Aug 30, 2010 7:05 AM
The Destiny Claim ~ Already Claimed List Hey guys here we go. Remember to first read the main rules! Layout Link in case you can't see the following image with rules ![]() =========================================== #9th Destiny Theme has now started: Play a prank on a character.. for April Fool's Day! ![]() April Fool Claim Format: Character: FULL Name Anime/Manga: FULL Title Theme: April Fool Option: A/B Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me! Proof pic: read rules + will be the same pic used for the banner! Enjoy~ ============================================ Staff in charge for this topic ~ Banner makers: KatekyoGirl7 [All odd pages: 1,3,5, etc] + Tailee [All even pages: 2,4,6, etc] ~ List Updater: EtnaEraclea / vanRenN |
EtnaEracleaFeb 21, 2013 6:38 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:06 AM
The Theme of the Month *Note: this particoular theme will last the whole september, but also the last two days of august! *Curiousity: this claim had to be opened since march D: ![]() Theme Note: - So, chara must be dead dead XD! He cant be "resurrected" in the story of the animanga [like dragon ball charas] or so, otherwise where would be the point of this special claim!? :P - If the chara's "death" is still unclear in the story [meaning that is died since a very few time, or the plot never let someone dying until now and knowing the story the chara may easily turn back alive later on] the chara cant be counted. Resurrection Claim Format Username: your nickname! Character: [*color=*white*]FULL Name[/*color] [delete the * while you use the format!] Anime/Manga: Full Title Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the [spoiler*]tag![/spoiler*] Source: [spoiler*]link to the previous quote sentence[/spoiler*] Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me! Picture: once again, use spoiler! ============================================== Mine Resurrection Claim Format #1 Username: EtnaEraclea Character: Portgas D. Ace Anime/Manga: One Piece Theme: Resurrect Proof: He dies smiling, satisfied with his life. Source: Banner: I'll make it #2 Username: EtnaEraclea Character: Lockon Stratos - Neil Dylandy Anime/Manga: Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Theme: Resurrect Proof: He was able to damage the Throne, but Ali shot down the cannon - killing Lockon Source: Banner: I'll make it #3 [staff] Username: EtnaEraclea Character: Lelouch Lamperouge Anime/Manga: Code Geass R2 Theme: Resurrect Proof: At the end of season 2, Lelouch ordered Suzaku to kill him so that his sins and all the people's hatred will disappear and he will be free. Killing him will be a key to future happiness. After Lelouch died, Nunnally realized that without her brother she cannot live even though she was away from him for a very long time. Source: Banner: I'll make it #4 [creator] Username: EtnaEraclea Character: Kamina Anime/Manga: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Theme: Resurrect Proof: Kamina dies in the cockpit, leaving Simon with this: "Don't believe in the you who believes in me. Don't believe in the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself." Source: Banner: I'll make it |
EtnaEracleaOct 10, 2010 1:00 PM
Aug 30, 2010 7:06 AM
Chiyo-ko's claim #1 Username: Chiyo-ko Character: Ren Honjo Anime/Manga: Nana Theme: Resurrect Proof: Upon receiving news of Ren's death, Nana momentarily went into shock. Source: Banner: I'll make it ============================================= Farethy's claims #1 Username: Farethy Character: Minato Arisato Anime/Manga: Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Theme: Resurrect Proof: Minato dies after the battle and his soul becomes the Great Seal. Source: Banner: I'll make it #2 Username: Farethy Character: Shinjiro Aragaki Anime/Manga: Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Theme: Resurrect Proof: Takaya takes a shot at Ken and Shinjiro jumps in front of the bullet, ending his own life Source: Banner: I'll make it ====================================== KatekyoGirl7's claims #1 Username: KatekyoGirl7 Character: Light Yagami Anime/Manga: Death Note Theme: Resurrect Proof: Despite this, Shuichi Aizawa, Kanzo Mogi, Hideki Ide and Touta Matsuda tried to follow Light but are unable to find him before he dies on the staircase of a nearby warehouse due to cardiac arrest: Ryuk wrote his name in the Death Note. Source: Banner: I'll make it #2 Username: KatekyoGirl7 Character: Itachi Uchiha Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuuden Theme: Resurrect Proof: This persona was later revealed to be only an act to ensure that he would die by Sasuke's hands, his love for his younger brother being the fundamental aspect of his personality. Source: Banner: I'll make it #3 [staff] Username: KatekyoGirl7 Character: G. Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn Theme: Resurrect Proof: Status: Deceased Source: Banner: I'll make it ====================================== lehcar_k's claims #1 Username: lehcar_k Character: Greed Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Theme: Resurrect Proof: In the end, Father attempts to absorb Greed's Philosopher's Stone. As Ling attempts to hold on to Greed, Greed tricks him into letting go, making sure that only he was absorbed. He then proceeds to reveal a variation of his powers. After being absorbed by Father, he begins to transmute his body into the weakest form of charcoal, thanks to his powers over carbonization. Father, angered that Greed would rebel even in the end, kills him. His last moments are reflecting that neither Ed nor Ling showed him the respect he 'deserved,' but accepted it in the end and says farewell. Greed is the sixth Homunculus to die (permanently). Source: Banner: I'll make it |
EtnaEracleaDec 4, 2010 9:10 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:07 AM
#1 Username: ahin Character: L Lawliet Anime/Manga: Death Note Theme: Resurrect Proof: L's last sight before death is Light triumphantly smiling over his defeated rival… Source: Banner: I'll make it :D #2 Username: ahin Character: Maes Hughes Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme: Resurrect Proof: Mustang was deeply shocked by Hughes' untimely death... Source: Banner: I'll make it :D #3 (Staff Bonus) Username: ahin Character: Minato Namikaze Anime/Manga: Naruto Theme: Resurrect Proof: With Minato's death, the Third was forced to resume... Source: Banner: I'll make it :D |
Aug 30, 2010 7:07 AM
Harada_Risa's claim #1 Username: Harada_Risa Character: Nicol Amarfi Anime/Manga: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Theme: Resurrect Proof: Nicol's death prompts Athrun to avenge him by killing Kira the next time they meet. Source: Banner: yes onegai Picture: to be quoted #2 Username: Harada_Risa Character: Rolo Lamperouge Anime/Manga: Code Geass R2 Theme: Resurrect Proof: Despite Lelouch's protests, Rolo uses it to such an extent that it overtaxes his heart. He dies after managing to escape their pursuers, but content in the knowledge that the time he spent with Lelouch was real.. Source: Banner: yes onegai Picture: to be quoted #3 [staff] Username: Harada_Risa Character: Mikage Anime/Manga: 07-ghost Theme: Resurrect Proof: When he dies, it's to give Teito a chance at life. Source: Banner: yes onegai Picture: to be quoted ============================================= Senoj8's claim #1 Username: Senoj8 Character: Saya Minatsuki Anime/Manga: Black Cat Theme: Resurrect Proof: Later, she and Train decide to meet at a carnival to watch fireworks. However, as she waits for him, she is confronted by Creed, who believes she has bewitched Train. Using his "imagine blade", he kills her, and she dies in Train's arms as he cries. Her death throws Train into a rage, swearing revenge on Creed. Source: Banner: yes please :D Picture: soon |
EtnaEracleaAug 30, 2010 7:45 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:08 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:15 AM
#1 Character: Souseiseki Anime/Manga: Rozen Maiden Theme: Resurrect Proof: She battles Suigintou, but is defeated and loses her Rosa Mystica. Rosa Mysticae are the artificial life forces that the Rozen Maidens possess.A Maiden turns into a regular doll after having lost it. Source:MAL and Rozen Maiden Wiki Banner: Please make it for me Picture: Wait #2 Character: Hina Ichigo Anime/Manga: Rozen Maiden Theme: Resurrect Proof: In Episode 10 of Rozen Maiden: Träumend, when Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica was taken by Suigintou, "Father" had cut off the link to allow Hinaichigo to tap into Jun's energy, and became the second doll to lose her Rosa Mystica Source: Rozen Maiden Wiki Banner: Please make it for me Picture: Wait Pictures will be added later today, or tomorrow >.< |
JunoInfernaAug 30, 2010 7:30 AM
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Aug 30, 2010 7:20 AM
