Mar 18, 2008 8:59 PM
The title of the topic should give away what is being asked here. What is it that you hate most about roommates? Is it how messy they are? How rude or mean they are to you? Does your roommate invite their bf/gf over and have sex so loud that you want to tie them both up and give them a lesson in silence? Or how about this money shot, pun not intended...the bills? How do you and your roommates handle the fiances? Do you get a simple check each month for the rent/utilities and a little extra just cause your roommate is too lazy to do the math...or is your roommate a stickler that everything be split evenly...right down to the very last penny in which case if it's odd there's a fight who pays extra? I hate roommates, I honestly do. I lived with one once 4 years ago and it was fine for a while. For the first year I just handed off a check to my roommate for the full amount and then some because I was the lazy roommate who didn't care about doing the math. But oh no...when the following year came and it was my turn to do the finances hell broke loose. Every single penny was accounted for. If there was a late fee...I had to pay it all out of my own pocket...didn't matter if my roommate didn't pay me on time due to their paycheck not coming in until the end of the week. And yes...I was also told I had to pay that extra penny if it was pathetic right? The sad part of this all's easy to over look if your roommate is messy...just clean up. It's easy to block out the sex in the other room...just put on your headphones and turn up the volume. It's also easy to over look the demands of your roommate when being told you're too loud yourself or other demands that just seem outright crazy simply because it's easier to give in to some of them than to fight them off. But when you get to dealing with someone else's money...oh boy some people will eat you alive if you so much as take a penny more than what is required of them. By the way, yes this is a rant. My best friend just called me up and told me how her roommate is being a total bitch to her about rent. I'm so glad, personally, that I live alone and have refused to live with a roommate after my horrible experience a few years ago. So what if it's twice as's well worth the peace of mind and not dealing with someone elses paranoid beliefs of how you're trying to screw them over next!! |
Mar 18, 2008 10:21 PM
I'm O.C.D., and I've learned through 2 years of experience that living with a roommate is just a bad idea for me. It's not like I didn't get along with my roomates - I was best friends with mine last year! But I'm the type of person that needs a quiet space that I can retreat to and not have to worry about not stepping on toes or offending. I also hate it when people use my stuff without asking, and friends tend to do that sometimes. I also go to bed earlier than most college students (11:30-12:00) and have learned that I don't sleep well with a light on in the room, or if someone's on the phone. Even if they're nice about going outside, I still feel bad that they have to leave because I want to sleep, etc. There's more, but I won't get into it. So... my neuroses don't really allow for me to co-inhabit a small space and stay sane at the same time. I love living on my own. It's amazing. :3 |
Mar 18, 2008 10:32 PM
The thing I hated most about my first roommate is that she'd bring guys home, and they'd fuck with my shit. Fiddle with my computer or DVDs etc when I wasn;t there. I'd come home to find stuff all out of order and messed up... pissed me off a lot. Granted my computer had bios, account and screensaver passwords so they couldn';t use it, but I'd often come home to find my machine at it's boot password prompt meaning they'd tried to reboot my machine to get around the screensaver password. Upset me because back then I was on dialup and had downloads going 24/7... even a few hours of lost download time was very upsetting. Fortunately nobody ever stole any of my CDs or DVDs or anything. I always had to run through my room to make sure nothing was missing. But how fucking rude is it of my roomie to allow their friends (especially drunkarsed guys) to go through my room? Pissed me the hell off. My next roomie was much better. He was a guy, and I think rather intimidated by me. Lived with him for almost a year, and over that period of time we had maybe 10 minutes of dialogue combined total. Was great. I was either out, or in my room on my compy or sleeping, and he never bothered me at all. Best kind of roomie. |
Mar 18, 2008 10:51 PM
Mar 18, 2008 10:55 PM
