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Good Antagonist or Memes?
Jul 16, 2022 7:20 AM
Jul 2020
Hey guys! So, basically a few Days ago a Friend of mine said to me "Dio is not a good Character/Antagonist, he's only good for the memes" And while that's just his opinion and ofcourse Dio is lots of meme Material (since all of JJBA is) it still kinda bugged me so Question: Part 1 and 3 Included, is Dio a good Antagonist or is he only good for the memes?

Note: I don't wanna compare him to the other JoJo Villains, just imagine Dio is the only Villain and you'd have to say if he does a good Job!

Edit: I should Probably say My Opinion about this. So I think Dio is a good Antagonist. In Part 1 he got this Mindset thinking he's the strongest and he could beat anyone with his eyes closed and both hands tied behind his back, which makes him really vulnerable on the other hand. So I really liked how careful he was in Part 3 to have his minions hold the Joestars back until he's fully prepared. So I think Dio is not only Memes!!

Edit 2: Thank You All for Voting and leaving Your Opinion on the Matter, glad to see most people think that he's at least a good Villain!
ZaSaiboT789Jul 16, 2022 4:46 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jul 16, 2022 7:25 AM

Sep 2020
Pretty funny that he counts as mid standards type of villains but ended up being one of the most loved Jojo characters

anyways i think Dio itself making the jojo itself boring like the same damn thing

p4 has Dio mentioned
p5 is the son of Dio
p6 is about the Dio bf

thank God for sbr.
Jul 16, 2022 7:27 AM
Aug 2021
he is pretty cool.
Jul 16, 2022 7:28 AM
Feb 2021
He’s good, not great
Jul 16, 2022 7:30 AM

May 2021
one of the best...
Jul 16, 2022 7:31 AM
Jul 2021
Here come all the pretentious snobs who think an antagonist needs a deep, sad backstory to be a good character.
Jul 16, 2022 7:37 AM
Jul 2020
DrBalls said:
Here come all the pretentious snobs who think an antagonist needs a deep, sad backstory to be a good character.

I totally Love Antagonists like Dio who are Evil just because they want to.
Jul 16, 2022 7:38 AM
Jul 2020
one of the best...

I really Like him too
Jul 16, 2022 7:38 AM
Jul 2021
SaiboT789 said:
DrBalls said:
Here come all the pretentious snobs who think an antagonist needs a deep, sad backstory to be a good character.

I totally Love Antagonists like Dio who are Evil just because they want to.

Yeah but people like to call those types of characters "unrealistic", like our world isn't actually filled with psychopaths who kill because they just have nothing else to do lmao.
Jul 16, 2022 7:40 AM
Feb 2021
Yes he’s a good antagonist, part 6 made me like him even more
Jul 16, 2022 7:41 AM
Jul 2020
Flynnnn said:
Pretty funny that he counts as mid standards type of villains but ended up being one of the most loved Jojo characters

anyways i think Dio itself making the jojo itself boring like the same damn thing

p4 has Dio mentioned
p5 is the son of Dio
p6 is about the Dio bf

thank God for sbr.

I get what you mean, Though I do kind of like How Dio connects the Parts, while Kars brings the Backstory and The other Villains just add on for their respective Parts! But I also admit that it is indeed a bit much at some Parts.
Jul 16, 2022 7:46 AM
Jul 2020
DrBalls said:
SaiboT789 said:

I totally Love Antagonists like Dio who are Evil just because they want to.

Yeah but people like to call those types of characters "unrealistic", like our world isn't actually filled with psychopaths who kill because they just have nothing else to do lmao.

