#1st C.C.O. Graphic Contest! Lasting: Nov 22nd - Dec 16th
Hey guys! How are you all? Hope you are doing fine!
We know, we know. The club hasn't been much active ever since the bbcode issue popped up D: we apologize for that, but honestly it couldnt really be helped :/ we tried to keep the usual monthly topics going tho. We hope to come back regularly active as usual when the bbcode will be finally back!
However, meanwhile, since in this period i really don't have time for this working like hell, i thought to start up this topic to give the chance to whoever of you that would like to join!
I hope you'll like this idea and that many of you will join it!
Anyone can join: be it member or staffer, whoever would like to give it a try is welcome!
Only (1) entry per user: meaning you can't join with more than one DP.
The work must be your own, obviously.
You may use any graphic program/brush/font that you like.
You have to strictly follow the [Must Points] listed down here.
All the entries will be voted by the whole club, both members and staff. Joiners can vote too, just you can't vote for your own DP.
Depending on how many entries there will be, there might be also a reward for positions #2 and #3, and special mention.
Must Points:
- Size must be 275x350 px, not smaller not bigger
- The DP must contain somewhere, clearly readable, the words "Monthly Claims" + "Weekly Claims" + "Special Claims" + "C.C.O."
- Official arts only
- It must not be clearly summer themed as we are in winter now(especially refered to summer-vibe series like can be Free, Nagi no Asukara or Magi)
- It must features one or more characters of any anime/manga from the following list
» Shingeki no Kyojin
» Free!
» Diabolik Lovers
» Nagi no Asukara
» Diamond no Ace
» Tokyo Ravens
» Gingitsune
» Blood Lad
» Kakumeiki Valvrave
» Yowamushi Pedal
» Suisei no Gargantia
» Gatchaman Crowds
» Kyoukai no Kanata
» Magi: The Kingdom of Magic*
» Kuroko no Basket II*
*: only if featuring also new characters of the current airing series
Optional Points:
The following is not a must, at all, but it will make you start with 3 extra votes granted in the poll while voting.
- Having a winter theme (winter clothes and/or snow and/or leaf-less trees/typical winter elements..etc): doesnt' matter if it's graphically made and added or was in the original picture, it just needs to be winter themed! (sample)
- Extra claim/s for the brand new upcoming claim topic/s in december whose opening is on their way right after this contest and its voting will be over.
- Winning banner to testify the join and the win ♥
The inner sea of the planet. The platform of the watchtower. From the edge of paradise you shall hear my words.
Your story shall be full of blessings. ━Let only those without sin pass. "Garden of Avalon"!
Also, for anyone participating, remember the rules state only official arts. There's some scans of the more popular series ones with money coming out late November and into December with stuff and even some Christmas campaigns for the Titan inclined fellows.
Plus it doesn't even need to be a winter theme, just not summer, which gives a lot more picture options than looking for nice winter/xmas pics.
Can I write "Monthly & Weekly & Special Claims" cuz other ver is so long for my DP??
Sorry for the late reply.. Yup, there's no problem in shortening that if you feel more comfortable with the outcoming result of the DP :3
Altho, on the other side, yeah, i'd like to point out that official arts are required in the must points tho >w<
Official art meaning: made by the serie's author himself/herself (sample) or the anime company (sample) or directly stuff from official sources ex: screenshots (sample)
As for the posting format to follow, i forgot to didn't put any, is ok to keep the one you've adopted so far, most important things to specify are: DP link, mentioned serie! As you all did <3
Series: Kyoukai no Kanata
Character: Kuriyama Mirai
Theme: Christmas
Entry: here
✿ forum set by rubixuitous ✿
'You seem to vacillate between assistance and assault. Which is it?'
'I'm not surprised you've driven three men to try and kill you, I'm only surprised there weren't more,' said Damen, bluntly.
'There were,' said Laurent, 'more.'