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Recaps are imo something nobody really needs. Whatever. It's Code Geass! o/
I think it's really interesting as to why the recaps were made but actually really enjoyed this one.. it was done really well and seemed to add a deeper meaning to everything that's happened so far, as well as giving a little more insight into Lelouch's mind set and the reasons behind everything he's doing ^__^
recap... well... although i didn't like to watch it, i just can't stand missing anything so i watched it knowing all along that it was a recap.. sigh.. haha.. well at least it cleared up some stuff..
It was really hard to find this episode, to begin with, even then it was still horribly corrupt, but the messaged went though, more of Code Geass, and after over 3 years since I last watched the show, the hype is still in there, the energy is also present. It was a refreshing episode to say the least.
Upon rewatching Code Geass 3 times including the recap movies, all the plot holes, dumb writing, plot conveniences & contrivances became more apparent.
The Highly praised ending Zero Requiem also makes no sense and feels contrived and forced to gain sympathy for Lelouch
10mins of pathos sequence and the grandiose opera soundtrack sadly can't fix all the plot holes, dumb writing and contrivances.
He could've kept the throne and made change happen differently. Even the upcoming sequels can't fix any of these.
These are irrefutable facts and the people who watched the show for the first time are blinded by the ending.
this was great but I never watched this as a recap when watching the series, I watched this after Koudou which was probably a mistake as it had much of the same content, might've been better to save this just to revisit Code Geass in a condensed way after some time (much in the way I'm doing now with the movies). Either way there's only one more ep so I'm likely to watch that too alongside the movies as I originally planned. Just that if I'd known what these recaps and the movies contained, I probably would've spaced them out and saved these recaps for a later time when I was craving some Code Geass again.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers