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Oct 9, 2008 9:15 PM

Jul 2008
If you want to resubmit your idea and would like imput on it or you're wondering why your club is blacklisted, post your questions HERE
You MUST provide a club description (it doesn't have to be very long) and a sample claim or your idea will NOT be put to vote

Do you have an idea for a new claim club? Post them here! :)

Club Name
- club description
- requirements for claiming
- sample claim

Claim an Artist
- characters who paint, sculpt, dance, draw manga, etc. in anime/manga, but nothing musical
- banner must show them working on their art
(BenjoKun claims the Painter Hagumi Hanamoto from Honey & Clover)

Claim an Athlete
- characters who are good at sports
- the sport they play must be included in the claim
- banner must show the character playing the sport
(BenjoKun claims the Cyclist Pepe from Nasu - The Summer of Andalusia)

Claim a Pervert
- characters that intentionally do perverted things on a regular basis
- claims must show proof from within the anime/manga
(BenjoKun claims Miroku from Inuyasha)

Claim a Cosplayer
- characters that are cosplaying as another character from a different series
- only proof needed is a pic
(BenjoKun claims Konata cosplaying as Haruhi Suzumiya)
(BenjoKun claims Haruhi Suzumiya as a Bunny Girl)
(BenjoKun claims CC cosplaying as Chachamaru)

This topic is meant to be a place to post new ideas and record the final decision of the admins. Please keep discussions in a different thread. Thanks! :)
FreedomWingzOct 29, 2008 4:39 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (5) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Oct 9, 2008 9:28 PM

Apr 2008
Claim a Harem/Reverse Harem
- male/female surrounded by at least two or more of the opposite sex
- male/female must be surrounded by at least two or more of the opposite sex in the anime/manga
- banner pic must contain at least the group that is the part of the harem
(Fakeremiya claims Emiya Shirou harem)

Oct 9, 2008 11:08 PM

Mar 2008
If you want, I can open up a new topic to put all these to a vote

Oct 10, 2008 3:34 AM

Mar 2008
This is the club I was talking about with FreedomWings =]

Claimerz Heaven
- Claim a cool/annoying/smoking/tsundere character; Claim a Talent (playing an instrument, drawing, swimming, etc..); Claim Your Anime Child; Claim Your Master; etc.. (new ideas only)
- For every claim topic, there will be separate rules
(Claim a Smoking character: i.e. Penguin-Musume claimed Gokudera Hayato; proof: the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Oct 10, 2008 4:39 AM

Jun 2008
I think we should put all these ideas to vote desu.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Oct 10, 2008 5:48 AM

Feb 2008
Claim a light novel
- Basically the same as claiming an anime or manga
- must have proof that the novel exist for the series they claimed
(DestinyFate claims the light novel ToraDora!)

Can even add in Visual Novels if there are too few light novels.

Oct 10, 2008 8:49 AM

Mar 2008
@DestingFate: Claim a Light Novel was suggested a while ago (before this club was made) and got shot down. There just really aren't enough LN to go around. I know of Fate/Zero and apparently Toradora! is one too, that's the only LN I know of.

@Penguin-Musume: Original ideas, but too similar too UCC and Buy Club. Do we really need another claim club with 100 different kind of claims in it?

The rest of them I really like though, and am willing to put them to a vote.

Oct 10, 2008 11:39 AM

Mar 2008
Well, it's not going to be like UCC or Buy an Anime Character and it'll be a lot different~ :p
There won't be any credits needed or anything like that. I'm not going to steal anything XD And it would just be pointless to make 100 different clubs about every single idea...
I even thought about a club like that before UCC was created >.>
Oct 10, 2008 12:25 PM

Mar 2008
Serve an Aristocrat/Royal/Noble etc.
-You'll serve an aristocrat etc. character. Not a random character. And claimers have to proof that why these characters are aristocrat etc. Example characters,
Royal; Euphemia li Britannia / Aristocrat; Wolfram von Bielefeld / Pureblood; Kuran Kaname

example claim; "Cynthia serves Euphemia li Britannia" or "Cynthia serves Euphemia-Hime." Claimers can add -hime, -dono, -sama or something else.
Oct 10, 2008 2:16 PM

Feb 2008
Islaya said:
@DestingFate: Claim a Light Novel was suggested a while ago (before this club was made) and got shot down. There just really aren't enough LN to go around. I know of Fate/Zero and apparently Toradora! is one too, that's the only LN I know of.

