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Feb 1, 2009 8:31 AM

Jun 2008
Recently, we've heard a lot of people complaining about the clubs that were put into the blacklist, saying things like we put original clubs in there.

Our answer is revoting the entire banlist, followng a few simple rules.

1. Clubs that have broken links will not be removed from the blacklist (because they may be secret).
2. We want you to vote only on the clubs you want to be removed from the blacklist, stating one of the following reasons:
||||a) You think the club is original;
||||b) You think the club is not a claim club anymore.
3. Vote types a) and b) are the only valid vote types.
4. A club which gets 10 a) votes will be put into the next approval vote using the new voting system which will be announced later.
A club with 10 b) votes will be moved to the 'Under Surveillance' list.
5. This topic will be open for 3 days.

Here's the current banlist:
1. Free-for-all Club
2. Claim Your Kingdom
3. Claim a Shugo Chara Character
4. *Claim a Character*
5. Henchman Recruitment Agency
6. Claim A Pet
7. Anime Club
8. Kinap a Character
9. Claim "???"
10. claim a cartoon network show
11. Love Claim
12. Claim a Hero/Villain
13. Claim a Yaoi couple!~
14. claim a code geass character
15. claim a hairstyle (claim club)
16. The Character/ pokemon Claim Club~!!!
17. Claim "all things"
18. Claim an animal eared character
19. Kiss A Character Club
20. Choose your personal anime character knight!
21. Claim An Anime/Manga!
22. The Character Competition Club *REMOVED*
23. Claim an Instrument
24. Meet my Character
25. claim a megane club
26. Claim Your Cirque Du Freak Character
27. Claim a Supernatural Being
28. catch a bishonen~!/punch a character club
29. Declare Your Position In the Code Geass Universe
30. Claim a Royal Character!
31. Claim a lick or a bite!
32. Claim A Friend
33. Claim a character for a season!
34. Claim Your Character
nozetsuFeb 4, 2009 9:32 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Feb 1, 2009 9:07 AM

Jul 2008
2. Claim Your Kingdom - i'm pretty sure its original so why is it in the BL? == - remove!]

11. Love Claim - i think its pretty original so i'll say - remove!
12. Claim a Hero/Villain- original so take of the black list.
15. claim a hairstyle (claim club)-isn't that an original Oo remove
18. Claim an animal eared character- since i was an admin in this club i know its no longer a claim club remove
22. The Character Competition Club- not a claim club remove
28. catch a bishonen~!/punch a character club- original remove!
31. Claim a lick or a bite!- they are now only "claim a lick" which is original so take off
33. Claim a character for a season!- original remove!

edit: PS: all those clubs:Kinap a Character,Henchman Recruitment Agency,Anime Club have Invalid club id and i searched for them and i got zero so wouldn't it be better to just remove them then letting them "sit there and just be pretty"? =="
haruka_nazuFeb 4, 2009 12:27 AM
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 1, 2009 10:19 AM

Apr 2008
haruka_nazu said:
2. Claim Your Kingdom - i'm pretty sure its original so why is it in the BL? == - remove!]

11. Love Claim - i think its pretty original so i'll say - remove!
12. Claim a Hero/Villain- original so take of the black list.
15. claim a hairstyle (claim club)-isn't that an original Oo remove
18. Claim an animal eared character- since i was an admin in this club i know its no longer a claim club remove
20. Choose your personal anime character knight!-isn't that an original? there is claim a character you will be a knight to but i didn't see any like this one so remove!
22. The Character Competition Club- not a claim club remove
23. Claim an Instrument- original no? remove
27. Claim a Supernatural Being- i think its pretty original, true there is some thing we have a claim club for like vempire and such but i still think this club is diffrent and original so remove
28. catch a bishonen~!/punch a character club- original remove!
30. Claim a Royal Character!- no longer claim a royal character ._. remove
31. Claim a lick or a bite!- they are now only "claim a lick" which is original so take off
33. Claim a character for a season!- original remove!

edit: PS: all those clubs:Kinap a Character,Henchman Recruitment Agency,Anime Club have Invalid club id and i searched for them and i got zero so wouldn't it be better to just remove them then letting them "sit there and just be pretty"? =="
Ugh, can't you guys do a little more research first?

