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lol a trap and incest at the same time, two staples brought together for the first time (that ive seen).
Futakomori did a good job expanding this anime into more Vivid , Wild , Unknown realm of human's mind and even into forbidden taboo
This is great that they explore incest in more deep and realistic way rather than usual Otaku's fantasy (No offend, I like this kind of fantasy too ...but it's good to have them shown in difference such as this tragedy)
Episode 8 and 9, is more of what I'm expecting this anime series to be about. This series has had too many simple revenge plots these two seasons, and as we've seen, they are capable in producing much better stories.
Ok, so I don't agree with incest, but did he really deserve to die? The sister could've just freaking move out. But yeah, I know, it's anime. They were exploring yet another theme.
Annisa said: Ok, so I don't agree with incest, but did he really deserve to die? The sister could've just freaking move out. But yeah, I know, it's anime. They were exploring yet another theme.
Lol, my thoughts exactly. Just move out, don't say where you're going. Find someone you like, problem solved.
Of course, that would be too realistic, lol. Interesting episode none the less.
"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." Oogway
I feel a little bad for the brother though since they're all alone. (him and his sister)
He just doesn't want to be separated from his sister even though it's kinda went into a taboo. :(
ok ew!!! but still i feel kinda bad 4 the guy... but he was a little messed up X3 haha i couldnt stop laughing though with the thoughts of him and another dude XD YAOI!!!
this episode made me pretty mad. i mean, come on! what an extreme way to solve a problem! mikio loved his sister so much, and even though he crossed the line, he regretted it in the end. he just wanted to protect his sister by becoming a woman..
man, so sad. maho was an absolute idiot to pull the string.
It was so sad Miki had to die, he just don't want to see his sister leave him since she is all he has left... Yeah it's a taboo but is it that wrong to try to protect that what you love? I mean if she was just a room mate it would've been "normal"...
That Maho thought he was trying to bully her was so sad, Ren was right, he just loves her.. I didn't thought he deserved the punishment, he didn't do anything wrong right? I mean if I'm right the guy who killed somebody for money, the "bad" teacher and some others didn't got a punishment while their actions were way more weirder/worse if u ask me...
Interesting episode, it was nice to see that Maho regretted what she did and I thought it was cute that Miki wasn't angry at Maho and only thought about the fact that he couldn't hurt her anymore when he was in the boat...
More Ren this episode, nicee ^^ was funny to see him pose for the mirror :)
erastale said: This is great that they explore incest in more deep and realistic way rather than usual Otaku's fantasy (No offend, I like this kind of fantasy too ...but it's good to have them shown in difference such as this tragedy)
disco said: this episode made me pretty mad. i mean, come on! what an extreme way to solve a problem! mikio loved his sister so much, and even though he crossed the line, he regretted it in the end. he just wanted to protect his sister by becoming a woman..
man, so sad. maho was an absolute idiot to pull the string.
Animefanx3 said: It was so sad Miki had to die, he just don't want to see his sister leave him since she is all he has left... Yeah it's a taboo but is it that wrong to try to protect that what you love?
Interesting episode, it was nice to see that Maho regretted what she did and I thought it was cute that Miki wasn't angry at Maho and only thought about the fact that he couldn't hurt her anymore when he was in the boat...
Hah, that's all the stuff I pretty much I wanted to say. I liked this one... and I was spot on in my guesses as to what would happen as the episode went along. When I heard the preview last time I was like, "What? You mean, like, the older brother enchants the younger sisters girlfriends into being his boyfriend? LAWL." But damn, he was a pretty woman...
Ehem...well another stupid girl, can't they ever talk things out -.-"
But its disturbing when Miki does whatever he does with the other guys in the rooms, they just turn gay or something? LoL :S
overprotective much? -.-
everybody is saying 'that she didn't try to understood her brother', I am going to say ' that noby is trying to understan her'. He didn't want to protect her for her sake, he just wanted to get all of the boys out of the picture so that he don't have to share her with anyone. He went to much, he destroyed her life even before she concated Enma Ai.
No one noticed that the sister was also in love with the brother?
There are multiple scenes in the episode that point this out.
(to lazy to name them, if someone disagrees, I'll give them)
That's why she sent him to hell, if she didn't she wouldn't be able to refuse him anymore.
Glad I'm finally watching this show, it's good ^^ (and sad)
disco said: this episode made me pretty mad. i mean, come on! what an extreme way to solve a problem! mikio loved his sister so much, and even though he crossed the line, he regretted it in the end. he just wanted to protect his sister by becoming a woman..
man, so sad. maho was an absolute idiot to pull the string.
My sentiments exactly. Somehow I feel the people from recent episodes are being duped into going to hell, riding on their unstable emotional state. I mean, if she didn't want to be with her brother, she could have just left. It wasn't like she had no other options.
Then, in the last scene Maho says "I'll be with you soon onii-chan".WTF? What was the point of sending her brother to hell for? So she can be with him together in hell?
SecretNobody said: Apparently, going to hell means nothing to these people..
Let's see.. we have option A) Move out of the house, option B) Get some sort of counseling, and option C) Send each other to hell.
Oh yeah, let's pick C!
