo packs.

I also like importing CDs of my favorite anime music; a complete set of all five Escaflowne soundtrack CDs is the centerpiece of my small collection so far. I’m not a big collector of other merchandise, though. In the full-length bookcase picture above, on the smaller bookcase to the right you can see a glimpse of a Maki pencilboard I got at the Love Live movie premiere, and a Yuki Yuna button that came with a magazine I bought, but the only other things I have that aren't in these pictures are character posters of Gemini Sunrise (from Sakura Wars New York) and Yuki Nagato, and a theatrical poster for Expelled from Paradise.

WingKingMay 13, 2016 10:02 PM
May 22, 2016 4:06 PM

Sep 2014
In the coming days I'm gonna post pictures of my collection, including a one of a kind item(the Japanese Kemono no souja DvDs with the "mail order only bonus art boxes" ), but for now I'll just post a list.

May 23, 2016 10:58 AM

Oct 2013
WingKing said:

Same here. Although I'm planning to stay far away from any discussion forums for those, because it seems like every time we get a VN adaptation anymore, the thread topics just devolve into choruses of complaining about every single tiny deviation from the VN script, and too much of that can really kill my enthusiasm for a show.

I have heard of Burst Angel, though I don't really know anything about it. It's just one of those shows with a memorable title that I've never forgotten because it's so unusual.

Me too and seeing how these were two title (especially Rewrite) in Key's library that were thought to never get an anime adaption the complainers will be out in full force.

It was a good series.... different and worth me buying it.

First thing that sticks out is what I believe is a Giants batting helmet and the Athletics baseball cap. I am going to guess that you are either from San Fran or Oakland. Wait I think that we have the same shelf.... Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking?

We have a lot more in common than I thought. You own a quite a few titles that are on my list to buy one day. I have to ask, are the Yuki Yuna CE boxsets worth it?
May 23, 2016 10:58 AM

Oct 2013
Zoltor said:
In the coming days I'm gonna post pictures of my collection, including a one of a kind item(the Japanese Kemono no souja DvDs with the "mail order only bonus art boxes" ), but for now I'll just post a list.

Can't wait to see it....
May 23, 2016 8:11 PM

Mar 2014
goshujin_sama241 said:

First thing that sticks out is what I believe is a Giants batting helmet and the Athletics baseball cap. I am going to guess that you are either from San Fran or Oakland. Wait I think that we have the same shelf.... Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking?

We have a lot more in common than I thought. You own a quite a few titles that are on my list to buy one day. I have to ask, are the Yuki Yuna CE boxsets worth it?

Yep. I'm on the east coast now, but I was born in Oakland and lived in the East Bay until I left for college. The pennant that's half-visible above the bookcase is from the 1989 “Bay Bridge” World Series – the earthquake-interrupted one.

I can’t remember exactly where those shelves came from anymore, but for purely functional furniture like bookshelves I usually shop in the Target/Walmart/IKEA bracket, so it was probably one of those.

The best extras that you get with the Yuki Yuna set are:
+The booklets, which besides the usual artwork and episode summaries also have about a dozen different interviews. They talked to all five seiyuu about the show and their characters, plus a bunch of the creative staff (the director, scriptwriter, animation director, etc.). It was all fascinating to read with lots of insights on the series.
+Music CDs with some character songs and extra tracks that aren't on the official soundtrack CD.
+The English dub (if you're a dub watcher), which was better than I expected.
+And of course, the show itself looks gorgeous on Blu-Ray.
You'll have to decide if those perks are worth the price for you. I don't reget buying it for a second, but it was also one of my top five favorite shows ever. I also got several sets of key frame drawings for pre-ordering all three volumes, which was another nice perk, but unfortunately those aren't available anymore.
WingKingMay 23, 2016 8:14 PM
May 27, 2016 3:04 PM

Sep 2014

Official set of Japanese Kemono no souja erin DvDs, with the mail order bonus only Art Boxes

The DvDs alone are super rare(byfar the rarest anime DvDs ever made), but that's not why I'm posting this, I'm posting this to show off the art boxes, which aside from these here, basically don't exist(maybe the publisher has a set on his desk, and perhaps the whopping 2 other people who actually knew this anime even existed back in 2010 might have them, however they are never going to see the light of day anyway). It's 2016, and still this anime is almost completely unknown "in Japan".

