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Usagi really upped her game on this episode! For once she single-handedly defeated an enemy, and this time an enemy so strong it defeated both of her friends and Luna. She did so well it almost seemed out of character, to be honest :)
This episode has shown us Usagi's growth, her road to an independent Sailor Warrior. I liked it. But the part with Rei and Ami appearing only to be taken out in the same moment was a bit dull. Or maybe the writer wanted to show us how deadly it not knowing the enemy's power is.
Eh, not one of my favorite episodes. It was nice to see the sailor scouts get captured. Like Nephrite said, it shows that they're not invincible and can be beaten if they let their guard down.
Knowing her, she probably doesn't have the allowance to do so!
(Especially since she owes three months of allowance for her mom's curtains last episode for her wedding dress, ahah.)
I don't think she actually worked on the wedding dress...
I liked Mamoru's interaction with Usagi in this episode, for once she actually seemed to absorb what he had to say even if she wasn't the most gracious audience.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth...rodac
I love how SM uses Luna and Mamoru words to give lessons to enemies, like she means what she says. She probably does, even though she is being resentful at first.
Seabury said: Usagi really upped her game on this episode! For once she single-handedly defeated an enemy, and this time an enemy so strong it defeated both of her friends and Luna. She did so well it almost seemed out of character, to be honest :)
I aggree. Not meantioning she could fix her swimming suit by herself. Those sewing lessons from the last EP didn't come to waste, it seems)
I love how badass Usagi was in this episode! I feel like she got just instantly blasted by enemies way too often and had to be saved by Ami and Rei, but this time she not only dodged those attacks like it was nothing, she even kicked the bad guy right in the face!
Her family is way too savage though, trampling all over her feelings. The same goes for Luna. You'll emotionally scar that poor girl! Overall I thought this was another great and fun episode.
Lol the old mirror trick.
Usagi's family are kinda dicks.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
I love how her family were just insulting Usagi at the end, LOL. I wonder how they will react when they find out their daughter is a sailor soldier of love and justice, as opposed to a stupid and lazy girl.
Ah Usagi you've definitely shown some growth there. You even took out that monster all on your own. Her family are harsh about her but I feel that if they knew about her other life I feel like things would be a lot harder than they already would be. And did Mamoru really just call her by her name instead of insulting her? I think he did.
Liked this one. Ami and Rei's appearance was a bit underwhelming, but Usagi showed some courage for once - and the scene with Motoki and Mamoru suggests plot creeping in. Alas, it's still a filler...
Not a super interesting episode. I actually forgot to post about this after I watched it. I like when they use all of the heroes together: Usagi on her own is much less interesting. I am intrigued by the interactions of the two love interests though.