Username: lukimba Character: Jiraiya Anime/Manga: Naruto Theme: Resurrect Proof: «He then dies without regret.» Source: HERE Username: lukimba Character: Euphemia Li Britannia Anime/Manga: Code Geass R1 Theme: Resurrect Proof: «She is shot by Zero to stop the ensuing chaos and dies from her injuries, sparking the Black Rebellion.» Source: HERE |
lukimbaAug 30, 2010 7:37 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:27 AM
Username: Zargil Character: Spike Spiegel Anime/Manga: Cowboy Bebop Theme: Resurrect Proof: It is implied that Spike may have died from wounds sustained in his final duel with Vicious and the Red Dragons ! Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: The one on the left side. ![]() Username: Zargil Character: Nicholas D. Wolfwood Anime/Manga: Trigun Theme: Resurrect Proof: Legato forces Chapel and shoots Wolfwood, who stumbles into a church and dies. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: ![]() Thank you! |
ZargilAug 30, 2010 7:31 AM
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Aug 30, 2010 7:27 AM
#1 Character: Luc Anime/Manga: Suikoden III: The Successor of Fate Theme: Resurrect Proof: "He dies together with _X_(other character I claimed)." Source: MAL page. Picture: Guy in the middle with green eyes. ![]() #2 Character: Sarah Anime/Manga: Suikoden III: The Successor of Fate Theme: Resurrect Proof: "However, the plot failed and she died along with her love at the Ceremonial, her soul finally at rest. " Source: [url=] wiki/Sarah_%28Suikoden_III%29 -- Suiko wiki Banner: Yes, please Picture: The girl.^^ ![]() The proof and source must be under spoiler! |
EtnaEracleaAug 30, 2010 7:41 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:29 AM
Username: -panda- Character: Yoite Anime/Manga: Nabari no Ou Theme: Resurrect Proof: "Yoite dies, happy and satisfied, in Miharu's arms." Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: Username: -panda- Character: Asch the Bloody Anime/Manga: Tales of the Abyss Theme: Resurrect Proof: "He later dies fighting a large number of Van's Oracle soldiers." Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: Thanks! |
Aug 30, 2010 7:43 AM
Aug 30, 2010 7:51 AM
Username: mawen #1 Character: Colonnello Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Theme: Resurrect Proof: However, he is said to have died, with a Millefiore member, who was formerly known as "Ginger Bread", claiming that he died trying to protect Viper.(written under the spoiler) Source: Banner: Please make it for me! :D Picture: I'm sorry mawenchan, dunno if you read the manga, but he's brought back to life later on in the story ^^" #2 Character: Nuriko Anime/Manga: Fushigi Yuugi Theme: Resurrect Proof: In the last few episodes before he died,he revealed that he fell in love with Miaka...(under spoiler tag) Source: Banner: Please make it for me! :D Picture: thanks a lot ! :D |
EtnaEracleaAug 30, 2010 8:42 AM
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Aug 30, 2010 8:08 AM
#1 Username: Tailee Character: Kittan Bachika Anime/Manga: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Theme: Resurrect Proof: " The resulting explosion engulfs and kills Kittan, who notes before he dies that spiral power is really something, but also frees the Chouginga Dai-Gurren from the space sea, allowing Simon to transform it into Chouginga Gurren-Lagann and fulfill Kittan's dying wish. " Source: Banner: I'll make it ^^ |
Aug 30, 2010 8:23 AM
Aug 30, 2010 8:38 AM
#1 Username: Kiyori Character: Lucy Anime/Manga: Elfen Lied Theme: Resurrect Proof: "...To her half-brother's corpse, she apologized, saying that even though he had done nothing wrong, their line must end, and would with what she saw as her now-inevitable death. Evading armed forces from various nations, some equipped with vector-based weapons, she made for the mainland, determined to see Kouta again before she died." Source: Banner: yes ,please ^^ Pic: ![]() #2 Username: Kiyori Character: Makoto Sawatari Anime/Manga: Kanon Theme: Resurrect Proof: "..Makoto falls in love with Yuichi and says she wants to be married to him and stay with him forever. At the end of her story, after she and Yuichi have been "married", she disappears in front of Yuichi, and is presumed to have died." Source: Banner: yes, please Pic: girl with cat ^^ ![]() |
KiyoriAug 30, 2010 11:30 AM
Aug 30, 2010 8:38 AM
#1 Username: Nyna Character: Teresa Anime/Manga: Claymore Theme: Resurrect Proof: ['She doesn't kill any of the Claymores after her because of her time with Clare, but she is slain by Priscilla offguard when Priscilla begs to be slain before awakening. Clare takes her severed head and convinces a member of the Organization to use it in place of a Yoma to turn her into a Claymore.' Source: Banner: Please make it for me ^^ Pic: ![]() |