The worst room-mate I ever had beat me up and broke my stuff. No joke. XD She hadn't been paying rent or her share of the bills for a couple of months, her boyfriend was living there rent-free as well, and I was constantly cleaning up after both of them. So I wrote a rant in my livejournal; he found it, printed it out and gave it to her. (The funny thing is, HE was the one I was "friends" with, not her). I came home one night to the chain lock on the arms were skinny enough that I could reach through and unlatch it. I walked into my bedroom and saw immediately that she had opened a garbage bag and emptied the contents haphazardly around the room. I walked back into the kitchen, where she was cooking. "We need to talk." That's pretty much all I was able to say before she splashed scalding hot water on me and started screaming XD I walked away, back towards my bedroom; she hit me and pushed me up against the wall and screamed at me some more. I told her that I wasn't playing that game, grabbed my cell phone, went outside and called the police. I waited outside for them; after they arrived, we tried to get back inside, but she had barricaded the door with a pile of my broken stuff (that she had taken the liberty of breaking). I could look around and see that she had broken several of my things (including a marble chess set that my father, who had just passed away at the time, received as a gift from my uncle in Mexico) and it was just kind of all over the place. She told the police that it was all my fault, because I wrote about her in my blog. No joke. Anyway, with the police there I was able to grab some clothes and go stay with a boyfriend. They couldn't kick her out because her name was on the lease. And it turned out that she had actually been in and out of mental hospitals before, and that her mom had kicked her out for similar behavior, which is why she needed a room-mate >____> HAHAHA. |
Mar 18, 2008 11:54 PM
ScrumYummy said: The worst room-mate I ever had beat me up and broke my stuff. No joke. XD She hadn't been paying rent or her share of the bills for a couple of months, her boyfriend was living there rent-free as well, and I was constantly cleaning up after both of them. So I wrote a rant in my livejournal; he found it, printed it out and gave it to her. (The funny thing is, HE was the one I was "friends" with, not her). I came home one night to the chain lock on the arms were skinny enough that I could reach through and unlatch it. I walked into my bedroom and saw immediately that she had opened a garbage bag and emptied the contents haphazardly around the room. I walked back into the kitchen, where she was cooking. "We need to talk." That's pretty much all I was able to say before she splashed scalding hot water on me and started screaming XD I walked away, back towards my bedroom; she hit me and pushed me up against the wall and screamed at me some more. I told her that I wasn't playing that game, grabbed my cell phone, went outside and called the police. I waited outside for them; after they arrived, we tried to get back inside, but she had barricaded the door with a pile of my broken stuff (that she had taken the liberty of breaking). I could look around and see that she had broken several of my things (including a marble chess set that my father, who had just passed away at the time, received as a gift from my uncle in Mexico) and it was just kind of all over the place. She told the police that it was all my fault, because I wrote about her in my blog. No joke. Anyway, with the police there I was able to grab some clothes and go stay with a boyfriend. They couldn't kick her out because her name was on the lease. And it turned out that she had actually been in and out of mental hospitals before, and that her mom had kicked her out for similar behavior, which is why she needed a room-mate >____> HAHAHA. Ouch, that's bad. Sorry you had to go through that. I haven't been through something that bad and I hope I never have to. But that is just how bent out of shape people can get over money...yeesh....though it sounds like she was more pissed off at losing her reputation or whatever. |
Mar 19, 2008 12:04 AM
They eat your food. I find that to be the biggest peeve. |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 19, 2008 12:38 AM
Mar 19, 2008 6:07 AM
This realy makes me dread living in dorms this fall D: My friend Amy lucked out and has an awesome roommate, but my poor friend Stephanie got 3 realy bad ones. |
---- My signature sucks right now :C |
Mar 19, 2008 7:31 AM
Anayu said: Ouch, that's bad. Sorry you had to go through that. I haven't been through something that bad and I hope I never have to. But that is just how bent out of shape people can get over money...yeesh....though it sounds like she was more pissed off at losing her reputation or whatever. Thanks ^_^ she was actually psychotic. So I guess it wasn't totally her fault, but if I had known that I probably wouldn't have moved in with her. Shiranai said: They eat your food. I find that to be the biggest peeve. I actually don't mind that, unless it's something expensive and the eat/drink the whole thing D: then it's kind of obnoxious. |
Mar 19, 2008 7:34 AM
KungFuCasie said: This realy makes me dread living in dorms this fall D: My friend Amy lucked out and has an awesome roommate, but my poor friend Stephanie got 3 realy bad ones. Don't get me started on dorms...I'm sure those of us old enough to have been through that experience can give you plenty of horror stories!! My friend happens to live in a rather large apartment, as do I myself. There's enough room to go around and to be out of each other's way. I just honestly don't get how sometimes in such a large area, where area use has already been pretty much established, why there's squabbles over it >.<. Makes me wonder if roommates are so the human race has survived thus far =P! Another issue my roommate and I had many years ago was the bathroom, yes. IT was as two bedroom place, but 1 bathroom. And I know some of you are a little messy and that's just who you are...while then there's some of us who are totally pristine. pristine nature so did not get along with my roommates slobbiness....I dreaded taking showers in the morning or any other time of day...I just knew the bathroom would gross me out =(. |
Mar 19, 2008 8:04 AM
I'm actually a pretty bad roommate myself - very messy and disorganized, but I've been pretty lucky as far as having had good roommates. I've got a few stories about bad times - one guy forgot to pay the gas bill and we were without heat or hot water for a week in January, one guy's friend came over, got drunk and took a big shit on the toilet seat, and another guy was prone to randomly smashing glass bottles in the basement and calling me up to ask for a ride at 5-6am, but on the whole they were easy to get along with. That said, I hate having roommates in general. I'm a pretty private person and I like being alone, peace and quiet, and just being able to relax at home without having to deal with other people. So it's worth paying a bit extra in rent just for that. Actually, I almost forgot to mention - the bottle-smashing guy also had bad hygiene and this creepy habit of sleeping in other peoples' beds when they weren't home. Besides being kinda gross since he was all smelly and unkempt, it really weirded the rest of us out. Luckily one of the other guys got the brunt of that, and for the most part he stayed out of my room. He's actually a great guy - really kind and thoughtful and friendly and all - but he did have some weird habits. |
KrelianMar 19, 2008 9:00 AM
![]() |
Mar 19, 2008 8:41 AM
I live with two roommates at the moment (third one is coming down soon, my best friend). One is like me so I have no problems with him (clean, tidy, quiet, likes his own time, etc.) and we get along great (he's technically my taxi right now as I don't have a car). The second roommate I absolutely hate. He's beyond messy, so much so that I swear he was raised in a barn. Leaves huge messes all over the place, leaves his laundry where ever it happens to fall when he changes (all over our rooms floor for instance, yes I have the displeasure of sharing a room with him. Why? Because my other roommate would kill him), does not do the dishes (this really urks me since I do them all, other roommate is exempt because he never eats at the apartment), does not take his shoes off when he comes inside (even if they're muddy, he's freaking ruined the carpet in our apartment), and is just overall extremely annoying and has no common sense or courtesy. I really wonder what his parents were like to end up this way. Yea, roommates suck if you get stuck with people like my second roommate otherwise I really don't mind living with them. I lose out on my private time more then I'd like but when you can't afford your own place you make do with what you can. |
Mar 19, 2008 8:46 AM
Hmm...I had a horrible roommate once during this summer convention at a university. Put bluntly, he was annoying. When his cell wasn't getting reception, he threw it against the wall, and when it broke, he had to use my phone for the rest of convention. Whenever I tried to sleep, he'd put the annoying type of punk music that 12 year old girls listen to on high volume. When he got a girlfriend at the convention, he wouldn't let me hear the end of it. And he did a bunch of other stuff that I'd prefer not to mention (stuff involving frozen bananas, guys on his bed, and "leaving his mark") :\ |
Mar 19, 2008 9:27 AM
Paws said: He was 16 at that time, sadly. -_-"Leaving his mark" what is he 5? And no, not that type of "leaving his mark." xD Just that, he left his guitar pick in my room, and when I told him that he left it, he said in the most flaming way possible, "It's ok, I like to leave my mark. <3" while flicking his wrist downwards. So uh yeah, I felt uncomfortable being in the same room as he. |
Mar 19, 2008 9:39 AM
