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Lelouch was the most popular character on MAL since 2008 (maybe even earlier)... His creators obviously did something right about him, but what?

Mar 22, 2023 6:21 PM
Feb 2023
Not trying to discuss him being ranked so high for years now (basically since early years of this site), but still...

You gotta admit, there must be SOMETHING about him that makes him popular.

The question is: what?
Mar 22, 2023 6:34 PM
Feb 2023
1 he is cute, so it's easy for people to like him
2 he's the edgy "1000 iq moment" type that makes it easy for the writer to come up with fun and ridiculous plot twists

I'm not sure particularly why him above others in his archetype, but characters like him typically end up popular because of how engaging they are.
Mar 22, 2023 6:36 PM

Oct 2018
Answer by chat GPT: he's handsome, he's a genius, he's got a harem, he pilots mechas, he's got superpowers, basically everything that would appeal to 15 years old virgin kids.
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Mar 22, 2023 6:45 PM

Mar 2019
Well obviously the fact that they made him a Char clone, well it's not like most mecha anime (or just anime in general to a lesser extent) don't have a Char clone or two though. Most of the stuff that makes Lelouch different from Char is the contemporary trends, and u know Lelouch being a main character. 

Although on closer inspection Code Geass would have three Char clones (Kallen, Lelouch, Schneizel) so maybe that's not it, or maybe Lelouch is just the most "Char" Char clone in the series 

Edit* Not that even Char Aznable was the first anyway, Prince Shaakin from Raideen was a Char clone before it was trendy.

KumiveneellaMar 22, 2023 7:28 PM
Mar 22, 2023 6:50 PM

Jul 2013
His tactical 'genius' and willingness to take extreme measures to achieve his goals make him an anti-hero that many viewers can relate to and root for, and the moral ambiguity surrounding his actions adds an extra layer of intrigue to his character.
Mar 22, 2023 6:55 PM

Jun 2021
They're very much more appreciated like Spice up to the dena and a KILLER finally got to the dena and a KILLER finale on Her man in my favorites is G of all time low and a KILLER finale of all time to know that you don't hold any grudges against our beloved and the Best Girl.

My keybord history (which I decided to use jus bcuz) is giving me signals.

Anyways Ed > Le douche. There's no implied rape on Him and he's not camp and dead.
ねえ、それはあなたです! あなたがカズマやトーマが好きなエッチ/ハーレムファンなら、女性を「平等に」扱うので、女性を殴る/軽蔑する2人のマッチョな男性か、Free!/YOIが好きだがフェアリーテイルの悪を話すTumblrファンガールです/ DxDとSAOは、ファンサービスがあり、アニメやマンガでBL / LGBTQ +ファンサービスが好きで、自分を「フェミニスト」と呼んでいるためです。自分は偽善者に過ぎず、価値観を再考し、これらの二重で停止する必要があることを知ってください。標準。 真剣に、それを止めてください😁。 #MenHaveTheRightToWorkInShortsInHotDays #MALMemberSince2010#Kirisuna Nico Nico no Hyouryuuken! (Music about God).

*Bill Clinton's voice* I did not have sexual relationships with that anime girl. *Hilary Clinton's voice* waifu's rights are human rights, and human rights are waifu's rights. *God Emperor Donald Trump's voice* Yaoi anime will soon be illegal. All fujos will be arrested.

Mar 22, 2023 6:58 PM

May 2018
He's the typical bishounen teen edgy revolutionary genius character, an epic anti-hero who exceeds at everything he does, very similar to Light for example, who also gets the same kind of praise, probably for all the same reasons. I wouldn't really say they're interesting characters, they were simply made to appeal to their shounen public the most. 