@Penguin-Musume: Original ideas, but too similar too UCC and Buy Club. Do we really need another claim club with 100 different kind of claims in it?

The rest of them I really like though, and am willing to put them to a vote.

Oct 10, 2008 5:01 PM

Jan 2008
ok ppl im going to make a new claim club with the following points:

Club name: "Create your own Harem"

You can create your own Harem with
3-5 characters of anime/manga on one
banner with a text like:
"(Chara names) are part of (Username)´s Harem"
it will need 400+ Posts (or admin/officer)

plz vote fast since there isnt any club near that
so its unique wanna create it as fast as possible.

"Smiles aren't made, they're shown."- Belldandy (A!MG)
Oct 10, 2008 10:04 PM

Mar 2008
Who would you Choose?

I got this idea from looking at Faker and Rai's Harem ideas ^^
Basically, you know all those love triangle/harem anime? Basically, you put yourself in the shoes of the character who has the love triangle/harem and choose one of the guys/girls.

Requirements: 100 posts, characters may only be chosen once

Sample Claims: Islaya would choose Saber from Emiya Shirou's harem (Fate/Stay Night)
CCs_No1_Fanboy would choose CC from Lelouch Lamperouge's harem (Code Geass)
Oct 11, 2008 1:15 AM

Jan 2008
Claim a Dead Character
Claim a character who died during the anime or before the synopsis
- 200 posts 1 month membership each character can only be claimed once
- Sample: Kuromitsukai Claimed Kira Izuru from Bleach (Shinigami from bleach count because technicly they're dead and Ichigo/Orihiime/Ishida wouldn't count because they're still alive and etc...)
Oct 11, 2008 7:44 AM

Feb 2008
Kuromitsukai said:
Claim a Dead Character
Claim a character who died during the anime or before the synopsis
- 200 posts 1 month membership each character can only be claimed once
- Sample: Kuromitsukai Claimed Kira Izuru from Bleach (Shinigami from bleach count because technicly they're dead and Ichigo/Orihiime/Ishida wouldn't count because they're still alive and etc...)

That's freaky... >.> I was thinking of putting an idea of "Revive" a dead character ah well >.<
Oct 11, 2008 7:00 PM

Apr 2008
Claim an Alcoholic
- You can claim any alcoholic character from an anime or manga.
- The character you want to claim must be shown in the anime/manga drinking alcohol on a regular basis. The user must provide proof of this or else their claim will be invalid.
- Sample: Tsuruya-san claimed Rika Furude.
Proof: She's shown drinking wine on a regular basis in the anime.
Oct 11, 2008 7:06 PM

Apr 2008
Islaya said:
@DestingFate: Claim a Light Novel was suggested a while ago (before this club was made) and got shot down. There just really aren't enough LN to go around. I know of Fate/Zero and apparently Toradora! is one too, that's the only LN I know of.
Haruhi, Shana, Zero no Tsukaima, Full Metal Panic!, Baccano!, Kara no Kyoukai, Kaze no Stigma, Kino no Tabi... list goes on?
Oct 11, 2008 7:12 PM

Apr 2008
Raidanzoup said:
Islaya said:
@DestingFate: Claim a Light Novel was suggested a while ago (before this club was made) and got shot down. There just really aren't enough LN to go around. I know of Fate/Zero and apparently Toradora! is one too, that's the only LN I know of.
Haruhi, Shana, Zero no Tsukaima, Full Metal Panic!, Baccano!, Kara no Kyoukai, Kaze no Stigma, Kino no Tabi... list goes on?
There's enough to go around, but like I said, the manga claim clubs and book claim clubs out usually accept light novels as well.. so it's not necessary.
Oct 11, 2008 9:24 PM

