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Mar 5, 2010 7:08 PM

Jun 2008
Guen dies and Walton doesn't?! WTH! But overall a good ending anyway...a very good ending.

Mar 26, 2010 6:52 AM

Aug 2009
I do not know if I was not paying attention but does it say why Guinevere dies?
Mar 26, 2010 8:14 AM

Jun 2008
ezikialrage said:
I do not know if I was not paying attention but does it say why Guinevere dies?

I don't think it did...I was originally thinking while I was watching the episode that she died giving birth to the baby named Guen, and Dan and Sue adopted it. However, i was proved wrong later in the episode. hey, maybe it was a broken heart over Ryu. Or maybe not...

Dec 21, 2010 5:26 AM

Apr 2008
Simply_Waiting said:
ezikialrage said:
I do not know if I was not paying attention but does it say why Guinevere dies?

I don't think it did...I was originally thinking while I was watching the episode that she died giving birth to the baby named Guen, and Dan and Sue adopted it. However, i was proved wrong later in the episode. hey, maybe it was a broken heart over Ryu. Or maybe not...

I got realy doubts about she dying because of Ryu, as she did not exactly hook up with him or anything. The mystery behind why she died I think have struck alot of people. so if anyone at all know why, a realy why. I would also love to know.
Jan 5, 2011 1:55 PM
Apr 2010
hyptocalus said:

So if anyone at all know why, a realy why. I would also love to know.

I think she had a disease. She was in an hospital before her uncle transferred her to Funeral and when she was recorvering later on in the series she told Ryu something like: "a good thing they didn't notice it, becauseIi want to fly more".
Apr 26, 2011 1:34 PM

Jun 2010
BobStar said:
hyptocalus said:

So if anyone at all know why, a realy why. I would also love to know.

I think she had a disease. She was in an hospital before her uncle transferred her to Funeral and when she was recorvering later on in the series she told Ryu something like: "a good thing they didn't notice it, becauseIi want to fly more".

In Ep.18 there was a flashback hinting some kind of accident in her youth ... involving an exposure to radiation during a stay on a space station.
Jun 4, 2011 8:55 PM

Apr 2011
I agree, it was a great wrap up to a very underrated series. Hattie and Walton grew on me. At first they both grated on me.

Poor Ryu has the heterochromia :p
Jun 7, 2012 4:58 PM

Aug 2008
yeah i liked too walton and Hattie, cared most for Walton good he survived to tell story of only dog that ended alien invasion.
May 12, 2013 6:06 PM

Feb 2013
I thought this was the best episode of the entire series.

Sure it was a wrap-up episode, but I thought it would have made a great pilot. I actually wanted to see what happens next after they go into space.
Oct 2, 2013 9:45 PM

Oct 2008
Well, it was a pretty solid ending. There was some odd stuff in this series, but overall it was a pretty good Evangelion clone.
Dec 17, 2013 3:30 PM

Nov 2011
6/10. Ending was kinda lackluster as with the finale. I enjoyed some of the character moments but overall wasn't that good. Animation fits well for a sci-fi theme show though especially in the 2000s.
May 7, 2015 8:20 PM

May 2012
I like this series, but I'm under the impression that it was made by two different people: The first person made a story like Neon Genesis Evangelion, putting all of his/hers passion into it. The second person took a look at the plot written by the first, disliked and went "Oh... Let's try and changed this... and this too..." and so, the passion was gone. :(

But this doesn't make the series bad in itself. I think it could have been better, actually, a lot better than it was, but it was enjoyable nonetheless.
May 16, 2015 2:29 AM

May 2014
Okay, i just finished the series and it was good . But can someone tell me where Lt. Green went i didnt see her in the epilogue. Its nice that Ryu moved on he was always sad and angry the entire series.
Jul 4, 2015 12:06 AM

May 2014
Posted on tumblr.

Finished Argento Soma today. I have to say, it’s quite underrated. I’ve often seen it compared to Neon Genesis Evangelion, but I really think the two shows are entirely different and each have their own merits.

