All the other clubs seem to have them so we should do the same! Now accepting nominations for one each of anime title, manga, and character (anime or manga) to start this club's relations lists with. Cut-off date is April 10th. If we don't receive any nominations then I'll be more than happy to pick them randomly off of member's profile pages. ;)
lol I didn't add any because I thought those were for clubs that actually had a relation to a specific series or character. Like the KyoAni club has all the Air, Kanon, Clannad, etc. series and characters. This is to help people search for clubs easier.
Either way, I guess it won't hurt. I'll obviously nominate Alvis (of Last Exile). And we have a lot of Sailor Moon fans. Maybe Takkun just for the heck of it...?
^Uh... Did you navigate to this thread directly from the link I posted on AniAlley? That would explain why the flag counter doesn't show a US flag yet. Either that or NC has seceded from the Union (again) and this time joined Canada. :P
I never thought about the club showing up in searches on account of its relations but heck if it means more hits, I'm in on doing that. Try thinking of this club as becoming the free sample of candy to lure people to the forum. :P XD
I spammed all the other members with shoutbox messages urging them to check out this thread. Hopefully braves won't have to compensate for the lack of participation from everyone else. ;) XD
It's just a list of anime and manga series and characters that a club represents. Take a look at this club – under the sidebar for club stats, officers, etc. – for examples. The Negima club lists characters from Negima, as well as each individual show and manga, because they're related to said club. They exist to help people find clubs easier.
We'd list things that we love, I guess, so that others might get an idea of what our existing users like to talk about. We have a lot of Sailor Moon and Utena fans, so listing those series might interest someone else searching for clubs (or discussions) related to those series.
^ Can all three count? Well, I did ask for one nominee in each category. ;) I could mash them up into one title: "One Berserk Basket". :P Same thing with Isaac & Miria...Isaria(?). Oh yeah. Pasta already nominated Fruits Basket.
Whoops, well I guess I'll just stick with Berserk as my manga nomination then. It also looks like One Piece was already nominated, as well as Fruits Basket.
But Isaac and Miria have to be together, they can't be split up! :)
Nominations close tonight! As for voting, instead of just one vote in each category I'm thinking of using one of two systems: 5 votes to spread over three categories or a three choices per category system (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Voting will open for 5 days.