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Aug 18, 2013 5:09 PM
Jan 2013
So what I got from the ending was that they only dated for about three months(not really sure when the graduation are in japan), and broke up after kissing to be normal siblings again. That's gotta be the worst ending for Kyousuke, he rejected all those girls and at the end couldn't be with her little sister.
Aug 18, 2013 5:41 PM

Oct 2012
Really? How I interpret it is that after both of them graduate, they will continue their relationship in secret. Even the author of the series implied it.
Aug 18, 2013 6:46 PM

Apr 2013
That is just to get the viewers riled up and make them hope for an epilogue. But I still would have preferred a harem ending for what Kyouske had to go threw with every girl.
As of 27/7/14 I have decided trap anime Sword Art Online II has more appeal than Mahouka.
Aug 18, 2013 7:50 PM

Oct 2012
These three episodes were thought-provoking. Was Manami right?

A possible solution to all of these issues is to return to the traditional system where
you get married to the person that your parents selected for you while you were
still a child. In other words, "arranged marriage". That way, you must marry
somebody within your own race and social class. Also, the marriage has to form
some kind of alliance that will benefit your family clan. That would take out all of
the guesswork.

In some situations of arranged marriage, a boy is actually REQUIRED to marry his
sister, believe it or not. This was the case in some parts of the developed world
until relatively recently.
Aug 19, 2013 8:32 AM
Jan 2013
You think there's going to be a season 3? has it been announced?
Aug 20, 2013 8:56 AM
Apr 2011
Meh. The ending is fucked up. The author doesn't have the balls to truly conclude this series.
Aug 20, 2013 9:23 AM

Dec 2012
ravagestorm said:
Meh. The ending is fucked up. The author doesn't have the balls to truly conclude this series.

Stop being ignorant. It wasn't his choice to end it like this.
Aug 21, 2013 2:16 AM
Jan 2011
tsudman said:
ravagestorm said:
Meh. The ending is fucked up. The author doesn't have the balls to truly conclude this series.

Stop being ignorant. It wasn't his choice to end it like this.

Whose choice was it?
Aug 21, 2013 2:51 AM

Jan 2011
xsilicon9 said:
tsudman said:
ravagestorm said:
Meh. The ending is fucked up. The author doesn't have the balls to truly conclude this series.

Stop being ignorant. It wasn't his choice to end it like this.

Whose choice was it?

Pressure from the fucked-up novel readers / audience... who else? I was pretty disgusted by the incest ending and skimmed through the last 3 episodes because it was quite embarrassing to watch.

I would've supported Kyouske going out with ANYONE BESIDES KIRINO
Aug 21, 2013 3:41 AM
Jan 2011
TakenForce said:
xsilicon9 said:
tsudman said:
ravagestorm said:
Meh. The ending is fucked up. The author doesn't have the balls to truly conclude this series.

Stop being ignorant. It wasn't his choice to end it like this.

Whose choice was it?

Pressure from the fucked-up novel readers / audience... who else? I was pretty disgusted by the incest ending and skimmed through the last 3 episodes because it was quite embarrassing to watch.

I would've supported Kyouske going out with ANYONE BESIDES KIRINO

I agree. A better ending was for both of them to acknowledge it and move on.Kyouske should have ended up with Ayase since she would be the closest to having the same personality as Kirino.
Aug 21, 2013 3:52 AM

Jun 2013
Ahhhhhhhhh...Nothing we can do about it.

BTW I also didn't like the ending.
Aug 21, 2013 9:36 PM

Jul 2013
Fucked up series is fucked up.. how anyone could ever like this series for its incestuous ending is beyond me, at least Kiss x Sis wasn't an actual incest. This series was okay until the masochistic protagonist decided that it's okay to have retarded babies in the future..
Aug 21, 2013 10:58 PM

Aug 2013
chaos86 said:
Fucked up series is fucked up.. how anyone could ever like this series for its incestuous ending is beyond me, at least Kiss x Sis wasn't an actual incest. This series was okay until the masochistic protagonist decided that it's okay to have retarded babies in the future..

You could open your mind a little you know? In RL people should be allowed to do whatever they wish with their lives, incest or not, gay or whatever I just dont care as long as you're not harming anyone and minding your own business.

I used to think that we who appreciate anime/manga were a breed apart, open minded individuals but I guess I was wrong.

Maybe it's too much shounen, pressure from society and their rules or simply ignorance, I don't know but you should realize that this is a work of fiction, what are the odds of a completely normal guy suddenly find himself being the love target of 5 girls or so, all of them super cute, one of them is almost perfect except by the fact that she is an otaku and loves porn games and happens to be his sister? The odds of a beautiful goth loli princess fall in love with him? The odds of him rejecting her, his friends, society and scream a big FU just to play house for a month or so with his sister?

