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I miss iceskating.. But I wish I can skate like Sailor Jupiter. D:
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
This episode was extremely fun!
I just loved Usagi's reactions when she starts skating. Those youma sure were bitches though, aiming for Makoto's boob.
Seeing the sailor soldiers in skating uniforms was great too, except for Ami...
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Yeah, 'twas an entertaining and, most importantly fun, episode. I like how Makoto keeps falling in love with these random guys, like that guy at the end because of his nose that looks like the guy who broke her heart. Minako has surprised me as well, for some reason I thought she'd be stuck up and hard to get along with, but she turned out to be just slightly less air headed than Usagi.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."
they're not even trying anymore to make it seem plausible that tuxedo mask would simultaneously be a villain and still help the sailor senshi. then again i find tuxedo mask/mamoru to be the weakest (in terms of narrative) & most unnecessary character in the whole series anyway.
samt2910 said: they're not even trying anymore to make it seem plausible that tuxedo mask would simultaneously be a villain and still help the sailor senshi. then again i find tuxedo mask/mamoru to be the weakest (in terms of narrative) & most unnecessary character in the whole series anyway
If that's what the writers were trying to do they failed miserably. Tuxedo mask's saving their butts even while he's on the enemies side ^_^
I disagree with Tuxedo mask being the most unnecessary character though. He has a lot more importance in later seasons, and the story is basically about his romance with Serena.
In any case, I loved how Malicite showed up at the skating rink and basically said "Hi, you work for me now. K' bye"
Speaking of skating, Lida was amazing! She's not one my fav characters for nothing ^^
Loved the youmas in this episode, outstanding designs as usual *___* I love how the two looked so different but didn't clash?
And yeah, basically what everyone else is saying on the topic of "villian" Tuxedo Mask. I really wouldn't be surprised if he said, "lol, just kidding, I was never actually evil" seeing his motives are so incredibly weak at this point.
Jupiter showing she's the best, at skating and thirsting.
Tuxedo Mask really does make for a terrible villain, did he not get the evil handbook when he switched sides, it clearly states you kill the good guys, you don't save them.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Ya know for all the times when Tuxedo Mask says that he's the enemy to the Sailor Guardians he doesn't really do a good job at "being evil". He does MORE saving than trying to destroy them he makes a mess of Kunzite's plans and plus in fact I doubt he has done anything different from how he was on the side of good. It just makes me wonder why Queen Beryl even brainwashed him in the first place. Then again I'm asking for logic in a guy who often uses a flower to pierce the ground that the enemy's on. Anyways, the ice skating aspect of this episode was fun and yeah Mako is an excellent ice skater and I can honestly see why people would fun with Ice Skating as a whole. She really does fall in love with random guys all the time doesn't she? But we wouldn't have her any other way. That's why we like her so much. The youmas were very cool looking in this episode, very very vampiric in appearance and I had no idea that Joe Ochman who is the current voice of Jiminy Cricket was the guy who provided the voice of Misha in the Viz dub. How insane is that for me?
I know it's not a show to be taken too seriously most of the time and the writing follows suit, but I really think they should have changed either Usagi's or Sailor Moon's hairstyle, so the "trying to find out who the real Sailor Moon is" episodes don't feel so idiotic, especially when they've narrowed it down like they have in this episode. Skipping over Usagi cause she sucks at skating, but apparently oblivious to her actual looks. Even some sort of magic that alters perception of one's look to others, could have worked nicely.
INteresting to see Tuxedo Mask still rescuing the heroes. This episode felt a bit unnecessary at first, but I actually really enjoyed the silliness of it + development with "evil" Tuxedo Mask as the episode progressed. It is a bit weird how there's more and more revealing shots as the show progresses though. Oh and the villains were pretty cool!