nyna_newAug 30, 2010 9:01 AM
I'm old nyna. I change my nick. ![]() |
Aug 30, 2010 8:39 AM
mawen_006 said: Username: mawen #1 Character: Colonnello Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Theme: Resurrect Proof: However, he is said to have died, with a Millefiore member, who was formerly known as "Ginger Bread", claiming that he died trying to protect Viper.(written under the spoiler) Source: Banner: Please make it for me! :D Picture: I'm sorry GeminiChan, dunno if you read the manga, but he's brought back to life later on in the story ^^" thanks a lot ! :D #1 Character: Ichiru Kiryuu Anime/Manga: Vampire Knight Theme: Resurrect Proof: After Ichiru's death, Zero appeared to grow vines... Source: Banner: Please make it for me! :D Picture: i don't read the manga ,sorry ^_^ i changed it .. thanks a lot again ! :D |
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Aug 30, 2010 8:43 AM
#1 Username: damiilya Character: Misuzu Kamio Anime/Manga: Air Theme: Resurrect Proof: 'Sadly, when Misuzu does reach them, she collapses and dies in Haruko’s arms,..' Source: Banner: Make one for me, please. Picture: ![]() |
Aug 30, 2010 8:51 AM
1# Username: kitty_ninja Character: Mihael "Mello" Keehl (just put Mello on the banner) Anime/Manga: Death Note Theme: Resurrect Proof: Mello kidnaps Kiyomi Takada, but is soon killed by Takada's hidden pages of the Death Note. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: ![]() |
Aug 30, 2010 8:55 AM
Aug 30, 2010 8:59 AM
Username: xBlackRosex Character: Zack Fair Anime/Manga: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children/Complete Theme: Resurrect Proof: "..yellow flowers are seen blooming where Zack had died." Source: Banner: Please make it for me :) Picture: Character: Aerith Gainsborough Anime/Manga: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children/Complete Theme: Resurrect Proof: "..assuring Cloud she never blamed him for her death." Source: Banner: Please make it for me :) Picture: |
Aug 30, 2010 9:15 AM
#2 Username: Tailee Character: Lisanna Anime/Manga: Fairy Tail Theme: Resurrect Proof: Lisana gave her life trying to calm him down and stop his rampage." Source: MAL Pagethe Banner: I'll make it ^^ #3 [Staff] Username: Tailee Character: Uchiha Obito Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuuden Theme: Resurrect Proof: "When Obito pushed Kakashi out of the way of a falling rock, his right side was crushed." Alot of text in between..."Obito was then crushed by the falling boulders while he was thinking about his two team-mates, sadly remarking how he was unable to fully deepen his friendship with both of them when they were already getting along well. " & finally "Obito tells Rin and Kakashi to escape as he dies." <--Text under picture. See Source link below Source: Banner: I'll make it ^^ |
TaileeSep 18, 2010 6:13 AM
Aug 30, 2010 9:21 AM
Aug 30, 2010 10:22 AM
[2] Username: Hawkenn Character: Iason Mink Anime/Manga: Ai no Kusabi Theme: Resurrect Proof: "As they approach the front gate a huge explosion wracks Dana Bahn. Iason throws Guy ahead and grabs Riki, jumping and throwing him forward at the last minute. The gates of Dana Bahn collapse and slice Iason's legs off just above the knees. Riki is forced to leave him there while he takes Guy out of Dana Bahn. Riki sees Katze, who has been waiting outside, and tells him to help Guy. Riki tells Katze that Iason is still inside and that he protected him and now can't move. Katze becomes angry at Riki for leaving Iason there, but Riki is going back to Iason. Katze gives Riki some Black Moon cigarettes, which are poisonous. He heads back into Dana Bahn and sits down with Iason. They share a last kiss in the form of touching the end of the cigarettes together and finally die in each others embrace" Source: Banner: I make it Picture: [3/Staff Bonus] Username: Hawkenn Character: Envy Anime/Manga: Fullmetal Alchemist Theme: Resurrect Proof: "Envy was the third Homunculus to die" Source: Banner: I make it Picture: |
Aug 30, 2010 10:33 AM
#2 Username: Senoj8 Character: Shirley Fenette Anime/Manga: Code Geass Theme: Resurrect Proof: She confesses her feelings to Lelouch when he finds her, and dies in his arms despite Lelouch's desperate attempts to command her to live. Source: Banner: Please Make Picture: |
Aug 30, 2010 11:25 AM
Username: shadowsword Character: Mail "Matt" Jeevas (On banner please write: Matt) Anime: Death Note Theme: Resurrect Proof: Mello later sees the news of his death broadcast on TV and apologizes to Matt for his death. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: Username: shadowsword Character: Giotto Anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Theme: Resurrect Proof: He started the family 400 years before the start of the story. He retired early and moved to Japan, where he started a family which eventually produced Tsuna, making him Tsuna's great-great-great grandfather. (I hope this is enough proof) Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: *post edited* |
shadowswordAug 30, 2010 12:21 PM
Aug 30, 2010 11:30 AM
Username: OnyxEyes3 Character: Vincent Phantomhive Anime/Manga: Kuroshitsuji Theme: Resurrect Proof: "On Ciel's tenth birthday, Vincent and his wife were killed in a fire..." Source: Banner: Please make it for me Picture: ![]() |
OnyxEyes3Aug 30, 2010 11:54 AM
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Aug 30, 2010 11:56 AM
Username: FlameKissed Character: Romeo Candorebanto Montague Anime/Manga: Romeo x Juliet Theme: Resurrect Proof: "He and Juliet share one last moment together before Romeo dies in her arms." Source: Banner: Please make it for me~! <3 Picture: Here (The guy to the left~) Username: FlameKissed Character: Juliet Fiammata Asto Capulet Anime/Manga: Romeo x Juliet Theme: Resurrect Proof: "Determined to save her home and to uphold her promise to him, she voluntarily sacrifices herself, believing that they will be together for eternity." Source: Banner: Please make it for me~! <3 Picture: Here (The girl to the right~) **Note to Banner Maker: Could you please just put both of their first names?? thanks x) |
AngelatteAug 30, 2010 12:11 PM
Aug 30, 2010 12:00 PM
Aug 30, 2010 12:07 PM
#2 Username: damiilya Character: Pain Anime/Manga: Naruto Shippuden Theme: Resurrect Proof: 'The strain of the technique costs Nagato his life, so with his final breath he wished for Naruto's dream of peace to come true.' Source: Banner: Make one for me, please. Picture: ![]() |
Aug 30, 2010 12:12 PM
#1 Username: Siodne Character: Naomi Misora Anime/Manga: Death Note Theme: Resurrect Proof: "However, Light manages to manipulate her into revealing her real name to him resultaing in her death by suicide. Her body is never found due to the specifications made by Light in the Death Note." Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: |
Aug 30, 2010 12:16 PM
EtnaEraclea said: Harada_Risa's claim #1 Username: Harada_Risa Character: Nicol Amarfi Anime/Manga: Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Theme: Resurrect Proof: Nicol's death prompts Athrun to avenge him by killing Kira the next time they meet. Source: Banner: yes onegai Picture: to be quoted #2 Username: Harada_Risa Character: Rolo Lamperouge Anime/Manga: Code Geass R2 Theme: Resurrect Proof: Despite Lelouch's protests, Rolo uses it to such an extent that it overtaxes his heart. He dies after managing to escape their pursuers, but content in the knowledge that the time he spent with Lelouch was real.. Source: Banner: yes onegai Picture: to be quoted #3 [staff] Username: Harada_Risa Character: Mikage Anime/Manga: 07-ghost Theme: Resurrect Proof: When he dies, it's to give Teito a chance at life. Source: Banner: yes onegai Picture: to be quoted pics~ #1 - click~ #2 - 1/2/3 #3 - click~ |
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Aug 30, 2010 12:23 PM
Username: enya04 Character: Marianne Vi Britannia Anime/Manga: Code Geass Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the The surname Lamperouge presently assumed by Lelouch was her maiden name. Her commoner status by birth caused her to earn the jealousy of other imperial wives and nobles, which Lelouch suspects had resulted in her murder. Source: Banner: Please make it for me~^^ Picture: |
enya's life spent on MAL: September 21, 2008 to August 23, 2012 |
Aug 30, 2010 12:38 PM
shadowsword said: Username: shadowsword Character: Mail "Matt" Jeevas (On banner please write: Matt) Anime: Death Note Theme: Resurrect Proof: Mello later sees the news of his death broadcast on TV and apologizes to Matt for his death. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: Username: shadowsword Character: Giotto Anime: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Theme: Resurrect Proof: He started the family 400 years before the start of the story. He retired early and moved to Japan, where he started a family which eventually produced Tsuna, making him Tsuna's great-great-great grandfather. (I hope this is enough proof) Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: *post edited* Fixed |