Is it so hard to ask for some simple courtesy from your roommate? I can't understand how some people can be so callous as to totally walk all over their quieter roommate. It's us quiet undemanding people that get things done. We clean up after these people. We do the dishes. We pay the rent. We're the responsible ones. How is it that we're stuck, in the end it seems, babysitting these people who can't seem to stand on their own two feet? |
Mar 19, 2008 9:46 AM
-eating ur food -camping all the kitchen utensils and plates etc (there are never any available when i make dinner) -when it's their turn to wash they never do it properly -blame me for shit they do, and pretend they do it all correctly. pretty much, i'm usually not at home anyways also the people upstairs of us, not really roommates, they're in their late 20s but they have incredibly loud music at all times of the day, and they have really loud sex =\ and they haven't paid for internet yet... it's been 4 months |
Mar 19, 2008 10:01 AM
this yr's - roommate gets sick a lot (spits, coughs, sniffs) - light sleeper so i can't even turn on the lights after 11pm - makes weird sounds on his table (very bothersome) - always takes a nap at noon..again very bothersome - is always in the room so I can't vent with pangya players last yr's - plays dumb music - brings rowdy people into the room - talks in his sleep |
Mar 19, 2008 10:15 AM
Anayu said: It's us quiet undemanding people that get things done. We clean up after these people. We do the dishes. We pay the rent. We're the responsible ones. How is it that we're stuck, in the end it seems, babysitting these people who can't seem to stand on their own two feet? Because you're quiet and deal with it. Luckily, I'm undemanding, yet I won't hesitate to say something to someone if they're doing something stupid. If they continue, I would throw their ass out or simply leave before the rent is due. |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 19, 2008 10:30 AM
my room mate is one of the biggest faggots i have ever met. he blares shitty anime music in the room constantly like the fucking lucky star intro song. if he sees that i am trying to sleep he will put on the lucky star intro song or something equally as gay. his area is the messiest place i have ever seen. he leaves cans and old chinese food all over. he once was too lazy to throw out his sticky rice so he put it into his closet and didn't open the closet for about 1 month. then the room started to smell bad. he has the lucky star intro as his alarm and he hits the snooze button 5 or 6 times before waking up. apparently he masturbates alot because whenever i walk in he always scurries to x out of his window and pull up his pants. i once looked at his history on his laptop when he was in the bathroom and it was no doubt filled with hentai. he also has a 4chan folder on his desktop which he keeps furry porn and cp in. every now and then at night he will start screaming randomly like this one time he started shouting "MOMM! MOMMM! MOMM!" at the top of his lungs and woke me up. he spends most of his time browsing 4chan, watching anime, and inviting me to watch old shitty videos that he thinks are still funny like leeroy jenkins video which he just saw for the first time a couple weeks ago. he hardly ever showers and smells like a hotdog dipped in shit. |
Mar 19, 2008 10:34 AM
Well, DAYUM. Here's something funny you can do... Leave a bottle of lotion by the computer, but empty it and fill it up with super glue. You'll get a few cheap laughs and I bet he won't fap for a while. |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 19, 2008 10:34 AM
leo said: my room mate is one of the biggest faggots i have ever met. he blares shitty anime music in the room constantly like the fucking lucky star intro song. if he sees that i am trying to sleep he will put on the lucky star intro song or something equally as gay. his area is the messiest place i have ever seen. he leaves cans and old chinese food all over. he once was too lazy to throw out his sticky rice so he put it into his closet and didn't open the closet for about 1 month. then the room started to smell bad. he has the lucky star intro as his alarm and he hits the snooze button 5 or 6 times before waking up. apparently he masturbates alot because whenever i walk in he always scurries to x out of his window and pull up his pants. i once looked at his history on his laptop when he was in the bathroom and it was no doubt filled with hentai. he also has a 4chan folder on his desktop which he keeps furry porn and cp in. every now and then at night he will start screaming randomly like this one time he started shouting "MOMM! MOMMM! MOMM!" at the top of his lungs and woke me up. he spends most of his time browsing 4chan, watching anime, and inviting me to watch old shitty videos that he thinks are still funny like leeroy jenkins video which he just saw for the first time a couple weeks ago. he hardly ever showers and smells like a hotdog dipped in shit. Sounds like what I view 90% of the population of MAL. |
