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Aug 24, 2023 9:49 PM
Jul 2021
does anyone have a good watch order bc idk where to start after watching r1
Aug 24, 2023 10:10 PM
Aug 2020
season 1
season 2
recap movies (1,2,3)
lelouch of the resurrection(movie)

Aug 24, 2023 10:18 PM

Apr 2018
MAL's interest stacks can be useful for looking up this kind of thing:
Aug 24, 2023 10:22 PM

Jun 2020
DualWieldKiritoX said:
season 1
season 2
recap movies (1,2,3)
lelouch of the resurrection(movie)

This is definitely the watch order. Although I think OP should know that they can just read up on the differences between the recap movies and the anime series before watching the final movie if they don’t want to waste time.
Aug 24, 2023 10:56 PM

Apr 2016
I would go with this watch order:

"E" = "Episode" and "PD" = "Picture Drama". The picture dramas are a great addition to the series that helps build up the world and characters.

E 01
E 02
E 03
PD 0.515
PD 0.97
PD 3.25
E 04
PD 4.33
E 05
E 06
PD 6.75
E 07
E 08
PD 8.75
E 09
PD 9.33
PD 9.75
E 10
E 11
E 12
E 13
E 14
E 15
E 16
E 17
E 18
E 19
E 20
E 21
E 22
PD 22.25
E 23
PD 23.95
E 24
E 25

E 01
E 02
E 03
PD 0.56
PD 0.923
E 04
E 05
E 06
E 07
PD 7.19
E 08
E 09
PD 9.34
E 10
E 11
E 12
PD 12.06
PD 12.31
PD 12.31
E 13
E 14
E 15
E 16
E 17
E 18
E 19
PD 19.02
E 20
E 21
E 22
PD 22.05
E 23
E 24
E 25
PD 25.01

Lelouch of the Resurrection (movie) 
PD 1.05
PD 1.03

Personally I would definitely skip the "recap" movies. I watched them and I feel like I lost precious life time to them. In my opinion, they are extremely badly done. Many important parts are cut (especially considering the context of the fully new movie), while a ton of less important ones were kept in. Just look for a compilation of "new scenes" and be done with it, the movie "Lelouch of the Resurrection" can be easily understood even without watching the recap movies, the differences are mostly marginal and almost not worth mentioning (look up a list if you feel the need to, save yourself those atrocities). There's one bigger difference but that's only due to their incompetence in making the recap movies, it wasn't really a necessity and it's easily ignored as it doesn't really have any significance in the movie itself.

You don't have to watch the picture dramas inbetween, you can also just watch them in bulk afterwards. I'm just giving you an estimation of what I find a nice point where to watch them. Usually you can just go with the episode order, just with the "0.XXX" picture dramas I would recommend for first time watchers to at least wait until episode 3 of each season respectively to watch them. ^^

For the 2 PDs linked to the movie, I prefer watching them in reverse numbered order as that makes chronologically more sense and leaves the (in my opinion) more interesting PD for last as a nice cherry on top. :)
Aug 24, 2023 11:03 PM

Aug 2017
I've made a interest stack about this, the chronological order of code geass events, feel free to stack it tho :)
Aug 24, 2023 11:13 PM
Community Mod

Mar 2022
Thread moved to Anime Series Discussion.
Aug 25, 2023 2:54 AM

Dec 2021
Drop it if you don't want your intelligence to be insulted
If you want to reply to my posts, come up with valid arguments instead of ad hominem HIGHER LEVEL THINKERS ONLY
Aug 25, 2023 3:36 AM
Nov 2019
R1 then R2. everything else is optional.
Aug 25, 2023 7:19 AM

Apr 2016
kushakashi said:
R1 then R2. everything else is optional.
All of it is optional. A friend of mine only watched R1 and thought it was boring, so he never watched R2. Perfectly fine choice to make as well. ^^
Aug 26, 2023 12:59 AM
Nov 2019
Pit93 said:
kushakashi said:
R1 then R2. everything else is optional.
All of it is optional. A friend of mine only watched R1 and thought it was boring, so he never watched R2. Perfectly fine choice to make as well. ^^

yes, all of it is optional, just like literally anything ever is optional. you just have to accept the consequences (in this case, not experiencing one of the best endings (if not THE best ending) of any fictional story ever created)
your friend isn't wrong, he's invalid. the same way you can't call steins gate boring and stupid just by watching the first 8 or so episodes.