Dec 2007
Tsuruya-san said:
Raidanzoup said:
Islaya said:
@DestingFate: Claim a Light Novel was suggested a while ago (before this club was made) and got shot down. There just really aren't enough LN to go around. I know of Fate/Zero and apparently Toradora! is one too, that's the only LN I know of.
Haruhi, Shana, Zero no Tsukaima, Full Metal Panic!, Baccano!, Kara no Kyoukai, Kaze no Stigma, Kino no Tabi... list goes on?
There's enough to go around, but like I said, the manga claim clubs and book claim clubs out usually accept light novels as well.. so it's not necessary.

Claim a book also accepts light novels
Oct 11, 2008 11:27 PM

Jan 2008
Create Your Baseball Team
- Team Name: (it actually have to sound like a baseball team's name o.O)
Positions:Manager - Pitcher/Catcher/1B/2B/SS/3B/RF/CF/LF
- Since Each User gets 10 Claims We will be asking for 500 Posts 4 Month in Membership
And The Claimed Character MUST fit the Position or the Claims will be INVALID
- Ex. Yagami Light is Kuromitsukai's Team Manager[Bunnies] (Because He Is smart and can make decisions as the Manager)
Ryoma Echizen it the Kuromitsukai's Center Fielder [Bunnies] (Because He can Run Around and catch the ball comming) and etc...
Oct 12, 2008 12:33 AM

Aug 2008
The Otaku Host Club

hi again, considering i was black listed for my previous club idea, i have a new club idea.
it will be a claim club, but will have some original ideas for claims, such as...
1. Claim a Pet
- (rules are, it can be just a normal manga character or an actual pet from an anime, but for the banner they must be chibi and preferably with some anime like qualities...such as cat ears, tail etc)
-requirements are to have a photo of them chibi, preferably with animal qualities. no minimum posts needed however. anyone can claim.
- example claim:
AlchemicOtaku claims edward elric, heres a photo of him looking quite like a "pet"
2. Claim a Maniac
-(choose a character that doesnt exactly fall under the category of sane, banner must show some form of insanity =D)
-some evidence must be given also, such as a small video, a picture, or a manga screenshot of the character.
- an example claim would be
AlchemicOtaku claimed Akito, evidence of this is that he goes insane when his eyepatch is moved to his left eye. i have a photo of this
3. Host Club
-users decide who is in the host club, and their character is entered into the host club pictures. they will also have a banner saying "My Host Is:...." and will display a picture of their chosen host. to make it more fun their will be a limit on the amount of hosts allowed....for example 20. so only the quickest people to claim will get to submit a host.
-requirements are, to have a picture of their chosen host, big enough to be made into a banner. or if the user chooses, they can make their own banner. no minimum forum posts needed, anyone can claim also. but there will only be 20 slots for the hosts, so they have to be claimed quickly
-an example claim:
Alchemic Otaku chooses Allen Walker to be a member of the host club, and as my host. here is a photo of him.

i will ask for permission for anything i use that isnt originally mine.
oh and there wont be a minimum post for any claims.

ok, im done writing now XD
thanks x
NAYLASAURUSOct 12, 2008 12:56 AM
I am too lazy to make a signature.
Oct 12, 2008 1:56 AM

Jul 2008
Give/Get Valentines Chocolate
- you can give (if you're a girl) or get (if you're a boy) chocolate to/from your favourite character on February 14th, Valentine Day
- on the banners there must be written User's name gave/got Honmei Choco (or Valentines Chocolate) to/from Character's name
- example: Penguin-Musume gave Honmei Choco to Gokudera Hayato
Oct 12, 2008 8:45 AM

Dec 2007
TotallyLovable said:
Give/Get Valentines Chocolate
- you can give (if you're a girl) or get (if you're a boy) chocolate to/from your favourite character on February 14th, Valentine Day
- on the banners there must be written User's name gave/got Honmei Choco (or Valentines Chocolate) to/from Character's name
- example: Penguin-Musume gave Honmei Choco to Gokudera Hayato

Or it could just be presents (cuz it's Christmas/Halloween soon)
Oct 12, 2008 9:19 AM

Jul 2008
FreedomWings said:

Or it could just be presents (cuz it's Christmas/Halloween soon)

I think it's better that way, cuz Valentines is more special, after all~ <3
Oct 12, 2008 1:46 PM

Mar 2008
Give Presents can be an another claim club :3
Oct 13, 2008 10:37 AM

Apr 2008
Claim a Tsundere
- You can claim any tsundere character from an anime or manga.
- The character you want to claim must possess both tsuntsun and deredere traits. Please provide proof of this.
- Sample: Tsuruya-san claims Kagami Hiiragi.
Oct 13, 2008 10:58 AM

Jul 2008
-Cynthia- said:
Give Presents can be an another claim club :3

Here's my proposal on that idea! :)

The Gift Shoppe
- Is it a character's birthday? Christmas? White Day? New Years? *insert gift-giving holiday here*
- This club lets you give/receive presents on (and only) that special day! :)
- Gifts can be ordered as early as 1 month in advance, but banners cannot be posted earlier than the holiday itself. That means, you cannot post a Christmas gift banner on your profile on December 23. :P
- If there is enough staff, the club can be expanded to give presents to MAL members too!
- More holidays can be added to the calendar as the club grows (leaning towards holidays celebrated in Japan)
- The holiday and the year must be written in the banner somewhere to distinguish banners from year to year.

- For White Day (March 14), guys can give choco and girls can receive choco to your favorite character. Each member can only give/receive 2 (1 Honmei, 1 Obligation). There are no character restrictions, other than you cannot give both to the same character. :P
(BenjoKun gave Honmei Choco to Chitose Serikawa on White Day 2009

- For Christmas (Dec. 25), each member can either give or receive presents to their favorite characters, maximum of 2 gifts total. There are no character restrictions.
- Gifts can be anything, or can be simply be labeled as gift/present
(BenjoKun received a present from Chitose Serikawa on Christmas 2008

- For New Years (Jan. 1), each member can either give or receive New Year's postcards to their favorite characters, maximum of 2 postcards total
(BenjoKun sent Chitose Serikawa a postcard on New Years 2009)

- For Adding Additional Holidays: Member nominated and voted

- For Character birthdays, Each character can only receive 5 gifts on their birthday (to not burden the banner-maker too much)
- Gifts can be anything, or can be simply be labeled as gift/present
- Proof has to be shown that a certain day is a character's birthday
(BenjoKun gave a birthday present to L Lawliet, 2008


P.S. It would be nice if this club will be associated with the Give/Get Valentines Chocolate club :)
And there needs to be plenty of holidays for the club to be active year round. For example: a Christmas Present-only club will only be active in December :P

P.P.S. There's also a lot of fun activities to do within the club. Guessing which character will received the most honmei/obligation chocolate, Finding out what gifts are the most popular/unique, For New Year's there could be a fortune-telling post where you receive a random number and then look under a spoiler tag to see your fortune...

It's like a MAL Cultural Center :)
BenjoKunOct 13, 2008 3:24 PM
Oct 13, 2008 11:16 AM

May 2008
Hello, I know I said that I would stop making claim clubs but I just might go back on word this one time and make some more. So here are some idea's that I came up with that might be good enough to get approved.

Claim a Short Character
-Someone who is really short, no shorter than 5,8".
-A picture of the character and how short he or she is.
(Nara-Sama claims Konata Izumi, 4,8".)

Claim a Villain
-A person who as done unforgettable things for there amusement, like kill for fun or ruling the world.
-A picture of the character with an evil look on there face.
(Nara-Sama's villain is Grimmjow Jaegerjaques.)