Yea I get what you Mean! I don't really think that most Sad Backstories are more realistic than the good ol' "I murder cuz it's fun" Villains.
Jul 16, 2022 7:47 AM

Apr 2021
I think that he‘s good in part 1, but pretty weak in part 3 compared to the other characters. In part 1 there is this interesting thing I think Speedwagon says, which is that Dio being evil can‘t be blamed on his sad circumstances aka backstory, that there are countless of poor, abused people who still have good hearts. Doing good or evil things is a choice, not an outcome. That‘s such a different mindset from literally every other anime relying on sob backstories to farm sympathy.
Meanwhile, part 3 Dio is just JOJOOOO ROAD ROLLER DAAA
☆彡 ★彡 ★彡 ☆彡
Jul 16, 2022 7:49 AM
Jul 2020
JPointerrr said:
Yes he’s a good antagonist, part 6 made me like him even more

I'm interested to see More of Dio in Part 6, when the next Season finally starts...
Jul 16, 2022 7:54 AM
Jul 2020
Flugzeug said:
I think that he‘s good in part 1, but pretty weak in part 3 compared to the other characters. In part 1 there is this interesting thing I think Speedwagon says, which is that Dio being evil can‘t be blamed on his sad circumstances aka backstory, that there are countless of poor, abused people who still have good hearts. Doing good or evil things is a choice, not an outcome. That‘s such a different mindset from literally every other anime relying on sob backstories to farm sympathy.
Meanwhile, part 3 Dio is just JOJOOOO ROAD ROLLER DAAA

I am also A big Fan of those types of Villains, I really think Asshole Villains who kill just cause they wanna are great. Though as I explained above in Part 3 I loved to see how Dio was more Mature and Cautious than in Part 1, not showing himself until he was Ready since he remembered how Jonathan got him because of his carelessness. Like while he still deems himself the strongest, he makes sure not to repeat the same Mistake of underestimating his opponent too much again.
Jul 16, 2022 7:58 AM

Aug 2020
Nah he's just charismatic and decently likeable but overall he's not that good of an antagonist and most Jojo villains are miles better than him.
Jul 16, 2022 8:03 AM

Aug 2021
he is mid imo
i prefer kira
Jul 16, 2022 8:17 AM

Jul 2015
Dio is one of those villains, who is irredeemably evil without even any sappy backstory to somehow justify his twisted morals.
Speedwagon described him as "evil ever since he was born" and when Speedwagon talks, you should listen.

Usually that's a bad thing, but Dio manages to make it work by how he dictates and influences the story by driving it forward.
You can even say, that story almost entirely revolves around him and his vendetta against Joestar bloodline.
His influence is felt even long after he dies, in parts five and six and that's phenomenal.

Jul 16, 2022 8:28 AM
Jul 2018
i think he is an ok antagonist
Jul 16, 2022 8:53 AM

May 2017
I feel like just don't understand there are two types of villains (pure evil and sympathetic) and simply judge them as bad or good outright. Just compare Dio and Diego; Dio is an irredimmable, power hungry, born evil, but charismatic and fun villain, while Diego is just a prideful and arrogant asshole. They're both different kinds of antagonists that serve different purposes in the story.

Also an underrated aspect when it comes to an antagonist is how they function in the story as a whole and what's more fitting for a series whose main theme is fate, than to have its primary antagonist be fated to be evil?
Jul 16, 2022 8:54 AM
Apr 2020
He’s cool I just don’t think his motivations are that great. Like yes he wants to be powerful but I don’t understand why he wants to be powerful. Other than that he’s fine. I haven’t finished part 3 yet though, sorry for voting anyway I just wanted to say my opinion and stuff
Jul 16, 2022 8:58 AM
Dec 2021
there are better antagonists INSIDE jojo than dio
Jul 16, 2022 9:04 AM
Jan 2021
He's not a deep villain but he's definitely an entertaining and twisted one so yes I would say he is a good villain
Jul 16, 2022 9:14 AM
Jul 2020
Tyraq said:
Nah he's just charismatic and decently likeable but overall he's not that good of an antagonist and most Jojo villains are miles better than him.

Having only watched the Anime I can't speak for Valentine, that guy from Jojolion and Pucci (since I don't think those 12 Episodes were enough to say how good he's as an Antagonist) But I'd say Part 1-5 Dio is my 2nd Favorite Antagonist.
Jul 16, 2022 9:15 AM

Jul 2022
He's a good villain in Part 1. Has clear motivation and is somewhat grounded...or at least as grounded as a vampire can be.

By Part 3 he's an over top, cartoonish, mustache-twirling villain. Still entertaining, but not as "good" as he was in Part 1.

I still like him overall, but I can't help but compare him to the much better (in my opinion) Kira from Part 4.
Jul 16, 2022 9:19 AM
Sep 2020
He has a bit of backstory and a personal relationship with Jonathan. He's not particularly compelling, but he works well for a story like Phantom Blood.
Jul 16, 2022 9:24 AM
Jul 2018
Dio is a good villain but I wouldn’t say that he’s anything great, he is memorable though so that must count for something in the long run plus he’s in one of if not the best fight in the anime.
Jul 16, 2022 9:27 AM
Jul 2021
SaiboT789 said:
Hey guys! So, basically a few Days ago a Friend of mine said to me "Dio is not a good Character/Antagonist, he's only good for the memes" And while that's just his opinion and ofcourse Dio is lots of meme Material (since all of JJBA is) it still kinda bugged me so Question: Part 1 and 3 Included, is Dio a good Antagonist or is he only good for the memes?

Note: I don't wanna compare him to the other JoJo Villains, just imagine Dio is the only Villain and you'd have to say if he does a good Job!

Edit: I should Probably say My Opinion about this. So I think Dio is a good Antagonist. In Part 1 he got this Mindset thinking he's the strongest and he could beat anyone with his eyes closed and both hands tied behind his back, which makes him really vulnerable on the other hand. So I really liked how careful he was in Part 3 to have his minions hold the Joestars back until he's fully prepared. So I think Dio is not only Memes!!

I think he’s good for both ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ So I agree with your opinion
Jul 16, 2022 9:49 AM
Aug 2021
I guess no. He's really boring.
Jul 16, 2022 11:18 AM

Jan 2021
Flynnnn said:
Pretty funny that he counts as mid standards type of villains but ended up being one of the most loved Jojo characters

anyways i think Dio itself making the jojo itself boring like the same damn thing

p4 has Dio mentioned
p5 is the son of Dio
p6 is about the Dio bf

thank God for sbr.

i really hate the "pucci being dios bf" misinfo
Jul 16, 2022 11:21 AM
Sep 2021
Yes end of story....
Jul 16, 2022 11:28 AM
Mar 2021
SaiboT789 said:
Hey guys! So, basically a few Days ago a Friend of mine said to me "Dio is not a good Character/Antagonist, he's only good for the memes" And while that's just his opinion and ofcourse Dio is lots of meme Material (since all of JJBA is) it still kinda bugged me so Question: Part 1 and 3 Included, is Dio a good Antagonist or is he only good for the memes?

Note: I don't wanna compare him to the other JoJo Villains, just imagine Dio is the only Villain and you'd have to say if he does a good Job!

Edit: I should Probably say My Opinion about this. So I think Dio is a good Antagonist. In Part 1 he got this Mindset thinking he's the strongest and he could beat anyone with his eyes closed and both hands tied behind his back, which makes him really vulnerable on the other hand. So I really liked how careful he was in Part 3 to have his minions hold the Joestars back until he's fully prepared. So I think Dio is not only Memes!!

he is just a really good villian purely because of charisma, and that's not really a bad thing or atleast I don't see it as anything bad
Jul 16, 2022 11:30 AM
Feb 2020
DrBalls said:
SaiboT789 said:

I totally Love Antagonists like Dio who are Evil just because they want to.

Yeah but people like to call those types of characters "unrealistic", like our world isn't actually filled with psychopaths who kill because they just have nothing else to do lmao.

Uh yes it absolutely is, and we built our civilization on laws based around keeping those people from going crazy???? what do you think dont murder, lie, steal are for? regular people dont do that shit, its evil people. you are a sick naive little fool if you think evil doesnt exist like DIO. Mao Zedong. Joseph Stalin. Pol Pot. What planet are you from?
Jul 16, 2022 11:32 AM
Jul 2021
giffica said:
DrBalls said:

Yeah but people like to call those types of characters "unrealistic", like our world isn't actually filled with psychopaths who kill because they just have nothing else to do lmao.

Uh yes it absolutely is, and we built our civilization on laws based around keeping those people from going crazy???? what do you think dont murder, lie, steal are for? regular people dont do that shit, its evil people. you are a sick naive little fool if you think evil doesnt exist like DIO. Mao Zedong. Joseph Stalin. Pol Pot. What planet are you from?

Did this dude not comprehend my sarcasm🗿 Bro go back to school and study irony lmao.
Jul 16, 2022 11:33 AM
May 2022
Yes, hes an Antagonist and i think S1 was the best of the season but desgracely tie later they added those stupid stands, despite of hamon energy lol.
Jul 16, 2022 11:33 AM

Feb 2020
Dio is trash, watch part 3. He is lame beyond words. Classic over Extended degradation

All hail iconic pillar men!
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Jul 16, 2022 12:15 PM

Jul 2021
One of my favorite jojo antagonists actually

Friends are nothing more than the people who you spend the fun, yet meaningless times with. When those times get rough, they aren’t there to support you.

My Mushoku Tensei Review
Jul 16, 2022 12:18 PM
Oct 2020
He is my favorite Jojo antagonist of all. I've seen every animated part and read almost all of the manga only parts but no other main antag has had a better charisma and an actual unique goal as Dio for me. I love both Kira & Funny Valentine but Dio just takes the mark for me. I also think he has the best fight in the series with him vs. Jotaro.
Jul 16, 2022 12:19 PM
Jul 2020
VitorP1914 said:
he is mid imo
i prefer kira

Kira is the best for me and that won't change (I think) but I still like Dio a lot.
Jul 16, 2022 12:21 PM
Jul 2020
Piromysl said:
Dio is one of those villains, who is irredeemably evil without even any sappy backstory to somehow justify his twisted morals.
Speedwagon described him as "evil ever since he was born" and when Speedwagon talks, you should listen.

Usually that's a bad thing, but Dio manages to make it work by how he dictates and influences the story by driving it forward.
You can even say, that story almost entirely revolves around him and his vendetta against Joestar bloodline.
His influence is felt even long after he dies, in parts five and six and that's phenomenal.

Yes! I totally agree with You. I also really love that aspect.
Jul 16, 2022 12:24 PM
Jul 2020
AlexPlayer said:
I feel like just don't understand there are two types of villains (pure evil and sympathetic) and simply judge them as bad or good outright. Just compare Dio and Diego; Dio is an irredimmable, power hungry, born evil, but charismatic and fun villain, while Diego is just a prideful and arrogant asshole. They're both different kinds of antagonists that serve different purposes in the story.

Also an underrated aspect when it comes to an antagonist is how they function in the story as a whole and what's more fitting for a series whose main theme is fate, than to have its primary antagonist be fated to be evil?

I agree with you on that aspect. I think it's sad that those antagonists who are just evil because they wanna get underappreciated! And I also agree that Dio's Personality fits great with the Overall JJBA Plot.
Jul 16, 2022 12:26 PM
Jul 2020
Sushi099 said:
He’s cool I just don’t think his motivations are that great. Like yes he wants to be powerful but I don’t understand why he wants to be powerful. Other than that he’s fine. I haven’t finished part 3 yet though, sorry for voting anyway I just wanted to say my opinion and stuff

Dio just wants to be Powerful because he's evil, and he's evil just because he wants to! ^^ Anyways have fun with the Rest of JoJo's and I thank you for your Vote and for Stating your opinion on the Matter.
Jul 16, 2022 12:28 PM
Jul 2020
Farhan_Muhib_ said:
there are better antagonists INSIDE jojo than dio

For me (only seen the Anime) there is only one who's better. But anyways this isn't about who's the best JoJo Villain and I said I didn't want to compare the JoJo Villains, I just wanna know how many people think that Dio is at least a good Antagonist. Thank you anyways for your opinion. ^^
Jul 16, 2022 12:34 PM
Jul 2020
alexw1020 said:
He's a good villain in Part 1. Has clear motivation and is somewhat grounded...or at least as grounded as a vampire can be.

