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Aug 2, 2011 3:10 PM

Apr 2009

So here you can tell us a bit about yourself so we could get to know each other^^
Um, guess I'll start.

You probably won't be able to pronounce my name, so that doesn't really matter. My nickname is Tea, though not many people actually use that when talking to me. I'm 16, and I'm from Belgrade, Serbia(that's in Europe, and it's not close to Russia. Clearing that up, just in case).
I'm really bad at talking about myself. xD
Um... I like reading, writing, history, long walks, people, and horoscope. I'm bathophobic, I get sick when I drink milk, and I'm scared of cats(yeah, people like that actually exist xD).

Okay, yeah.. That's it for now.. xD
grave_robberMay 12, 2015 1:32 PM
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 3, 2011 1:10 AM

Sep 2010
Okay then ^^

My real life name is a bit difficult i guess (because it's a Dutch word), so just call me Digi =33

I'm 16 and i live in The Netherlands ^_~
I like karate (for 6.5 years now), judo, anime, manga and Video Editing ^^
I also like Christmas, because i always get a lot of anime and manga then ^^
Aug 3, 2011 9:21 AM
Jan 2009
XD my turn~~~

:3 My real name ish Violeta but people either call Violet or Gnarlez (or various swear words XD) . I'm gonna change my name to Gnarlez Bennji when i'm older (>.< i hate my real name) I'm 14 (:3 almost 15) I ilive in the good ol' us of a XD in nevada. I enjoy stuffs and i don't enjoy stuffs that i don't like XD >.> don't wanna talk about my life.....if you wanna know ask me~~~ that doesn't mean i'll tell you but ask anyways~~ :3 i might tell you~~~ only if i trust you though :D
Aug 4, 2011 4:48 PM

Apr 2009
Bunny-kun said:
:3 My real name ish Violeta but people either call Violet or Gnarlez (or various swear words XD) .

Okay, random question, but where are your parents(grandparents? :o) from?
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Aug 7, 2011 1:44 PM

Apr 2011
Hi, you can just call me Lotus, too hard to remember everyone's real name. I'm much older than all of you; I'm 32 <gasp>. I like doing photography and digital art; I've posted a bunch of my images in my blog here on MAL. I've recently got into cardmaking which is quite fun. My favorite anime are Bleach, Fairy Tail, .hack//Sign, Trigun, Slayers, Juuni kokuki, and Scryed. I've mostly watched shonens but I'm open to pretty much anything except Yaoi. If anyone wants to recommend a good Yuri show to me, feel free to do so. The only one I saw was Parade Parade, but it was a hentai so there wasn't much plot. It was still kind of fun and silly and had a kickass OP:

I love your signature

Have you guys been having a hot summer?

I had a friend in college who was from Serbia. I think he was born in the US, but he was very proud of his heritage and I think spoke the language.
Aug 7, 2011 9:18 PM

Nov 2010
wahhh! yes! its been hot. the temp says like 90 somthing but then it will say "feels like" 108. gah! i love the heat but oh man i feel like id burn just stepping outside my door.
Aug 7, 2011 9:25 PM
Jan 2009
GracefulDownfall said:
Bunny-kun said:
:3 My real name ish Violeta but people either call Violet or Gnarlez (or various swear words XD) .

Okay, random question, but where are your parents(grandparents? :o) from?

XD mexico~~~ why? XD

@lotus :D thanks~~
Aug 8, 2011 5:33 AM

Apr 2009
Bunny-kun said:
GracefulDownfall said:
Bunny-kun said:
:3 My real name ish Violeta but people either call Violet or Gnarlez (or various swear words XD) .

Okay, random question, but where are your parents(grandparents? :o) from?

XD mexico~~~ why? XD

Because of your name xD
Could have been Serbia as well, I had to ask XD
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Aug 8, 2011 10:02 AM
Jan 2009
o.o which name? Violet or Gnarlez? XD ....or the swear words?
Aug 8, 2011 5:45 PM

Apr 2009
Violeta lol xD
It's not too popular though. I only know this one old cleaning lady called Violeta, and my friend's grandma. Still had to ask. xD
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Aug 8, 2011 9:03 PM
Jan 2009
XD okay
Aug 10, 2011 9:01 PM

Jul 2011
I'm Diana. That's where Artemis comes from ;). oh and the moon, its artemis planet, and mine too since i'm a cancer. So really i just truly Admire Artemis!!
Anyways I'm 22. I live in good ol' Texas. This summer has been in the 106-109 degrees here! seriously i ain't kidding. I'm from Mexico. I love Yuri (duh). I play soccer, but recently have been lazy because I am NOT GOING TO BE PLAYING AT 5PM IN THIS WEATHER...So i quit..haha. I am unemployed but seeking, sadly. I love technology. I just joined MAL like 2 weeks ago, but LOVE IT! I'm also on Tumblr alot, not facebook/twitter. I've loved Sailor Moon since i was 8. But I watched the whole series like 2 months ago and that's when i started watching other anime, and found this place.

