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Sep 4, 2008 1:35 AM

Feb 2008
This series seems really unique so far... but then it again i only have watched first episode lol
Aug 7, 2009 11:45 AM

Mar 2008
The first episode did not impress me... but we'll see ^_^
Aug 29, 2009 1:56 AM

Mar 2009
It wasn't a very good episode but i'll keep watching :)
Aug 29, 2009 1:59 AM

May 2008
Generic shounen but I really enjoyed it when I was a kid (not that I'm too old now lol). Gonna rewatch it sometime.
Nov 7, 2009 12:01 PM
Apr 2008
It was an average shounen start to an anime. Nothing way too special.
Dec 2, 2009 8:13 PM

Oct 2008
Start of the anime was a bit boring but soon as it got to the middle, it got more interesting. Will continue watching. :)
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Feb 16, 2010 10:45 PM

Apr 2009
I didn't like the OP episodes much, the first one kind of perked my interest abit. You really have to get further in.
Oct 6, 2010 6:41 AM

Nov 2008
This is a good anime.
Mar 1, 2011 2:25 PM
Nov 2010
Oh great another little kid with a spiky head. On the side note, the animation is very nice. They don't do that these days, even medium to big budgets anime.
Apr 15, 2011 4:46 PM

Feb 2008
I think I would have been a lot angrier with her for lying to me than he was, especially after all those lectures on honesty.
also, why didn't he use the foxbear to help him catch the fish?

kinda surprised he didn't take the foxbear with him
Jul 14, 2011 1:05 PM

Jul 2009
A fairly slow opening episode but I'll keep on watching since I've heard a lot of good things about it.
Jul 26, 2011 5:10 PM

Aug 2008
I actually liked it alot. I don't know why but it keeps getting interesting. This anime must be definitely good for me.
Aug 17, 2011 11:50 PM

Jul 2010
well i did hear its one of the best anime of all time, both top reviews of it have 10 for it, and there making an updated version of this, so its got to be good.

Sep 28, 2011 5:56 PM

Sep 2008
The first episode didn't particularly impress me, although I do like Gon's determination. True, it was a slow episode, but perhaps it's leading into something good.

... Actually. I know it's going to be good. A friend of mine has been singing this show's praises for the longest time, repeatedly telling me "Watch Hunter x Hunter!" when I ask for anime recommendations. I still rated this as an "okay" episode, but I'm looking forward to seeing why everyone loves this so much.
Dec 15, 2011 10:05 AM

Dec 2011
Feeling: Fresh
Story: Quite good!

I really liked the feelin i got watching episode one... Not impressive by itself, but feels really fresh as a good start of a nice series.
I really, really like Gon character... loved it when he threw the fish back to water T.T

Mito-san wa kaazan to ishou da ! T.T
Jul 23, 2012 11:40 AM

Feb 2009
I like these starts, usually slow builds are the best ones
Oct 2, 2012 9:50 PM
Jun 2012
I'm re-watching this so that I can bear waiting for the 2011 version to come out each week. Also, it'll allow me to straighten out my thoughts on this series.

Anyway, this first episode wasn't as good as I remembered it but it did alright in introducing Kite.

On a related note, I love how Kite asks Gon if he can stand, and then as soon as Gon stands, he punches him to the ground XD

In any case, I'm dreading the next ep cause I know it's filler...
Mar 5, 2013 4:18 PM

Jan 2012
Pretty good first episode. The story looks rather promising.

Aug 8, 2013 3:36 PM

Dec 2009
Started watching this while I wait for the weekly episodes of the remake to come out. It's funny how the episode gives a completely different feel about Gon and his motivations to become a Hunter in comparison to the 2011 version. I'll keep watching :)
"Accompany on!"
Sep 9, 2013 5:34 PM

Sep 2009
supermegasonic said:
both top reviews of it have 10 for it, so its got to be good.
MAL top reviews are pretty much the most unreliable thing in the history of ever.
Mar 23, 2014 12:17 PM
Apr 2013
Extremely shounen start, what with the near death sequence, the pointless challenge, and the general premise of a twelve-year-old heading off on an absurdly dangerous quest.

However, I love the feeling at the end of the episode that an adventure is starting. Also this was a refreshing shounen start after the mainly shoujo series that I've been watching recently.

