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im just starting too watch this series.. it looks good so far so im going to continue warching it for now
Damn, he sure packs a punch. The whole "your mother must smell too" thing was kind of retarded, but otherwise good episode. I wish I hadn't have watched the 2 movies before starting this series. Now I know how it ends. >_>
Seems alright, I like the premise.
Ippo seems a bit lame, I'm not too sure whether I like him yet or not, but other than that I've got no problems so far.
Wow, just after watching the first episode I thought "Hey, maybe I should get stronger too." Lets just say it inspired me. Yes, a single episode just inspired me to get into shape.
Well, I liked that... I can kind of tell where this is going, and I like it a lot. Excited to continue.
i know i'm a bit delayed in watching this.. been hearing a lot of good reviews about this anime.. so i'm very hopeful! ^_^ Takamura seems cool! the first episode was a good start! now lets see how this develops!
Just finished reading 30 chapters of the manga. I'm not gonna spoil. I just wanted to watch the 1st episode of the anime because I wanted to see how faithful they'd stay to the manga and they did it beautifully.
Before starting this I decided to work out so from now on while I watch Hajime no Ippo I'll be using my kettlebells. Hopefully by the end of the series I'll be in better shape too :)
Man, what a great first episode, i wasn't expecting this, i liked the main character, the story seems to be good to, it remembered me YuYu Hakusho a little.
good pilot. the mc is a wimp which usually irritates me but oddly enough i just find him sympathetic and sweet. at first i thought the old art style would put me off but its made up for by a great soundtrack, strong art direction and subtle humour.
Yeah nice remember watching this in my native language now i'll start to watch all of this again so i can catch up for this the third season Fighting spirit rising
Stark700 said: Finally started watching this series. Ah, so far so good. I'm not too fond of the mc yet but the concept of boxing sure got me interested.
>What does it feel to be strong?
Oh I got a feeling he'll find out very soon.
Trust me, you'll be fond of him and Takamura. Ippo will grow on you fast but Takamura might take a while :P
Ah. Hajime no Ippo. I've been meaning to watch this series for quite some time. This episode was very good. I think this series has the potential to break my top 5, that opportunity doesn't come along very often. For those wondering, at the time of this post it is:
5. Texhnolyze
4. Mushishi
3. Planetes
2. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
1. Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Wow, nice episode. Really liked it, realized I've been watching so much moe, fanservice & school romcoms lately that this feels like a breath of fresh air.
Pretty lovely start of this series, while I'm certainly not a fan of Sports anime nor Boxing, with the various of good things I heard about it, I decided to give this a watch so let's see what this anime series will offer me!