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Jun 20, 2012 8:12 PM

Feb 2010
Raizen does have a castle but he only stays there when he isn't out looking for blood, so I'll describe it when we arrive there. I hope you don't mind that I'll have you post first.
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Jun 20, 2012 8:32 PM

May 2012
Akasha did not currently have a master, and she was enjoying her time to herself. She had just been released from her previous master, and was waiting from someone to buy her again. She was spending her free time walking around in a park, looking at all the beautiful scenery. She walked over to a small pond and ran her fingers along the top of the water, looking at the fish in the pond curiously.
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Jun 21, 2012 12:19 AM

Feb 2010
Slowly, the sun set and allowed Raizen freedom to move about, the rays of the sun dull and unable to harm his pale skin. He grinned as his black, feather wings burst out, allowing him to soar along the skies as he left his castle. However, his figure contrasted against the orange sky, and he soon landed and hid his wings away, looking for the sweetest prey. He hid behind a tree and peaked around it, seeing a pair of lovers (fun to split them up and torture the guy by showing him how weak and helpless he was as a human but the girl got too stubborn about not enjoying it), an old man, and finally a rather hot girl with cat ears. The choice was obvious. She bent to touch the water, and he licked his lips lustfully, waiting and trailing her until she was alone. It was then that he swiftly dashed up behind her, his reflection not showing up in the water. "Why hello there..."
Jun 21, 2012 3:44 AM

May 2012
Akasha was startled when she heard a voice form behind her, but did not see a relfection in the water she was peering into. Thinking that maybe the owner of the voice was farther away than he sounded, she turned around to look and was startled again to realize that he really was right behind her. She glanced quickly between the water and him. Her reflection was showing up, it confused her and frightened her slightly that he wasn't showing up. However, she wasn't about to show either of those emotions to someone she had just met. "Hello" she said calmly.
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Jun 21, 2012 2:28 PM

Feb 2010
He gazed into her eyes deeply and she had a strange feeling, as if her thoughts were being invaded, though she also could push him out if she wished. He placed a hand on her chin and wrapped the other arm around her, pulling her closer with a grin. "You don't know what I am, hm? Well... I'll tell you this. I'm hunting."
Jun 21, 2012 2:46 PM

May 2012
Akasha stood there, paralyzed with fear. She had no idea who this man was, but something about him sent a cold shiver down her spine. She couldn't get her thoughts straight, and just stood there staring at him, not thinking even thinking enough to pull away when he pulled her closer. When he said he was hunitng her eyes widened. She couldn't mask her fear from him anymore as she stammered "Y-You're hunting?" She knew he wasn't talking about hunting for regular animals. Somehow, he had the feeling he was referring to her, and she was scared.
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Jun 22, 2012 4:16 PM

Feb 2010
"Hmmm? You seemed so calm a second ago..." His finger brushed along her neck then wrapped around her waist as well, his eyes closing while his grip on her tightened. He slowly leaned in, tilting his head as if he were about to kiss her, his mouth slowly opening, and if she looked closely, revealing two shiny fangs. With a sudden smirk a pink triangle flickered over his lips, then darted back into his mouth. His mouth moved teasingly down to her neck, finding her vein before the moistened lips pressed against her soft skin.
Jun 22, 2012 7:42 PM

May 2012
When his grip on her tightened, she panicked. She pulled her face away from him slightly when he leaned closer to her, but didn't realize he was actually going for her neck until he was already there, and turning her face away from him had just made it easier. When his lips touched her she could feel herself shiver. She tried harder to pull herself away from him, but to no avail. "What do you think you are doing?" She asked, completely appaled. She had never seen this man before in her life, she couldn't grasp why he would be treating her this way. More than anything else, she wanted to know who this man was who thought he could touch her like this. Her fear began to be replaced by anger. She let her body relax for a brief moment, taking in a deep breath, and then jerked her body backwards as hard as she could. Unfortunately for her, that caused her to land on the ground hard, and it hurt, but at least she wasn't be held still by some strange man without a reflection.
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Jun 23, 2012 3:16 AM

Feb 2010
He chuckled at her resistance, grabbing her wrist as his elegant wings spread out and cast a large shadow over her. With a strong flap he began to lift her off the ground, grinning. "I suppose I'll have my drink later darling. Now come along..."
Jun 24, 2012 6:41 PM

May 2012
She struggled as he grabbed at her wrist, attempting to pull herself free, until he lifted her off the ground. She contemplated continuing to struggle, until she got farther and farther away. There was no way she would be able to land safely on the ground from this distance, even if she did have cat-like reflexes and abilities. She decided to give in and let him pull her through the sky, she'd try to escape as soon as they were on solid ground again. It was hard for her to allow herself to be carried like this, however, because his grip on her wrist was really starting to hurt her.
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Jun 24, 2012 11:00 PM

Feb 2010
A smile formed over his lips as she surrendered. He always loved surrender... making a woman feel helpless. It was delicious. Speaking of delicious... he glanced down at her neck and licked his lips slowly, then pulled her up and cradled her, leaning in and blowing softly on her neck. "You realize what will happen if you struggle... correct?"
Jun 25, 2012 11:14 PM

Oct 2008
Walks over and looks at you two as i sit on a bench looking over then pond. Smiles slightly and says in a seductive voice "You dont really want to snack on her do you? We dont need any randoms running around. And who ever wants to teach a new blood?"
Jun 26, 2012 11:55 PM

Feb 2010
Raizen's ears picked up her voice even from the air, and he turned around and flapped his wings, looking down at the new arrival. She seemed to know what she was talking about... a female vampire?

"I might not change her by injecting my blood... human blood does taste so much better. But I need to feed at some point! Don't wanna starve~"
Jun 27, 2012 5:28 PM

Oct 2008
Laughs lightly " Im sure you feed all the time. Just get someone that wants you to take their blood. Much less struggle"
Jun 27, 2012 8:16 PM

Feb 2010
"Oh now that's no fun..." He stroked Akasha's cheek lightly and smiled maliciously.
Jun 28, 2012 12:02 PM

Oct 2008
Lays down on the bench with my knees bent with my feet on the bench with only my toes touching it "but its sooo much simpler and its so obvious she doesnt want you" Smiles slyly and laughs softly
Jun 29, 2012 6:33 PM

Feb 2010
(Cough... Lamia post!)
Jun 30, 2012 1:14 AM

May 2012
(Sorry I haven't been posting. I've been kinda busy and didn't know what to do while you two were speaking >.< )

Akasha nodded when Raizen asked her if she knew what would happen if she struggled. She didn't know exactly what would happen, but she was smart enough to know that it would be bad, and for her own safety she decided to play safe and agree with him.

She didn't hear the other voice that spoke, and was confused at first when Raizen spoke. He didn't sound like he was talking to her, so she looked around trying to find the other voice. She looked down and spotted her sitting on a bench. She listened to the conversation the two had, and flinched when Raizen touched her cheek. This new person scared her nearly as much as Raizen, but at least she wasn't the one holding her in the air. She looked down at the girl on the bench, practically begging with her eyes to be saved, but too scared of Raizen to actually speak. She would try to run away, but they were too far from the ground. She whimpered silently, hoping desperately to be safely on the ground soon.
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Jun 30, 2012 10:54 AM

Oct 2008
Looks over at the girl and locks eye contact with her. Smirks and starts going thru her mind with her own. She gently puts in the idea to tell him no and to say that I am right she does not want anything to do with him. After implanting this idea she strengthens it to a desire. Something she insanely wanted to do. Miyuki was trying to give her the strength to fight her own battle, and she hoped it would work.
Jun 30, 2012 12:26 PM

May 2012
Akasha felt like something was touching her mind, and she resisted. It was not quite as easy to manipulate her mind as it was for a human, but she eventually gave in slightly. The idea in her mind was definitely there, she felt the urge to fight Raizen off, but she also had the sane part of her mind pointing out that she was too far from the ground, and if he dropped her, she would probably break a few bones. She sighed and looked up at Raizen with a stubborn and angry face. "Leave me alone".
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Jun 30, 2012 8:06 PM

Oct 2008
Smiles as she feels the fear that she has of dropping. Allows a thought to flow from my mind to hers. 'If i drops you, I promise to catch you.' Miyuki hopes that this strange girl trusts her, even though she has no reason to.
Jul 10, 2012 11:54 PM

Feb 2010
"Oh my! What cute faces you can make."

He smirked at her request, or command, not that he cared either way, and stared deeply into her eyes. Something about his sanguine eyes were enchanting, alluring, and she couldn't look away, she didn't want to. The further she looked the more wonders she could find in them, the endless crimson vortex wrapping around her lovingly, embracing her, relaxing her. Slowly her muscles seemed to calm themselves without her say so, leaving her limp, supported only by him. Her subconscious registered this as a dependence on him, a security, a calmness. He leaned forward, passionately looking at her as his wings flapped, and he began to move away with a small grin, slightly gripping her chin.

"It's okay darling.. you want this, after all."
Jul 11, 2012 12:07 AM

May 2012
She was about to struggle against him again, when his gaze caught hers and she felt captivated by it. She felt like she couldn't move her gaze away from his, and her body began to relax, allowing him to support her. She felt confused, like her mind wasn't her own, but because of the confusion, she wasn't able to make out an understandable thought of her own, and she just went along with what he said. She nodded when he said she wanted it. She could no longer remember what she really wanted, but since he was saying she wanted it, and she couldn't remember otherwise, she assumed that he must be telling the truth.
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Jul 12, 2012 12:03 AM

Feb 2010
The scarlet orbs had captured her now, and his voice gained an influence, even a slight dominance over her, growing more sensual, almost echoing in her head and overpowering any semblance of free thought she had left. Her personal cares and desires were selfish, unimportant now. It was only in this calm and blissful state that she knew the truth, that the most important thing was providing obedience and pleasure to this man. That was all she needed, and he would even kindly please her in return. He gently kissed her forehead, grinning proudly at her.

"Now... won't you hold on tight as I take you to your new home... slave?"
Jul 12, 2012 9:50 PM

May 2012
She held onto him tighter and nodded at him. She felt strange, and she couldn't figure out why, but she also knew that the only thing that she needed to right now, was please this man. She didn't think to question this thought, it seemed as if it was her own.
Click to level up :)
Jul 14, 2012 4:00 AM

Oct 2008
Blinks and gasp's in surprise when the girl doesnt fight and just leans into it. Slowly moves her gaze from the girl to the strange boy. "sooo, what did you do to her? Since a minute ago she would have done anything to get out of your grasp?" Smiles lightly and begins to wiggle her way into the boys mind, hoping to figure out this "power" he possessed.
Jul 17, 2012 5:11 PM

Feb 2010
"Ew, you're in my head."

He focused and tried to push her out, managing to simply hold her out instead.

"You're good at that part... better than I am... but you can't take a mind so easily. They'll feel you and snuff you out."

Looking into the eyes of the girl in his arms rather lovingly, he pet her hair and grinned.

"Humans just love pretty things... it's good to let them marvel in the glow of our eyes... enhance them and distract them before you work your way into their mind."

Waving a hand at the other vampire, he began to fly back towards his castle, soon arriving and landing on the balcony, laying his prey on her feet before he began to escort her inside.

"Now... may I have that drink I wanted miss...?"
Jul 17, 2012 6:05 PM

Oct 2008
*laughs* You obviously new at this. *stands up slowly as my eyes flash red only for a second* You should let her chose with no influence, because right now its not her saying yes. Its you. *begins walking towards your castle*
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