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May 21, 2008 11:34 AM

May 2008
Who are they missing... Are all the positions filled? They were missing a musician, but just got one?
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May 25, 2008 1:14 AM
Mar 2008
i don't know about who they're missing, but there's going to be one more. Don't know how, I just do. Luffy were going around saying he was going to find a musician to join the crew, and NOW look at them... Well Brook hasn't officially joined the crew yet, but he will. They conviced Franky, so why not Brook.
May 25, 2008 4:12 AM

Jan 2008
In the first Episode...
Luffy said to Alvida that he will only need 10 crew members...
their 8 now so just 2 more to go !!!

May 25, 2008 4:20 AM

Aug 2007
Count Luffy and he has 9.

May 25, 2008 4:28 AM

Jan 2008
Well Luffy is not a Crew member he is the Captain...
But if you like to count Luffy in as well then there will be a total of 11 Crew members !!!

May 25, 2008 5:13 AM

Aug 2007
You don't count the captain as a crew member?....He is part of the crew....Part of a crew = member. Crew + member = Crew member.
May 25, 2008 7:51 AM

Jun 2007
I've always counted Luffy, as a member. I think you may be onto something, though. I don't think he would count himself when he said that.

Luffy isn't missing anyone, I don't think it'll be anyone we know in the new [manga] arc yet. I want the arc to just be a arc without any long-term effects (as in a crew-member joining)

May 25, 2008 1:54 PM

Sep 2007
Dragging the manga in here, though these aren't spoilers, so...

Oda doesn't seem to count Luffy. There was a chapter towards the end of Water 7 called "The Third and the Seventh," as in, Usopp - the Third - came back, and Franky - The Seventh - joined. It made a total of eight in the crew, but Franky was the Seventh to join and Usopp the third... so when Luffy said he wanted ten crew members, he probably wasn't counting himself. Considering that four people joined in the first half of the Grand Line, it doesn't make much sense that there would only be one new addition in the second half anyway.
May 25, 2008 2:50 PM

Jan 2008
Now that that is cleared...
I am wondering if it's gonna be Man or a Woman...
I wold estimate the 9th Crew member to be a Women !!!
It locks weird just Nami and Nico to be around 6 guys "Not counting Choper"...
Its possible it will be a Mermen !!!

May 26, 2008 9:51 PM

May 2008
A mermaid would make sense, since now they have a huge aquarium on the ship, to keep the fish fresh...
May 27, 2008 1:08 AM

Jan 2008
Well they all ready met a Mermaid in the manga...
But if you think about it... what can a mermaid actually do ???

May 27, 2008 5:27 AM

Nov 2007
Brolly_AF said:
Well they all ready met a Mermaid in the manga...
But if you think about it... what can a mermaid actually do ???

Rescue Brook, Luffy, Chopper or Robin if they ever fall into the sea :P

A mermaid would make sense for next crew member (my guess will be at fishman isalnd/merman island). I just hope Camie doesn't join the crew, since she doesn't have any fighting abilities from what we've seen (a part from her insane speed in water).
May 27, 2008 11:15 AM

Jan 2008
Firana said:
Rescue Brook, Luffy, Chopper or Robin if they ever fall into the sea :P

Never tot of that...
You got a good point... I believe you have won that argument !!!

May 27, 2008 2:11 PM

May 2008
Ok but if its not a mermaid. Who's missing.. They have the captain, a cook, a musician, an archaeologist, a navigator, a marksman, a doctor, a swordsman and a Shipwright. Who do they need, what specialty or expertise are they missing?
May 27, 2008 2:41 PM

Jan 2008
Well they are missing a Logia type user,
Somebody ho can fly, a god Swimmer (Merman)
A merchant, Probably a manager, a Pet (Sea King, Parrot, Monkey)

May 28, 2008 8:08 AM

Mar 2007
chopper already fills the role of the pet. it's in his bounty poster after all.

i do hope they don't make caimie join. a strawhat needs to have at least basic fighting capabilities, she'll be a burden since she always keeps on getting caught.
May 28, 2008 12:31 PM

Jan 2008
hao-sama said:
chopper already fills the role of the pet. it's in his bounty poster after all.