Srsly, aside from some clubs I could go into explaining further why they were blacklisted, there are at least five clubs on your list that you're claiming to be "original" when I know for a fact there's already a club for it. >_>
Feb 1, 2009 10:25 AM

Jul 2008
22. b) It says its not a claim club. Can't always be sure but it seems that way at least.

and TBH thats the ONLY one i think doesnt have anything wrong with it.
Feb 1, 2009 11:29 AM

Apr 2008
Hikaris_Fanny said:
Sugoi-otaku said:
22. b) It says its not a claim club. Can't always be sure but it seems that way at least.

and TBH thats the ONLY one i think doesnt have anything wrong with it.

I agree

i would say 24 for the same reason, since it's basically a dup of 22 with a couple of extras

22 b)
24 b)

oh, and
edit: PS: all those clubs:Kinap a Character,Henchman Recruitment Agency,Anime Club have Invalid club id and i searched for them and i got zero so wouldn't it be better to just remove them then letting them "sit there and just be pretty"? =="

they could be secret clubs now, which would result in an invalid club id

Feb 1, 2009 11:52 AM

Apr 2007
22. b)
24. b)

Those 2 clubs state to not be a claim club
+ they're more like a kind of RPG than claim club IMO

Feb 1, 2009 1:19 PM

Aug 2008
crystal_yuy said:
22. b)
24. b)

Those 2 clubs state to not be a claim club
+ they're more like a kind of RPG than claim club IMO

Feb 1, 2009 2:27 PM

Nov 2007
23. a) I don't think I see other claim club with that one.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 1, 2009 2:35 PM

Apr 2007
tsubasalover said:
23. a) I don't think I see other claim club with that one.

In "Claim a Musician" you can claim just an instrument or a character who uses an instrument.
[someone needed to point this out.]

Hikaris_Fanny said:
Sugoi-otaku said:
22. b) It says its not a claim club. Can't always be sure but it seems that way at least.

and TBH thats the ONLY one i think doesnt have anything wrong with it.

I agree

and I agree with this as well.
Feb 1, 2009 4:03 PM

Nov 2007
Momo-Hime said:
tsubasalover said:
23. a) I don't think I see other claim club with that one.

In "Claim a Musician" you can claim just an instrument or a character who uses an instrument.
[someone needed to point this out.]

I see, thanks.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 1, 2009 4:45 PM

Jul 2008
nozetsu said:
Here's the current banlist:
30. Claim a Royal Character!
33. Claim a character for a season!
I just wanted to point out that this two link to the same club, so either the link is wrong or the first one was re-named to the second. =P

So now...
11. a) this is for claiming MAL members, and I personally haven't seen something similar.
15. a) never seen any club for claiming hairstyles either.
19. a) I know there is a "hug your character" club, but I don't know about another "kiss your character", which is different.
22. b) not a claim club anymore.
24. b) not a claim club anymore.
31. a) it's just "claim a lick" now and I don't think there is another club like that.
33. a) you claim the character only for a season, so in my opinion is different from just claiming a character. Like "be adopted" and "adopt" and anime character, in my opinion is different. =P

haruka_nazu said:
edit: PS: all those clubs:Kinap a Character,Henchman Recruitment Agency,Anime Club have Invalid club id and i searched for them and i got zero so wouldn't it be better to just remove them then letting them "sit there and just be pretty"? =="
Sorry, but why don't you just read other people's posts? -.-
nozetsu said:
1. Clubs that have broken links will not be removed from the blacklist (because they may be secret).
It's in the first post, just before yours. =P
Database Guidelines
Denials: anime | manga
Modifications: anime | manga
Feb 1, 2009 5:17 PM

Jun 2008
*stares at haruka_nazu's post and shakes head*
If you just want to claim more, don't even bother to post.