Mar 19, 2008 10:35 AM
TheWestExit said: Sounds like what I view 90% of the population of MAL. I agree. |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 19, 2008 10:36 AM
Shiranai said: Well, DAYUM. Here's something funny you can do... Leave a bottle of lotion by the computer, but empty it and fill it up with super glue. You'll get a few cheap laughs and I bet he won't fap for a while. yeah that would totally work |
Mar 19, 2008 10:46 AM
My roomate pet peeves: they don't buy toilet paper, they're more than happy to use mine. And since I'm a girl, I get blamed for using it all anyway. they use my shampoo that I left in the shower, and soap-- and left a hair on it!!! they don't ever do the dishes they torture my kitten and think it's funny (boys smell-- the end) :P |
Mar 19, 2008 10:47 AM
Oh wow, here's a topic for me. I absolutely fucking hate roommates, as I have NEVER had a single decent one. My current roommates are Chinese, so they're really loud when they talk. They basically never sleep, and it took my aunt (landlord) telling them to STFU at night to get them to pretty much calm down. Also, they tend to cook large meals and basically do everything together, so the kitchen area is almost always occupied for at least a few hours in the evening, especially during the times I want to make dinner. Boy, nothing beats last year though. I rented out a house with three other people who, at the time, I considered my "best friends." Long story short, shit hit the fan at some point, and everyone's issues boiled over. I went from having three best friends to basically three enemies in the end, one of which I've recovered to become good friends with again. tl;dr version: I WANT TO LIVE ALONE |
Mar 19, 2008 10:48 AM
Seishi said: My current roommates are Chinese, so they're really loud when they talk. what the HELL is that supposed to mean!? |
![]() and with this post my post count has increased, making me 1 post cooler than before |
Mar 19, 2008 10:48 AM
fishy said: this yr's - roommate gets sick a lot (spits, coughs, sniffs) - light sleeper so i can't even turn on the lights after 11pm - makes weird sounds on his table (very bothersome) - always takes a nap at noon..again very bothersome - is always in the room so I can't vent with pangya players last yr's - plays dumb music - brings rowdy people into the room - talks in his sleep Can't really blame the guy if he's sick...though he could be courteous and do his best to stifle loud coughs and sneezes. As for the light sleeper/taking naps roommate 3 years ago was like that too. But I made if very clear to her at the time. 9am - 10pm was anything goes time. 10pm - 9am was quiet time allowed for sleeping. If you wanted to sleep during the day...that's fine but if you're woken up by me cooking/showering/cleaning/etc then you'll have to just deal with it because I'm not going to discontinue my activities for your peace of mind. Frankly...learn to sleep during the evening like everyone else and stop being a night owl >.>....she never did learn that one. As for the music thing...I think it should be fairly obvous that if you're going to be rooming with someone that you at least get headphones. Is it so hard to just have a little courtesy for the other person you live with? A little courtesy goes a long way in keeping your roommate from wanting to kill you >_<. Here's a lovely incident in regards to this. I was once in my room listening to my music, yes on headphones, and my roomie came over to my room and told me that my music was too loud as was my reactions to the particular anime I was watching. I was flabbergasted. It was midday on a weekend, and I was even being courteous to allow her to sleep in the middle of the day...yet I still got yelled at. How lovely, yes? |
Mar 19, 2008 10:54 AM
FireLight said: (boys smell-- the end) :P A woman living with male roomies isn't a good idea anyway. There's some depraved loonies out there... |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 19, 2008 11:14 AM
Shiranai said: FireLight said: (boys smell-- the end) :P A woman living with male roomies isn't a good idea anyway. There's some depraved loonies out there... And girls aren't batshit insane? May I present Scrum's story as exhibit A... :P I love living with guys (our house is two guys and three girls). The boys are really good cooks and do most of the cleaning. Works for me! :D |
Mar 19, 2008 11:35 AM
hounddog: I meant being the only female in a place full of guys. If there's a balance, it sounds a bit more trusting. xP |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 19, 2008 12:29 PM
-AtaraxiA- said: Paws said: He was 16 at that time, sadly. -_-"Leaving his mark" what is he 5? And no, not that type of "leaving his mark." xD Just that, he left his guitar pick in my room, and when I told him that he left it, he said in the most flaming way possible, "It's ok, I like to leave my mark. <3" while flicking his wrist downwards. So uh yeah, I felt uncomfortable being in the same room as he. Actually he said that to me. xD You were busy avoiding him in the room next to it. >> It was odd. And he was singing too...and as he sung, he was staring in my eyes, peering in my soul...I think he was trying to rape me. Whatever. It was awful. xD I had an awful roommate. >____> He kept saying that my feet were stinky...and it hurt my feelings. * ahem* xD |
![]() |
Mar 19, 2008 1:01 PM
ScrumYummy said: The worst room-mate I ever had beat me up and broke my stuff. No joke. XD She hadn't been paying rent or her share of the bills for a couple of months, her boyfriend was living there rent-free as well, and I was constantly cleaning up after both of them. So I wrote a rant in my livejournal; he found it, printed it out and gave it to her. (The funny thing is, HE was the one I was "friends" with, not her). I came home one night to the chain lock on the arms were skinny enough that I could reach through and unlatch it. I walked into my bedroom and saw immediately that she had opened a garbage bag and emptied the contents haphazardly around the room. I walked back into the kitchen, where she was cooking. "We need to talk." That's pretty much all I was able to say before she splashed scalding hot water on me and started screaming XD I walked away, back towards my bedroom; she hit me and pushed me up against the wall and screamed at me some more. I told her that I wasn't playing that game, grabbed my cell phone, went outside and called the police. I waited outside for them; after they arrived, we tried to get back inside, but she had barricaded the door with a pile of my broken stuff (that she had taken the liberty of breaking). I could look around and see that she had broken several of my things (including a marble chess set that my father, who had just passed away at the time, received as a gift from my uncle in Mexico) and it was just kind of all over the place. She told the police that it was all my fault, because I wrote about her in my blog. No joke. Anyway, with the police there I was able to grab some clothes and go stay with a boyfriend. They couldn't kick her out because her name was on the lease. And it turned out that she had actually been in and out of mental hospitals before, and that her mom had kicked her out for similar behavior, which is why she needed a room-mate >____> HAHAHA. And this is why you should screen someone you don't know before you go live with them. Anyways, I feel sorry for you :( |
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." -Wystan Hugh |
Mar 19, 2008 2:31 PM
In my case, I live with friends... I trust them and feel safe, but there are still ups and downs. Like when I came home with soap and shampoo for my roomie who grossed me out with body hair in the shower... and well, he acted like I was baring random gifts for no reason. My fault for trying the non-direct approach I guess. Comparitively though, I have it easy. I'd say they keep to their own, but I DID find my hammer broken in the garage and no on is claiming that they did it. My mother bought me a 'girls' hammer with a baby blue handle. Maybe they thought it was ugly. |
Mar 19, 2008 8:44 PM
leo said: whenever i walk in he always scurries to x out of his window and pull up his pants. i've had a similar experience like this...if you have never walked in on your roommate masturbating, i can pretty much tell you that it's the most awkward situation you'll ever be in...without getting into details too much, imagine a 230 pound guy with very hairy thighs sitting at his computer with no pants on, his boxers down to his ankles, and i kid you not, a sock covering his penis...that dreadful image has been burned into the back of my eyelids and i spend each passing moment desperately trying to forget it... in conclusion, masturbation ruins friendships and a little piece of me dies whenever i have to wear socks, which probably explains why i've taken a liking to wearing sandals these past two years... another thing that pissed me off is that he misspelled "library" (he spelled it L-I-B-A-R-Y) when we were playing scrabble's amazing that he even got into college... |
Mar 19, 2008 10:31 PM
Mar 19, 2008 10:36 PM
a little piece of me dies whenever i have to wear socks, which probably explains why i've taken a liking to wearing sandals these past two years... OMG -- you're killin' me! Stay Strong! Stay Stong! ... the pain will sting less with time....( she says through stifled giggles) |
Mar 19, 2008 11:00 PM
