I think part 4 is my favorite. Because part 4 has
“Yoshikage Kira”. He is a best villain in the anime I think. If we look anime and manga,
I definitely choose Part 8. It’s very interesting part. And the part has “Wonder of U”. That’s all guys
aghhh this is really hard, I LOVED part 4, and Golden Wind and Stone Ocean had the best *group* of main characters (by which I mean there were seldom more than three of the Part 4 gang together for more than an episode, and Stardust Crusaders.. could’ve been better) but I consider Stone Ocean to be my favorite just because how dire things got and how high the stakes were. I guess this is an unpopular opinion cus it’s ranked last in the poll though lol, idk how to explain myself beyond this
I would rank it lower because I didn’t care for Anasui that much, but Fugo straight up stops being a character after the first half so it evens out
definitely part 3. jotaro is my favorite character, same for kakyoin. it's also the part where I cried the most lol. except that, I love how it focuses on a long journey, that'll eventually lead to a "happy ending", the friendship between the characters is just wholesome and funny, part 4 is also a good one tho, I also think Kira is one of the best villains.
my favourite part is steel ball run which isn't an anime part but my second favourite part is probably stardust crusaders, i just loved the cast and the villains, and dio was such a fucking epic almost cartoony villain
bro was just a hater for the joestar bloodline, i love jojo tho an amazing series ngl.
Vento Aureo is such a great series. It’s pretty self contained with a conclusive beginning, middle, and end and the group is just too cool with some of the most unique stand abilities that made for interesting fights with creative solutions. Honorable mention to Steel Ball Run which is another fan favorite part for a reason. Can’t wait for that to get animated!
"Do you want me to take you away... to a place in this city where wishes come true?"
For me it's gonna be like—
Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
Part 5: Golden Wind
Part 6: Stone Ocean = Part 2: Battle Tendency
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Part 1: Phantom Blood
I haven't read the latter mangas so no SBR or JoJolion for me rip.
If we’re basing this off of the Anime and not Manga, I’d say Part 4 is my favourite. Part 6 would be my favourite, but the anime version didn’t hit as hard as the manga for me. Part 4 has my favourite villain, stand, one of my favourite Jojo’s, and the best climax. Truly will remain my favourite part for now
I can't stand part 4 haha, surprised by the votes. To me, Battle Tendency is the best part. Best opening and ending, Joseph is my favorite JoJo, so funny but good at fighting too, then there are Ceasar, old waifu speedwagon and Lisa Lisa being such great side chatacters. Also, the Hamon training episodes and the Pillar Men fights are top notch JoJo to me.
part 3 was very good at everyhing. But at a point it was just like an enemy stand user comes, they defeat it, and another stand user comes, and they defeat it, and on and on. They story progressed like this. It was just predictable that after 2 episodes another enemy stand user will appear.
But part 4's story progression was amazing. The art style and colour coding was also very satisfying. The town Morio was a really beautiful place. Although the main villain appears later, he still is one of the favourite and well written villains.
Part 4's writing was really better, thats why part 4 is my fav