Let's see where this takes us.
Mar 29, 2014 12:09 AM

Jul 2013
HiNT74 said:
Extremely shounen start, what with the near death sequence.
No wonder they left this out of the start of the new anime...
Jul 28, 2014 1:40 AM

Dec 2012
It's hard to believe it's been a year since I started into the Hunter-verse with HxH 2011. The start was a bit slow albeit interesting to see how things deviate from the main story a bit. 2011's start had me sucked in instantly but this didn't grab my attention as much. Although on the plus side, it feels like I'm getting bonus content on one of my favorite shows. Surprised to see Kite at the start though.
Aug 20, 2014 1:33 PM

Jan 2014
I don't know why I kept delaying this for so long, but I loved it :)
This story seems so far unique, to me at least.
Hope it will be the way I expect it to be according to its rating!
Aug 20, 2014 1:45 PM

Jun 2009
FestinaLente said:
I don't know why I kept delaying this for so long, but I loved it :)
This story seems so far unique, to me at least.
Hope it will be the way I expect it to be according to its rating!

Rating? I may be wrong but you are either watching the wrong one or are posting in the wrong discussion board. This may be the one you are looking for:
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Sep 24, 2014 6:55 PM

Jun 2012
The opening was damn good. They should have just remixed it for the 2011 reboot instead of using departure.
Sep 24, 2014 6:56 PM

Dec 2012
VVill said:
I actually liked it alot. I don't know why but it keeps getting interesting. This anime must be definitely good for me.
Sep 26, 2014 2:23 PM

Jan 2012
After finished watching the 2011 series, I'm watching this one... Haha, so slow, but it's ok.

Can't wait to see Kurapika. He's one of the reasons why I'm watching this (this and bcuz I love HxH lol), since I dislike his VA in the remake.
Dec 6, 2014 11:08 PM

Apr 2014
It had a lyrical quality to the direction I appreciated, but good God was the second half slow. Waxing poetically for too long will find oneself stuck in a candlestick.

(Also: weird watching this after the 2011 ver. Voices are diff. and pace is less SHOUNEN.)
Jan 3, 2015 8:09 PM

Jul 2012
Jan 9, 2015 10:32 PM

Jan 2010

A minute in and I already like the art and music. Knowing nothing about this series, it's gonna be a long ride between this and the 2011 remake. I don't know what to expect as far as story and characters and whatnot, but so far I'm interested.
Jan 9, 2015 10:40 PM

Jun 2013
Shocked said:

A minute in and I already like the art and music. Knowing nothing about this series, it's gonna be a long ride between this and the 2011 remake. I don't know what to expect as far as story and characters and whatnot, but so far I'm interested.

I hope you're not overhyped though. Enjoy the ride.
May 30, 2015 10:40 AM

Feb 2013
Watching this after watching the 2011 adaption in its entirety twice and I honestly loved it; pacing added depth I wasn't expecting. Mito's frustration made more sense and the emotion emitted after Gon's departure really capped off for a great introduction to the 1999 series.

With the perfect introduction of Kite, it's truly a shame it never made it to the CA arc. I feel this is going to be a similar result to Gyro in the 2011 adaption.
Jul 27, 2015 7:09 PM

May 2015
After watching 2011, reading the manga I am now watching this. It's slow, yes, but as long as the Yorknew arc is done justice it will be a fun ride.
Sep 23, 2016 1:39 AM

Aug 2010
Watching this after I've just finished watching the 2011 adaptation (have not read the manga, yet). And I've noticed quite a lot of difference already!

Kite was introduced here (and not in the 2011), which I think creates the missing foundation for the chimera arc ant in the 2011 adaptation. Also, the atmosphere here seems rather...gloomy or dark as opposed to the 2011 one which has a brighter or more cheerful atmosphere. Not to mention the other small details such as the condition of Gon's house and his family's implied financial status etc.

The pacing is also slow compared to the 2011 adaptation, but I'm enjoying it because it fills in the holes from the 2011 adaptation - so rather than it being boring because I watch something twice, it's almost rather like watching something new from the same series~

Ah and just a note to new watchers of the HxH series: this series starts of slow, but it gets more exciting (though not that quickly), so I hope you won't drop it that soon! From my own experience of watching the 2011 version, I wasn't particularly impressed with the series until the "Hunter examination arc" has ended so yes I held on for quite a bit lol >___<
blue-ySep 23, 2016 1:43 AM
Apr 1, 2017 7:52 PM