Chopper is the Doctor... Reindeer with DF powers... he is a animal but not a Pet.
I mean a real Pet... like we have dogs or Cats...
A good example is Arlongs Sea King !!! that thing that was like a Cow !!!

May 29, 2008 2:43 AM

Nov 2007
animefan82 said:
Well Brook hasn't officially joined the crew yet

Yes, he has.
Darkreaper70 said:
You don't count the captain as a crew member?....He is part of the crew....Part of a crew = member. Crew + member = Crew member.

He said that he wants to have 10 nakama. Do you think he would count himself as his nakama? I doubt that.
Brolly_AF said:
In the first Episode...
Luffy said to Alvida that he will only need 10 crew members...

If I remember correctly he said that 10 nakama will be enough for the beginning.
Firana said:
Rescue Brook, Luffy, Chopper or Robin if they ever fall into the sea :P
A mermaid would make sense for next crew member (my guess will be at fishman isalnd/merman island). I just hope Camie doesn't join the crew, since she doesn't have any fighting abilities from what we've seen (a part from her insane speed in water).

I think they need someone like blacksmith to look after Zoro's swords - Zoro has two legendary swords now, so it would be shame if he destroyed them because nobody repaired them. (and now they have also Brook, whose sword will be probably placed under great pressure as well - more swords to look after)
Gradonil_RalMay 29, 2008 2:48 AM
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May 29, 2008 12:33 PM

Jan 2008
Good point Gradonil_Ral...
Zoro and Brook do need a blacksmith, but a blacksmith never apeared in One Piece before...
I did not think that Pirates wooled need one !!!

May 29, 2008 1:14 PM

Nov 2007
Try to remember flashbacks of Zoro's past - around the time he met bounty hunter brothers (or were they just friends?:P nvm). At the time he got his swords back from some blacksmith, and he told Zoro to not put his swords under such high pressure, because he can completely destroy them.

So it's not something that I just made up :P
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May 29, 2008 4:33 PM

Jan 2008
Yeah... I remember that....
But I meant a Pirate Blacksmith... not some regular blacksmith !!!

Anyway I don't think he will get a new Crew member in the Shabondy Archipelago Arc
Probably in the next one !!!

May 30, 2008 1:29 AM

Nov 2007
And did you hear about:
1. Reindeer who's a doctor and who will become pirate, before Chopper appeared?
2. Half-cyborg who is a shipwright and future pirate, before Franky appeared?
3. Skeleton - musician with an afro (...), before Brook appeared?
4. Or even about a swordsman who use 3 swords, before Zoro appeared?

Luffy's crew is really unusual, so adding a blacksmith wouldn't be weird at all ^^

And yes, I too think that nobody will join Strawhats in the current arc. It'd be way too fast :P (Brook joined a while ago)
IMO next nakama will join them in the Fish/Mer people Island or even in the New World.
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May 30, 2008 7:59 AM

Jun 2007
I'm holdin' by it and saying that no one will join in the Shabondy arc thing, I hope at least. I want it to be in the vein of Skypiea which had no long term effects (sort've).

May 30, 2008 8:56 AM

May 2008
Btw the comment about Caimie being a burden, because she has no fighting skills doesnt make any sense. Namie had no fighting skills till recently and Usoppu had no real fighting skills until recently. But they do all have a purpose, as would Caimie if she joined the crew (as mentioned previously, saving the crew if they ever end up in deep water...)
May 30, 2008 8:57 AM

May 2008
But I agree that she doesnt seem to be the new crew memeber...
May 30, 2008 10:22 AM

Jun 2007
Nami did fight a fair bit, Look at the Buggy arc and such. She had that stick thing that fits together that's similar to the tempo just.. not as kewl.

May 30, 2008 11:45 AM

Sep 2007
Jayme's right. Having just rewatched teh first 13 episodes due to FUNi's rlease... Nami fought more in the early episodes than she does now. Maybe not big, Kalifa-esque opponents, but in the first episode she kicks one of Alvida's guys in the crotch. And a few episodes later she used that pole-type weapon to knock some of Buggy's guys around. Usopp's similar; he's always had his slingshot, and he punched Kuro in the face in episode 9.

Caimie, however... really has nothing in terms of fighting abilities. She's fast in water, but the Strawhats aren't going to be at sea all the time. But that's not really important anyway... I assume Hachi plans to keep running that Takoyaki shop, right? Which means he's certainly not going with the Strawhats. Would she really leave him behind? Not to mention her dream of being a designer... I don't immagine that could easily coincide with being a pirate.
May 30, 2008 11:47 AM

May 2008
Time will tell...
May 30, 2008 7:31 PM

Apr 2007
XD You know what they need? A swindler! One that's better than Nami! mwahahahaha
May 31, 2008 1:50 AM

Dec 2007
I'm thinking that what they need is someone that represents them in different parts of the world, like Lafitte is for Blackbeard...

My Claims:
May 31, 2008 5:56 AM
Jul 2018
i too don't like caimie to join the team! BUT i do want a new female pirate crew! a badass one! one who can rival on Zoro and Sanji on the top spot!

coz if ill rank them

1 luffy (super strong)
2 zoro (super strong)
3 sanji (super strong) / 3 chopper in devil form (super strong)
4 franky (tough body+different weapon techniques)
=5 brook (good swordskills)
=6 robin (devil fruit user, not that strong physically but intelligent)
=7 chopper (can change forms)
-8 usopp (good sniping skills[long range], i think his techniques are good but he's attitude is scaredy cat so that makes him weak)
-9 nami ( cunning[deceiving], perfect clima tact weapon, sometimes a scaredy cat)

= chopper can get strong too, when he has his fighting will, brook gets weak when he has no will to fight
- nami can get stronger too when she's confident
so what other postions on the crew you can think?

blacksmith, manager, merfolk[sea savior] has been mentioned..

this is what i can think

servant/janitor/maid? - someone who will clean the ship?
beautician/fashion crew? - someone who will style them up? lol!
trainer? - someone who will train them[specially the bottom 3] to be more stronger?
tactician? - someone who is uberly intelligent
errand man[i forgot the term] - the one who negotiates/sends message on other teams..

what else?
magician? gardener? shaman? lol!

anyways i hope it's a devil fruit user also!
May 31, 2008 9:46 AM

May 2008
I thought of something crazy... What if Silvers Rayleigh were to be the next to join the crew... (i know its really far fetched). ut he has no crew anymore, he seems to have a good heart (he protected Caimie), and seems to be SUPER strong.
May 31, 2008 9:49 AM

Jul 2006
Too strong and too old. ;) I wouldn't be surpriced if he died somewhere in current/next arc. Then again, Oda doesn't like killing his characters. ._.
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May 31, 2008 10:33 AM

May 2008
Yeah your probably right. But it would be kind of cool... What do you think is his powers.
May 31, 2008 10:35 AM

Jul 2006
He can make your soul go boom~!
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May 31, 2008 10:40 AM

May 2008
But I have the feeling it'll be a mermaid. I don't think Oda would have made a point to add a huge aquarium, on the ship, just to keep fish. It'll be the next crew members room (The aquarium).

Oh and one more thing, since Kokoro said that a mermaid can only get legs once they mature (30 years old ~). The new crew member will have to be older then Caimie. Having the ability to transform, from fins to legs is a must to be any kind of help on the Strawhat Crew.
astro1848May 31, 2008 10:44 AM
May 31, 2008 11:32 AM

Jul 2006
They would have someone getting Luffy back from bottom of the ocean. =P
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May 31, 2008 4:26 PM

Oct 2007
Kionniko said:
They would have someone getting Luffy back from bottom of the ocean. =P

with so many devil fruit users that will be needed

i think that it might be a marmaid that can change into human but for shory period of time.

best crew member for luffy might be... shanks... hawkeye... monkey D dragon... if they join luff's crew xD... they would be to powerfull, lol :P

Jun 1, 2008 1:46 AM

Nov 2007
Art... Yea... Dream on ^^'
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Jun 1, 2008 5:07 AM

Jun 2007
I don't think its Caimie, It ain't set up for that. Some form of fish however, I think it very plausible.

Zefflei said:
8 usopp (good sniping skills[long range], i think his techniques are good but he's attitude is scaredy cat so that makes him weak)

I think Usopp has been one of the characters that have developed the most over the years, He seems to have grown as a person.

Jun 1, 2008 5:35 AM

Aug 2007
Well, a giant would be kinda cool as a crew member. maybe a half giant so he can fit on the ship. they still have to pass Elbar, so it could be interesting for the story. Next weird looking giant they meet...

Caimie is like princess Vivi or Conis. she's just a nice girl, not a pirate.
Jun 1, 2008 6:10 AM

Nov 2007
Vivi wanted to join them, but she also wanted to be useful to her country. If she wasn't a princess she'd join them for sure.
Caimie is 'tomodachi' for them and Vivi was their 'nakama'.
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Jun 1, 2008 10:43 AM

Aug 2007
Well there is a dfference between being a good friend and being pirate material.
Caimie is a nice girl who is happy with her life, so she will never join them, just like Vivi.

the more I think about it... they really need a giant crewmember! ^^
Jun 1, 2008 11:07 AM

Nov 2007
As if Nami, Chopper and even Usopp were pirate materials... (especially at the beginning)
Strawhats considered Vivi as their Nakama (aka crew member) and wanted her to join them. Unfortunately she couldn't abandon her country right after revolution (or how should I name it) and... what would World Government do to a country whose princess became a pirate?
Caimie is just a friend, and she won't join Strawhats (I doubt they'd ask her to).

It's be great if they recruited a giant and a fishman - they'd have really unique crew. Unfortunately giants are just too big for Sunny.
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Jun 2, 2008 1:14 AM

Jan 2008
A Giant !!!
Common now... are you guys out of your minds.
Luffy already fits the roll of a Giant... Ever heard of Gear 3 !!!

Jun 2, 2008 3:11 AM

Nov 2007
Yea, if we go this way, then Brook shouldn't use a sword, but a lasso instead. (what does Strawhats need two swordsmans? - this is the way you think :P)
Luffy can't maintain in 3rd Gear state for a long time, it's the same as Devil Chopper - too high pressure for his body.

Kinda nice idea, but it'd be the same if it was human who can change into a giant.
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Jun 2, 2008 9:19 AM

Dec 2007
They could do with a gardener :D, they've got so much grass and plants on the ship that they'll need one soon!!

My Claims:
Jun 2, 2008 11:01 AM

May 2008
soraking, i like your idea. I wouldnt be surprised if the next to join were to be a gardener..
astro1848Jun 6, 2008 8:36 AM
Jun 5, 2008 4:18 PM

Jun 2007
Actually, When they get back from the new world.. Vivi will be older and I think (hopefully) she'd join the Strawhats because that would be absolutely fucking amazing.

Of course, By that time Luffy'll already have 10 crew members.

Jun 7, 2008 5:32 PM
May 2008
Luffy should be a politician- he is very charismatic! I like the idea of a trainer- but they would have to be pretty damn wise to know plenty of ways to improve the strawhats! I mean just think of the variety of powers in the Strawhat crew. The idea of a merperson in the crew is quite interesting- especially the references to the aquarium on the going sunny. I was thinking maybe a spy type character- someone who is able to check in advance various dangers before the Straw hats entered the area- maybe like some one with a invisible fruit! These suggestions of people here are good- but I think Oda in all his style might even come up with more awesome ideas! He is Oda after all.
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