Make a wish with the Dragonball's
-This club is basically based on Dragonball Z with the fact of wishing for anything you want, but how you claim would be like how it was done in the series. For example you could wish to claim a character, bring a dead Anime character back to life, become a this character's boyfriend/girlfriend, claim that your the Ultimate Fan of this certain character, etc. Members would get 2 wishes while Admins get 3 wishes.
-A picture of the character and what your wish is.
(Nara-Sama brought L Lawliet back form the dead or Nara-Sama is Haruhi Suzumiya's Ultimate Fan.)

Your Anime President
-Sounds odd but this idea could work, you claim two characters as your candidates and then the members of the club vote for your Anime President. The one who wins is your permanent claim while the other character can be use again for another poll vote or can not be use again.
-A picture of the two candidates and a list of there achievements.
-My candidates could be Light Yagami and Death the Kid, Light get's the most votes and is my President.
(Light Yagami is Nara-Sama's Anime President.)

Hope these are some good ideas, I really think that there Original ^___^.

Oct 13, 2008 11:23 AM

Apr 2008
Claim a Villain already exists here.
Oct 13, 2008 11:28 AM

May 2008
Tsuruya-san said:
Claim a Villain already exists here.

Thank you for heads up Tsuruya-san ^^, I don't want to get in trouble again like before.
Oct 14, 2008 8:40 AM

Feb 2008
Claim character lookalikes
- Does a character from one anime look similar to another character in a different anime? If so you can claim those lookalikes!
- You can only claim one pair of lookalikes and must have at least 200 posts!
- The banner must have a picture of both characters or even one of the characters dressed as the other! and it must have both there names on!

Example of lookalikes:

Re: I'm not really planning on making this club I just liked the idea :3 ... So its not copyright! >w< wahoo! ~ he he
ChinaGirlOct 14, 2008 9:16 AM
Oct 14, 2008 9:32 AM

Jul 2008
BenjoKun said:

P.S. It would be nice if this club will be associated with the Give/Get Valentines Chocolate club :)
And there needs to be plenty of holidays for the club to be active year round. For example: a Christmas Present-only club will only be active in December :P

P.P.S. There's also a lot of fun activities to do within the club. Guessing which character will received the most honmei/obligation chocolate, Finding out what gifts are the most popular/unique, For New Year's there could be a fortune-telling post where you receive a random number and then look under a spoiler tag to see your fortune...

It's like a MAL Cultural Center :)

I have no reason not to like the idea~ XD (cuz it's patially thanks to me that it exists, right, right) I hope that's it~ XD I'm a greedy person, after all

If my and your ideas get permission to run, then I'll gladly be your affiliate club~ =]
Oct 15, 2008 8:11 PM

Nov 2007
Is it ok for me to post an idea?

Claim a Charcter Transformation.

- You like a character's transformation (i.e. Sailor Moon or Amu's chara nari (character transformation)) scene, then you claim it.

* i.e. tsubasalover claimed Amu's Character Transformation with Miki.

- pic. with spoiler.
- at least 100 forum post to claim, only one scene can be claimed.
- no sharing of transformation scenes.
- they can be either from anime/manga or game.
- set as private.
tsubasaloverOct 15, 2008 8:21 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Oct 16, 2008 3:38 PM

May 2008
I just come with this idea last night and I know that it hasn't been before. How about this...

Claim an Odd Couple
-So really you just claim an couple for a Anime or Manga that seems it would never happen and just odd.
-The banner shows both characters together.

Here's my example:

(Nara-Sama claimed Youhei Sunohara and Tomoyo Sakagami or Nara-Sama claimed Naruto Uzumaki and Temari)

Nara-SamaOct 16, 2008 3:43 PM
Oct 16, 2008 3:52 PM

Dec 2007
Random Idea =p

Claim a Character's Kiss
-You basically claim 2 anime character's kiss~

-200 Posts
-1 Month Membershio
And the banner has to have a pic of the 2 together and if possible, their kiss
Proof is needed and fanart does not count. It has to actually happen in the manga/anime

