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Jan 24, 2009 1:26 AM

Jan 2008
this is a list of the page and posts of the claimed banners not yet done from the first thread. this list may change as i have yet to go through the finished banner thread. --,--

users who are making their own banner will not be added to this list.

also, there are some claims that have two user names beside them; they are ones that have changed their names and should be skipped until the user has clarified which name to be put on the banner. if the user has not updated the information in the name change thread within two months then i will either decide on a name or to drop the claim.

banner makers, please post in this thread and let me know if you are still interested in helping with the banners. also, please post what banners you are doing. i've tried to make it easier on you guys by posting the page and posting number in case the user posted pics or specifications. however, don't skip ahead and just pick out what banners you want to do over ones you don't. they all need doing.

you can post what you are doing in this format:

Claim Count: 63

Page 5 - 1 claim
#93: Pong - divinecow (this claim is on hold until further notice)

Page 6 - 2 claims
#102: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - AaYa (this claim is on hold until further notice)
#119: Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus - AaYa (this claim is on hold until further notice)

Page 11 - 11 claims
#201: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Kuyukly (taken by yukihime)
#202: Star Ocean 2 : The Second Story - deng17 / Sylpheed(taken by yukihime)
#204: Touhou: Mountain of Faith - Fang-tan (taken by yukihime)
#205: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - PandaPuff (taken by yukihime)
#210: Jet Grind Radio - caboose_ftw (taken by yukihime)
#211: Digital Devil Saga - Aedrius (taken by yukihime)
#212: Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne - kurpi (taken by yukihime)
#214: Bleach: The Blade of Fate - Akutabi_Gamma / Frostmourne (taken by yukihime)
#215: Final Fantasy IV - Mellon (taken by yukihime)
#218: The Bouncer - Amziefied (taken by yukihime)
#220: Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix - Imperial_Thunder (taken by yukihime)

Page 12 - 7 claims
#224: Rune Factory Frontier - Ibuki-Daisuke
#228: Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility - Takukari
#230: Crash Bandicoot 3 - Galatea
#231: Monster Hunter Freedom - TCHaos
#233: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Razziell22
#234: Tsukihime VN - Ketuekigami
#238: Trickster - Lavi-Chan

Page 13 - 1 claim
#248: Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 - Cero

Page 15 - 3 claims
#282: Ultimate Carnage - Witchking
#291: Kyou Kara Maou! Oresama Quest - BadLuckPopStar
#300: Winning Eleven 8 International - Mojo2XL

Page 16 - 8 claims
#302: Golden Sun - Azul
#305: Parappa the Rapper - juicy
#306: Kanon - Sylpheed
#307: Jak III - raquelina
#310: Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis - Miu-nya
#315: Secret of Mana - Nakano
#316: Manga Fighter - NoyChan
#317: Zone of the Enders - DemonLight

Page 17 - 10 claims
#321: Tales of Rebirth - Oyasumi
#323: Shadow Hearts: From the new world - Sorarin
#324: Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne - Soulstrider
#325: Pokemon Silver - kazerfozl
#326: Soul Calibur 4 - Waza
#330: American McGee's Alice - Dozer
#334: Bleach: Shattered Blade - SoSimpleSessy
#337: Silent Hill - Kouta
#338: ICO - Syb3rStrife
#340: Lucky Star - Janaa

Page 18 - 7 claims
#341: Killer Instinct - Gaijin19
#344: Soul Calibur - BladerJC
#345: The King of Fighters XII - Jalert
#351: LUX-PAIN - Aria34
#354: Wild Arms XF - cutiefee
#357: Romance of the Three Kingdoms X - kie_
#359: God of War 2 - BlindFighter

Page 19 - 9 claims
#362: Bad Fur Day - tokyo29
#364: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature - Gewaltgoere
#365: Death Note: Kira Game - SparklingAngel
#366: ET - MichaelM / MichaelMCP
#367: Parasite Eve - Darkeiko
#369: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - Chichi-Chan
#370: The Legend of Zelda: 4 Swords Adventure - CCs_No1_Fanboy
#374: Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 - TakaraIchinam
#375: .hack//Mutation - Yuki-ness

Page 20 - 4 claims
#387: Super Smash Bros - Dust2Dust
#388: Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
燃えろ!熱血リズム魂 押忍!闘え!応援団2 - shadowchicken477
#390: Pokemon Platinum - BlazrSama
#392: Pokemon Stadium 2 - kagome19