Just came from the Rangers baseball game, so yeah i'm rambling too much..

got a Q?? I'll Answer asaic. :D
Aug 11, 2011 5:23 AM

Apr 2009
MoonxArtemis said:
I'm Diana. That's where Artemis comes from ;). oh and the moon, its artemis planet, and mine too since i'm a cancer. So really i just truly Admire Artemis!!

That's such a beautiful name, and I'm also a cancer. xD Had to comment on that since I love horoscope. xD
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Aug 11, 2011 5:54 AM

Apr 2011
Welcome to GL addicts. I'm from Ohio and we only go up to the mid 90s. I hope you have a good air conditioner. I have to watch Sailor Moon, everyone seems to know about that one. As much as I like finding a great, obscure anime, I also like watching popular shows.
Aug 11, 2011 12:33 PM

Jul 2011
@Gracefuldownfall Thank you so much for the compliment ;). you're a cancer too?? awesome!! :) i happen to think cancer ppl r the awesomest! i also like looking at the horoscopes n all that(traits, birthstones, etc)

@Lotus97 yes fortunately i am always in my room which has a window ac unit. :D. N Yes you HAVE to watch Sailor Moon! :) have to have to. Have to. hehe
Aug 11, 2011 6:05 PM

Apr 2011
@moon: did you watch the English dub, or subs? I prefer watching dubs, but I heard the one for sailor moon is terrible
Aug 12, 2011 4:02 PM

Jul 2011
I watched the dubs, I watched seasons 1-4 in english, and 5 in spanish, but anytime soon i will watch the subs in english.
Anyways i wouldn't know if it was terrible or not, it didn't seem like it to me.
What i used to do before i watched an anime that had an option of being in dub, i would watch it once dubbed and once subbed, and which ever seemed better i would watch. You should try it. ;).
Aug 12, 2011 5:23 PM

Apr 2011
The thing about dubs is that since it's in my own language I can really appreciate good voice acting (though there are a few Japanese voice actors from Bleach that I like a lot), however, I am more aware of when voice acting is bad when it's in my own language. So it's kind of a double edged sword.
Aug 28, 2011 10:29 PM

Jul 2010
Hello I'm Kevin-AtomskHowl I'm 24 and yeah I guess that's it. Not really too much more to say.
AtomskHowlAug 29, 2011 3:37 AM
Aug 31, 2011 8:18 AM

Apr 2011
Hi, Kevin and welcome
Aug 31, 2011 9:19 AM

Apr 2009
Kevin is a nice name.^^

deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Sep 1, 2011 12:28 AM

Mar 2011
Nice to meet you all. My name is Ross, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Bulgaria.
I've been watching anime/reading manga for about 5-6 years...and thats about it ^^
Sep 5, 2011 7:20 AM

Apr 2011
Hi, Ross. I was looking at your profile...we have 73% compatibility. Not bad. I'm also a big fan of Bleach and Clannad
Sep 5, 2011 11:59 AM

Apr 2009
FireHeart said:
Nice to meet you all. My name is Ross, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Bulgaria.
I've been watching anime/reading manga for about 5-6 years...and thats about it ^^

Hi! Hi! I just waved at my screen
Welcome~ ^^
Totally tempted to write something in Serbian and hope that you use the same word. Not gonna do that though, I'll probably look like an idiot. xD
This is irrelevant, but it's cool that you're from Plovdiv.
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Oct 13, 2011 9:22 PM

Aug 2011
hmmm really not much too me... im on a slight hiatus do to work but will be back working in the forums soon!!!! im new to the GL scene so plzzzz dont mind my blissfull ignorance.... if there is something you would like to know hit me up.... for anything else i defer to infactuation21... :P
<img src="" />
Nov 21, 2011 12:08 PM
Jan 2010
hmmm last time anybody replied to this was last month, but I decided to say HI anyways.

I'm Skye, 22, Dutch.

I'm an amateur graphic artist, hoping to get into the college of multi media and study 3D / game design. Currently I study Application development. So i'm a bit of a geek.. >///<
Come closer I'll show you what killed the Cat
Nov 21, 2011 2:23 PM

Sep 2010
Hey all... My name is Bloodi... I HATE my real name, Shanae... Though young kids call me "Nay", I find that quite cute.
I'm 20 years old. I'm Australian.
I live with my parents, who live on a 30 acre property and breed ponies...
Umm, I loooove drawing, and collecting DVD's.

Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is the most awesomest show evahhhh! lol XP
Nov 21, 2011 4:27 PM
Jan 2010
BloodiRose said:
Hey all... My name is Bloodi... I HATE my real name, Shanae... Though young kids call me "Nay", I find that quite cute.
I'm 20 years old. I'm Australian.
I live with my parents, who live on a 30 acre property and breed ponies...
Umm, I loooove drawing, and collecting DVD's.

Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is the most awesomest show evahhhh! lol XP

Why do you hate your Real name? It's pretty.
An I hope you'll forgive me for asking, but were did you get the signature image? I've seen more people with it, it's so adorable.
Come closer I'll show you what killed the Cat
Nov 21, 2011 6:26 PM

Sep 2010
Skyela said:
BloodiRose said:
Hey all... My name is Bloodi... I HATE my real name, Shanae... Though young kids call me "Nay", I find that quite cute.
I'm 20 years old. I'm Australian.
I live with my parents, who live on a 30 acre property and breed ponies...
Umm, I loooove drawing, and collecting DVD's.

Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is the most awesomest show evahhhh! lol XP

Why do you hate your Real name? It's pretty.
An I hope you'll forgive me for asking, but were did you get the signature image? I've seen more people with it, it's so adorable.

Thanks, that's sweet... I'm not even sure myself why I dislike it... I just have since I can remember. O__o And the forum talking about it here: Hope that helped some.
Nov 21, 2011 8:10 PM
Jan 2010
BloodiRose said:

Thanks, that's sweet... I'm not even sure myself why I dislike it... I just have since I can remember. O__o And the forum talking about it here: Hope that helped some.

Thanks, you're the best! And on a side note. . . Stop hating your name!
Come closer I'll show you what killed the Cat
Aug 16, 2014 5:39 AM

Jul 2011
Yuri is my middle name....

not really...but i believe it is XD

I watch anime and make cards when I'm home. I work full time. I live in Texas yall!
I also play video games from time to time...sometimes..not that often..

Aug 17, 2014 11:48 AM

Aug 2013
Hi nice to meet everyone! (^.^) This is my first time login in in since I joined (whenever that was) so I'm pretty new. My name is Alicia, you can call me Ari, I just turned 17, live in Fort Lauderdale Fl, and am a member of Kawaii Scans. I love anime, my favorite being Madoka Magica, love Vocaloid, am really into Love Live! and play SIF. I'm in high school studying to be a Chinese translator though I know more japanese and plan to join cross country this year. I also love art, music, and animals.
May 12, 2015 1:32 PM

Mar 2009
Hi ^^

I'm grave robber, people call me grabber, grave, grave-chan, gravy & grace-chan.
I joined the club a while back, I liked it over other shoujo-ai/yuri clubs because I found nice people, images and cards(I love collecting cards).

The event you guys had last year was so much fun, it inspired me to start hosting events in another club I'm in. I recently became staff here, I hope we'll have fun together!


Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 12, 2015 3:54 PM

May 2015
hello :D

I'm suzuyakumano but you can just call me Esther :] I'm almost 16 and I live in Ohio! I found this club I think yesterday (?) but it made me very excited that I found it! I love finding places where people have the same interests as I do!!
May 13, 2015 6:17 AM

Jan 2014
Hello there, Gravi-nee and welcome, Esthericchi (mind if I call you that btw?). I'm also glad that you finally found this place then :3

As for me, the name's Mercuria, but you can just call me anything ^^
I joined this club last August/September when it was being brought back from hiatus. Now there's more activity in the club and I hope it'll stay that way :3 I really enjoy being here and I'm hoping you guys also have a lot of fun here c:
May 14, 2015 2:33 AM

Mar 2009

Hi Esther & Mei-chan ^^

Yuri's a great thing to be interested in, you'll find friends, images, cards, games and lots of other fun things here. =3

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 16, 2015 7:58 PM
May 2015
Hello, hello!

My name is Scott and I just joined your club today. I'm a 22 year old dude that's been watching anime for almost 3 years now, but just recently started getting into Yuri. So recommendations would be nice!

That's about it! See ya around!
"Baby, you're a river of chocolate in an ocean of cream. I'm gonna steal your heart on a daily basis." - Gaius
May 16, 2015 9:08 PM

Jan 2014
Hello there Scott, welcome to this club~!