Aug 26, 2023 1:18 AM

Apr 2016
kushakashi said:
Pit93 said:
All of it is optional. A friend of mine only watched R1 and thought it was boring, so he never watched R2. Perfectly fine choice to make as well. ^^

yes, all of it is optional, just like literally anything ever is optional. you just have to accept the consequences (in this case, not experiencing one of the best endings (if not THE best ending) of any fictional story ever created)
your friend isn't wrong, he's invalid. the same way you can't call steins gate boring and stupid just by watching the first 8 or so episodes.

Nah, I certainly disagree with that. If you find half of a series boring, you shouldn't have to watch more of it for it to suddenly become "good". If you don't like something it's perfectly fine to drop it and call it boring. That's not going to affect my enjoyment in any way and I'm not going chastise people for not sitting through something they're not enjoying. For him it was too much mecha stuff and that's what was making it boring to him.

Code Geass is one of my favorite series but there's also many people who just think it's meh or bad or just boring. There are also people who don't think the ending is great, that's also a completely fine opinion to have. :)
Aug 26, 2023 1:26 AM
Nov 2019
Pit93 said:
kushakashi said:

yes, all of it is optional, just like literally anything ever is optional. you just have to accept the consequences (in this case, not experiencing one of the best endings (if not THE best ending) of any fictional story ever created)
your friend isn't wrong, he's invalid. the same way you can't call steins gate boring and stupid just by watching the first 8 or so episodes.

Nah, I certainly disagree with that. If you find half of a series boring, you shouldn't have to watch more of it for it to suddenly become "good". If you don't like something it's perfectly fine to drop it and call it boring. That's not going to affect my enjoyment in any way and I'm not going chastise people for not sitting through something they're not enjoying. For him it was too much mecha stuff and that's what was making it boring to him.

Code Geass is one of my favorite series but there's also many people who just think it's meh or bad or just boring. There are also people who don't think the ending is great, that's also a completely fine opinion to have. :)

just in your 10s:
inuyasha, the first few episodes are horrible. it only gets good after that initial introduction is over.
FMAB, first 12 or so episodes are rushed and under-produced.
gosick, it starts as this episodic 'monster of the week' show but it develops into an actual mystery show with an interesting continuity.
monogatari, the first 2 episodes are based on fucking pun! for fuck sake how am I supposed to take that seriously?
madoka magica, try predicting the rest of the show based on its opening episode I dare you.
steins gate, first 8 or so episodes move at the pace of the VN. which is always a huge negative for anything that's not a VN.
made in abyss, same deal with madoka magica.
psycho pass, just think about how it started vs how it ended.
BNA, before the characters are fleshed out, most of them are just annoying. which for a character-driven show is basically a death sentence.

now do you see what actively trying to drop something does to the experience?
i wouldn't call any of those the same as watching R1 without R2 but still, it's like judging the show based on its low points. does that really seem fair to you? and why should I take that seriously?
kushakashiAug 26, 2023 1:43 AM
Aug 26, 2023 7:05 AM

Apr 2016
kushakashi said:

just in your 10s:
inuyasha, the first few episodes are horrible. it only gets good after that initial introduction is over.
FMAB, first 12 or so episodes are rushed and under-produced.
gosick, it starts as this episodic 'monster of the week' show but it develops into an actual mystery show with an interesting continuity.
monogatari, the first 2 episodes are based on fucking pun! for fuck sake how am I supposed to take that seriously?
madoka magica, try predicting the rest of the show based on its opening episode I dare you.
steins gate, first 8 or so episodes move at the pace of the VN. which is always a huge negative for anything that's not a VN.
made in abyss, same deal with madoka magica.
psycho pass, just think about how it started vs how it ended.
BNA, before the characters are fleshed out, most of them are just annoying. which for a character-driven show is basically a death sentence.

now do you see what actively trying to drop something does to the experience?
i wouldn't call any of those the same as watching R1 without R2 but still, it's like judging the show based on its low points. does that really seem fair to you? and why should I take that seriously?