My criticism is that the designs of the aliens are rather boring (each alien type looks the same, whereas each angel in NGE had its own design) - then if you’re used to watching newer anime, the art style may seem dated too (not that I can call myself a connoisseur of pre-2000 anime, as the only titles I’ve actually seen from the 90s and earlier were the Evangelion series, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, and Akira). The last episode featured a 6-year jump which I think didn’t explain the events over the timeskip very well (not going to spoil anything about it, but one of those included a character death that seemed to just get a passing mention).

The plot may not be as grandiose as NGE’s, but I think the character development and interaction was far more interesting than NGE’s. I haven’t seen the rebuilds, but I felt that NGE could have done better in communicating its plot towards the end - it seemed rather nebulous, even after I watched End of Evangelion (fortunately that’s what wikis are for).

justGM said:
Okay, i just finished the series and it was good . But can someone tell me where Lt. Green went i didnt see her in the epilogue. Its nice that Ryu moved on he was always sad and angry the entire series.

You may have missed the part where Hattie put flowers on her grave. As other posters said above, she had a terminal illness. I was wondering why she was dead, as this episode didn't explain it overtly, but it now makes sense.
Typing on an ipad is like driving carpentry nails with a sledgehammer.
Jan 25, 2016 11:16 AM

Oct 2014
The series only get really good at the end. Good finale for an almost good series.

It's not underrated; Argento Soma is REALLY boring and poorly constructed - if you have to get to the last 7-8 episodes in a series to like it, it shouldn't deserve a high score. Glad I sticked to the end; but I think it would be better if it had only about 13 episodes.
Mar 18, 2016 10:38 PM
Dec 2014
God speed Ryu Soma.
Mar 23, 2016 1:41 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
It really took a while before the series really kicked into gear. It could have been done in 13 episodes I think.

I always thought that Hattie and Maki had some sort of link but it seems I was mistaken. It is implied though that Hattie and Ryu become close at the end, right?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 26, 2017 9:16 PM
Dec 2013
Ok so I finished the series but one thing that bugged me did maki break up Ryo in an email was she seeing her professor was that her last her last words to Ryo when she was about to die idk Im kinda losing sleep over this can someone give me piece on mind please
Nov 25, 2018 1:38 PM

Jun 2015
This was really good. This series was boring but I loved it. I don't know how it's possible. I didn't hate it at all and I think I will find it less boring if I give it a rewatch.

This series is so underrated. It deserves more love.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jul 1, 2019 7:35 PM
Jul 2018
This anime was a strange one. First 19 or so episodes were mostly dull episodic content that wasn't bad and from episodes 20 onwards and especially with the reveal of the final alien invasion, the anime became great and engaging. This last episode was like Gunbuster's last episode but much better.

I had this at a 3 but I'll think I'll bump it into a 5. Not nearly as convoluted as RahXephon and EVA, and the character development and interaction was stronger even if dragged its feet. Very low on anime cliches and archetypes also. Rooted in realism for better or worse (dull to engaging).
Sep 9, 2019 6:42 PM
Sep 2019
I think it's a very satisfactory ending with a hopeful message. Dreams, love, second chances and future; This anime talks about overcoming self-destructive feelings like 'revenge', and understanding ourselves and the people around us. In the end, the characters manage to get a 'happy ending' to their own arc's, especially Ryu and Hattie. Them were my favorites throughout the anime and I am very happy for their development. Each one matured a lot in those six years that they were separated, and now that they met again they can finally walk hand in hand. Together.
May 13, 2023 9:47 PM
Oct 2022
That sequence at the end, with everyone being on the Ulysses was masterfully done. I can see a lot of work and effort went into the conclusion of the series. 
Jul 12, 2023 9:16 PM

Dec 2022
An ostensibly terrible anime. The plot seems unfocused and directionless, combat scenes are painfully laggardly, visuals are flat and unimpressive, the characters are either walking military stereotypes or barely functioning maniacs, and the soundtrack is repetitive. All the messages the anime tries to convey fall flat on their face because no one in the series takes them seriously or learns anything from them until they magically experience an unrealistic amount of fake character development by instantly changing their mentality in the final episodes without a sufficient event catalyst.
Archean-ReturnJul 13, 2023 9:28 AM

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Feb 22, 12:08 AM

Feb 2015
That was a great final episode, to an awful series.
Also WTF Sue went from having brown skin with white hair, to becoming a ginger after the time skip?