Aug 30, 2010 1:59 PM
Username: Vivene Character: Uni Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Theme: Resurrect Proof: Yuni, along with Gamma, sacrifices herself in order to revive the Arcobaleno. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: Username: Vivene Character: Alaude Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Theme: Resurrect Proof: Status Deceased Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: |
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Aug 30, 2010 2:31 PM
GoldenEvatricexx said: #1 Character: Souseiseki Anime/Manga: Rozen Maiden Theme: Resurrect Proof: She battles Suigintou, but is defeated and loses her Rosa Mystica. Rosa Mysticae are the artificial life forces that the Rozen Maidens possess.A Maiden turns into a regular doll after having lost it. Source:MAL and Rozen Maiden Wiki Banner: Please make it for me Picture: Wait #2 Character: Hina Ichigo Anime/Manga: Rozen Maiden Theme: Resurrect Proof: In Episode 10 of Rozen Maiden: Träumend, when Souseiseki's Rosa Mystica was taken by Suigintou, "Father" had cut off the link to allow Hinaichigo to tap into Jun's energy, and became the second doll to lose her Rosa Mystica Source: Rozen Maiden Wiki Banner: Please make it for me Picture: Wait Pictures will be added later today, or tomorrow >.< Picture for claim #1: ![]() Picture for calim #2: ![]() |
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Aug 30, 2010 2:33 PM
#1 Username: GeminiRei Character: Zagato Anime/Manga: Magic Knight Rayearth Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the "In the end of the first season, he is killed in battle by the Magic Knights in a final attempt to protect Emeraude; his last words tell her to "be free." Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: #2 Username: GeminiRei Character: Eagle Vision Anime/Manga: Magic Knight Rayearth Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the "In the anime, however, Eagle sacrifices himself in order to save the Magic Knights. It is unknown what happened to Autozam after his death, but in manga, Autozam becomes an allied country of Cephiro." Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: #3 [staff] Username: GeminiRei Character: Monou Kotori Anime/Manga: X/1999 Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the "Before she reawakens she is crucified and killed by Fūma as he becomes the Dark Kamui." and "In the movie, Kotori dies when the second Sacred Sword is removed from her body." Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: |
GeminiReiAug 30, 2010 2:46 PM
Aug 30, 2010 2:35 PM
Aug 30, 2010 3:16 PM
Username: Mouse_Girl Character: Mariko Kurama Anime/Manga: Elfen Lied Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the . Kurama later orders the other bomb(s) to be detonated as he walks away embracing his daughter, killing not only Mariko, but himself as well. Source: Under the spoiler Banner: Yes Please Picture: Username: Mouse_Girl Character: Setsuko Anime/Manga: Grave of the Fireflies Theme: Resurrect Proof: Setsuko becomes sick from malnutrition, and Seita has no way to give her the food she needs, so she sadly passes away. Source: Banner: Yes Please Picture: to be skipped, changed pics later on |
EtnaEracleaSep 20, 2010 5:36 AM
Aug 30, 2010 3:29 PM
#1 Username: Nae Character: Mao Anime/Manga: Code Geass Theme: Resurrect Proof: 'C.C. appears and tells him that she did love him and then tells him to wait for her in C's world, she then kills him with a silenced pistol to the neck.' Source: Banner: Please, make it for me =) Picture: #2 Username: Nae Character: Kimimaro Kaguya Anime/Manga: Naruto Theme: Resurrect Proof: 'Kimimaro succumbed to his disease and died in the middle of his fight with Gaara during the Sasuke Retrieval Arc.' Source: Banner: Please, make it for me =) Picture: |
NaeAug 30, 2010 3:33 PM
Aug 30, 2010 4:36 PM
#2 Username: Siodne Character: Eichi Sakurai Anime/Manga: Full Moon wo Sagashite Theme: Resurrect Proof: "But he dies when his flight to America crashes; (in the anime), Eichi dies in a car accident a few months after moving (in manga)" Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: |
Aug 30, 2010 4:43 PM