Needless to say, I feel responsible to make a historic note, that this actually exists. This is the only picture of this on the entire net(I posted this same picture elsewhere, but this actual picture, is the only proof on the net, that this is even be a thing.

The top 6 shots are for art box 1, and the bottom 6 shots are for the 2nd art box. Note the wrapping wasn't done by the company, this was done by the seller shipping it to me, to protect such. Art box 1 was given to anyone ordering vol 7 through the catalog in the LE art book for this series, with art box 2 given for ordering vol 12 through the same means

The bottom of both art boxes actually have text on it, but barely shows up in my pictures, as It's microscopic, here is what it says:

(this first bit is naturally the same for both art boxes)half of it is just clearly some legal stuff in Japanese noting NHK, the publisher of the anime(and I'm sure the art boxes as well), however it also tells who created the art boxes too. The name of the company is Ariota Japan Inc.

Then there's clearly what are item numbers for each(I didn't even notice such, until I was messing around, trying to take pictures of the boxes lol)

Art Box 1# is: BVBW 7 13267A

Art Box 2# is: BVBW 12 13272A

Due to Photoshop issues, and such, this here took two days to put together the pictures. I also fully documented such. I submitted to my DA account, but I copy/pasted it under the picture here, so you can read it here.

I'll probally go ahead, and take a picture of the rest of my collection, but I had to put a lot more effort into this, for obvious reasons. I still can't believe I actually got this, It's one of my most favorite anime of all time too :)
ZoltorMay 27, 2016 4:04 PM
May 31, 2016 12:49 PM

Oct 2013
Zoltor said:

I'll probally go ahead, and take a picture of the rest of my collection, but I had to put a lot more effort into this, for obvious reasons. I still can't believe I actually got this, It's one of my most favorite anime of all time too :)

Man this is awesome. I am sure that the pictures don't do the art boxes justice. How did you get something like this? Did you buy it for your love of the series? Thanks for posting this I just added something to my PTW list. I would really like to see the rest of your collection as well.
May 31, 2016 1:37 PM

Oct 2013
WingKing said:

Yep. I'm on the east coast now, but I was born in Oakland and lived in the East Bay until I left for college. The pennant that's half-visible above the bookcase is from the 1989 “Bay Bridge” World Series – the earthquake-interrupted one.

I can’t remember exactly where those shelves came from anymore, but for purely functional furniture like bookshelves I usually shop in the Target/Walmart/IKEA bracket, so it was probably one of those.

The best extras that you get with the Yuki Yuna set are:
+The booklets, which besides the usual artwork and episode summaries also have about a dozen different interviews. They talked to all five seiyuu about the show and their characters, plus a bunch of the creative staff (the director, scriptwriter, animation director, etc.). It was all fascinating to read with lots of insights on the series.
+Music CDs with some character songs and extra tracks that aren't on the official soundtrack CD.
+The English dub (if you're a dub watcher), which was better than I expected.
+And of course, the show itself looks gorgeous on Blu-Ray.
You'll have to decide if those perks are worth the price for you. I don't reget buying it for a second, but it was also one of my top five favorite shows ever. I also got several sets of key frame drawings for pre-ordering all three volumes, which was another nice perk, but unfortunately those aren't available anymore.

Yep too young to remember but know it well. So who are you a fan of?

It had to be IKEA. I knew that it was the same shelf. Great taste lol.