Shiranai said: FireLight said: (boys smell-- the end) :P A woman living with male roomies isn't a good idea anyway. There's some depraved loonies out there... My male roomie was awesome, so I disagree. While some people find it difficult to co-habitat with the opposite gender, or even have friends of the other gender, I've never had any issues with it. Anyway, watch for awesome roomies. |
Mar 20, 2008 7:40 AM
We don't have this whole dorm thing in England, by the sounds of things some of you guys don't even get your own bedroom. But i could tell of similar stories with my flatmates, especially one who thinks he is a genius of mixing records, he isn't, but even if he was, when he spins from 2-5am uber loud it can be quite tiresome. I guess my only real peev is down to my own personal choices. I am a vegan, and to live with omnivores can be quite difficult sometimes, but on the whole after reading some stories here i am grateful i have such cool flatmates. |
Mar 20, 2008 9:45 AM
well i cant relate to everyone who is living with people in apartments and stuff because im living in a college dorm. but so far i absolutely love my roomate. we're not really "friends" but we live the same way. We both go to sleep really late, and we listen to music / put a clean shirt over our eyes, and we're both heavy sleepers. Then, we both wake up. Oh, and we both sleep insane amounts during the day. We're both pretty messy, but its good. Only peeve i had with her was when her boyfriend came to visit and i couldnt get into my room for the whole day (no joke) . but good thing i live in a suite. We have really different interests but we dont mind and we just keep to ourselves when we do hw and stuff. but sometimes we do take shots together before we go to hang out with each of our friends. i dunno, i really lucked out. some of my friends have awful roommate stories. |
Mar 20, 2008 9:57 AM
hounddog said: Shiranai said: FireLight said: (boys smell-- the end) :P A woman living with male roomies isn't a good idea anyway. There's some depraved loonies out there... And girls aren't batshit insane? May I present Scrum's story as exhibit A... :P I love living with guys (our house is two guys and three girls). The boys are really good cooks and do most of the cleaning. Works for me! :D Girls ARE batshit insane. Which is why I quit dating them :B I live with two guys, and both are good cooks too :D but they can't clean worth a shit. You're lucky, hounddog :B Smasher said: And this is why you should screen someone you don't know before you go live with them. Anyways, I feel sorry for you :( Thanks :D but I felt like I could trust her. I had known her boyfriend (as a really good friend) for years, we both worked at the same tattoo shop and she had seemed like a really cool girl. Sometimes you can't tell that a person has pathological problems until they flip on you. :{ the_pillows said: leo said: whenever i walk in he always scurries to x out of his window and pull up his pants. i've had a similar experience like this...if you have never walked in on your roommate masturbating, i can pretty much tell you that it's the most awkward situation you'll ever be in...without getting into details too much, imagine a 230 pound guy with very hairy thighs sitting at his computer with no pants on, his boxers down to his ankles, and i kid you not, a sock covering his penis...that dreadful image has been burned into the back of my eyelids and i spend each passing moment desperately trying to forget it... in conclusion, masturbation ruins friendships and a little piece of me dies whenever i have to wear socks, which probably explains why i've taken a liking to wearing sandals these past two years... AAAAAHHHHHHHHH *tries to burn image out of mind* gee thanks pillows D: XD That was funny XD and really well shot o___O confusionisben said: I am a vegan, and to live with omnivores can be quite difficult sometimes, but on the whole after reading some stories here i am grateful i have such cool flatmates. I have had that problem a few times. I mean, I don't care what they eat, but it really sucks to have to clean up after them if they leave out plates or cookware that has meat/grease on it D: That's why I live with a vegan and a vegetarian now :D |
Mar 20, 2008 9:57 AM
well thankfully i live alone now so i dont have to put up with house sharing...i have never done the uni/college dorm thing so i dont know how that works but ive shared houses with up 6 people and it has not been great fun. Although we had big parties afterwards it would always be two or three people cleaning up (usually me) and in the end it gets annoying because its not just your mess its others as well. Rent was always a problem since some people wouldn't pay it and that left all of us in the shit. also listening to people having sex in the other room or knowing that other people are listening to you having sex is never a plus. that why living on your own is the best thing ever IMO. |
Mar 20, 2008 10:23 AM
I love living on my own. I've been doing it for two years now and am about to have to move back into a house with some other people so I'm a bit frustrated about that. Roommates are just inconvenient because you have to cater to them and give a shit about whether what you're doing is effecting them. If I want to stay up till 4 am reading and playing games in the undies then dammit - I should be able to. |
Mar 20, 2008 10:28 AM
Casual_Toast said: I love living on my own. I've been doing it for two years now and am about to have to move back into a house with some other people so I'm a bit frustrated about that. Roommates are just inconvenient because you have to cater to them and give a shit about whether what you're doing is effecting them. If I want to stay up till 4 am reading and playing games in the undies then dammit - I should be able to. Or get a roomy that thinks the same way as you. xD |
| Suikoden Fan Club[/right] |
Mar 20, 2008 10:54 AM
Shiranai said: Or get a roomy that thinks the same way as you. xD Even then it gets frustrating because then we're doing things TOGETHER and when we're done I'm ready for alone time. That's why I used to always have so much trouble getting to bed at an even remotely reasonable hours. My friends and I would stay up late but would inevitably end up talking, playing games, whatever. So that by the time it was late and people were ready for bed, I was still wishing I had about three hours by myself. lol. So then I'd stay up even LATER. I guess that was the most frustrating thing about living with people is not having as much alone time. And the dorms, holy shit. Quite literally zero alone time. I'm glad I had the experience and all that, but I'd probably sleep outside before I'd go back to that living situation again. I got SOO tired of not having a private space and time alone. |
Mar 20, 2008 10:57 AM
I really think that if it comes down to getting a roomie you really do need someone who'll be on the same brain wave length as you. You don't have to like the same things...but being able to tolerate things and to not fight over trivial nonsense is a big thing. Also just taking care of your own self even while living with people. I know that when I had a roommate that I would be a little slow on doing all my laundry, so sometimes it'd be out for an extra day or two...but to get flack because it wasn't instantly done is one of those things you just wonder "what the hell"'s not like I would get on their case if the kitchen wasn't instantly cleaned up after they were done using it. And really...if it got to the point where it did bug me I just cleaned it myself. Living with a roommate is almost like being married without the good have to pick your fights/concerns...the rest you just chuck off the bridge and do your best to ignore simply out of some hope of a peaceful existance. |
Mar 20, 2008 10:58 AM
confusionisben said: We don't have this whole dorm thing in England, by the sounds of things some of you guys don't even get your own bedroom. MOST dorm rooms are just a single room shared by more than one student. I didn't realize this doesn't exist in other countries though. Is there not student housing at universities there? People just get local apartments? |
Mar 20, 2008 11:00 AM
Uh well hmm, as I've lived in a dorm for three years now, I pretty much love my roommate. We were paired together on random assignment that summer before freshman year and we got along well pretty fast. Turned out she was pretty much like me so my pet peeves were her pet peeves, etc. Next year though, it'll be apartment time. Though I'm still living with the same roommate, I'll have two of my other friends with me and my roomie and I already know we're going to have issues. That said, lemme go on about what WILL happen next year. My friend likes to bring her boyfriend over all the time. And I mean all the time. He'll come Tuesday night and leave Monday morning. So basically we've got a 5th roommate. And we'll only have one bathroom which is so great because the two of them like to get up around the same time my roomie and I do and take five hours in the bathroom and all we hear is their giggling. And it's hard to bring up this issue with her because she has a tendency to become depressed and my roomie and I are now suspecting she's (maybe unconsciously) using that as a mechanism so that no one will ever bring up anything bad against her for fear of being the cause of her depression. But now, my mentality is: "Screw it. THERE ARE JUST THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW." Okay I'm done. I could go on longer but I really don't want to. |
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