The logics of anime are ever so amazing. This is my problem with this show, episodes like these ones where it is clear that the choice to send someone else to hell along with yourself is not worth it. There are a lot of other cases where pulling the string is "semi-acceptable" i.e. you're about to die, but even then it's still an shitty way to get out of it.
Well that's quite the weird thinking to cross dress to seduce your lil sister's boyfriend to have her eventually love you... quite fucked if I'd say so!
erastale said: Futakomori did a good job expanding this anime into more Vivid , Wild , Unknown realm of human's mind and even into forbidden taboo
Exactly what I was thinking as well :)
Love how they are bringing up so different settings, something that I wouldn't be able to think up so easily :P Very interesting
I like the anime but at the same time I hate it.
It always takes all the cases to the extreme. Are people really that dumb? Most of the cases have so many alternative solutions yet everyone are so willing to send their soul to hell...
Even here she could have easily moved out. Besides she find out the truth so they could at least talk it through instead of sending him to hell right away =/
This episode really didn't need Jioku Shoujo involvement at all. Both siblings could of talk this out. I felt the brother didn't deserve to be sent to hell. The little sister seem to regret that decision now.
Incest is a taboo in the real world, but I didn't mind for anime :)
he didn't deserve to die, quite a few people in this series didn't deserve to die, but the last couple of episodes have been smarter and had a more interesting subject
Lmao this episode, called the incest! But when she said he goes from miki to mikio... I nearly spat out my drink XD
Seems like ren's always interested in the stories with sisters... probably has something to do with his backstory :O
i actually thought i would hate this episode but it turn out pretty interesting overall. bit confused if it was really love or he really thought he was more pretty but there was definitely another way to stop this but okay some people are stupid.
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
Waarom said: No one noticed that the sister was also in love with the brother?
There are multiple scenes in the episode that point this out.
(to lazy to name them, if someone disagrees, I'll give them)
That's why she sent him to hell, if she didn't she wouldn't be able to refuse him anymore.
Glad I'm finally watching this show, it's good ^^ (and sad)
Let me give it a shot.
1) When the little sister says she'll go to Hell anyway, but doesn't explain herself.
2) When the brother touches her hand accidentally, you can see that the sexual tension is definitely not one-sided.
3) Whenever someone (I don't remember who) suggested that maybe the brother does this because he loves you, her reaction is strange. She acts as though that would be worse than her brother seducing her boyfriends because he hates her.
4) When someone (I don't remember who) says that love and hate are the same thing, her reaction is odd there as well.
5) Before she pulls the string, she says that now she won't be able to say no to her brother; therefore she has to send him to hell before they become an incestuous couple, which is somehow worse than sending him and herself to hell.
6) After the fact, Wanyuudou I think it was, said something about the brother and sister having the type of feelings that a "man and a woman" have for each other.
Why did she have to send her brother to hell? All she had to do was to move away from him, and make sure to not contact him again, then he wouldn't know about her having a boyfriend...anime logic x_x
Really? The brother didn't have to die. I wonder if they were blood related or not. I'm not saying incest is alright but if they weren't blood related does it still count as incest? I mean he ruined his sister's life but i mean my god she most be a fucking whore! With the amount of boyfriends she goes out with no wonder her brother would be overprotective. It's a shame that the jigoku shoujo gang (or whatever) doesn't even give their victims another chance to admit their sins, they just kill them, like that's a bit cruel, like he really didn't do anything bad. I mean like it's almost like that group is slowly just turning evil.
Agree with what everyone said here. The logic is so dumb in this episode and it's not like there wasn't any other options to solve it. All of these people didn't even attempt to solve the problems on their own -____________- Yeah, Maho is not going to suffer since she sent her brother to hell, year right. What sort of bullshit is this. Is it really that hard to consider moving out of the house or talk it through, it's not as though the brother actually raped her...... >___>
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what a stupid reason to send your brother to hell, clearly he had problems but it was for a "pure reason" to protect his sister, he even regretted the decision of crossing the lane between love and siblings...
l think that his sister was selfish and jealous about miki's beaty, and in a desperate situation had to pull the string, still not justified though
I thought it would be just incest, but it got way more fucked up.
Oh, pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness. Thy actions cause men pain and suffering. Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins. How would you like to see what death is like? -Enma Ai
At the beginning, I thought this would of been some bro & sis, incest type of thing, or siscon or what. Who would of guessed that, loll! But it did turn out like that in the end I guess :P
This dude is messed up! Wow, I'd hate it to if he were cross-dressing, stealing my boyfriends, plus he looks x10 better than when doing so.
But she could of just left or something, she didnt have to go that far.
Having mutual feeling to each other, knowing about it every moment and not being able to be happy because it would be an incest...He didn't deserve to die-but it was how they resolved the problem and tension between them- they will meet in hell and burn happily ever after... I hope so at least. Love is a very cruel thing you know.
I don't know if this is an innocent case or not but this is one messed up episode, like Wanyu said, there is a frigging line that siblings shouldn't cross and that can't... no, mustn't be ignored. Anime always has to find some way to shove incest or attempted incest or w/e you want to call it down my throat... urgh.
The logical choice would've been to get the funk away from that person but wth.
Oh and I'm really liking the fact that the reporter is missing so far... I hope it stays that way.