I completely understand. I am waiting for the release of vol 2 of Your Lie in April and I will be shelling out $260 for volumes 1 and 2 (one of my favorite series). I hear that the dub is fantastic (yes I am a dub watcher... not a dub vs sub person) and the quality of the blu ray is what one would expect of aniplex. In fact someone said that once you see the video quality you will believe that $260 was worth it. I don't want to wait like I did with Chuunibyou. I waited and waited to see if the price would drop and I missed my chance to get the LE release. I was upset with myself.

Where did you buy most of of your collection?
May 31, 2016 1:39 PM

Sep 2014
goshujin_sama241 said:
Zoltor said:

I'll probally go ahead, and take a picture of the rest of my collection, but I had to put a lot more effort into this, for obvious reasons. I still can't believe I actually got this, It's one of my most favorite anime of all time too :)

Man this is awesome. I am sure that the pictures don't do the art boxes justice. How did you get something like this? Did you buy it for your love of the series? Thanks for posting this I just added something to my PTW list. I would really like to see the rest of your collection as well.

I tried to take the best pictures I could(lost count of how many I took, just trying to get better, and better pictures), but yea they even look way better in person(They are extremely high quality art boxes at that too)

Well I wanted a set of Japanese DvDs, and the art boxes because I love the series so much(which is the only reason anyone should ever buy DvDs from Japan, because that disc based tech tax, is insane). I've been into other collecting scenes, and such that involved old school vendering, so I know how to get things.

When browsing for anime, I found a huge ebay seller(who also lives in Japan), whom specializes anime box sets, as well as some of the most obscure anime out there. I email him, asking if he could find such, in which he replied, doesn't exist, saying only The Blu-ray version had a box. I'm like are you sure, I'm pretty sure it had a box set(at the time, I forgot where I got that impression from). He's like yea don't think it exists at all, but would you still want a complete set of DvDs. I'm like yea sure(paid 540 for such, which is basically retail for a 12 Japanese DvD set).

It turns out, in all of Japan, he was only able to find 2 complete sets of the DvDs, it blew his mind on how rare the DvDs are(the Blu-rays are not as rare, as it was only sold in a box set, but even so those are pretty damn rare as well). He emailed me a few hours afterwords, saying he found a better set of DvDs, would I like them instead, I'm like sure(typical Japanese style vagueness going full blast here, I only wish I could have seen his fast, while typing out that email).

I get it in the mail, open the shipping box, and thus my head exploded. When I stopped being catatonic(it felt like lasted for atleast 1h), I emailed him back.

How did you get these, he's like when he went to go pick up the DvDs, it just so happened, one of the sets had the art boxes, he's like it must be fate or something. He had no idea these were a thing at all, and he never imagined that this series was so rare ingeneral.

After that, he decided to pick up a Blu-ray set, and it sold in a week for 1k :)

I ended up remembering why I was so sure the art boxes existed for the DvDs, took pictures of the catalog listings in the Art Book, and emailed him them/the info. He's like wow, never knew about this, and he's like thanks for the info, which I reply back saying no, thank you, I still can't believe you found these.

Yea np, and yea definitely do that, this anime is awesome(there's a overview/review linked in my sig if you want to check that out). It's one of the closest a entire anime series has came to being perfect(there's a handful of issues, but they are all very small issues).

If you like sol/drama, and world building, you'll love this anime.

Yea, I so need to get around to doing that, granted nothing else I have could compare to that, I still have a bunch of other cool stuff. I think I try to take the pictures of that tonight.
May 31, 2016 2:16 PM

Oct 2013

He sounds like a good guy to know. I will let you know what I think of it after I complete it. I will check the review out later (I hate being spoiled even a little bit). I look forward to seeing your collection.
May 31, 2016 2:27 PM

Sep 2014
goshujin_sama241 said:

He sounds like a good guy to know. I will let you know what I think of it after I complete it. I will check the review out later (I hate being spoiled even a little bit). I look forward to seeing your collection.[/quote]

Yea definitely :)

Awesome, I can't wait. Ok. I don't have a few pieces of my collection on me atm, but most of which I could post pictures of tonight.
May 31, 2016 8:57 PM

Sep 2014

There's most of my DvDs

Here's my non-DvD stuff:

The Kemono no souja art book(seriously It's one of the highest quality art books ever made, and also moonlights as a companion book as well)

The Twelve Kingdoms OST(Omg I was pissed when I got this, It's the most cheap, half assed hackjob that anyone ever dared pass off as a OST. Where to start: All the music Isn't on it, there's no separate tracks, It's 25 songs, one after another on a single track, and what's even worse, is the songs weren't rerecorded, they were taken directly off of the anime's DvDs, some of the songs, you can even hear character voices in the background, It's bad).

Inuyasha's enchanted beads(unofficial thankfully, because the Japanese only make super cheap stuff when it comes to props/cosplay type products. These are made by a americal jewler who deals a lot in crystals, the beads are made of Onyx, the teeth are made of quartz, and It's strung together using silk string. I don't Cosplay, but this was so cool, I had to buy it)
ZoltorMay 31, 2016 9:02 PM
Jun 3, 2016 7:15 PM

Mar 2014
goshujin_sama241 said:
Yep too young to remember but know it well. So who are you a fan of?

It had to be IKEA. I knew that it was the same shelf. Great taste lol.

I completely understand. I am waiting for the release of vol 2 of Your Lie in April and I will be shelling out $260 for volumes 1 and 2 (one of my favorite series). I hear that the dub is fantastic (yes I am a dub watcher... not a dub vs sub person) and the quality of the blu ray is what one would expect of aniplex. In fact someone said that once you see the video quality you will believe that $260 was worth it. I don't want to wait like I did with Chuunibyou. I waited and waited to see if the price would drop and I missed my chance to get the LE release. I was upset with myself.

Where did you buy most of of your collection?

Or worse, you wait and wait and the show goes out of print entirely. That just happened to me with NISA's Anohana set earlier this year. Decided to pull the trigger on it, and whoop! License expired, out of stock, too late. I’m trying to finish watching FMA 2003 before its license expires (Funi’s already confirmed they won’t have it anymore after July 31), so that I’ll know whether I want to go ahead and grab that one while it’s still available at a reasonable price.

I don’t have one preferred retailer, though these days I probably use Rightstuf and Amazon the most, and CDJapan for import stuff. There's also a local FYE at the mall that still carries anime, and occasionally I find something worthwhile there. I’m not above browsing thrift stores and used bookstores for DVDs either, especially older ones that are hard to find or out of print. The Ushio & Tora OVA set, for instance, was one I found at a Goodwill store, still brand new unopened. Bought it blind for $10 and it turned out to be a good series, so I got a nice bargain there.

I am an A’s fan, through and through. But I’m always happy to see any of the Bay Area teams doing well. I was 11 when the A’s won the ’89 World Series, and that was the last pro sports championship I really got to celebrate. I’ve enjoyed the Giants recent run of success, and was happy for the Warriors when they won last year, but being an A’s fan first and having ignored the NBA for most of the last 30 years, I can’t really count either as one of “my” teams. Now if the Sharks were to win the Stanley Cup this year, that would be a different story.

Also, here are some more detailed photos of my Yuki Yuna stuff:
Jul 22, 2016 10:18 PM

Mar 2014
Just got back from visiting my parents, and trolling the secondhand shops 'round where they live netted me a pretty nice haul:

Kiki's Delivery Service
Persona 4 The Animation collection 1 (eps. 1-12)

Tweeny Witches vol. 1 (eps. 1-14)

Gunslinger Girl vol. 1 (ADV edition)
Scrapped Princess vol. 1
Sugar Sugar Rune vol. 7 (bought for a friend who's collecting this series)

Scrapped Princess, Sugar Sugar Rune, and Tweeny Witches are all out of print in the US, so I was especially happy to find those.
Sep 26, 2016 2:28 PM

Oct 2014
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