Inuyasha: Hard disagree, I think it has an amazing opening and is captivating right from the start. It actually dips a bit after the start imo and then picks up speed again a bit later on (a few volumes in).

FMAB: Can't say I relate to that, they never felt that way to me.

Gosick: Yes, and it does a good job combining the monster of the week format (which is a format I actually enjoy) with some foreboding of the mysteries that are to come.

Monogatari: You're not. My ratings aren't there to please you, they're simply a reflection of my enjoyment of a series and Monogatari as far as I'm concerned is a masterpiece that kept me hooked from the beginning.

Madoka Magica: Irrelevant, I was interested from the start, that's why I kept watching. Also Urobuchi Gen, I'm usually into his stuff, so there wasn't much reason for me to be skeptical.

Steins;Gate: Speak for yourself, I really enjoyed the pacing and appreciated how it takes its time with building up the relationships.

Made in Abyss: Same deal with Madoka Magica, it was captivating from the start, had great music, artstyle and an intriguing adventure premise. Binged in a day or two.

Psycho-Pass: It starts great and suspenseful and it ends great and suspenseful. Was hooked right away and again from Urobuchi Gen.

BNA: Speak for yourself, most characters were endearing to me and the ones that weren't didn't really sour the pot either, they were just fine, I don't have to love every character in an anime. And Michiru and Shiro are two great leads, I've been invested into the story right away. Even without me having a major transformation fetish this show would have become a favorite of mine.

Could something become better over time? Sure. Does that have to mean you should stick with it if it doesn't click with you (possibly even never) instead of trying something else that might click with you much quicker? In my opinion, that's a waste of time. All the anime you listed that I rated with a 10 kept my interest right from the start (some of them more than others but still).

I also don't know what you mean with "actively trying to drop something". I never actively try to drop something. I drop something if I think it's shit/boring/not worth my time or something similar. I don't go into something hoping to drop it, I've got better things to do with my time than to start shows that I think I won't enjoy. And yes, I think that's a perfectly fair and valid way to approach this. If you feel you have to torture yourself through an anime/manga you're not enjoying on the fringe case that you might like it after more than 50% of it, be my guest, I won't tell you how to experience your media, nor will I tell you that I "can't take you seriously". Would be nice if you could give others that don't share your view the same courtesy.
Aug 26, 2023 8:36 AM
Nov 2019
Pit93 said:
kushakashi said:

just in your 10s:
inuyasha, the first few episodes are horrible. it only gets good after that initial introduction is over.
FMAB, first 12 or so episodes are rushed and under-produced.
gosick, it starts as this episodic 'monster of the week' show but it develops into an actual mystery show with an interesting continuity.
monogatari, the first 2 episodes are based on fucking pun! for fuck sake how am I supposed to take that seriously?
madoka magica, try predicting the rest of the show based on its opening episode I dare you.
steins gate, first 8 or so episodes move at the pace of the VN. which is always a huge negative for anything that's not a VN.
made in abyss, same deal with madoka magica.
psycho pass, just think about how it started vs how it ended.
BNA, before the characters are fleshed out, most of them are just annoying. which for a character-driven show is basically a death sentence.

now do you see what actively trying to drop something does to the experience?
i wouldn't call any of those the same as watching R1 without R2 but still, it's like judging the show based on its low points. does that really seem fair to you? and why should I take that seriously?

Inuyasha: Hard disagree, I think it has an amazing opening and is captivating right from the start. It actually dips a bit after the start imo and then picks up speed again a bit later on (a few volumes in).

FMAB: Can't say I relate to that, they never felt that way to me.

Gosick: Yes, and it does a good job combining the monster of the week format (which is a format I actually enjoy) with some foreboding of the mysteries that are to come.