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Mar 22, 2023 7:05 PM

Dec 2021
He's designed by CLAMP. Which makes him automatically endearing because who doesn't love CLAMP?
Mar 22, 2023 7:09 PM
Jul 2013
Basically he went reverse Hitler by making himself as hated as Hitler. It's crazy. Like he was on the last few episodes. 
Mar 22, 2023 8:06 PM

May 2019
I don't know, i've never seen code geass.
Mar 22, 2023 8:39 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
His creators obviously did something right about him, but what? You ask..
His creators made bot accounts on Mal to add him as a favorite character..
because all we talk about is waifu characters so Waifus should be more popular

Mar 22, 2023 9:12 PM

Sep 2019
Phosphophyllita said:
Answer by chat GPT: he's handsome, he's a genius, he's got a harem, he pilots mechas, he's got superpowers, basically everything that would appeal to 15 years old virgin kids.
do you or Chatgpt want 15 year olds not to be virgin?
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Mar 22, 2023 9:20 PM

Oct 2018
Peeti said:
Phosphophyllita said:
Answer by chat GPT: he's handsome, he's a genius, he's got a harem, he pilots mechas, he's got superpowers, basically everything that would appeal to 15 years old virgin kids.
do you or Chatgpt want 15 year olds not to be virgin?

Chat GPT has a vast knowledge about underdeveloped countries where kids start their sexual lives at 12
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Mar 22, 2023 9:27 PM

Sep 2019
Phosphophyllita said:
Peeti said:
do you or Chatgpt want 15 year olds not to be virgin?

Chat GPT has a vast knowledge about underdeveloped countries where kids start their sexual lives at 12
I wanna beat ChatGpt one on one in a I quit Hell in a cell match and loser will have to give its knowledge to the winner.
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author).
Mar 22, 2023 9:40 PM

Oct 2019
Phosphophyllita said:
Answer by chat GPT: he's handsome, he's a genius, he's got a harem, he pilots mechas, he's got superpowers, basically everything that would appeal to 15 years old virgin kids.

You can't be seriously thinking that's it there are 10 protagonists per year that have most or all of these and they aren't even in the universe of having the most favorites.
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Mar 22, 2023 11:11 PM

Jul 2022
He's about as human as an edgy character can get. The balance hasn't been found since.
Mar 22, 2023 11:36 PM

Apr 2022
All the stuff before plus fangirls loved shipping him with one of the main girls or his rival. And yeah he is kind of Light Yagami but with more feelings for the people near him and relatively "altruistic" motives and some more pragmatism/realism in how he try to makes his plan for the world win, while Light was more of a idealist. Futhermore he is dark haired and mysterious its a trope many fangirls falls for and he got a complex ambivalent personality and many felt interesting to try to understand him. Also his seiyuu as a voice many fangirls apparently find very sexy. I always had issues with this show never could end it because if felt too much to me like a unimaginative lazy mix between Death Note and Gundam SEED and i did like Lelouch enough to go to the end of first season but he wasnt enough for me to go further because i did find the story cliche and most characters well the same and just boring. First i was attracted by the pretty Clamp design and cool mecha battles but i felt it was sorely lacking in originality. Not to hate on it or on people who did like it its just one of these shows popular among most anime fans that got me wondering what they see in it that i'm blind to for enjoying it so much when i would have had to force my self to finish it. I found it truly over hyped for what it was and barely decent. But yeah the hero was probably the most interesting thing in it, he probably could have engaging me to at least feel it was enjoyable til the end if only massive useless fanservice badly hiding atrocious plot holes and the barely differentiated in personality developement at all girls enough to get me remember who they are and how they are different from each other supposedly in backstories besides cool different chara designs didnt stop me to. Therefore i'm not the ideal woman to answer to why on earth Lelouch as so many fangirls but that's my best guest.

Tifa Lockhart (FFVII) - Forum Signature by craftyaegis on DeviantArt

Mar 22, 2023 11:53 PM
Jun 2021
Utopipi said:
Not trying to discuss him being ranked so high for years now (basically since early years of this site), but still...

You gotta admit, there must be SOMETHING about him that makes him popular.

The question is: what?