Mm, if you prefer something like Sakura Trick, then you can go with Strawberry Panic and Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san (short anime).
If you prefer something like Yuyushiki, then you can watch Yuru Yuri or Kiniro Mozaic.
If you like something wild (H territory), you can try Shoujo Sect.
Special mention to Maria-sama ga Miteru~ ^^
May 17, 2015 9:20 AM

Nov 2008
Ohhh... I never had introduced myself! Anyway before that!
Welcome to all the new members (and the old as well hoho). I hope you guys enjoy your stay in the club! We have lots of cute ladi--- err I mean, we have lots of stuff to offer you guys! So feel free to check them out regularly! ;)

Anyway, who the heck am I?
Just an ordinary fella from the far east who loves anime since I was a kid. You can always call me Zen. :) I don't remember when I joined here but it was around that time that they call it long time ago. Yeah, I guess so. Anyway! Feel free to drop by on my profile if you feel like dropping a stone on my head. cheers!

Kannazuki no Miko
Chikane & Himeko

May 17, 2015 5:31 PM

Dec 2013
I've never introduced myself! I guess i should i suppose x)

So my name's Melissa, I'm 22 and i live in France!
I love yuri so much i tend to think those yuri googles were actually inside my brain since the beginning xD
I never speak much in clubs but i might try to change that with this one....with the hope to get into some good discussions about ships and all :3
See ya ~~

May 17, 2015 5:51 PM

Jan 2014
Hello Zen~ :3
zenshiki said:
I hope you guys enjoy your stay in the club! We have lots of cute ladi--- err I mean, we have lots of stuff to offer you guys! So feel free to check them out regularly! ;)
We surely do~ ;)

Hey there Melissa~
Oh France ♡ Hmm, who's your favorite ships? Btw, you can join our chat here, we don't bite ;3

haylE15 said:
I love yuri so much i tend to think those yuri googles were actually inside my brain since the beginning xD
ooh high-five!~

p.s. Blake x Yang FTW! :3
May 20, 2015 4:10 AM

Dec 2013
My favorite ships? What a hard question! xD
It depends on what I'm watching/reading at the moment...because I have a lot of them.
If I have to say one or two from known stuff....then Shizuru and Natsuki (because Shizuru is the best) and...actually i'm reading K-ON doujins with some Mio x Ritsu :3

Glad you like them too!
Yours from Fluttering Feeling no? I read the beginning (last week I think) and I can't wait to see more of it :D

Jun 2, 2015 5:46 AM

Mar 2009
SHizNat and MioXRitsu! I ship those too =3

Mangaka's are killing me, by the time no-rae and seol-A kiss I'll be an old lady XD

I'm also reading "their story" and a manga recommended by sapphire-san called "Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni!" (don't become an otaku Shinozaki-san)
They're so funny XD

Hayle-chan! You should post in the chat thread so we spam it discuss more freely ^^
grave_robberJun 2, 2015 5:49 AM

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Jun 7, 2015 11:40 AM

Dec 2014
Hi there
I finally decided introduce myself. So.. I'm Chiruzu (or Chiru,.. my irl name's weird so my friends are calling me like this 2 >.>)
I'm addict on yuri and nekomimi.
My first yuri pair was Ymir x Christa *-* After that Mio x Ritsu, Kyoko x Sayaka (Kyoko x Mami isn't bad either..), etc.. i love all yuri couples, they're incredibly cute >.<
What next.. I had recently 18 and I'm from Slovakia, so don't expect something.. my english is weirder than my name..
Eto.. yoroshiku onegai shimasu! >.<
ChiruzuJun 7, 2015 12:25 PM
Jun 8, 2015 6:46 AM

Jan 2014
Hello there, Chirunyan~

Yay Ymir x Christa *3* Do you read Magan&Danai btw? I kinda get yumikuri vibe from this couple :3

Anyway, nice to meet you and enjoy your stay~ c:
Jun 8, 2015 8:38 AM

Dec 2014
Thank you :3
Yeah, I checking that site every day since I'm waiting for new posts.. I checking Their story and Fluttering Feelings too.. I'm so excited >.<
Jun 8, 2015 9:08 AM

Mar 2009

Welcome Chiru-chan ^^

Since you like Yuri couples and nekomimi, I recommend reading Legally Marries Yuri Couple.

I also stalking keeping an eye on those 2 series along with "their story".

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Jun 8, 2015 9:23 AM

Dec 2014
Thank you :)
I read it already, Don't underestimate my yuri site! xD But thank you again :D
It was really sweet and cute and pure :3
Stalker-nee :D
Jun 10, 2015 9:36 AM
Feb 2009
Hello everyone! I'm new to the club. My nickname is Aemys and I'm 27. (feeling a bit old) I live in Quebec, Canada. I am an infographist and I study to become a 3D artist in the video game industry.

I am also queer, hence the love for GL stories.

Glad to meet you all! Hope we'll get along : )
Jun 10, 2015 5:03 PM

Jan 2014
Hello and welcome, Aemys~
Glad to see someone else from the queer community :3
Don't be shy to chat or participate in some games/events here. And, enjoy your stay~ ^^
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