Special Requests - 0 claims
#1: Mirror's Edge - Flyleaf done

special requests, when requested, will be put at the bottom of the current taken list so that there is a certain amount of fairness. i've come to notice that this club is dead so the ones who have requested banners will get them after i've finished what banners i've grabbed. at the moment, no other banner makers are around but me so please be patient. i try to not do crappy banners. XD

yeah, there are a lot of claims......
yukihimeMar 15, 2009 7:50 PM

Jan 24, 2009 4:15 PM

Jan 2008
total: claims are done, will post the next batch after work

Page 6
#108: Rise of Nations: Thrones & Patriots - user_error done
#112: Jump ultimate Stars - viny done
#114: Guilty Gear XX Accent-Core Plus - Massaki done
#116: Tales of Destiny - Hraesvelgr done
#118: ETERNAL ARCADIA, エターナルアルカディア - seasaw done
#120: Legend of Dragoon - Hyesungie done

Special Requests
#1: Mirror's Edge - Flyleaf done

for the finished banners, see the finished banner thread.
yukihimeJan 27, 2009 11:14 AM

Jan 28, 2009 1:34 AM

Jan 2008
total - claims done

Page 7
#122: Super Mario Bros - albin done
#125: Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations - katsup done
#126: Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete - xel done
#127: .hack//OUTBREAK - WhiteWolf_Kyoko done
#128: Sonic Advance 3 - MomoHime125 done
#131: Dance! Online - kahoko done
#132: Final Fantasy III - Lady_Ren done
#133: Soul Calibur 2 - the_crystal done
#138: Lineage II - misuzu-chan done

for the finished banners, see the finished banner thread.
yukihimeFeb 1, 2009 6:25 PM

Feb 1, 2009 6:32 PM

Jan 2008
total - claims are done

Page 8
#141: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - dEvOn_92 done
#143: Rumble Roses - angelronin done
#146: Persona 4 - yavanna22 done
#147: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - catgirllover done
#150: Shadow Hearts: Covenant - VanRF done
#151: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai - Matsuribayashi-hen - Ankoku-chan done
#154: Shadow of the Colossus - asch done
#155: Devil May Cry 3 - forlacik (going with forlacik) done
#156: Kirby Superstar - Lady-Yami-Yugi done
#159: Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo - Nuge done

for the finished banners, see the finished banner thread.
yukihimeFeb 6, 2009 7:16 PM

Feb 6, 2009 10:30 PM

Jan 2008
total - done

Page 9
#163: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - LoveRose_x done
#164: Guilty Gear X2 #Reloaded - ownage21 done
#165: Star Wars: Republic Commando - MightySpirit done
#166: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - cookie done
#171: Megaman X 8 - gaara92 done
#172: Tenchu Z - Reiketsu done
#173: Spyro the Dragon - Leandra done
#175: Tomoyo After ~It's A Wonderful Life~ - Riot_Fate done
#176: Star Ocean: Til the End of Time - Vizard done
#180: Bioshock - Plate done

for the finished banners, see the finished banner thread.

banners that were lost in the OS crash were re-posted.
yukihimeMar 15, 2009 12:58 PM

Mar 15, 2009 1:00 PM

Jan 2008
total - done

Page 10
#182: TimeSplitters: Future Perfect - Seasonreaper done
#183: Halo 2 - SaiaX777 done
#184: Jak II - JeremyC done
#188: Dynasty Warriors 5: Extreme Legends - Xen done
#189: Albatross 18 - Kibsy done
#190: Drakengard - waz-9975 done
#191: Trauma Center: Second opinion - Jessikitax done
#193: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni - Meakashi-hen - ShionMiyagi done
#194: Killer 7 - ChibiMilly done
#195: TimeSplitters - opeth_syndrome done
#196: Pokemon Pearl - Amaya-Kiro done
#197: Suikoden III - chinomi done
#199: Little Busters! - kotone done
#200: Xenogears - Suzumiya-Haruhi done

for the finished banners, see the finished banner thread.
yukihimeMar 15, 2009 7:27 PM

Mar 15, 2009 7:58 PM

Jan 2008
total - 11 claims

Page 11
#201: Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Kuyukly
#202: Star Ocean 2 : The Second Story - Sylpheed
#204: Touhou: Mountain of Faith - Fang-tan
#205: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - PandaPuff
#210: Jet Grind Radio - caboose_ftw
#211: Digital Devil Saga - Aedrius
#212: Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne - kurpi
#214: Bleach: The Blade of Fate - Krieg
#215: Final Fantasy IV - Mellon
#218: The Bouncer - Amziefied
#220: Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix - Imperial_Thunder

for the finished banners, see the finished banner thread.

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