Monogatari: You're not. My ratings aren't there to please you, they're simply a reflection of my enjoyment of a series and Monogatari as far as I'm concerned is a masterpiece that kept me hooked from the beginning.

Madoka Magica: Irrelevant, I was interested from the start, that's why I kept watching. Also Urobuchi Gen, I'm usually into his stuff, so there wasn't much reason for me to be skeptical.

Steins;Gate: Speak for yourself, I really enjoyed the pacing and appreciated how it takes its time with building up the relationships.

Made in Abyss: Same deal with Madoka Magica, it was captivating from the start, had great music, artstyle and an intriguing adventure premise. Binged in a day or two.

Psycho-Pass: It starts great and suspenseful and it ends great and suspenseful. Was hooked right away and again from Urobuchi Gen.

BNA: Speak for yourself, most characters were endearing to me and the ones that weren't didn't really sour the pot either, they were just fine, I don't have to love every character in an anime. And Michiru and Shiro are two great leads, I've been invested into the story right away. Even without me having a major transformation fetish this show would have become a favorite of mine.

Could something become better over time? Sure. Does that have to mean you should stick with it if it doesn't click with you (possibly even never) instead of trying something else that might click with you much quicker? In my opinion, that's a waste of time. All the anime you listed that I rated with a 10 kept my interest right from the start (some of them more than others but still).

I also don't know what you mean with "actively trying to drop something". I never actively try to drop something. I drop something if I think it's shit/boring/not worth my time or something similar. I don't go into something hoping to drop it, I've got better things to do with my time than to start shows that I think I won't enjoy. And yes, I think that's a perfectly fair and valid way to approach this. If you feel you have to torture yourself through an anime/manga you're not enjoying on the fringe case that you might like it after more than 50% of it, be my guest, I won't tell you how to experience your media, nor will I tell you that I "can't take you seriously". Would be nice if you could give others that don't share your view the same courtesy.

alright look, I really don't like arguing with people like you. your stance seems to be the generic 'enjoy whatever you enjoy however you enjoy it' which is nice but discourages conversation, so we're just not gonna talk about it (at least I wont)
but just for clarity's sake, me pulling things from your list wasn't an attack on you, I was just trying to demonstrate that some shows will be looked over if judged too early. i didn't mean "you" as in literally pit93, I meant a random person watching these.
Aug 27, 2023 1:37 AM

Apr 2016
kushakashi said:

alright look, I really don't like arguing with people like you. your stance seems to be the generic 'enjoy whatever you enjoy however you enjoy it' which is nice but discourages conversation, so we're just not gonna talk about it (at least I wont)

I actually thoroughly enjoy discussing why somebody might like or dislike a show (I often do so even in person at our monthly anime/manga meet-ups that we organize) but that was not what the discussion was about, so I don't see how this "argument" is supposed to apply here.
Yes, I do think that everyone should enjoy what they enjoy however they want, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about how and why we do it like that, that's super interesting. I made a great friend just last year again because he was shitting on a game I was playing at the time and we had a great discussion and ended up really clicking. You however were talking about things like not being able to take some people "seriously" because of having show X at a 10, I mean, come on. If that's not easily taken as an "attack" then I don't know (I didn't take it as a personal attack, but more as a general jab against people giving certain shows a high rating).

kushakashi said:

but just for clarity's sake, me pulling things from your list wasn't an attack on you, I was just trying to demonstrate that some shows will be looked over if judged too early. i didn't mean "you" as in literally pit93, I meant a random person watching these.

And I agreed with you in my previous comment that some will be looked over because of that. And that's why I said, if somebody thinks they feel the need to torture themselves with loads of stuff they don't enjoy just to maybe get to a point where it might turn around, then sure, that's totally fine but not the way I engage with media in general. But I'm also not going to antagonize you for that. You however, again, were the one antagonizing people by calling their opinions "invalid", because they didn't engage with the media in a way you saw fit. You're now trying to spin it like you didn't antagonize people but you did.

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