1) Bombastic tone
2) Edgelord
3) Char clone
4) One of those friendships with Suzaku
Hot Blood saves lives.
Mar 23, 2023 12:15 AM

Apr 2016
I think they found the right balance between making an anime-esque over the top genius character (some call him edgy, but I never thought that) while at the same time making him deeply flawed and human. His character goes through several developments over the course of the series and despite what people tend to claim, his plans don't always work or sometimes they fail because he is an emotional person and not simply a cold-blooded edgelord.
Mar 23, 2023 2:16 AM

Oct 2010
- bishounen character design
- hot waifus near him
that's it
Mar 23, 2023 2:41 AM

Sep 2010
Lelouch is the literal definition of a Gary Stu. Always blows my mind when people complain about Kirito and then say Lelouch is a good character. Lelouch is written in a way that let's him only make the best decisions and nothing else, every scenario ends in the same "just as planned" moment and it gets boring quickly. Lelouch feels like a chess engine playing against a casual player, obviously the chess engine will always win no matter what.
ateksMar 23, 2023 8:22 AM
Mar 23, 2023 5:36 AM
Mar 2023
He is edgy as hell and teens love edge like nothing else. No big mystery.
Mar 23, 2023 5:39 AM
Mar 2023
Sachyan said:
He's the typical bishounen teen edgy revolutionary genius character, an epic anti-hero who exceeds at everything he does, very similar to Light for example, who also gets the same kind of praise, probably for all the same reasons. I wouldn't really say they're interesting characters, they were simply made to appeal to their shounen public the most. 

Light is not an anti-hero though, he is an anti-villain, and L is much more popular than Light.
Mar 23, 2023 6:25 AM

Jun 2022
I never understood the popularity myself, Lelouch is extremely similar from Light Yagami from Death Note, and Light isn't even the most popular character in his own show. There are hordes of characters that are more complex, have better character development, and better designs than Lelouch. If Code Geass came out today, I have a strong inkling that someone like C.C. or Kallen would be the most popular characters instead.

That is not to say that Lelouch is a terrible character, far from it. He's pretty smart in the show, has a lot of charisma, and has some interesting challenges and motivations. He is a decent character, but the best of all anime? Nah. On a side note I absolutely couldn't stand Suzaku. I've only seen season 1 of Code Geass though.
Mar 23, 2023 6:34 AM

Feb 2014
He's responsible for the death of millions and then sacrificed himself to become a martyr. Of course the average anime fan loves that.
Mar 23, 2023 6:38 AM
Mar 2023

Imagine favoriting a character who checkmates by using his King.
Mar 23, 2023 8:01 AM

May 2018
Sokapod said:
Sachyan said:
He's the typical bishounen teen edgy revolutionary genius character, an epic anti-hero who exceeds at everything he does, very similar to Light for example, who also gets the same kind of praise, probably for all the same reasons. I wouldn't really say they're interesting characters, they were simply made to appeal to their shounen public the most. 

Light is not an anti-hero though, he is an anti-villain, and L is much more popular than Light.

"Much more popular"... They're all literally in the top 10 around here lmao. Also, no matter about the anti-hero and anti-villain thing; Lelouch, Light, L, Kirito, and characters like that, are all popular for the same reasons. By the end of the day, they all appeal to the very same public.

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Mar 23, 2023 8:26 AM

May 2018
Dije said:
Sachyan said:

"Much more popular"... They're all literally in the top 10 around here lmao. Also, no matter about the anti-hero and anti-villain thing; Lelouch, Light, L, Kirito, and characters like that, are all popular for the same reasons. By the end of the day, they all appeal to the very same public.

Are you sure about that? I loved Lelouch but didn't care much about those other 3

EDIT: Oh, a yuri fan... now I understand your POV, but it's wrong

Even if you don't care enough about them, doesn't change the fact that they're all pretty similar characters, sometimes even sharing the exact same traits. A person alone isn't a counter example for anything, my friend likes HxH but dislikes Naruto, doesn't change the fact that they are very similar, and it would probably even be correct to say that Naruto was heavily inspired by HxH.

Yuri fan? What are you talking about? Are all your arguments non sequitur? What exactly something like that implies?

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Mar 23, 2023 8:57 AM
Mar 2023
Sachyan said:
Sokapod said:

Light is not an anti-hero though, he is an anti-villain, and L is much more popular than Light.

"Much more popular"... They're all literally in the top 10 around here lmao. Also, no matter about the anti-hero and anti-villain thing; Lelouch, Light, L, Kirito, and characters like that, are all popular for the same reasons. By the end of the day, they all appeal to the very same public.