Username: Airo Character: Larxene Anime/Manga: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the "But after knocking Naminé away from her, Larxene is perplexed that Sora was intent to protect her in spite of learning the truth as she dies at his hands in the end with help from Donald Duck and Goofy." Source: Banner: Please make it for me Picture: Username: Airo Character: Axel Anime/Manga: Kingdom Hearts II Theme: Resurrect Proof: use the "...Axel decided to put his entire being and essence into an attack, destroying the Nobodies but sacrificing himself in the process." Source: Banner: Please make it for me Picture: |
Airo_RokkuhautoAug 30, 2010 4:51 PM
Aug 30, 2010 5:20 PM
#1 Username: Trollkastel Character: Erika Furudo Anime/Manga: Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch Theme: Resurrect Proof: After the true nature of her fate is brought to light (she did wash up onto Rokkenjima, but she was dead, having drowned in the ocean), she fades from existence and is ultimately removed from the story. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: ![]() I'm sorry but... the manga isnt pubblished yet >_> #2 Username: Trollkastel Character: Beatrice Anime/Manga: Umineko no Naku Koro ni Theme: Resurrect Proof: In the fourth game, Battler's blue truths "killed" her and she is unable to make anymore moves in the fifth game, which was replaced by Bernkastel and Lambdadelta. However, as Battler attempts to revive her, he loses to Erika Furudo's red truth and thus she died, fading into ashes, no longer waiting for him to solve the riddle she had laid out. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: the girl in the picture. ![]() Claim rejected cuz she actually get revived later on :| cit: "When he tries to revive her for the second time in the 6th game as the new Game Master, his attempts are successful. " from the same source. |
EtnaEracleaAug 31, 2010 1:59 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Aug 30, 2010 6:02 PM
Username: kokoro8 Character: Oichi Anime/Manga: Sengoku Basara Theme: Resurrect Proof: Yukimura and Masamune arrive in time only to see Oichi killed mercilessly by her brother for her hesitation. Source: Banner: Please make it for me! Picture: |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Aug 30, 2010 6:58 PM
Username: enya04 Character: Beyond Birthday Anime/Manga: Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases Theme: Resurrect Proof: Beyond Birthday dies of a heart attack in prison, presumably one of the many criminals killed by Kira. Source: Banner: Please make it for me~^^ Picture: ![]() |
enya04Aug 30, 2010 7:02 PM
enya's life spent on MAL: September 21, 2008 to August 23, 2012 |
Aug 30, 2010 7:00 PM
#1 Username: xxzzyy Character: Yuuko Ichihara Anime/Manga: XXXholic Theme: Resurrect Proof: Thus she dies, and reaches her rest at last Source: Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture: #2 Username: xxzzyy Character: Teresa Anime/Manga: Claymore Theme: Resurrect Proof: but as soon as Teresa drops her guard, Priscilla picks up a sword, attacks and decapitates her. Source: Banner: Please make it for me~ Picture: Sorry but the chara is already claimed >.< |
EtnaEracleaAug 31, 2010 2:03 AM
Aug 30, 2010 8:12 PM
Gasp! A new claim!?! *__* Oh Etna-chan, thank you for the first claim! xD #2 Username: lehcar_k Character: Kaien Shiba Anime/Manga: Bleach Theme: Resurrect Proof: The Hollow ended up defeating Kaien, possessing his body and soul. Dominated by the Hollow, Kaien had no salvation. So Rukia ended up killing Kaien for his own good. Source: Banner: I'll make it |
Aug 31, 2010 2:05 AM
#1 Username: Sayuri Character: Shion Izumi Anime/Manga: GANTZ Theme: Resurrect Proof: "is killed by the sole remaining vampire" Source: Banner: Please make it for me Picture: The guy on the left with long black hair ![]() #2 Username: Sayuri Character: Yashamaru Anime/Manga: Basilisk Theme: Resurrect Proof: "He falls to the ground, having died instantly." Source: Banner: Please make it for me Picture: On the left (the guy) ![]() #3 [STAFF BONUS] Username: Sayuri Character: Grencia Mars Elijah Guo Eckener [just put "Gren" on the banner, please] Anime/Manga: Cowboy Bebop Theme: Resurrect Proof: "Gren suffered fatal internal injuries" Source: Banner: Please make it for me Picture: ![]() Thank you ~ |
Aug 31, 2010 2:24 AM
#1 Name: nekonekogirl Character: Matsuri Shihou Anime/Manga: sola Theme: Resurrect Proof: Well, a brief summary of Sola’s ending is that both Yorito and Matsuri die. Source: Banner: Yes,please! Picture: Thanks ^^ |
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