Sample Claim:
FreedomWings claimed Naruto and Sasuke's Kiss
Oct 17, 2008 4:48 PM

Jan 2008
i just thought about it ... there are a lot of
funny Mom´s so ^^

Claim a Mom
-You claim a Mom from anime/manga with her
typical habit

-200+ posts
-2 month member
- Character must be a Mother from the start
- Every Mom only once even if she has more habits
- pic for banner in her known habit needed

Sample claims:
[username] claimed scary Nogizaka Akiho
[username] claimed counseling Sakai Chigusa
[username] claimed overworked Isozaki Reina

"Smiles aren't made, they're shown."- Belldandy (A!MG)
Oct 17, 2008 7:48 PM

Dec 2007
Claim a Megane
You can claim a GUY with glasses (there is already a claim a meganekko club~)

-It must be a guy
-150+ posts and1 month member
-Pic is needed as proof that they wear glasses
-Must put Claim a Megane on the banner
-Banner must have a pic of them wearing glasses

Sample Claim:
FreedomWings claimed Asazuki Kousuke
Oct 19, 2008 2:52 PM

Mar 2008
Claim an Otaku
Claim an otaku anime character. I think maybe manga addicts or dojinshi artists should be accepted too because it's related, and in order to have enough characters to claim.

Requirements :
-200 posts and 1 month member
-A proof that the character is an otaku/manga addict/dojinshi artist.
-Must have "claim an otaku" or "claimed otaku" or something along those lines on the banner.
-Must provide a picture if one wants a banner made.

Example :
Oct 19, 2008 7:19 PM

Dec 2007
Claim a Rivalry/Enemy
Claim a rivalry (Kei and Hikari from Special A) or enemies (Suzaku and Lelouch)

150+Posts and 1 month membership
-Must have Rivalry/Enemy on the banner somewhere
-Must provide picture if they want a banner
-The characters must have been rivals at some point (IT doesn't have to be throughout the whole story)

FreedomWings claimed Kei and Hikari's rivalry
Oct 20, 2008 5:44 PM

Mar 2008
claim a love triangle
claim an attack?

[/Hentai!] didn't work
Oct 20, 2008 6:42 PM

Dec 2007
naruhinastoned said:
claim a love triangle
claim an attack?

We need more detail~
Oct 22, 2008 11:00 AM

Jan 2008
so i had a idea but i dont think that ill be albe to
handle this so if anyone is willing to take that
idea please do so ^^

The God/Goddess Followers Club

in this club we will claim as GROUPS so every Chararacter to claim
needs a number of followers lets say for example 10 just for know
to understand. so if 10 people are willing to claim the character he/she
will count as a God/Goddess and also the 10 claims ^^ the first claiming
now will be the number 1 follower the 10th will be the number 10 follower
after that maybe set up different levels of gods/godesses regarding
the followers number like first class goddess can get 30 followers or
whatever so there should be any system behind but im not shure about that
so thats the basic of this idea and as u see it will be alot of work for some
already club expierienced people but it would be nice if someone pic it up ^^

another idea also to pic up is
claim a non-human / human like character
means all the human like characters only like
Robots Vampires Elves or whatever looks like a human
but isnt ^^

I have already enough to do with the current clubs (and the incoming one^^)
RaiStorMOct 22, 2008 11:29 AM

"Smiles aren't made, they're shown."- Belldandy (A!MG)
Oct 23, 2008 9:12 AM

Mar 2008
RaiStorM said:

another idea also to pic up is
claim a non-human / human like character
means all the human like characters only like
Robots Vampires Elves or whatever looks like a human
but isnt ^^

There is already a Claim a Creature club.
Oct 25, 2008 2:29 PM

Jan 2008
hmm dunno what u can claim there so well whatever ^^

better idea ^^ turn a Bad/Good Character into a Good/Bad

didnt u all wanted to turn a Bad Character into a Good one
or the other way ???? so why not claiming that way ^^
something like [user] turned [character] into a Bad/Good Girl/Boy
for Example:
UserNamE turned Sheffield into a Good Girl
UserNamE turned Nogizaka Haruka into a Bad Girl

"Smiles aren't made, they're shown."- Belldandy (A!MG)
Oct 25, 2008 6:42 PM

Mar 2008
naruhinastoned said:
claim a love triangle
claim an attack?

Claim a Love Triangle: I like the idea, but it's pretty much Claim a Three Way Couple

Claim a Attack: There's already a Claim a Power and Claim a Fight club, this sounds really similar to those.

Oct 25, 2008 6:51 PM

Dec 2007
Islaya said:
naruhinastoned said:
claim a love triangle
claim an attack?

Claim a Love Triangle: I like the idea, but it's pretty much Claim a Three Way Couple

Claim a Attack: There's already a Claim a Power and Claim a Fight club, this sounds really similar to those.

There's also a club where you claim a ninja power

@CLaim a Love Triangle
There hasn't been any 3 way claiming yet..
Oct 25, 2008 7:44 PM

Aug 2008
I'm stucked between 2 ideas...
Claim a character birthdate
The title says it all...
Example: Zero claimed Lelouch 5 Dec 1999
Claim your birthdate
-user- claimed his birthdate -dd-mm-yy-
If a user has the same birthdate as the other user, then it should be..
-user- is duplicate to -user- -dd-mm-yy-
Are those possible ideas...?
They see me trollin', they hatin'.
Oct 26, 2008 1:38 PM

Nov 2007
I seriously doubt this is going to get approved
Okay I'll be honest I'm bored and I just feel like putting out ideas. Even if it does get approved There's no Guarantee that I'll make the club (but most likely I will)
I No longer Believe in Requirements, Maybe How long they've been a member of MAL might say something but that would be totally unfair so There will be no requirements for the following clubs

In a Dream
- Each User may have 2 Characters Dream of Them
- None
- -Character- Dreams of -User-
Maybe not everything is in Reality

Hug a Chara
- Each User may Hug 3 Characters.
- None
- -Character- Hugged -User-
I'm sure you all know what this means o.O

- Each User may Merge with 1 Character (2 for Admin)
- None
- -Character- and -User- have Merged.
You basically use Fusion to merge with a Character

Sigh I have like So many more ideas
Oct 26, 2008 1:59 PM

Nov 2007
Break Up a Couple
- Each User may break up 2 Couples
- None
- -Character- and -Character are Broken up by -User-

You know there's always that one couple you hate....
so it's your chance to break it up~

Should I post more Ideas? I have sooooooooo many more
Oct 26, 2008 4:46 PM

Nov 2007
Claim an Accessory
- Each User may Claim 2 Accessories
- None
- Yumichika's Peacock Feathers are Claimed by -Yuki-

Every Character Usually have a little hair clip or something.
Oct 27, 2008 12:48 PM

Apr 2008
a few ideas...
[1]Claim a cat girl/boy, [2]Claim a bunny girl/boy(same as cat...but with bunny...), [3]claim mother,[4] claim father,[5] claim a quiet person(like zazie...), [6]claim a fan club(stupid idea, but im stupid so im allawed to, and i hate this idea too), [7]claim an admin(another very stupid idea that i don't really like but someone eles do - a friend...can also be[8] "claim a banner maker" wich i think is better), [9]claim a homeless, [10]claim a sick character(like joshua), [11]claim a senshi(gun user),[12] claim a devil(like miharu from nabari no ou or like the twins from host club), [13]made up a combined couple( rushuna from grenadier and robert from the law of ueki.),[14] claim an un-dead person, and im pretty sure i had more but i forgot(but i am sick in my head so im allawed to.)... i'll try to remember... and i can hndle all of them by myself i think...
that's it...

i remember some more now... [15]claim a blond haired character, [16]the same with blue hair and [17]the same with gray hair(cuz i really like those colors...)
and [18]claim a different eyes character(Asuna, Michiru, Elis, Vivio, there's a lot.) and [19]Claim your friend a character(it is very cool as a birthday gift. i'll be happy to get Ikuto or Subaru or Hitomi as a birthday gift._.)
ZetaiSabishiiOct 27, 2008 2:06 PM

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