Apr 2014
Watching this after the 2011 show so far I already prefer Gon. One reason I didn't like him in the 2011 show was because of the reason he was chasing his father even though his father didn't seem to want to be a father but in this one he just wants to get to know him because he never had the chance.
Let’s say I posed this question to you: “Can all human souls be bought with money or not?” Now remember, the keyword here is “all”. The answer is “There are times when you can buy them, and other times, not,” right? The human being… sometimes he’ll uphold his pride and conscience even if he’s offered ten billion yen, and other times he’ll murder someone over one yen. ~Izaya Ohira (Durarara)
Apr 7, 2017 3:45 AM

May 2008
Haven't seen the 2011 ver, so going in blind! I didn't find the start slow at all, it was actually a bit faster than I expected especially the whole conversation about Gon's dad.

Music gives me Tales of feelings, dunno why.
May 31, 2017 5:13 PM

May 2012
Not a too bad first episode, I did find the pacing a bit slow though, especially compared to the pilot episode.

But in general a good start! let's see what happens next.
Oct 27, 2017 1:23 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Time to start watching the HxH series. Better late than never...

The first episode is really messy. Even for a 1999 anime.
Then again... It's just the beginning.

OP is decent but ED is wonderful!
ShadowkillZOct 27, 2017 1:57 PM
Oct 25, 2018 3:50 AM

Apr 2013
I could clearly hear Naruto speaking and I was right. This covered the first part of the pilot episode in more detail, let's see if I'll get some One Piece vibes from the next few episodes as well.
Jan 5, 2019 1:36 PM

Jul 2015
Two days ago made two years since I started watching HxH 2011, time to tackle the original as well!

I already watched this first episode back then since it got recommended thanks to properly introducing Kite, and man that's a great start, I really like Gon's interactions with his aunt and how emotional it makes his departure despite being just an episode. This is the start of one hell of an adventure!
Jul 2, 2019 7:37 PM

Aug 2016
Enjoyed this episode . Gave me a really good first impression of this anime. The cell animation and color palette brings me back to the 90s in the best way possible. The opening is "meh" but that ending is great. That ending should have been the opening instead ! So much soul! Reminds me of the loddos TV series opening
MichaelJacksonJul 2, 2019 7:44 PM
Dec 26, 2019 5:36 AM
Sep 2019
The first episode is what you would generaly expect of a shonen. It wasn't anything special but it gave you enough information about what is going to happen in the series. A good start for an anime.
Jan 16, 2020 9:32 AM
Apr 2016
Time to rewatch the Hunter x Hunter series through the first version! Have not seen this one, so I'm very excited.
May 18, 2020 11:11 PM
Jul 2018
I’m only getting into this because it’s mainstream. It’s got some of the highest ratings of any anime. And now two of my friends are simultaneously recommending it to me. Shounen isn’t really my genre, though. Nevertheless, I was immediately charmed. The little boy protagonist is already likable. Not really rowdy or bratty as far as I can tell. The animation (for the early 2000’s) is quite good. Modern day One Piece (excluding Wano) probably couldn’t even pull this level of animation off. Everything is fluid. And the colors are pleasing, as are the characters designs. As far as the first episode goes, the anime doesn’t seem too childish either.

Oh yeah, I do wanna say that the “three year time skip” was a bit unclear, also.
May 18, 2020 11:12 PM
Jul 2018
notestinet said:
This series seems really unique so far... but then it again i only have watched first episode lol

It's quite fascinating seeing comments from all the way back in '08, over a decade ago. MAL is kinda like a time capsule.
Jul 9, 2020 9:45 AM

Nov 2019
Gon's Voice same Naruto - I was waiting for "Dattebayo" ;)
Jul 25, 2020 8:07 PM

Feb 2015
I don’t remember Mito opposing that much to the idea of Gon becoming a hunter, but this is another perspective, she has a more developed personality here. Kite appearing in the first episode is something interesting, and, as we could watch, the detonator of Gon’s curiosity. Since the beginning, is really established the relation that Gon has with nature.
Mar 22, 2021 5:32 AM

Oct 2020
loving the atmosphere. great soundtrack, and we're only on the first episode
Apr 10, 2021 1:06 AM

Oct 2016
So I finally started HxH. People all across internet were telling me to watch 2011 version first but still I picked this one because it came out first, lol.
Secondly, I don't understand why people are saying it was slow, for me it was like everything is happening really fast. Probably because they watched the 2011 version first...?
Can't wait to enjoy the whole journey.
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