I like the anti-heroes themost butI don't care for  Lelouch, Light, L or Kirito as you said.So, unlike what you claim they don't  "appeal to the very same public"
Mar 23, 2023 9:05 AM

May 2018
Tpokalop said:
Sachyan said:

"Much more popular"... They're all literally in the top 10 around here lmao. Also, no matter about the anti-hero and anti-villain thing; Lelouch, Light, L, Kirito, and characters like that, are all popular for the same reasons. By the end of the day, they all appeal to the very same public.

I like the anti-heroes themost butI don't care for  Lelouch, Light, L or Kirito as you said.So, unlike what you claim they don't  "appeal to the very same public"

Again, another argument of "I don't care for it, so it's not true". You aren't example of anything in the media, you're just one person. Now look at how many people care for Lelouch, Light, L and Kirito, and take a look at the most favourited and most popular anime as well. That's just how it is.

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Mar 23, 2023 9:12 AM

Oct 2016

Is a slim bad boy with yaoi vibes for the girls, is presented as overpowered, cool, justified in anything and has robots and a harem for the boys. Also, politics for those who want to check out anime with serious premises, also memorable scenes and speeches, also an impact in the medium as Code Geass is usually recommended as a top priority anime to start in the medium. Also, lots who get into it didn't the watch the old ass original Gundam and LOGH to see everything he did done already decades before.
Mar 23, 2023 9:18 AM

May 2011
And he's a genocidal maniac with a hack superpower of persuasion. Of course the otaweebs love that, it's like a big pipe dream that will never be within their grasp.
Mar 23, 2023 10:46 AM

Dec 2021
It's the epithome of the uber-edgy needlessly theatrical super-intelligent [mostly because they told you so/other characters are mega-dumb, not because they actually show him doing intelligent things] mc and that's a trope anime fans love. Basically Lelouch character is this:  Chūnibyō - Wikipedia I think it's part of the reason that makes it so difficult, despite the popularity the medium is acquiring, to get people that have prejudice against anime to understand how much varied they are, like, of course they are prejudiced, the idea they have about anime is dumb spiky hair 13 yo screaming every three seconds, then they come to anime communities online and the suggestion they get for "the different kind of anime" is the CEO of cringe
Mar 23, 2023 10:53 AM

Feb 2016
Sokapod said:
Imagine favoriting a character who checkmates by using his King.
The dude in that picture just lost himself the game by putting his own king in danger. I'll show you how a REAL master wins with his king.

Mar 23, 2023 5:18 PM

Jan 2021
Smug, I'm better than you attitudes in a smart non-condescending way are typically highly acclaimed on mal
Mar 23, 2023 5:48 PM

Dec 2015
They did nothing.
it's just people think he is some beyond level of smart and makes him the best character.
it's this simple, people think just because they "like"  a smart character they become smart themself.
This community is out of their minds when it comes to character that is actually smart.
They think they become smart by liking them and having the character as PF, it's beyond lame.
I actually wish to know how many that likes Lelouch for Lelouch and not about how smart he acts.

Mar 23, 2023 7:31 PM
Dec 2022
hes the goat, simple as that. he was gifted to us from god himself, just like tom brady
Mar 23, 2023 7:40 PM

Mar 2021
Iconic geass, voice, and costume.

Also people love seeing the nipples of geass girls.
Mar 24, 2023 4:12 AM

Dec 2013
He created a likable anti-hero.

Not a multi layered protagonist or antagonist. Not an Aiz Ool Gown, or a Shiro Emiya. Just a good natured guy, who fights against discrimination in a relatable way. He isn't overly cruel, or naive believing in some unrealistic ideals.
Mar 24, 2023 4:25 AM

Oct 2018
Very overrated character and anime.

Mar 24, 2023 4:41 AM

Nov 2019
Utopipi said:
Not trying to discuss him being ranked so high for years now (basically since early years of this site), but still...

You gotta admit, there must be SOMETHING about him that makes him popular.

The question is: what?
he's edgy and retarded so most of anime fans can relate
Mar 24, 2023 9:32 AM
Community Mod

Nov 2020
Thread moved to the correct board.

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