I haven't read this manga (the devil does exist) yet, but the summery reminds me so much of a taiwanese drama called Devil Beside You.....does anybody had/have the same feeling? Or is it just me? x3
Yeah, The taiwan drama Devil Beside You is adapted from the Akuma Desourou (Devil Does Exist) manga. It is one of my favorite Taiwan dramas. I think Taiwan does a good job of adapting shoujo manga :D Rainie and Mike He are cute together. (and Mike He is hot, lol)
Almost all of the cast of Devil Beside You was reunited for another drama, Why Why Love. Once again Rainie plays the heroine and it's a love triangle between her, Hike He, and Kingone. They even have the same actress playing Rainie's mom, lol. It's a cute drama too!
This Drama is one of my favorites!
The main boy show much more his feelings than Takeru :D
He is cuute!
I think the manga is muuuch more better but this Drama is cool too...You
should take a look! They have all the episodes on Crunchyroll.com
Devil Beside You is good drama, not the best I've seen, but still worth watching xD
The one I like the most was Ahmon's father <3 He looked do manly in the apron~
And, jus as everybody else, I like manga better ^^