We really should stop trying to compare fiction with reality, that's what fiction is for, I don't watch animes about soccer because I can play soccer with my friends, I used to watch dragonball because I can't fly (yet) nor use the kamehameha.


That said, if you even bother to read the above, just take into account before posting, I am not trying to impose my opinion on you, consider this an attempt to enlighten you xP
SousukeARX7Aug 21, 2013 11:05 PM
Aug 22, 2013 6:47 AM

Jul 2013
I watched both Yosuga no Sora and Aki-Sora and I don't have any problem with the incestuous ending. Both stories have a lot stronger incestuous vibe than OreImo, I have no problem so long as it fits the story.

The problem with OreImo is that it started off by tackling a very real life issue of otaku culture and then the illegality of incest wedding but suddenly it somehow became irrelevant with a snap of the finger. It's like the story is torn between being realistic and fictional. I just got the feeling that the Kirino ending is just something the writer pulled out of his ass either to satisfy his readers or his twisted fantasy.

On one hand we have a little sister who abused his brother because she was starved of his love for so long. On the other hand we have this responsible and reasonable brother who would go to lengths to protect his sister but along the way still have the sanity that most people have (such as agreeing with his father that an eroge is too much for his sister or how he realized that incest is illegal in Japan). So what makes this two character suddenly has the urge to fuck each other? What happened to the normal and reasonable guy who was at one point attracted to his sister's friends and even dated one of them? it has been shown that the Kosakas are at least respect and oblige their parents very much, whatever happen to the objection that will sure to come? the issue was left unaddressed, it's like the characters' personality were switched half-way and made retarded for the convenience of the story.

I just feel that given with the character's personality and the relationship growth it'd make more sense that Kyosuke, being the reasonable guy albeit a little siscon that he is, would realize that the incest relationship is futile and continue dating one of his sister's friends while Kirino might end up being the over-protective brocon sister.
MoeGodAug 25, 2013 1:22 PM
Aug 22, 2013 2:21 PM

Dec 2010
The main reason many people hate the ending because of this: The main character has given up all the girls who ever loved him to have a limited forbidden love with his little sister. This makes him seems like the most stupid boy in the world. I disagree on it.

Many are assuming he would be forever alone. Why is that?

Realize that the smartest girl is Kuroneko. She is a girl who is influenced by philosophy. In episode 9 she told Kyousuke along the lines of: " I'll date you again once you have solve your problems with Kirino".

Oh also if you are watching " My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute" and you are disgusted about the incest parts. Why are you watching this in the first place?
diamondketoAug 22, 2013 2:24 PM
Aug 30, 2013 6:44 PM

May 2011
I agree w/ what some of the people here have said: I don't see anything wrong w/ an incest ending. Kyousuke, and people in general, should be free to love and be with anyone they want. Not to mention based on the plot and story, it's safe to say an incest ending would fit the best.

But just my two cents.
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Aug 30, 2013 9:40 PM

Aug 2008
People upset with the incest ending?

Seriously guys...seriously...did you not read the title of the series? What did you think was going to happen? Did you really think any other girl had a chance with that title?
Aug 31, 2013 10:57 AM
Aug 2013
hyperknees91 said:
People upset with the incest ending?

Seriously guys...seriously...did you not read the title of the series? What did you think was going to happen? Did you really think any other girl had a chance with that title?

I thought it was it was going to be platonic love. Not incest...
Aug 31, 2013 12:03 PM

Aug 2008
Platonic love in an anime that has a focus on a girl who plays games about dudes romancing with their little sisters in an anime titled oreimo?

Just doesn't seem reasonable to really predict it would go down any other route. It seemed pretty straight-forward from the beginning. The only real question was that they would leave it open to the audiences imagination or actually go through with it.

Technically they did both though, lawl.
Aug 31, 2013 2:47 PM
Aug 2013
hyperknees91 said:
Platonic love in an anime that has a focus on a girl who plays games about dudes romancing with their little sisters in an anime titled oreimo?

Just doesn't seem reasonable to really predict it would go down any other route. It seemed pretty straight-forward from the beginning.

JusticeSoulTuna pretty much summed up my thoughts "...and we can rest easy knowing that all the incest innuendos were just that; innuendos. But that is NOT the case with the 3 OVA episodes.

