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I've known about GT for quite some time..but had to finish the original DBZ series before starting it. I also noticed that it isn't very popular among DBZ least not any I've come across. Also, the ratings for it on this site are pretty low compared to DBZ.
The first episode was pretty decent though..I think the storyline is pretty cliche..but then again, that is what the entire Dragon Ball series is about; saving the world and the planet from evil and destruction, right?
if you haven't finished watching dbz than gt its awesome if you did have finished dbz than gt its just horrible ...
the first episode starts with biggest mistake ever! near the end of dbz the planet its destroyed and then wished back with its people but notice this, vegeta asked the dragon to bring the good people back to life and those with a evil heart to just stay dead, so what the hell is pillaf doing on the 1º episode in the 1º minute of the show? well i could writte all day about gt mistakes but find out yourselves or just take my advice and dont watch it all...
I sure didn't expected this kind of development but damn I sure like it, everyone seem to have grown as well except Goku that is :p The new concept of having Black Star Dragonballs that are spread over the universe is quite interesting, I wonder how he'll manage to find them! Well things sure started quite awesome and can't wait what this time the story will offer us!
Starting GT and it's interesting so far. I know this is the less popular series of Dragon Ball, but I'm watching it with an open mind.
Didn't expect Goku to become young again. I've missed him like this. Feeling sorry for ChiChi yet again. That girl can never catch a break.
Also was surprised to see Pilaf and the gang again. Didn't expect to see them anymore since they never made an appearance in DBZ. They've gotten much older now.
It's a fairly strong opening episode considering the rest of the series is pretty dumpster tier. Anyway, this is the first episode of the Black Star Dragon Ball saga. This saga is supposedly more like Dragon Ball than DBZ. We shall see.
Back into Dragon Ball universe.. well it's funny. I don't mind the stupid plot holes and mistakes gonna watch it to have fun without thinking too much about it.
I haven't watched GT for about 2-3 years so I figured I'd marathon the whole thing again.
You can see my progress as I comment on most of the episode discussions.
I think I'll be switching between dub and sub as I don't want to commit to only one.
Let the many plot holes and bad portrayals begin! Lol
Not bad I guess, got to see Emperor Pilaf after like what... 20+ years? Lol
I'm guessing we won't be seeing him again though...
The plot already thickens right off the bat. 1 year to collect the black star dragon balls (which are scattered around the universe) or earth go boom. Interesting Development. Why would Kami have had those dragon balls though and not like, destroy them? Let me just store them away in the basement...
Also so much for Goku supposedly going off to live with Uub in his home village and training him... seems as if they were living up at the Lookout w/ Dende and Mr. Popo.
“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Over 10 years ago I watched Dragon Ball GT as my very first Dragon Ball series. It was a pretty big thing back in the days. Everyone watched this. I don't remember everything but I liked GT. And many others, too. Now it seems that nearly everyone dislikes GT. I wonder if my opinion about this show will also change. By now I've watchted all other DB series and finally rewatch GT.
The first episode was fine. Goku becomes a kid again and has to search for the Back Star Dragon Balls in the entire universe. A DB-esque journey begins. And opening theme is awesome.
Time to rewatch this.
Decent first episode, also noticed that Master Roshi's was voiced by someone else. Little Goku feels nostalgic but I would prefer him stay as he was.
Thoughts on GT range pretty wildly from love to extreme hat and everything in between. Personally I don't hate it. I do however hope the Super eventually completely wipes away any notion of GT being Canon. As a die hard fan of Akira Toriyamas Dragon Ball there are to many things wrong in GT for me to get behind it being a part of the same world. Yalking about everything wrong with the series has been done to death though so id rather ask a simple question.
What from GT would you like to see taken and used in the dragon ball super Canon?
I think most people would agree on super saipan 4. For me personally I've always really like the design for Pan in GT. I'd love to see that design carried over and used for an actual character instead of what we got. There were also some cool concepts like Baby and the shadow dragons that just weren't executed that well.
After a break from watching stuff together, me and my buddy have decided to tackle all of Dragon Ball GT, it’s pretty much a rewatch for me but he hasn’t seen it before and I’m excited to find out how he feels about this series, personally I’m a big fan, lots of things I love about it and it’s such a fun journey, from this first arc to the later arcs I think it’s a good time. Of course there are some things I don’t like about it too but I definitely have a soft spot for GT a lot of others don’t have.
All that being said, this was a good first episode, this one and the 2nd one i remember the most because I used to own a DVD a long time ago that only had those two episodes on them, I have the full collection now of course lol. Here we see how it all starts, the Pilaf gang, being classic villains of the series, kick everything off by forcing Goku into being a kid again. And even if Goku was fine with growing back up, the planet now only has a year to live and that’s how the space journey to collect the black star dragon balls begins, definitely a bit cheesy but I think the journey ahead is more important than how it began.
We also get introduced to Pan who immediately shows she’s capable of fighting, I know in the world of dragon ball some dudes with guns isn’t that threatening but it was still a cool and funny scene lol. And it’s also just really cool seeing where all the classic characters are now and how much they’ve changed, I know there are people salty about what happened to Gohan but it doesn’t bother me much personally lol. And lastly, I’m watching the dub so I’m not sure about the original versions, but the OP and ED are damn good, the OP is pretty nostalgic from when I first watched this series but the ED I didn’t really hear much and it is very good, it feels more like an 80s jam which makes me like it even more. Sorry for the wall of text for any future MAL dwellers but this is sure to be a fun rewatch.
fuck it, rewatching GT too after rewatching Kai, maybe I will even rewatch Super after lmao.
I really didn't enjoy GT too much when I first watched years back, but I feel like it might have grown on me a bit and I'm defo more nostalgic now for some of the GT stuff I've been exposed to in other games/series and stuff.
It defo starts pretty clumsy with this ep lol,I guess it was just always hard for me because I went from absolutely loving DB & Z to thinking this was just kind of okay at best.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers