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Jul 18, 2012 11:47 AM

Feb 2012
I guess Adachi was a version of Matsumoto Leiji himself, at least he looked somewhat similar with the glasses.
Mar 8, 2013 2:08 AM

May 2008
I had the same thoughts about Adachi~ This was a nice two episodes story.
Oct 3, 2015 3:09 PM

Oct 2009
Planet of Tomorrow, Taro, turtles... I can't help but think of Urashima Tarō, although I am not sure how can they may be related. Maybe it's a hint that if Taro left, he would never meat the people from his planet again. But unlike Urashima Taro, Leiji's Taro does not leave his friends behind
But these are just speculations
SerhiykoOct 3, 2015 3:13 PM
Nov 9, 2015 8:21 AM

May 2012
While expected that they'd get their passes back, it sure would be interesting if they actually had to live on the planet for a year or longer to get on the next train and that would somewhat fill up some of the episodes/story.

That said though all ends well and they're up to the next planet!
Mar 26, 2016 10:42 PM
Jan 2016
Didn't care for this 2 parter, possibly the weakest in the series.

Taro may be the most unlikable character in the series to me. I don't get how someone so greedy and selfish even has friends like that in the first place. He repeatedly steals everything Tetsuro has, is a jerk to his friends, yet at the end Tetsuro not only forgives him but has good feelings about him.

The whole stolen pass storyline is so ridiculously overused and here we get a 2 parter for it?!

It's a shame because the concept of a planet where they don't know about the 999 was a really interesting one that went so underused. Nice to have the Adachi thing at the end at least, a sort of tribute to Matsumoto.
Nov 16, 2020 12:53 PM

Nov 2017
Quiddity131 said:
Didn't care for this 2 parter, possibly the weakest in the series.

You mean the best 2 episodes so far, right?
Stay gold!
Sasuga Kasuga! Osaka fan club on MAL. Join us if you like Osaka-san!
Nov 16, 2020 7:26 PM
Jan 2016
EdgyEcchiSenpai said:
Quiddity131 said:
Didn't care for this 2 parter, possibly the weakest in the series.

You mean the best 2 episodes so far, right?

Nope, these episodes suck!

I've since read the manga, and it comes off a lot better there because it is one of the earliest chapters (so it doesn't come off as the same plot for the millionth time) and we also get hardly any of Taro, who I still consider one of the most unlikable characters in the entire series.
Nov 16, 2020 11:20 PM

Nov 2017
Quiddity131 said:
babo mbabo babobabo umbabo babo babobabo babo

If you get the reference ;)
I respect your opinion and I love Leiji Matsumoto, but some of the previous episodes were random (don't really want to use the word "stupid") as if the creators didn't even know how to invent a new planet or how to push the story further in a creative way. Sakezan planet? Give me a break (although that episode turned out to be a small study of the Stockholm syndrome).
This is why I loved these 2 episodes. So many good vibes, despite this little thief Taro who wanted to escape the planet (he wasn't quite rational but this show won't surprise me in inventing different ways to pause Maetel's travel). Taro had friends, he lived a good life, and he had some doubts about leaving the Pint-Size Room Planet. He was also really considerate in the end. He isn't that bad, compated to previous "villains". Other habitants were good simple people, a very nostalgic mirror of the earth and I thought about "Queen Millennia" all of a sudden. Plus, Adachi, Leiji himself! These episodes were complete & coherent, and the danger seemed real for the first time. And would it have been really that bad if they had stayed on the planet? They have a difficult choice to make now, and Maetel wouldn't have to worry about Tetsuro's delusional dream anymore. (Pls no further spoilers hehe). He would have stayed in a beautiful utopian planet and he could have been really happy. Taro's theft would have been a blessing.
Stay gold!
Sasuga Kasuga! Osaka fan club on MAL. Join us if you like Osaka-san!
Nov 17, 2020 5:24 PM
Jan 2016
EdgyEcchiSenpai said:
Quiddity131 said:
babo mbabo babobabo umbabo babo babobabo babo

If you get the reference ;)
I respect your opinion and I love Leiji Matsumoto, but some of the previous episodes were random (don't really want to use the word "stupid") as if the creators didn't even know how to invent a new planet or how to push the story further in a creative way. Sakezan planet? Give me a break (although that episode turned out to be a small study of the Stockholm syndrome).
This is why I loved these 2 episodes. So many good vibes, despite this little thief Taro who wanted to escape the planet (he wasn't quite rational but this show won't surprise me in inventing different ways to pause Maetel's travel). Taro had friends, he lived a good life, and he had some doubts about leaving the Pint-Size Room Planet. He was also really considerate in the end. He isn't that bad, compated to previous "villains". Other habitants were good simple people, a very nostalgic mirror of the earth and I thought about "Queen Millennia" all of a sudden. Plus, Adachi, Leiji himself! These episodes were complete & coherent, and the danger seemed real for the first time. And would it have been really that bad if they had stayed on the planet? They have a difficult choice to make now, and Maetel wouldn't have to worry about Tetsuro's delusional dream anymore. (Pls no further spoilers hehe). He would have stayed in a beautiful utopian planet and he could have been really happy. Taro's theft would have been a blessing.

I do! :P And that two parter competes with this one for me as one of the weakest in the show, although at least that one has a really out there, ridiculous concept to it (a dinosaur trying to ride on the 999). The humans in that episode though... holy crap! All about "They're gonna steal everything from us!" just because some guy approached a meteorite. LoL.

The Sakezan planet was an awful one (read about my thoughts on it here!, although the episode was better than the manga version.

There are aspects of the 4 1/2 Mats storyline that I don't mind, my dislike is primarily concentrated on the pass theft storyline, which is so worn out by this point in the TV series and Taro just being such an unlikable character. As I said above, it is a lot better if you're reading the original manga, in order, because it is so early in the storyline and most of the "Taro sucks" stuff is unique to the episode.

Here's my detailed thoughts on the manga chapter/episode from my GE999 blog, if you're interested. I was somewhat higher on it than I was when I made that post 4 years ago.

Dread quickly built up in me early in this chapter when Tetsuro and Maetel’s passes were stolen. This is now the third time we have had this plot occur in merely 10 chapters. Yet as I read more of the chapter I didn’t mind it as much. It allowed for the ability to explore the life that Tetsuro and Maetel may have lived had they stayed on this planet. We didn’t see them really spend any time looking for their passes, and with the fact that the 999 is kept a secret on this planet, that made some sense. After all how can they ask about passes for a train that doesn’t exist? Although there are at least some rumors of the 999 and Adachi sees the train depart. I have got to figure that more people can see the 999 as it leaves. I wonder if there are mysteries surrounding it like there are for UFOs in our society? The stolen passes plot is resolved fairly easily in the end as Tetsuro comes across the boy who stole them as they arrive at the station and he decides to give up on them. Considering the passes were stolen in order to board the 999, it does make sense to simply wait for the thief at the station rather than spend a countless amount of time searching for them. The boy claims he doesn’t want to leave his girlfriend and friends behind, although he had two passes so he could have brought his girlfriend with him. Although I again go back to the explanation of the passes in the first chapter, that once someone’s name is signed on them, anyone else using said passes will be put to death. It kind of makes any pass-stealing plot moot. But with this being the third time it has come up, I suppose Matsumoto just expects us to act as if it never happened.

In terms of other stuff from this chapter, I did enjoy quite a lot Tetsuro’s love for Ramen. Tetsuro’s love of Ramen noodles is one of the things that I fondly recall about Galaxy Express 999 and this is the first time it has come up as a plot point. I’ve always been a big fan of Ramen myself. Tetsuro claims they don’t have it on Earth anymore which surprises me, as it is kind of a cliché that Ramen is the perfect type of food for broke people as its cheap and all you need for it is hot water. Fellow tenant Adachi is a likeable character and as Tetsuro mentions, I think he and Tetsuro could have been good friends had they lived on the same planet together. I wonder if his spotting of the 999 will spur him on to try and board it someday.

The TV adaption provides a lot more development for Taro, the pass thief. While I think this was included to provide more backstory for him, I think the net result is that Taro comes off as extremely unlikable. He often has this angry look on his face and is too dismissive of his girlfriend and friends. Stealing from Tetsuro not once, but twice is quite cruel. He makes a comment about how Tetsuro and Maetel must be rich and can easily buy more passes, which is incredibly dismissive and just him trying to shift any guilt for his bad actions off of himself.

Although the Planet of Tomorrow wants to keep the 999 a secret, changes in the TV episode means it probably won’t be for much longer, as Taro’s friends plan on making a magazine about it and it also is inspiring Adachi’s manga (perhaps in universe he will be a proxy for Leiji Matsumoto?)

Despite this being a relatively early pair of chapters, in the TV adaption it was held for a considerable amount of time before being covered. I think this harms the TV episodes considerably, and in reading over comments I made from viewing the episode years ago I found that I was extremely critical of it. This was primarily due to the stolen pass storyline which by that point had been done many times. With it coming up a lot earlier in the manga it’s not as bad for me this time. The manga is helped by the far smaller role of Taro too. He is probably my most disliked character in all of Galaxy Express 999 thus far so the less of him the better.

If this is your first time through, have fun! Still one of my favorite anime of all time and I'm going through my own lengthy rewatch now.
Nov 18, 2020 9:59 AM

Nov 2017
Quiddity131 said:
If this is your first time through, have fun!

Thank you! And sorry for my level of English, I was writing this quickly from my phone + this language is not my first one :) I haven't read the manga (yet), but I'm planning to start with Queen Emeraldas first (my waifu tbh).

Thank you for the blog! I will certainly read its content. I came to love Leiji Matsumoto recently, though I'm aware of his primary preteen or teenage target, so not everything will be, let's say, Asimov sci-fi tier. My first connotation for 999 brings to mind rather an ancient Greek philosophical-didactic parable of voyage (to Enlightenment). He's more like Star Trek, but I remember Tetsuro reading some magazine in a library and there was Star Wars movie mention. Nice.

Quiddity131 said:
Tetsuro’s love for Ramen

Another reason to consider these episodes as great in terms of conflict and choice. The arcadia was there, at hand. It's not just ramen but the whole humanity that was lost somewhere.

Quiddity131 said:
While I think this was included to provide more backstory for him, I think the net result is that Taro comes off as extremely unlikable

Such a great planet and he wants to escape at all cost? This should seem more interesting, and maybe this is the problem. Don't know if Taro's backstory should have remained obscure or rather brought into the daylight, but I can agree that something could be missing here. But I didn't care. It was Tetsuro's episode and Tetsuro's personal tragedy or/and choice :)
Stay gold!
Sasuga Kasuga! Osaka fan club on MAL. Join us if you like Osaka-san!
Nov 18, 2020 7:49 PM
Jan 2016
We have similar tastes, lol. Galaxy Express 999 the movie was one of my first anime ever (it was many years before I saw the TV series), and I had such a crush on Emeraldas. Love that long red hair. :P I have not read her manga yet, but I hope to someday. I still gotta get through the Harlock manga too.

Thank you for the blog! I will certainly read its content. I came to love Leiji Matsumoto recently, though I'm aware of his primary preteen or teenage target, so not everything will be, let's say, Asimov sci-fi tier. My first connotation for 999 brings to mind rather an ancient Greek philosophical-didactic parable of voyage (to Enlightenment). He's more like Star Trek, but I remember Tetsuro reading some magazine in a library and there was Star Wars movie mention. Nice.

Certainly not Asimov-level tier in terms of its complexity, but I do think Matsumoto incorporates a ton of interesting concepts into Galaxy Express 999, and there is lots to think about on many of them. I've got little exposure to Star Trek but I think that probably is an apt comparison. It explores a lot of philosophical topics and uses the sci-fi setting to explore certain situations that are relevant to our world.
Jan 26, 2022 2:03 PM

Jan 2019
Taro realized that to travel and leave his friends would be very selfish. After all, he gave his life to the discovery of the Galaxy Express. Leaving it all behind is just plain dumb. At least Maetel and Tetsurou were able to retrieve the passage.

I found it interesting at the end Maetel commented that maybe Tetsurou would be happier if he couldn't board the train back. Getting a mechanical body seems like a good thing, but at the same time it must have serious consequences.
Feb 15, 2022 11:16 AM
Jan 2022
Futoshi Adachi is my life coach
Jul 25, 2022 8:23 PM

Feb 2009
Adachi is a main character from Leiji Matsumoto's 1970 manga series "Ganso Daiyojouhan Daimonogatari". Most people in the west are going to miss the reference unfortunately since it has never been released in English nor ever been fan translated.
Apr 19, 2023 12:03 PM

Jun 2014
That boy gave up on going to space, making it very easy for Tetsurou and Maetel to get their passes back.

That wasn't a bad planet. I mean, it's like 20th century Earth in development, so they could've lived half decent, and Maetel wanted to stay there, and even Tetsurou started to like it there. If he had given up on his goal of getting a mechanical body, maybe they would've ended up living there.

Apr 23, 2023 2:38 PM

Jul 2021
A few episodes back Maetel was giving passes away and seemed to have an unlimited supply of them, now they were almost stranded because their passes were stolen (again) and she couldn't get replacements. This series is so inconsistent. Why do they have paper passes in the future? They have trains that fly through space but they don't have biometric passes?

That was interesting that Adachi is actually a character from another old manga. Something about his girlfriend was very offputting though, her body was so small compared to the other characters but she had a huge head. Then almost all of the old characters have eyes way up on top of their foreheads also, like the old woman who ran the inn. The art style in this series is really strange. I'm glad at least Maetel is really nice looking.
Jan 20, 2024 12:03 PM

Mar 2021
Just wanted to point out that Adachi is voiced by Chiba Shigeru even though he isn't credited on MAL. I think that's cool, he's one of my favs.

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