People are quick to forget how this anime started; a girl with a dark and weird secret tries to come out of her shell to make friends with other otakus, with the help of her brother who takes many socially awkward bullets to help her out. They make friends, accomplish things, and reach new levels of understanding that demonstrate how while otaku lifestyle can be weird and disturbing, the people themselves are good people. Kyousuke and Kirino made new friends, shared new experiences and gained romance. All these things were great, the show had many funny episodes and touching moments. Even the siscon element of things was more along the lines of over-protective brother than anything else."
Sep 1, 2013 7:45 AM

May 2011
hyperknees91 said:
Platonic love in an anime that has a focus on a girl who plays games about dudes romancing with their little sisters in an anime titled oreimo?

Just doesn't seem reasonable to really predict it would go down any other route. It seemed pretty straight-forward from the beginning. The only real question was that they would leave it open to the audiences imagination or actually go through with it.

Technically they did both though, lawl.

I personally interpret the ending as they continue their 'forbidden' relationship in secret and act like normal siblings in public. I can't see them going back to a platonic relationship. Not to mention the author made it pretty clear he wanted a true incest ending but had to change it due to the publisher as well as the public. Still, I'd like to see some work by him in the future illustrating Kirino and Kyousuke as adults. Maybe one day ...
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Sep 1, 2013 9:47 AM

Aug 2008
Well yes the ending completely implies they are still together. Anyone who can read between the lines can see that. The author just had to "walk around on egg shells" to show people that was the case. (Come on look at Kirino's smiling face after the kiss and the mention of "life counseling").

Hence why I don't got a problem with it, it's even more obvious in the LN.
Oct 3, 2013 9:16 AM

Jun 2012
People get butthurt over anything these days. The ending should have been Brother x Sister, and it was.

Get over it
Jan 30, 2015 10:25 AM
Nov 2014
To be fair this is not incest in a true sense because they are not related by blood so there is nothing wrong that way. Note this is a series about a guy who loves his sisters (STEP) and over time comes to see them no longer as friends and now as a potential love interest. and by the end he chose his in a sense the childhood friends to be with. NOTE in a practical sense he does not need to marry them but live with them and be marred to all but the government so he is not committing polygamy. Besides in my own opinion if you love more than one person but they love you back and can get along with the other person than why not why do you need to break someones heart because other people think it is wrong
Feb 1, 2015 6:14 AM

Sep 2009
^ What? Kirino and Kyousuke are blood-related siblings. Not sure where you are getting they aren't.

Jul 2, 2015 12:01 PM
Jun 2015
all is manami fault, if she doesn't change kyousuke, kirino will never mad ignoring etc to her bro, until kyousuke find out her hobbies and they always talk till became a lovers
Aug 19, 2015 11:33 PM

Sep 2014
Who fucking cares if a brother and sister truely love each other get your heads out of your asses. It shouldn't be encouraged at all but if siblings do fall in love more power to them.

On topic: The ending sucked. No one ends up with anyone. Whole anime just feels utterly pointless
Aug 28, 2015 11:26 PM
Aug 2015
Guy's there is season 3 any way .. i check it out there will be a season 3 that promise by the creator and team Tokio studio. . And also there's manga on going tell now 2015
Sep 3, 2015 7:55 AM

Apr 2015
where did u get this info from
Sep 21, 2015 5:41 PM

Aug 2015
TakenForce said:
I would've supported Kyouske going out with ANYONE BESIDES KIRINO


Honestly, I hated the ending more than any anime I've watched in years. I knew it was heading in that direction several episodes prior but I hoped very hard that it would not end this way and it did.

Fuck this series.
Fuck Kirino.
Fuck the author.
I wish I could re-review and give it a 1/10
Sep 27, 2015 4:40 AM

Nov 2014
TakenForce said:
xsilicon9 said:

Whose choice was it?

Pressure from the fucked-up novel readers / audience... who else? I was pretty disgusted by the incest ending and skimmed through the last 3 episodes because it was quite embarrassing to watch.

I would've supported Kyouske going out with ANYONE BESIDES KIRINO
This is really what gets me, the ending... I mean, up until that bloody ending, this was actually entertaining to watch. but, wtf... really... what the hell, I would think Ayase or Kuroneko in the end... He neglects everyone else and chooses an incest ending... Not that I don't like Kirino but it wasn't really what I was expecting...

just my opinion...
Dec 11, 2015 5:31 AM

Apr 2015
SympathyRS said:
TakenForce said:

Pressure from the fucked-up novel readers / audience... who else? I was pretty disgusted by the incest ending and skimmed through the last 3 episodes because it was quite embarrassing to watch.