Guinevere died possibly bc of an underlying disease(most likely radiation poisoning or cancer), Dan and Sue's kid has nothing to do with her, it was only given her name as an gesture.


1- General Lawrence(bearded redhead guy) is a ghost with psychic powers or what, he shows up in locked rooms and disappears without anyone noticing him, also what was even his plan? he didn't actually do anything, at first it looks like he's a bad guy trying to get the schematics for the SARGS and later wanting to burn evidence by killing Soma with the TOD(black upgraded SARG copy), but then we're told that he has nothing to do with them(Seele stand in organization) and is actually trying to get in contact to Yuri or something, it was never clear, only thing he did was maybe put the dummy bomb on Frank, but that's it, also no one even tried finding out how that happened, they briefly mentioned it in the briefing/hearing with the politics, but it was forgotten after that, how he can implant to two spies in a heavily secured military facility without any problems(Soma doesn't even look that different from when Ines first met him, aside of a few scars and white, both only on his left side), we also never see him with anyone, as if he's doing everything alone, which makes it even more unbelievable, he might as well have been a supernatural character, or maybe the security on Funeral is just that bad, there is even an extra spy in there as well from the other generic "military" arm, all 3 main SARG pilots were spies, that's funny, Sue doesn't count bc she only flies the SARG once and it gets destroyed, she's just a glorified chauffer and becomes the head of Funeral after the time skip somehow.

2- Yuri left how many years ago? i remember seeing a couple of times mentioned, it being decades, but the way his house is and how old Lawrence looks, i can't see it being more than 1 decade, and his wife died in the (i think)initial Alien arrival, the show makes it look like the Aliens are something of a common knowledge, even with distinct nomenclatures for several special types, meaning it's been going on for years, long enough for a military branch to have been built to fight it, setting up satellites to intercept aliens arriving and don't even star me on them being able to get Alien bodies and turn them into controllable vessels for humans to pilot, even though no one seems to know how Aliens actually work(as we can see from the bumbling scientists trying to wake Frank up, it seems he just needed energy in the form of electricity), that Funeral building alone could have taken years, if not a decade to build, this is not even taking into account that this place Yuri went to, is over 6 light years away, which means the aliens could only start appearing 6 years after he left earth, not counting the time Yuri spend in that zone and turning into/creating those things(the aliens seem to travel faster than the speed of light as seen in how the huge alien at the end would only take 100 hours to get to earth and i doubt something that big coming to earth would scape the moon telescope for so long), i was imagining something like 30 years, minimum, since he left then 20 years since the first alien arrival.

3- How the F*** was the University Professor able to get access to Frank's body and experiment on it, also there was only him and Maki working with it, it's insane, who was funding his "research" and getting him what he needed like Alien body parts and Frank's body, also how long was he working on it, we see Frank being shot down, but we don't know how long it took from his arrival to his revival, and he needs "Soma" to help wake him up for some reason, we're led to believe it's bc of his own research, but he's there for just a couple of hours, did he actually do anything and why the F*** is the name Soma even important, i legit thought that material was going to be the thing that Frank was built with or at least what made possible to use an alien's body for their own goal.

4- I feel like they could've cut half of the initial 12 episodes that do nothing and actually had us in the University for the initial 4 episodes or so before Frank's revival, that way it would make things more believable and made sure we actually cared for Maki and Takuto(remembered his real name), that way we could also understand the world we're in before blowing everything up.

5- not a single good character in the whole show, why was the captain even there, he does absolutely nothing, Dan could've been the captain and we could cut him being a spy(for some f*** reason, why was he a spy wtf), none of the characters had much development and what was there added basically nothing to them, they're all so boring, with their generic one note personalities, they don't even archetypes bc of how nothing they are, Sue is supposed to be the best pilot but she never does anything impressive, by the end of the series they start saying that Guinevere is the best shooter but we never see her shooting any different from the others, i kept waiting for the Captain and Dan's past battalion to pay off somehow, bc of the bullet casings they both find, but nothing, that was absolutely nothing, it was just there to pretend there was something more to the show, than what was on the surface.
SteelingMaxFeb 22, 12:16 AM

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