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Yay, the 5 is together. :)
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
I get that they wanted the crystals and everything, but did they really think Tuxedo Mask would just walk around with them?
Sailor Venus is everything Sailor Moon should be. Is Venus the Moon Princess??
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FINALLY my favourite appears. this episode was great anyway, but venus finally appearing makes me feel like this was the best episode so far. (zoisite was perfect as usual too).
When I first saw this episode I thouight the Sailors were going to lose. Nice to finally see the team all together again. I'm getting kinda bored of this arc though, they should really get a move on with the plot.
I don't remember Sailor Venus showing up so late in the series o.O;
I honestly don't remember her personality at all, either, so this will be new to me xD
(It's funny what you remember so vividly as a kid, and other things are completely blank...!)
This was just an average episode. Nothing really special. Not much in the way of a good story, but it did pick up nicely near the end with some good intense action scenes.
Zoisite dressing as a fake sailor moon.....okay.
Kunzite actually fighting and enter Sailor V for Venus, the team is fully assembled.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
I loved the way Sailor Venus was intoduced. She was Sailor V all along! I wonder what her real name is though. Also, the last Sailor Senshi? Who is this 'Sailor Saturn' then? Unless she's in another season..?
Venus finally shows up with only 13 episodes until the first season is over. Although I believe her introduction was different in the manga, I can't remember it exactly and I'm pretty sure this is a better one, considering how effective the 2 -ites (no clue as to their official names) were when together (although it does make you wonder why Beryl didn't just send all 4 out at once), and based of the preview for the next episode there's none of the
Venus pretending to be the Princess
Overall, I'd have to say that, Zoisite is pretty cute.
Things are really picking up now! Our quartet has grown into a quintet with the long-awaited arrival of sailor Venus. Though I have to ask - what took her so long? And why does Zoisite look so good as a girl?
She finally appears, the last Sailor Guardian. The one if it weren't her I wouldn't be here talking about this episode, Sailor Venus. The whole team is complete, she saved them, she saved everyone there. What an entrance. What an episode, I didn't think Kunzite would fight as well that certainly made things more interesting. Now to see what happens after this.
This whole episode had really cool action with the heroes getting trapped in that bubble, Tuxedo Mask fighting the bad guys hand-to-hand, and Sailor Venus appearing! She's so cool! Tuxedo Mask looked like he got pretty messed up by Zoisite as the fake Sailor Moon.