1 - Keep it, of course. It's just another random claim club made for the heck of it.
2 - I can't think of any other similiar claim club, so remove it, I guess.
3 - Isn't this a duplicate of the "Claim A Shugo Chara Character" club? If I'm wrong, remove it from the BL.
4 - lol, keep it.
5 - Wasn't that another "enslave a character" or something like that? Keep it.
6 - Obvious duplicate. Keep it.
7 - Judging by the title, I guess it was another "claim an anime" club. Keep it.
8 - Obvious duplicate. Keep it.
9 - Sigh. And yet another random claim club. Keep it.
10 - There's already the "claim a cartoon" club. Keep it.
11 – It’s a bit different from “claim a MAL user”, so remove it.
12 - Duplicate both of "hire a villain" and "claim your anime hero". Keep it.
13 - Duplicate. Keep it.
14 - And we have another "claim a *insert anime title here* character*. And wasn't there another "claim a Code Geass character" club? If I'm wrong, then remove it from the BL.
15 - Pointless, but original. Remove it.
16 – Just another “claim a character”. Keep it.
17 - Just another random claim club. Keep it.
18 - If this club still exists, keep it, since it's a duplicate of 2 claim clubs.
19 – I’m pretty sure this is a duplicate. Keep it.
20 - I'm pretty sure this is a duplicate. Keep it.
21 - LOL. Keep it.
22 – It’s more a RP club than a claim club. Remove it.
23 - You can claim an instrument+character in the "claim a musician" club. Keep it.
24 – It’s more a RP club than a claim club. Remove it.
25 - Another pointless duplicate. Keep it, of course.
26- It seems it regards only a series of book, so remove it.
27 - Duplicate of several claim clubs. Keep it.
28 - Sigh. Duplicate of "claim a bishoenen". Keep it.
29 - Looks more like a RP than a claim club. Remove it, I guess.
30 - Duplicate. Keep it.
31 - Not sure about this one, because it allows "licking on the lips", which is basically a kiss, but the "bite" part is original. Remove it, I guess.
32 – Duplicate of “claim an anime best friend” and “claim a MAL user”. Keep it.
33 - Just another "claim a character" club. Keep it.
34 - As above.

I noticed rule 2 just when I already finished typing, plus I wanted to state my reasons also for the clubs which must remain in the BL, so I put in bold the "remove" ones.

P.S: The Claim A Royal Character link is wrong. It redirects at the "claim a character for a season" club.

Saito-sama said:
oh, and
edit: PS: all those clubs:Kinap a Character,Henchman Recruitment Agency,Anime Club have Invalid club id and i searched for them and i got zero so wouldn't it be better to just remove them then letting them "sit there and just be pretty"? =="

they could be secret clubs now, which would result in an invalid club id


watching, waiting, commiserating
Feb 2, 2009 1:40 AM

Jun 2008
RenaPsychoKiller said:
P.S: The Claim A Royal Character link is wrong. It redirects at the "claim a character for a season" club.
It's the same link as the one in the blacklist on the main page, I tried to find this club, but couldn't :/. Could be secret now.
Feb 3, 2009 6:35 AM

Sep 2008
13. is renamed to a fanclub is it should be taken it off becuz its not claim anymore, and its not active too. so it does not matter anymore right??
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Feb 3, 2009 6:39 AM

Apr 2007
Hime-sama said:
13. is renamed to a fanclub is it should be taken it off becuz its not claim anymore, and its not active too. so it does not matter anymore right??

.. #13, you mean "Claim a Yaoi couple!~" ? if so it's still a claim club..

Feb 3, 2009 7:22 PM

Nov 2007
15. a) no other club with claiming hairstyle that I see.
26. b) I don't think there's claiming activities going on (even thought claim list still exists)

For those that have "invalid ID" is hard to vote...
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 3, 2009 7:48 PM
Oct 2007
crystal_yuy said:
22. b)
24. b)

Those 2 clubs state to not be a claim club
+ they're more like a kind of RPG than claim club IMO

I agree
Feb 4, 2009 12:22 AM

Jul 2008
haruka_nazu said:
edit: PS: all those clubs:Kinap a Character,Henchman Recruitment Agency,Anime Club have Invalid club id and i searched for them and i got zero so wouldn't it be better to just remove them then letting them "sit there and just be pretty"? =="
Sorry, but why don't you just read other people's posts? -.-
nozetsu said:
1. Clubs that have broken links will not be removed from the blacklist (because they may be secret).
It's in the first post, just before yours. =P
i read the ruls and, well, i guess i don't know what a secret club is. i think that if you can't find them any where its hard to belive they are out there and ppl are in them. this is why i said it. why won't all of you kill me and that it?
haruka_nazuFeb 4, 2009 12:30 AM
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 4, 2009 1:03 AM

Jul 2008
haruka_nazu said:
i read the ruls and, well, i guess i don't know what a secret club is. i think that if you can't find them any where its hard to belive they are out there and ppl are in them. this is why i said it. why won't all of you kill me and that it?

And how could we know that you don't know what a secret club is if you don't say it? =P If you don't ask I assume you know, and therefore it's somewhat stupid to ask why keeping those link when you already have the answer written in the first post.
So stop playing the victim please. =P

Just in case: secret clubs are clubs not visible by normal MAL members, you need to be a member of the club to see/access them. That's why they would not appear in the club list when you look for them with the MAL search.

And now, I had a little more time to check better some clubs on the list, and I have to agree with some things Rena said and I've previously forgotten. So in addition to my previous:
Loxaris said:
11. a) this is for claiming MAL members, and I personally haven't seen something similar.
15. a) never seen any club for claiming hairstyles either.
19. a) I know there is a "hug your character" club, but I don't know about another "kiss your character", which is different.
22. b) not a claim club anymore.
24. b) not a claim club anymore.
31. a) it's just "claim a lick" now and I don't think there is another club like that.
33. a) you claim the character only for a season, so in my opinion is different from just claiming a character. Like "be adopted" and "adopt" and anime character, in my opinion is different. =P

I would like to add:

RenaPsychoKiller said:
2 - I can't think of any other similiar claim club, so remove it, I guess.
26- It seems it regards only a series of book, so remove it.
29 - Looks more like a RP than a claim club. Remove it, I guess.

From what people said so far it seems that #19 already exists but I know nothing about it, could someone please link it to me?
LoxarisFeb 4, 2009 1:17 AM
Database Guidelines
Denials: anime | manga
Modifications: anime | manga
Feb 4, 2009 1:17 AM

Jul 2008
Loxaris said:
haruka_nazu said:
i read the ruls and, well, i guess i don't know what a secret club is. i think that if you can't find them any where its hard to belive they are out there and ppl are in them. this is why i said it. why won't all of you kill me and that it?

And how could we know that you don't know what a secret club is if you don't say it? =P If you don't ask I assume you know, and therefore it's somewhat stupid to ask why keeping those link when you already have the answer written in the first post.
So stop playing the victim please. =P

Just in case: secret clubs are clubs not visible by normal MAL members, you need to be a member of the club to see/access them. That's why they would not appear in the club list when you look for them.

i'm "playing the victim" here, if that what you think i'm doing, probbly cus i'm pissed off since after i voted some one kicked me out with no reason or EX and no one i asked could give me a reason, nor could i tell you i didn't know since i couldn't send any post's or such.
now you understand?
and even if they are secret, ppl can't be a member unless they fot invited - did i got that right?
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 4, 2009 1:22 AM

Jul 2008
haruka_nazu said:
i'm "playing the victim" here, if that what you think i'm doing, probbly cus i'm pissed off since after i voted some one kicked me out with no reason or EX and no one i asked could give me a reason, nor could i tell you i didn't know since i couldn't send any post's or such.
now you understand?
and even if they are secret, ppl can't be a member unless they fot invited - did i got that right?

Yes I read about it but I also read here that nobody kicked you out, and since I know nobody from both sides (you or someone here) I don't know who to trust. So I think I'm just ignoring the whole thing.
The only thing I can tell you is that IF you were really kicked out it is definitely NOT because you voted here. As you can see I did too, and I was the first one (except you) making a fairly longer list than other members, but nothing happened to me. So please don't go aroung stating that this is the reason.

Yep, you got it right for the secret clubs. =)
Database Guidelines
Denials: anime | manga
Modifications: anime | manga
Feb 4, 2009 1:42 AM

Jul 2008
Loxaris said:
haruka_nazu said:
i'm "playing the victim" here, if that what you think i'm doing, probbly cus i'm pissed off since after i voted some one kicked me out with no reason or EX and no one i asked could give me a reason, nor could i tell you i didn't know since i couldn't send any post's or such.
now you understand?
and even if they are secret, ppl can't be a member unless they fot invited - did i got that right?

Yes I read about it but I also read here that nobody kicked you out, and since I know nobody from both sides (you or someone here) I don't know who to trust. So I think I'm just ignoring the whole thing.
The only thing I can tell you is that IF you were really kicked out it is definitely NOT because you voted here. As you can see I did too, and I was the first one (except you) making a fairly longer list than other members, but nothing happened to me. So please don't go aroung stating that this is the reason.

Yep, you got it right for the secret clubs. =)

ok, i think i got the secret thing now, and i was kicked, i don't know why, or be whom but i was. no need to talk about it anymore any way.
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 4, 2009 3:32 AM

Feb 2008
22) Doesn't look like a claim club to me.
29) Same as 22, it's really similar to the Seireitei club from what I see and that is not a claim club.

The rest stay.

Feb 4, 2009 9:30 AM

Jun 2008
The topic is now closed, only one club got the required votecount to be removed from the blacklist, under the rule 'b'.
22. The Character Competition Club
Feb 4, 2009 3:52 PM

Sep 2008
crystal_yuy said:
Hime-sama said:
13. is renamed to a fanclub is it should be taken it off becuz its not claim anymore, and its not active too. so it does not matter anymore right??

.. #13, you mean "Claim a Yaoi couple!~" ? if so it's still a claim club..

sorry i mean 12.
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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