I would've supported Kyouske going out with ANYONE BESIDES KIRINO
This is really what gets me, the ending... I mean, up until that bloody ending, this was actually entertaining to watch. but, wtf... really... what the hell, I would think Ayase or Kuroneko in the end... He neglects everyone else and chooses an incest ending... Not that I don't like Kirino but it wasn't really what I was expecting...

just my opinion...

I don't get why so many people don't understand that it was gonna be an incest ending did you even read the title of the anime you are watching or not
Dec 12, 2015 12:47 AM
Nov 2015
Yes, I hated the ending too. This is not because I wanted Kyousuke to end with a different girl. I don't mind Kyousuke ending up with Kirino and I can be happy with that, but it's about how it was done. That is what I feel is pissing most people off. I would have been happy if you saw them living together as adults and living like husband and wife, while no one else knows or just their close friends that support them like Saori and Kuroneko. Instead you're left with sort of a confusing last request to do anything and them breaking it off. Which seems like they just gave up maybe. Kyousuke in the last episode said, "Yeah, incest for the win. I'm going for the real sister ending!" Then for the ending we get that weak giving up type ending?! At least leave the ring on her, or her showing the ring on her hand when he kisses her on the cheek and maybe saying "our secret" in the end!

Yes, as others have said the author didn't want to write a weak ending, but he wasn't allowed to because of his publisher, Dengeki Bunko. The real ending seems to be in the Tsuzuku PSP game written by Fushimi the author of Ore no Imouto..., look on Youtube and find the playthroughs. Also in the game they are not blood related.

Also about the secret, yes there is more to it, and the author says he wanted to give Kirino the best ending he could for her and continues on saying, "The story ends with the two siblings sharing a secret, the same way their first life-advice-talk [jinsei soudan] began."

Here is a link about Fushimi (author) being not able to write the ending he wanted and also about them keeping a secret. This comes from interviews and translations of them.

If you can read Japanese here is the full interview.
The other Japanese interview.
kuroboukenkaDec 12, 2015 5:29 PM
Feb 1, 2016 10:08 PM

Jul 2015
i really wanted it end with them just growing closer as siblings and kyousuke marrying kuroneko. but we con't have our cake and eat it too.
Feb 5, 2016 2:26 PM
May 2009
The ending was unsatisfying to me. It isn't the incest ending that bothers me but how they call it quits afterwards.I know the source material suggests they stay together but taking just the anime for itself, it felt such a hollow victory.

I feel like the anime intentions were now they go back to be being like before such as over bearing siblings. They'll continue with life counseling and being devoted to each other until each of them finally find someone they really like. They'll accept it just as how they said they would in the anime and everyone is happy in normal relationships.

In the end though, I guess it is left open enough for you to presume that they will continue in secret or whoever the fans ship.
Jul 4, 2017 3:44 AM
Jan 2014
kuroboukenka said:
Yes, I hated the ending too. This is not because I wanted Kyousuke to end with a different girl. I don't mind Kyousuke ending up with Kirino and I can be happy with that, but it's about how it was done. That is what I feel is pissing most people off. I would have been happy if you saw them living together as adults and living like husband and wife, while no one else knows or just their close friends that support them like Saori and Kuroneko. Instead you're left with sort of a confusing last request to do anything and them breaking it off. Which seems like they just gave up maybe. Kyousuke in the last episode said, "Yeah, incest for the win. I'm going for the real sister ending!" Then for the ending we get that weak giving up type ending?! At least leave the ring on her, or her showing the ring on her hand when he kisses her on the cheek and maybe saying "our secret" in the end!

AGREED! I'm so Freaking tired of watching series I enjoy, only to have a F-uped Ending!! >:{
Then left saying...

"I wish I'd never watched this to begin with! The Ending just ruined the whole series for me!
Good thing I didn't spend any money on this!!" >:{
May 9, 2018 6:46 PM

Mar 2018
Im with kuroneko from the beginning, watching the ending makes me pissed off

» Snowflake - Shihoko Hirata «
0:51 ─〇───── 4:54 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹  ↻

Traveler, Please enjoy your stay

May 12, 2018 9:22 PM
Apr 2018
The worst ending I could possibly hope for was this. It's shit. Poor Ayase. If I knew this was going to happen I would've not watched this anime.
May 15, 2018 9:27 PM
Feb 2018
This ending made me break a computer monitor. I stood there, expressionless, until the shitshow ended, and punched it so hard i bent it in half.
Oct 28, 2018 10:24 PM
Oct 2018
Fuck all Kirino haters
Jan 30, 2019 11:51 AM

Aug 2017
Ayase would have been best.

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