By Part 3 he's an over top, cartoonish, mustache-twirling villain. Still entertaining, but not as "good" as he was in Part 1.

I still like him overall, but I can't help but compare him to the much better (in my opinion) Kira from Part 4.

I think both Part's Dio is good! For the first Part I can agree with you, together with the fact that he's just an evil Person without any special Reasons for that. And in Part 3, as stated before, I like how he obviously learned from his Past Mistakes and is a lot more careful than in Part 1, while still staying in character by showing that he still deems himself the strongest. Also I love Kira more too, but I think those two are really hard to compare, even though I gotta say that iirc Kira also didn't really have a sad backstory and is just evil because of his, "interests".
Jul 16, 2022 12:35 PM
Mar 2021
He’s really good at being a hatable character. His narcissistic personality itself makes for a good antagonist, especially one that is quietly in the backdrop pulling the strings
Jul 16, 2022 12:36 PM
Jul 2020
thazineskii_ said:
SaiboT789 said:
Hey guys! So, basically a few Days ago a Friend of mine said to me "Dio is not a good Character/Antagonist, he's only good for the memes" And while that's just his opinion and ofcourse Dio is lots of meme Material (since all of JJBA is) it still kinda bugged me so Question: Part 1 and 3 Included, is Dio a good Antagonist or is he only good for the memes?

Note: I don't wanna compare him to the other JoJo Villains, just imagine Dio is the only Villain and you'd have to say if he does a good Job!

Edit: I should Probably say My Opinion about this. So I think Dio is a good Antagonist. In Part 1 he got this Mindset thinking he's the strongest and he could beat anyone with his eyes closed and both hands tied behind his back, which makes him really vulnerable on the other hand. So I really liked how careful he was in Part 3 to have his minions hold the Joestars back until he's fully prepared. So I think Dio is not only Memes!!

I think he’s good for both ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ So I agree with your opinion

Agreed! The Dio Memes, or JoJo Memes in general, never get old either.
Jul 16, 2022 12:38 PM
Jul 2020
salad_farded said:
Flynnnn said:
Pretty funny that he counts as mid standards type of villains but ended up being one of the most loved Jojo characters

anyways i think Dio itself making the jojo itself boring like the same damn thing

p4 has Dio mentioned
p5 is the son of Dio
p6 is about the Dio bf

thank God for sbr.

i really hate the "pucci being dios bf" misinfo

Me too! I mean I haven't finished Stone Ocean but I don't really think that'd fit either.
Jul 16, 2022 12:39 PM
Jul 2020
Youkko said:
Yes, hes an Antagonist and i think S1 was the best of the season but desgracely tie later they added those stupid stands, despite of hamon energy lol.

Hm I love both, Hamon and Stands, and Hamon was great for Part 1 and 2, but I don't think Hamon would've kept it interesting for much longer.
Jul 16, 2022 12:41 PM
Jul 2020
gnbcristoss said:
He is my favorite Jojo antagonist of all. I've seen every animated part and read almost all of the manga only parts but no other main antag has had a better charisma and an actual unique goal as Dio for me. I love both Kira & Funny Valentine but Dio just takes the mark for me. I also think he has the best fight in the series with him vs. Jotaro.

I agree that the Dio vs Jotaro Fight was the best in the Series!
Jul 16, 2022 1:23 PM

Feb 2020
Is he a really well written villain? No, but he doesn't need to be. He can be menacing when he needs to, and he's really fun to watch. I think that's enough to be considered a good villain.
Rest in Piece, Miura.

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